Episode 3 D5.3.2-01 - WP5 Airport Expert Group Plan Version : 2.00 EPISODE 3 Single European Sky Implementation support through Validation Document information Programme Sixth framework programme Priority 1.4 Aeronautics and Space Project title Episode 3 Project N° 037106 Project Coordinator EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre Deliverable Name WP5 Airport Expert Group Plan Deliverable ID D5.3.2-01 Version 2.00 Owner Richard Powell NATS Contributing partners ISDEFE DLR NLR AENA AIRBUS ERC Page 1 of 22 Issued by the Episode 3 consortium for the Episode 3 project co-funded by the European Commission and Episode 3 consortium. Episode 3 D5.3.2-01 - WP5 Airport Expert Group Plan Version : 2.00 - This page is intentionally blank - Page 2 of 22 Issued by the Episode 3 consortium for the Episode 3 project co-funded by the European Commission and Episode 3 consortium. Episode 3 D5.3.2-01 - WP5 Airport Expert Group Plan Version : 2.00 DOCUMENT CONTROL Approval Role Organisation Name Document owner NATS Richard Powell Technical approver ERC Giuseppe Murgese Quality approver ERC Catherine Palazo Project coordinator ERC Philippe Leplae Version history Version Date Status Author(s) Justification - Could be a reference to a review form or a comment sheet 1.00 01/07/2008 Approved Richard Powell Approval of initial version according to DOW 2.8 2.00 12/01/2009 Approved Richard Powell Approved by Episode 3 Consortium including updates according to DOW 3.0 Page 3 of 22 Issued by the Episode 3 consortium for the Episode 3 project co-funded by the European Commission and Episode 3 consortium. Episode 3 D5.3.2-01 - WP5 Airport Expert Group Plan Version : 2.00 TABLE OF CONTENTS 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................... 6 1 5 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 7 1.1 PURPOSE OF THE DOCUMENT ....................................................................................... 7 1.2 INTENDED AUDIENCE .................................................................................................... 7 1.3 DOCUMENT STRUCTURE............................................................................................... 7 1.4 BACKGROUND .............................................................................................................. 7 1.5 GLOSSARY OF TERMS .................................................................................................. 8 EXERCISE SCOPE AND JUSTIFICATION...................................................................... 9 2.1 STAKEHOLDERS ........................................................................................................... 9 2.2 SCOPE OF SOLUTIONS ADDRESSED................................................................................ 9 2.3 DESCRIPTION OF RUNWAY AND APRON/TAXIWAY MANAGEMENT .................................... 10 2.3.1 Runway Management...................................................................................... 10 2.3.2 Apron/Taxiway Management ........................................................................... 11 2.4 EXERCISE OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................... 11 2.5 EXPECTED OUTPUT .................................................................................................... 12 2.6 TOOL(S) AND TECHNIQUE(S) ....................................................................................... 12 2.7 INTERACTIONS, RELATIONSHIPS OR DEPENDENCIES...................................................... 13 2.8 ASSUMPTIONS ........................................................................................................... 13 PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT.................................................................................. 14 3.1 RESOURCES .............................................................................................................. 14 3.2 ACTIVITIES TO BE UNDERTAKEN .................................................................................. 14 st 3.2.1 1 Meeting ....................................................................................................... 15 nd 3.2.2 2 Meeting....................................................................................................... 15 rd 3.2.3 3 Meeting ....................................................................................................... 15 th 3.2.4 4 Meeting ....................................................................................................... 15 3.2.5 5th Meeting ...................................................................................................... 16 3.2.6 6th Meeting ...................................................................................................... 16 3.2.7 7th Meeting ...................................................................................................... 16 3.2.8 8th Meeting ...................................................................................................... 16 3.2.9 9th Meeting ...................................................................................................... 16 3.3 TIME PLANNING .......................................................................................................... 17 3.4 RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE EXERCISE ............................................................................ 17 3.5 RISKS ........................................................................................................................ 18 ANALYSIS SPECIFICATION.......................................................................................... 18 4.1 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS........................................................................................... 18 4.2 MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS METHODS .................................................................... 18 4.3 EXPERT GROUP REPORT............................................................................................ 18 DETAILED EXERCISE DESIGN..................................................................................... 19 6 REFERENCES AND APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS....................................................... 21 2 3 4 Page 4 of 22 Issued by the Episode 3 consortium for the Episode 3 project co-funded by the European Commission and Episode 3 consortium. Episode 3 D5.3.2-01 - WP5 Airport Expert Group Plan Version : 2.00 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Glossary of Terms ........................................................................................ 9 Table 2 EP3 WP 5.3.2 Airport Expert Group Stakeholders and their Roles ............... 9 Table 3 Cross References....................................................................................... 21 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Oval Mapping Description ......................................................................... 13 Figure 2 WP 5.3.2 Time planning ............................................................................ 17 Page 5 of 22 Issued by the Episode 3 consortium for the Episode 3 project co-funded by the European Commission and Episode 3 consortium. Episode 3 D5.3.2-01 - WP5 Airport Expert Group Plan Version : 2.00 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The WP5 Airport Expert Group is related to the clarification and refinement of: • Apron and Taxiway Management; • Runway Management The Expert Group will elaborate on the problems faced at the airport currently and review the SESAR concept to provide a realistic Airport Story in collaboration with the airport planning expert group (WP3.3.1). Collection and compilation of information from the Expert Group will be driven by regular meetings and discussions. Brainstorming exercises will also be used to refine and collect the group’s views. The principal output will be an Airport Story Board showing the milestones and relevant information (this will be assumptions, roles, responsibilities and dependencies) to support changes in the plan when milestones (or targets) are met or missed. The Airport Story Board will also identify the Operational Experts judgement on realistic tolerances for aircraft departing or landing at an airport. Experts have been invited from ANSPs (specifically Airport Tower experts), airlines, ground handlers and airports to participate in this group. Additionally guest experts will participate to provide information on key topics such as Airport planning, Network Planning, TMA and En-Route operations in support of the Airport Expert Group objectives. Page 6 of 22 Issued by the Episode 3 consortium for the Episode 3 project co-funded by the European Commission and Episode 3 consortium. Episode 3 D5.3.2-01 - WP5 Airport Expert Group Plan Version : 2.00 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE OF THE DOCUMENT The goal of this document is to describe the requirements, method of working and planning of the Episode 3 WP5 Airport Expert Group. 1.2 INTENDED AUDIENCE The intended audience includes: E3 WP5 TMA and Airports o WP 5.1 WP Leader o WP 5.2.2 Concept Refinement Leader o WP 5.3.1 TMA Expert Group Leader o WP 5.3.2 Airport Expert Group participants E3 WP3 Collaborative Planning o WP 3.3.1 Collaborative Airport Planning Expert Group Leader o WP 3.3.4 Collaborative Airport Planning Gaming exercise Leader 1.3 DOCUMENT STRUCTURE The structure of this document is aligned with the draft document Guidelines for Expert Group Exercise Plan [1] . This introduction explains the document purpose, structure and provides general background and supportive information. Section 2 explains the fit with validation strategy as well as the exercise scope. Section 3 gives the planning and management of the expert group and sections 4 and 5 give the analysis of specifications and the detailed exercise design respectively. Finally, section 6 lists the references and applicable documents. 1.4 BACKGROUND With a view to supporting SESAR Development Phase activities Episode 3 will focus EP3 on providing: • Detail on key concept elements in SESAR (concept detailing); • Initial operability through focussed prototyping exercises and performance assessment of those key concepts (operability and performance studies); • Initial supporting technical needs impact assessment (technical impact); • Analysis of the available tools and gaps for SESAR concept validation (validation tools), and Reporting on the validation methodology used in assessing the concept (validation methodology assessment). • Page 7 of 22 Issued by the Episode 3 consortium for the Episode 3 project co-funded by the European Commission and Episode 3 consortium. Episode 3 D5.3.2-01 - WP5 Airport Expert Group Plan Version : 2.00 Episode 3 takes an integrated approach to SESAR validation, focusing on the value it can provide to the SESAR development phase. A practical validation strategy has been used for the selection of exercises, based on the review carried out during the Project Suspension identifying key areas to be addressed in the SESAR Concept and areas requiring clarification. Episode 3 has been focused to propose a consistent work programme ending in Q4 2009, to avoid the complexity of managing a SESAR validation programme in parallel with SESAR JU activities. Episode 3 will perform validation within the framework of the European Operational Concept Validation Methodology (E-OCVM) in accordance with the EUROCONTROL/EC Joint Programme Board decision for its application to all European research projects. This Expert Group is included in the Episode 3 WP5.3, the validation/refinement of the TMA and Airport Concept elements of SESAR. This Expert Group will help to clarify the Airport Concept (Runway [8], Apron and Taxiway [9]Erreur ! Source du renvoi introuvable. DODs) 1.5 GLOSSARY OF TERMS Term Definition ATM Air Traffic Management CONOPS Concept of Operations DoD Detailed Operational Description E-OCVM European Operational Concept Validation Methodology KPA Key Performance Area KPI Key Performance Indicator NOP Network Operations Plan RBT Reference Business Trajectory SESAR Single European Sky ATM Research and Development Programme OI Operational Improvement ANSP Air Navigation Service Provider ATC Air Traffic Control APOC Airport Operations Centre AOP Airport Operations Plan EP3 EPISODE 3 OR Operational Research NATS National Air Traffic Services NOP Network Operations Plan CDM Collaborative Decision Making EEC Eurocontrol Experimental Centre ERC Eurocontrol FTS Fast Time Simulation JU SESAR Joint Undertaking DOW Description of Work Page 8 of 22 Issued by the Episode 3 consortium for the Episode 3 project co-funded by the European Commission and Episode 3 consortium. Episode 3 D5.3.2-01 - WP5 Airport Expert Group Plan Term Version : 2.00 Definition SBT Shared Business Trajectory TAM Total Airport Management SESAR Single European Sky ATM Research and Development Programme Table 1 Glossary of Terms 2 EXERCISE SCOPE AND JUSTIFICATION 2.1 STAKEHOLDERS There are two groups of stakeholders involved in EP3, external and internal. The principal stakeholder groups in today’s air transport industry are included in the WP5 Validation Strategy [6]. The following table shows the principle stakeholders of the Airport Expert Group: Stakeholder Roles Stakeholder Role airspace users aerodrome community AOCC “Airline Operation Control Centre” - Responsible for planning and managing the fleet. They are in charge of flight schedules implementation, crew rotation, security, hub management. Pilots - In charge of managing the flight efficiently and safely. Airport operator (including ground handler) - In charge of Airport Airside management (including ground handling operations during an aircraft turnaround). Airport ATC - In charge of Airport ATC management, from handover from external approach/en-route control to parking and from parking to handover to external approach/en-route control after take-off. (Including Air traffic controllers in airport such as TWR and APP controllers; planner) Table 2 EP3 WP 5.3.2 Airport Expert Group Stakeholders and their Roles The internal project stakeholders (i.e. representatives of the air transport industry) are involved in the preparation and conduct of this Expert Group (see Section 3.1 Resources) and all related EP3 WP5 TMA and Airports Validation Exercises. The EP3 WP5 validation exercises receiving inputs from this Expert Group are: • 2.2 WP5.3.3 - Runway Operations FTS (led by ERC) – This was completed before EP3 suspension (previous WP Id was : WP5.3.3 ) SCOPE OF SOLUTIONS ADDRESSED The addressed solutions to the problems (blocking points) identified in WP5 Validation Strategy [6] are as follows: 1. Non optimum traffic throughput for sustained periods • Optimum use of existing exits by adapting braking techniques (Brake to Vacate), lower runway occupancy times. KPA: Capacity, Page 9 of 22 Issued by the Episode 3 consortium for the Episode 3 project co-funded by the European Commission and Episode 3 consortium. Episode 3 D5.3.2-01 - WP5 Airport Expert Group Plan • Version : 2.00 Fixed reduced separations based on wake turbulence prediction, time based separation for arrivals; KPA: Capacity. 2. Environmental issues (noise and air quality) where the local community is increasingly able to constrain or delay airport expansion and airspace changes. • Managed thrust on take off, continuous climb departure routes and continuous descent arrival procedures all contribute to fuel efficiency and noise reductions. KPA: Efficiency, Environment. 3. Lack of relevant tools and procedures to manage bad weather conditions and imperfect meteorological forecasting • Surface management processes and their integration with the NOP will be studied. Included are turnaround processes in relation to runway sequencing and scheduling. KPA: Capacity (maintains VMC capacity in IMC conditions for the movement area), Efficiency (improved time and fuel efficiency in IMC conditions), • Reduced ILS sensitive and critical areas; KPA: Capacity. 4. Inadequate airport infrastructure and poor predictability of Runway Occupancy Times • Optimum use of existing exits by adapting braking techniques (Brake to Vacate), lower runway occupancy times. KPA: Capacity, • Fixed reduced separations based on wake turbulence prediction, time based separation for arrivals; KPA: Capacity. 2.3 DESCRIPTION OF RUNWAY AND APRON/TAXIWAY MANAGEMENT The following sections include a brief description of the aspects of the SESAR CONOPS that will be considered in the EP3 WP5 Airport Expert Group. Airports will be fully integrated into the ATM network, with particular emphasis being placed on turn-around management, runway throughput and improved environmental performance. The airport view of the ATM concept is from the perspective of "en-route to en-route", managing the aircraft turn-round and flight operation as a single continuous event. This is represented by the definition of the trajectory from gate-to-gate including the surface part. Cluster of airports within the close vicinity of a large congested airport will require new harmonised ATM techniques and procedures serving the area concerned to assure maximum runway utilisation, flight efficiency and minimal flight path confliction. 2.3.1 Runway Management From Runway Management DOD [8] we have the following objectives: • Increase runway throughput: Reducing dependency on wake turbulence separation, minimising Runway Occupancy Time (ROT), using time based Final Approach Spacing in head wind conditions and implementing Reduced Departure Spacing; • Increase runway utilisation: Implementing arrival and departure management tools, optimising runway configuration/mode of operation, implementing new procedures during Low Visibility Conditions (LVC), optimising the use of existing and future airport (runway) infrastructure and available capacity and strategically de-conflicting and separating traffic on the airport surface; • Eliminate runway incursions: Providing better situational awareness for the controller, aircrew and vehicle drivers, advanced surveillance systems and advanced, Page 10 of 22 Issued by the Episode 3 consortium for the Episode 3 project co-funded by the European Commission and Episode 3 consortium. Episode 3 D5.3.2-01 - WP5 Airport Expert Group Plan Version : 2.00 automated systems may be considered such as “auto-brake” to make it impossible for an aircraft or vehicle to cross selected “stop bars”. 2.3.2 Apron/Taxiway Management From Apron and Taxiway Management DOD [9] we have the following objectives: • Enhanced scheduling of airport surface movements in normal and congestion situations and in coordination with runway operations and turn-round operations • Visual enhancement technology will provide increased situational awareness for aircrew and vehicle drivers during night and reduced visibility conditions; • Onboard features will allow to anticipate safety hazardous situations through the provision of warnings directly to aircrew and drivers as well as to ATC controllers; • Advanced, automated, systems may be considered such as “auto-brake” to make it impossible for an aircraft or vehicle to cross active red “stop bars”; • The planning of surface routes may consider constraints imposed by the need to minimise the environmental impact especially surface holding or the need to avoid braking or changes in engine thrust levels as the aircraft moves from the runway to the stand or vice versa. 2.4 EXERCISE OBJECTIVES The objectives of the Airport Expert Group are the following: • Provide an Airport Scenario (represented as an Airport Story Board) for 2020 • Refine and clarify the Runway Management DOD [8]and Apron Management DODs [9]. • Review the following EP3 Scenarios: • • • OS-12 Landing and Taxi to Stand • OS-13 Taxi out and Take Off • OS-17 Solve Hazardous Situations during Taxiing Provide detail for the following Scenarios: • OS–26 Non Severe (no UDPP) capacity shortfalls impacting departures in the short term • Os-21 Departure from non Standard Runway Review the following Use Case: • Publish RBT • Provide answers to questions and assumptions related to the execution phase at the airport. • Provide answers to questions and assumptions related to the planning phase (WP3.3.1, WP3.3.4) at the airport. Page 11 of 22 Issued by the Episode 3 consortium for the Episode 3 project co-funded by the European Commission and Episode 3 consortium. Episode 3 D5.3.2-01 - WP5 Airport Expert Group Plan • 2.5 Version : 2.00 Provide operational expertise to assess safety aspects of the operational concept EXPECTED OUTPUT The following outputs are expected: 2.6 • An Airport Story Board for 2020 from Operational experts • A list of outstanding issues related to the execution phase at the airport • Clarifications on Airport Concept elements of the SESAR Concept (Questions, Assumptions and relevant answers) • An Initial Safety Analysis of the Runway Operational Concept DOD [8] • An Initial Safety Analysis of the Apron/Taxiway Operational Concept DOD [9] • Reviewed Scenarios • A report on the use of the expert group as a validation exercise method • A report on the use of oval mapping technique • A list of proposed changes to the Runway Operational Concept DOD [8] • A list of proposed changes to the Apron/Taxiway Operational Concept DOD [9] TOOL(S) AND TECHNIQUE(S) The Expert Group will meet a number of times (9 meetings planned currently). The meetings will be structured with presentations to inform experts and allow debate on subjects in a group environment. The Delphi method (iterative process of questionnaires) is not seen as the best option for this expert group. However questionnaires may be used to elicit information if deemed appropriate. Oval Mapping (brainstorming) may be used to work through examples and get involvement of all participants in a structured way. Oval mapping is a structured brainstorming technique where experts write on Ovals their candidate goals. The candidate goals are supported by possible issues. The candidate goals are reviewed to confirm agreed goals (or negative goals). The candidate goals are supported by possible issues, in turn supported by Options, assertions, facts and assumptions. The possible issues are explored to determine strategies supporting the agreed goals. The Options are discussed to agree a set of actions supporting the strategies. The following diagram shows the Oval Mapping process: Page 12 of 22 Issued by the Episode 3 consortium for the Episode 3 project co-funded by the European Commission and Episode 3 consortium. Episode 3 D5.3.2-01 - WP5 Airport Expert Group Plan Version : 2.00 Figure 1 Oval Mapping Description The participants have an agreed time to identify goals and display them. The Facilitator will group the Ovals and form clusters. Structured meetings will review the clusters and provide detailed information supporting the Airport Story Board. The Safety objectives will be met by Safety expertise being involved in the Airport Expert Group and specific time set aside to discuss all Safety related issues identified during the Expert Group meetings. There will not be a specific Safety meeting but Safety will form part of the agenda for one of the final meetings. 2.7 INTERACTIONS, RELATIONSHIPS OR DEPENDENCIES This Expert Group exercise is included in Episode 3 WP 5.3, This expert group is linked to the airport expert group (WP3.3.1) in WP3. See the detailed description of the exercise to see what the interactions will be. The 5.3.2 Airport Expert Group will provide results (either directly or via the WP5.3.2 report) to the following Work Packages: 1. WP5.2.1 – WP5 Validation Strategy Support (Validation techniques), 2. WP5.2.2 – WP5 Concept Clarification (Scenario updates), 3. WP2.2 – Concept Refinement (DOD updates), 4. WP2.3 – Validation Support (Validation Techniques), 5. WP5.4 – WP5 Consolidated report, 6. WP5.1 – WP5 Management deliverables. 2.8 ASSUMPTIONS The starting point for the Airport Story Board will be: • Recommendations or expected implementation of Ongoing Projects, Page 13 of 22 Issued by the Episode 3 consortium for the Episode 3 project co-funded by the European Commission and Episode 3 consortium. Episode 3 D5.3.2-01 - WP5 Airport Expert Group Plan Version : 2.00 • The SESAR Conops represented in the DODS and Scenarios, • The current agreed situation at the airport. The Airport Expert Group can propose changes to the current SESAR concept description (provided in DODS) to describe a realistic updated Concept in the form of the Airport Story Board Further assumptions will be listed in the WP5 Question and Assumption list. NOTE: Assumptions to be validated within this Airport Expert Group may come from other EP3 WP5 or other EP3 WP exercises. 3 PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT 3.1 RESOURCES This section list the kind of expertise, skills and knowledge required from the participants. Maximum expected number of participant in the Expert Group conduction is 10 and minimum is 4. Next are described the main responsibilities from a SESAR point of view related to the skills and knowledge of each type of expert: Airport Ground Handler: Controlling the movement of Aircraft on the ground within an airport environment Air Traffic Controller (Tower): To control the traffic arriving and/or departing from an airport To maintain the traffic within safety constraints To manage the traffic according to RBTs agreed whenever possible Airline Support: He/she should be involved in the planning and execution of flight departures and arrivals for an airline at an airport. Pilot: He/she should have experience of flying aircraft to/from major airports. SESAR CONOPS Expert: He/she should be involved in the development of the Airport concept areas defined in the SESAR CONOPS. 3.2 ACTIVITIES TO BE UNDERTAKEN The Expert Group has been structured as an iterative process The activities have been grouped in four phases, each one following an iterative sequence composed by the following steps: • Agenda, pre meeting information distribution, • Expert Group Meeting, • Answers/comments gathering, Page 14 of 22 Issued by the Episode 3 consortium for the Episode 3 project co-funded by the European Commission and Episode 3 consortium. Episode 3 D5.3.2-01 - WP5 Airport Expert Group Plan • Answers/comments integration, • Report/Story/Scenario distribution for next meeting. Version : 2.00 3.2.1 1st Meeting This introductory meeting will serve as kick-off of the exercise and its agenda will comprise the explanation of the methodology to be followed, the description of the current problem at the airport, the status of ongoing projects in this area and an initial look at the SESAR solution proposed (high level) with comments from the experts. An Initial Story Board will be created and all issues, assumptions and questions recorded. 3.2.2 2nd Meeting nd The 2 meeting will focus on the SESAR solution and the Scenario description (Storyboard) being built from existing projects, provided scenarios and the concept for the execution phase of a flight at the airport. The DOD sections [6,7] will be presented as input as well as related Scenarios as follows: • OS-12 Landing and Taxi to Stand • OS – 13 Taxi out and Take Off The current flexibility and constraints at the airport will be discussed against the proposed performance targets of the SESAR concept. Questions, Assumptions coming from other work packages and expert groups will be prioritised and answered where possible. 3.2.3 3rd Meeting This meeting (2 day) will be composed of a review of the SESAR Concept (Scenarios will be presented) and a brainstorming exercise to elicit comments from the different experts. Oval Mapping will be used for the brainstorming technique, this has been used successfully at NATS previously and expertise is available to support this technique. The Objectives of the different Stakeholders will be used as goals when using the Oval Mapping technique and assumptions/issues will be agreed. Questions, Assumptions coming from other work packages and expert groups will be prioritised and answered where possible. Safety Issues will be noted by the Safety representatives (NLR). The Story board will be updated with more detail and all issues, assumptions and questions recorded. 3.2.4 4th Meeting This meeting will be a collaborative meeting with WP3.3.1 Airport Expert Group to discuss the principal requests and answers to be addressed in support of each group. This will be a sub group of WP5.3.2. Page 15 of 22 Issued by the Episode 3 consortium for the Episode 3 project co-funded by the European Commission and Episode 3 consortium. Episode 3 D5.3.2-01 - WP5 Airport Expert Group Plan Version : 2.00 3.2.5 5th Meeting This meeting will consist of analysis of the brainstorming exercise results that have been produced in the 3rd meeting. Questions, Assumptions coming from other work packages and expert groups will be prioritised and answered where possible. 3.2.6 6th Meeting This meeting will be a collaborative meeting (subgroup) with WP3 to discuss the results and shared information 3.2.7 7th Meeting This will be a report on the results of the brainstorming exercise and collaboration with the WP3 Airport Expert Group (planning). The information issued during the face-to-face meetings will be fed to the first draft version of the Expert Group Report. This draft will be discussed and corrected in the course of a final review meeting. The success of the exercise and of the final results will be evaluated against the degree of accomplishment of the initial objectives as well as in terms of the degree of final consensus reached. Additionally in this 2 day meeting the Safety Issues identified during the creation of the storyboard will be discussed and reviewed with the Safety representatives (NLR). 3.2.8 8th Meeting This meeting will be a collaborative meeting (subgroup) with WP3 to discuss the results and shared information 3.2.9 9th Meeting This meeting will be the final meeting to agree on the report and highlight any issues or improvements. Page 16 of 22 Issued by the Episode 3 consortium for the Episode 3 project co-funded by the European Commission and Episode 3 consortium. Episode 3 Version : 2.00 D5.3.2-01 - WP5 Airport Expert Group Plan 3.3 TIME PLANNING The timeframe to develop the activities described above is 8 months starting in October 2008. The following schedule shows the expected planning: ID Nombre de tarea Qtr 3 35 Qtr 4 2009 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 2010 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 5.3.2 Airport Expert Group 36 Update Experimental Plan 37 D5.3.2-01 - Airport Expert Group Plan 38 Airport Expert Group Session 1 17/10 39 Airport Expert Group Session 2 40 Airport Expert Group Session 3 - Collaborate w ith 3.3.1 41 Airport Expert Group Session 4 42 Airport Expert Group Session 5 43 Airport Expert Group Session 6 Collaborate w ith 3.3.1 44 Airport Expert Group Session 7 45 Airport Expert Group Session 8 Collaborate w ith 3.3.1 46 Airport Expert Group Session 9 (Final Meeting) 47 D5.3.2-02 Airport Expert Group Report 29/05 Figure 2 WP 5.3.2 Time planning 3.4 RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE EXERCISE There are two different roles involved in the execution of the Expert Group, the Expert Group Manager and the Experts. A summary of main responsibilities of each one is showed next. Expert Group Manager To conduct the exercise To issue the agenda and pre meeting information (including updated Story Board, Brainstorming Session results and Q/A Spreadsheet) within the established framework To collect all answers, summarise them and extract conclusions To organise the meeting establishing specific targets To consolidate the conclusions with the Experts to define a clear output To issue the Expert Group Report Experts To answer the questions in due course (if done via questionnaire) To attend the meetings To provide expert opinion during meetings (including brainstorming exercise/Q/A sessions, Story/Scenario development) To consolidate conclusions To review and comment the Expert Group Report • The Expert Group Leader (facilitator) will ensure the meetings are focused and the agenda items are covered. Facilitation support to the Expert Group Leader will be supplied by ISDEFE. Page 17 of 22 Issued by the Episode 3 consortium for the Episode 3 project co-funded by the European Commission and Episode 3 consortium. Episode 3 D5.3.2-01 - WP5 Airport Expert Group Plan Version : 2.00 3.5 RISKS The results expected from this Expert Group exercise have some dependencies that could put in risk the quality and validity of its outputs or produce delays in the planned schedule. The main risks identified are: Participants profile and experience do not match exactly with required Experts Profiles – Ensure correct expertise is included and negotiated with partners. Delays with the questionnaire answers (where used). Experts should respond within the defined period, some delays will produce a big impact in schedule – Communication with participants to ensure timely delivery of questionnaires. Experts do not have deep knowledge of SESAR Operational Concept. This risk would be partially mitigated by holding a meeting where SESAR ConOps Experts are able to solve any doubt coming form the Expert Group participants (possibly in the EP3 Coordination Cell). The final consensus reached by the Expert Group is not significant – Monitor progress and outputs. Provide feedback to SESAR experts and Coordination Cell to take action if required. 4 ANALYSIS SPECIFICATION 4.1 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS The Experts participating come from different backgrounds and will require training in the SESAR ConOps. This will be done by presenting the SESAR concept as part of the planned meeting using Operational Experts with sound SESAR knowledge and SESAR support where possible. 4.2 MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS METHODS The applied methodology to steer the Expert Group will consist of face to face meetings. There will be an Airport Story Board which gathers information on the Airport Story during execution of the plan. This story board will include a flow diagram and lead to identified roles, responsibilities and information at each milestone required to support either the planning or re-planning due to an exception in the execution of the plan. Oval Mapping (structured brainstorming) will be used to elicit responses and create the Airport Story Board. 4.3 EXPERT GROUP REPORT The structure of the report integrating the results of the Expert Group will be in accordance with the following main sections: Introduction o Project Background o Scope of experiment Page 18 of 22 Issued by the Episode 3 consortium for the Episode 3 project co-funded by the European Commission and Episode 3 consortium. Episode 3 D5.3.2-01 - WP5 Airport Expert Group Plan o Version : 2.00 Analysis methodology Results and Discussions o Generally only high level meaningful results (include Airport Story Board) o Any problems encountered during the activity o As in the analysis contributions, results should be related back to the original criteria and placed in operational context o Lessons learned on the method and approach adopted o Outstanding Issues for further investigation in SESAR o Answers to assumptions and questions raised o Recommendations for changes to DODS and Operational Scenarios 5 DETAILED EXERCISE DESIGN The following strategy will be used to build the Airport Storyboard: 1. The current airport working methods and tolerances will be discussed and agreed within the group (meeting 1). 2. Ongoing projects will be presented to the group to agree on a possible starting point from the projects’ recommendations (e.g CDM, CREDOS, EMMA2); 3. SESAR inputs will be analysed and issues highlighted; 4. A Brainstorming (Oval Mapping) Exercise will take place taking into consideration the outputs from previous activities; 5. Inputs from WP3.3.1 Airport Expert Group will be taken into consideration; 6. The Airport Storyboard will be created progressively and reviewed with WP3.3.1 and by the expert group. This expert group is linked to the airport expert group (WP3.3.1) in WP3 but their activities are quite distinct: • WP3.3.1 – This expert group will be investigating aspects of the Planning Phase on the day of operation prior to execution. This is related to resource planning at the Airport. Information required for planning activities for Airport activities prior to aircraft landing or departing will be addressed. This work package will perform monitoring of activities during the execution phase in order to perform a re-plan • WP5.3.2 – This expert group will be looking at the Execution Phase for a flight in Real Time (from 10 miles before landing until 2000ft after departure). The Experts will provide a feasibility check on the planned activities and information provided by the planning phase. Key indicators provided by the Planning phase will be reviewed also. The ASMGCS (Ground Radar) milestones and activities will be reviewed and this will be used to assist WP3.3.1 also. Collaboration between Expert Groups: Page 19 of 22 Issued by the Episode 3 consortium for the Episode 3 project co-funded by the European Commission and Episode 3 consortium. Episode 3 D5.3.2-01 - WP5 Airport Expert Group Plan Version : 2.00 There are a number of Key Questions that will be addressed by both groups. After some individual sessions of both 3.3.1 and 5.3.2 there will be a joint 3.3.1 and 5.3.2 Expert Group Meeting (subset of main experts) to discuss the key questions and ongoing results (see WP5 schedule for draft timetable in 5.3.2). Examples of Key Questions/Discussions to take place together: 1. What is the interface between the Planning and Execution Phase (when is the change over, SBT to RBT etc)? 2. What are the key indicators required from Planning Phase during the Execution Phase? 3. What are the key indicators required from Execution Phase during the Planning Phase in order to re-plan (according to available time before execution)? 4. Ensure review of both planning and execution milestones (agree on milestones, information required at milestones, assumptions, roles and responsibilities for subsequent activities) 5. Provide feedback of expert opinion on ongoing activities to ensure consistent approach and viable results . A series of meetings will be carried out with key members of both Airport Expert Groups to collaborate on the planning and execution phases at the airport and answer the key questions. Page 20 of 22 Issued by the Episode 3 consortium for the Episode 3 project co-funded by the European Commission and Episode 3 consortium. Episode 3 D5.3.2-01 - WP5 Airport Expert Group Plan Version : 2.00 6 REFERENCES AND APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS Ref. Document Name Status [1] Guidelines for Expert Group Exercise Plan Version 0.1 Draft [2] EP3 DOW: EP3 - Annex 1 - Master V3.0 10-JULY-2008 20080715 Version3.0 Applicable [3] SESAR Concept of Operations Version 1.0 Applicable [4] SESAR Task Deliverable: DLT-0507-322-0017_T322_D1 - Identification of limits/blocking points for airport environment 31/05/06 Applicable [5] European Operational Concept Validation Methodology E-OCVM Version 2 Applicable [6] WP5 Contribution to EP3 Validation Strategy Version 1.0 Applicable [7] EUROCONTROL Performance Review Commission: 10/05/07 Final Performance Review Report 1006 - An Assessment of Air Traffic Management in Europe during the Calendar Year 2006, EUROCONTROL, 2007 [8] SESAR Detailed Operational Description – Runway Management – E1 Version 1.0 Draft [9] SESAR Detailed Operational Description – Apron and Taxiways Management – E2 Version 0.5 Draft [10] EP3 WP 2.4.1 Performance Framework Version 2 Draft Table 3 Cross References Page 21 of 22 Issued by the Episode 3 consortium for the Episode 3 project co-funded by the European Commission and Episode 3 consortium. Episode 3 D5.3.2-01 - WP5 Airport Expert Group Plan Version : 2.00 END OF DOCUMENT Page 22 of 22 Issued by the Episode 3 consortium for the Episode 3 project co-funded by the European Commission and Episode 3 consortium.