INSTRUCTIONS This record should be completed and maintained in accordance with FAA Federal Aviation Regulations 43.9, 43.11 and 91.173 and/or other prevailing government regulations. NOTE: Record Service Bulletins and Airworthiness Airframe Maintenance Record. Directives in the back of this record as weD as ~e Cop] ght MAINTENANCE DATE TOTAL TIME IN SERVICE RECORD AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE. CERTIFICATE TYPE & NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK PERFORMED NEW RECIPROCATING ENGINE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the engine as described hereinafter bas been manufactured run-in and tested as prescribed by TEXTRON LYCOMING specifications and Federal Aviation Regulations. No further run-in is required. All applicable Federal Aviation Administration Directives and Textron Lycoming ServiC(: Bulletins have been complied with at time of Manufacture. TIO-S40-AK1A ItP-3/-0} e 1993 L-11170-61A m~ (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) IlAlNTENAHCE RECORD AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE, CERTIFICATE TYPE & NUMBER :':_5CF-?'ilOO Of inE WORK PERFORMED r if Engine model TIO-S40-AK1A, SIN b-- / 1/7~- w/A has been installed on aircraft # 77iZO<lI£ . This engine serviced with Phillips XlC 20W50 Engine oil. MAINTENANCE DATE TOTAL TIME IN SERVICE 20'OL DESCRIPTION RECORD OF THE WORK PERFORMED AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE, CERTIFICATE TYPE & NUMBER 7,.0 5;;0105'v ~ 1,..- 3/~(o~ 1'{3 ()o~h) -_ Autopilots rAlntr.J/, lne. HttIooor23. Tuisoh" ..... '''''''''AlIIlOf1· rul'I\,OK P.O. Box m100 • Tulsa. OK 74100 (918)OO~18· FOX(918)8J2~1W _. - ens FAA uI 0: CM2R747K meoee Work Sokt To: 14116 Order. => =/~'Yi~1 MA02.Q0387 W !;:co.. Z~a: W £1w u)..-,co @~~ Nu..Z ex:i=o<S 00: :x:W 1-0 => « Oola Mike LLC. 2186 East Goldon Oak. Fayettevillo. AR 72703 General Comments: 62224 SAtES OROER: 434554 Aircnatt Humber. EOO' 93.8 , ::c.:Il!l O,jcftlp."",,: T_:T1= Hobbs 11me: 11me C~ N831MC Totaf Tlmo: SIN SIN: 'N820B138 93.8 1 ft2IIl.tmi -J.II-:-tJ J CW It~)_ EnOk,ul'OOI"JI"lnspecllool.due. ProeTime Proo SIN ~~ fA 0.0 Tad'l11me: rM{t-~' . J ~' 1..'1c. j.8 } )_ 'I 1/ Do 110'cIIOnoc oHor fin.... • A.llon I,.on: CW OI"lOJna100 nour inspection items per Cessna maintenance manual. COOlples.tOn 1=12. 2=72, 3=70, 4=70. s=ra, 6=72. No OIl or c:Ilango at this lime. Ol.c ... .,.ncv: Z fI!l!!!!m;. Aulop801 pittillrim 1;lght and hom came on during the eeecent Had 10pull the circuit breaker fiI'' ' to shut off the hom. ~gOTek!2n: Thl. dIIlCtGPM<lYIrtlfiSfor,o WO tI AV02-0511. CW 0 W ::;; 3 Olo.repI."'" Problem; Co.""" 0: 58 , 02-71.05. and Lycoming SB ~ 555 by A~tlle!l!!li FOllII" nllCtlpipe P'lIIll..,. •• Iorqued allen pipe plUg Inspecting lAW 58 Allen 0 u.. pipe plug 1QtqUe. 0: W 0.. #555. • :.:: OIIiCtOl> !!I!l.!!!!!!!.; CW WIth SA 02-5$-01, eMtvator Inspecllo" and modification on the left side only. ~aJ9D cw 0: 0 :5: W I!Hn.:. S8 02·Ba.o11AW \,I9tructlons by addfng to rivets F LH elevalor. u.. 0 5 ~MX: f!!!ll!!ml elm"'. Eng"'. l1li1111. IlSlt'!J!.!!l!!!$ ~8 02 f1 04 by ..Q!;'h;'j,);"W- drnonlng on nose In.",1I1ngKH " landing gear _ MK182-71002 a .'l!l Z pan!. 0 and "'Ioc:aUng engile rue' i= 0.. ex: drain. . ~~~~IC!t~~~:~~~~~:C~~Jt~gt ° U) W 0 oct secured at upper end to engine. Nuts used to secure cable 10engine I~~~~able ,.--- ~n.IWli ~I!"l""'" IO""Ui". blllCl<... ~,.po"CY~ 7 !!.L9.!''.!tn, Ii 2 cv'lftdnrlow,/r I Ipnlit plUGcovftrod with gray 500t I indlc:01ingexhaust leak. I ~11X-tlflnl ~lJr PIOIII\III" 111111011 tllCh'llltlt tty"tum l"W'ldfound exhaust slrp jolr.t to # 2 cylinder leaking. L.eakage is seNiceable at this time. UhI1I!,l.'HJ In '''m_l~ 1'111UJClkwI, l!!:':."Jl'I"OYI l!u'I>I~"11 II " ~ cyUIHldr me: kltt to"'" "'''1)1og 0", M1'.'!I ••• n rllU,llf ~OOtu HlIt"r .. tOW k)Qljl' ~tl.II... III1I'!_ r ..m:cr.l'anl 1 __ IlQhlM cover screw and checked torque on (ocker aM rocker cover labor charged saews. to 1 It Pr"illot"l I I bn INt!!" tl1llk fU1l1kUlk III 1111'IIUI"IIII" unit. ~"II"'I J.'~tli Jlflhlmltlll ~tWl" _~l\IlUl~~"t:lI1W 110)III rut'lll~vl'Il uendur. U) I~ eo,I·."1 l'hn e__PlII'1OA, ., ..... ::I: ~Crtfll."(YJ" ",H! ,jI~1OAt ....f'P4'filIU(t).I UfO 5f)tft" dogmes. on Which ww ::;;2 lis COfTt)C(? ~q"lIltI~"'1. 1ft\llId 111111111111 .. 1 t;I"II"fll~ ~_IIIDUllt~'.. y U- "A' ~N':f~ M\tll~luI ... _ ~ \(.I \YJ·IIII.",. iI.I""",.,lItuilll",,, /I''''''' "'!l1I h'll .,.,11. HI'pllk"lIlIIh! .. hi ....I\P <4 d(,tQ r·;. Nr,h J1 - (:; r: ~ _ ~ ~ ] "~~, 7 -1/ tj ~ ,I'l,,"_WftlIUIl I~III, IWil Wit. pillfi.(lfttl h.,twl}tJIl ~ If,. .,110",. ,.,IIW"I ...,... k ho,... ~' it4hMlfltttJ ~UII' """',to 1\l1{lllIutrurn. /MI?'t"I"~ _"I-r_1..---;. I ponol. --==::=- ~.~ .... lC) i=ii: .:llllg>l5 ....~ ~!!!; ::t: _ No IDbor cno~ «IOInflfHJ ~~,tll'XI~:::::;I:I:~Il:11ftt I,...••) ".,,,,,,,1..,,, ft~ill~jlt. 1.~~It-'.l~\. -~.W - ~ I !;:c W o "" ~ ) c-b DA" 100 Hour Inspection on N831 MC Lycoming TI0540-AK1A sin L11170-61A Engine time since new is 163.8 hours. WO#MA03-00507 Dated 5-5-03. • ~1 '., .. Inspected this engine using the inspection form in the current service manual. 1. Changed oil and filter. Cut open old oil filter and found clean. Taken an oil sample supplied by the owner. 2. Compression figures. #1-75,2-74,3-76,4-76, 5-78, & 6-77 over 80. 3. Washed down engine. 4. Rotated spark plugs. 5. Lubricated waste gate shaft bearings. 6. Inspected magneto to engine timing. 7. Inspected cylinders and crankcase for cracks. . 8. Insoected fuel nozzle lines and clamps iaw AD2002-26-01 paraqraph'(c) per-Lycorninq S8#3420 diagram # 19. I CERTIFY THIS .~ HAS B N INSPECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A Ie tJ H-/L a, INSPECTION "j AND WAS DfTERMINED TO BE I .AN AIRWORTHY CONomON .. f THIS DATE ~/r-I. I ~ 31 ~ T/).llf WIO fYllH - S-O 7 DATE '11J}£J..RS i Til': ." #. SIGNATURE d4JA 0 If? c__ f_ AUTOPILOTSCOORAl, INC. :~ :; TULSA, OK 74115 FAACRSCM2R747K : oj I I MAINTENANCE DATE TOTAL TIME IN SERVICE HOURS RECORD AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE, CERTIFICATE TYPE & NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK PERFORMED 10THS 11'1,ST1t-L-LI1-P NI;?W t?HI-ft.un JThe-~ ~o 8 )._;)_f/} J. PH jt}-p #-.)- C'/L-I#.b prrt Yo GJ:2 rTf i4L_ (l.1rl'LA--C~j) 6-'- SIGNATURE #'1> f..IJt-il- P;v e:-"lJ(.jj-- o /} MAINTENANCE DATE TOTAL TIME IN SERVICE HOURS '_S7r RECORD AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE, CERTIFICATE TYPE & NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK PERFORMED 10THS 1) ~.. LVG. model TIO-540-AK'IA sin L-11170-61A Tach and engine total time is 272.8 hours. WO# MA04-00886 Dated 6-2-04. Inspected this engine using the inspection form in the current maintenance manual. 1. Changed oil and filter. Taken oil sample. Cut open old filter and found clean. Serviced with Aeroshell 15W50 oil. Cleaned oil sump suction screen. 2. Cleaned and gaped spark plugs. Rotated spark plugs top to bottom. 3. CW AD2002-26-01 para. (c) inspection of the fuel nozzle lines and clamps per Lycoming S8342E. No defeats noted. 4. Checked magneto to engine timing. 5. Compression test figures. #1-77,2-77,3-77,4-76,5-77, & 6-76 over 80. 6. Inspected cylinders and crankcase for cracks. No cracks noted. 7 Washed down engine. Run up after inspection. Installed engine cowling. Repaired the following items. 1. The right magneto was out of timing limits by 4 degrees. Removed the right magneto to inspect the points and cam. Found the condenser wire connection was loose at the points. Repaired the wire crimp. Timed magneto internally arc installed on the engine. 2. Engine idle mixture was too rich. Adjusted wheel 3 clicks to lean. I CERTIFYTHIS INSPECTED IN ACCORDANCE WIT A Ch0-tt~· INSPECTION ANO WAS DETERMINED T() BE I AN AIRWORTHYCONOmON 01= ~f THIS DATE frLf_rO,o,L W!O# SIGNATURE [)O'II! :TEu! IL_OA '1~ CE~ l.. INC. TULSA, OK 74115 FAA CRS CM2R747K HRS j.7)'~ -- -- _ I JI.tA MAINTENANCE - - --- RECORD AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE, CERTIFICATE TYPE & NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK PERFORMED N831MC DATE: 12-29-2004 ~333.1 CHANGED OIL AND FILTER. EXAMINED OLD FILTER FOR METAL CONTAMINATION FOUND NONE. INSTALLED NEW CH4811 0-1 OIL FILTER. SERVICED ENGINE WITH AEROSHELL 15W50 OIL. GROUND RUN PERFORMED. NO EVIDENCE OF LEAKS. AND _/)J~ V';;'P219028942 MAINTENANCE DATE N831MC HI RECORD - DATE: 05-03-2005 ~~360.7 CHANGED OIL AND FILTER. EXAMINED OLD FILTER FOR METAL CONT AMINA TION AND FOUND NONE. INSTALLED NEW CH481 10-1 OIL FILTER. SERVICED ENGINE WITH AERO SHELL 15W50 OIL. GROUND RUN PERFORMED. NO EVIDENCE OF LEAKS. ~~earhart ~~~ 28942 JTHORIZED SIGNATURE, CERTIFICATE TYPE & NUMBER --------1 ---- -- cngme -: 10U nour I'Ispecllon - ~~- --- IS Que. 31GNATURE, TE TYPE BER Action Taken: 831Mc Engine 100 Hour Inspection. _ycorn!:lg nO-54O-AK1A sfn L-11170-61A LiM and engine total time is 369.1 hours. . Irspecled this engine using the inspection form in the current maintenance manual. Did not change oil or filter. This was completed at 360.7 hours. 2 Compression test figures. #1-77, 2-73, 3-77, 4-75, 5-70, & 6-77 over 80. Cleaned and gaped spark plugs. Test spark plugs. Rotated top to bottom. Replaced 1. 3: plugs due to 4. Inspected 5. Inspected 6. Adjusted 7. Inspected 8. Inspected loose ceramic cone. the exhaust system for cracks and defects. . • the engine crankcase and cylinders for cracxs. No defects noted. the governor 2 turns out to increase take off rpm to 2400. magneto to engine timing and found within limits. '. fuel nozzle lines and clamps per AD2002-26-01 paragraph (c) per Lycoming defects found. 9. Inspected engine accessories for attachment. 10. Washed down engine and cleaned. Labor included in the basic inspection. I certify this engine has been inspected Inspected in accordance the # 6 cylinder bottom spark . SB# 342E diagram # 19. No wiring for condition. with a 100 hr. inspection and determined to be in and airworthy condition this date. WO# MA05-01225 Date 6-10-05. ine TSN is 359.1 hrs. Signature Ralph P. Stahle CM2R747K Autopil ts entral nco Tulsa, Ok. 74115 Part Quantify IJnjts 1.00[ Each Number C~" RHB36S I Unit-Price E'xtendeq Is B-fl7:J~7K MAINTENANCE DATE TOTAL TIME IN SERVICE HOURS RECORD AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE, CERTIFICATE TYPE & NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK PERFORMED 10THS N831MC TACH: 397.9 HOBBS: 441.3 DATE: 812012005 CHANGED OIL AND FILTER EXAMINED OLD FILTER FOR METAL CONTAMINA nON AND FOUND NONE . .INSTALLED NEW CH48 I 10-1 OIL FlL TER. SERVICED ENGINE WITH AERO SHELL 15W50 OIL. GROUND RUN PERFORMED. NO EVIDENCE OF LEAKS . .:> ~Gearhart v-;.~~~19028942 / .- _I J~ .....__ = £ :....- -~~ I Autopilots Central, Inc . Hangar ~ Sold To: I 23, Tulsa Intemational Airport - Tulsa, OK P.O. Box 582108 - Tulsa, OK 74158 {918}836-6418 - Fax (918)832-0136 FAA CRS CM2R747K Invoice Delta Mike LLC, 2186 East Golden Oaks Fayetteville, AR 72703 Work Order: Acct Number: Department • General Comments: Contact is Dennis Aircraft & NUMBER Opened: MA06-01614 (479)871-6911 Maintenance ,., Number: N831MC Type:T182T 456.8 Hobbs Time: SIN T:i!)e TI0-540-AK1A . -" SIN: T18208138 0.0 Time 456.8 L-11170-61A Discrepancy: 3 Action Taken: N831 MC, T182T, Engine 100 Hour Inspection. Lyc. TIO-54O-AK1A sin L-11170-61A WO# MA06-01614 Dated 7-11-06. Tach Time: C:icles LG Cycles: 456.8 Pro!) T:i!)e B3D36C442 Pro!) SIN 011585 Pro!) Time 456.8 - • I -1• Tach & Eng. TSN is 456.8 hrs. Autopilots Central Inc. Tulsa, OK. 74115 Description Aeroshell Oil Oil Analysis Kit Part Number 15WSO AOA CH46110-1 J7444-42 Oil Filter Mount, Cowl P10-61S0 Filler j Credit Quantiflf Units 9.00 Each 1.00 Each FAA Repair Station # CM2R747K List Price Disc Unit DATE 1.00 Each 1.00 Each 1.00 Each r-HOI Authorized Signature -------.-- . ..... _ ..-.~.--. N831MC Price Extended $ $ $ $ $ The articles andlor work hereon described islare certified airworthy (unless otherwise specified). Autopilots Central, Inc. l I I Inspected this engine using the inspection form in the current service manual. I 1. Taken oil sample. Changed oil and filter. Cut open filter and found clean. 2. Compression figures. #1- 77, 2-78, 3-77, 4-74, 5-76 & 6-76 over 80 Ibs. 3. Cleaned gapped and tested spark plugs. Rotated plugs top to bottom. 4. Installed new engine air filter per AD84-26-02. 5. CW AD2002-26-01, fuel nozzle line and clamp inspection per lycoming SB# 342 E dia_# 19. 6. Removed both magnetos and sent out for their 500 hour internal inspection and impulse coupling inspection. Both mags are Slick model 6361, LH sin 01081509 and RH sin 01081510. Both mags were sent to Quality Aircraft Accessories, Inc for the Inspection. Installed mags with new gaskets and times to engine. Sublet Service Completed: 7/0712006 Description: Repaired magneto. 6361 Slick Magneto SIN: 01081509 and SIN 01081510, Performed By: Quality Aircraft Accessories, Inc. 7. Replaced one lower cowling shock mount. B. Washed down engine. Performed engine run up with proper operation. _!-certify this engine has been in.spected in accordanca.with a..jQQbo~on and Q§erJlllIlMJo~a airwodhys:ondition..1his date. WO# M~m-11-06 Signed ~ ".. 6/23/2006 7/11/2006 Closed: Moore. Total Time: Eng# 1 ~ORIZED SIGNATURE, 'ERTIFICATE 1YPE 74115 - ORIZED SIGNATURE, :RTlFICATE 1YPE & NUMBER 1iA1!~ TACH: 521.3 HOBBS: 577.0 DATE: 7/1312007 I I I I I CHANGED OIL AND FILTER EXAMINED OLD FILTER FOR METAL CONTAMINATION AND FOUND NONE, lNST ALLED NEW OIL FILTER PART NO,CH48 110-1. SERVICED ENGINE WITH 09 QUARTS OF AERO SHELL lSW-SO OIL. GROUND RUN PERFORMED. NO EVIDENCE OF LEAKS. ~~Q JAMES RUSSELL DAVIS A&P 2822707 I - ~ I 1 - --_MAINTENANCE DATE ~m7 TOTAL TIME IN SERVICE HOURS RECORD AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE, CERTIFICATE TYPE & NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK PERFORMED 10THS Tf\-'ktTI'i CTJ~v f'ft-fAfLe. C'rt-N"ITP OJJ, «t- F/J..r~ .. 1t1;"1lPJ !tt;U IJ-""'; JV m; CUfflrfttr'"J}j PPJ ~f - 7 e ( J..') ..."t Y 4 b - 7 8. t W 1f~i9')" - ~ - f) J c. fCu e; V/l-III (/rj) Uti Til I I J-7P( Y-7/ It:: tiff r~(trp 73,{)). \:!"") VI}-L,." It~ TULSA, OK 74115 fAA C~ O~?R7.o17K TACH: 577.8 N831MC HOBBS: 637.9 DATE: 02/04/2008 DATE .cHANGED on, AND FIL 1ER EXAMINED on, FILTER FOR METAL CONT AMINA nON & FOUND NONE. INSTALLED NEW on, FIL1ER PIN AA48110. SERVICED ENGINE WITH AEROSHELL 15W50. GROUND RUN PERFORMED. NO EVIDENCE OF LEAKS. iNATURE, TYPE oR JO~ ~138384 r/~ ~J_Og09 PIH IE fZ-cfllf r , f=lptfE ;:rr rrnr«. INJT~~ IN ~ c:sf-fJA-ItJT"""'f'MIfJI71fJ/. IVtnJI TIT p/?$,1 If" f)..J;"'Y-OJ V I?P f~f~-u..etL FD fL N:-~eitL/lI? 1Jt{ ~ -,0 0 (L- L- lJ=ril iIe- ------ -----~-------- ~----~--------~--------------~MAINTENANCERECORD ruRE, 'E Summit Aviation LLC 500-7Airport Rd. Bentonville,AR 72712 9-1-08 Tach. 612.8 N831MCEngineLog Entry • • • • Performed 100 hour/AnnualllAfIN FAR 43 App. D and Cessna T182T Maintenance Manual. Drained oil and inspected fitter, no abnormal contaminates noted. Compression Test Results: #1 78/80, tr2. 77180, #3 79/80, #4 77180, #5 78/80, #6 77/80. Removed all spark plugs, cleaned, gapped, rotated, tested, and reinstalled WlNew gaskets PIN M674. • • • • • • • Magneto timing checked good. Removed #4 cylinder induction tube, replaced flange gasket W/New PIN 71973 and reinstalled. Re-torqued all induction tube hose clamps, rocker boss drain hose clamps, and turbo charger exhaust clamps. Serviced engine W/8 Quarts Aeroshell 1fNV50 oil and New AA4811 0 oil filter. Washed engine and cowling. Performed engine run, operational and leak checked good. Checked ADs through ATP Revision Dated 9-5-2008. See AD compliance report in aircraft records for details. CIW AD 2008-14-07 by inspection of fuel injection lines, all required clamps are in place, no defects noted. Next due at 712.8, annual 2008 or next nozzle removal. • I certity that this En ine was inspected IIAfIN a 100 Hour Inspection and was determined to be in airworthy condition. ~ William Dorothy &P 4816208161A t<4.~I\.~d E~i\l\e f~'jV\.~ i I.n o>:'+'R"~Qt)e' a~1 ~."I+ec. 5"d,vr~ IDll..ts l(<' 1~-:.s-C::>.~'5~1l~C) YI~t-J c...H4 '8)16-1 J+<:("'"fc.c-LP~~<...~e-c.K) j..»"J:)f"Fe~1j lUo1;!d yJ U-l~-{\_ d Mr ••• : Summit Aviation LLC 2440SWAviation St. Bentonville,AR 72712 10-14-09 Tach. 660.5 N607DMEngine Log Entry DATE • • • • • Performed 100 hour/AnnualllANI FAR 43 App. D and Cessna T182T Maintenance Manual Drained oil and inspected fitter, no abnormal contaminates noted. . Compression Test Results: #1 79/80, tr2. 78180, #3 79180, #4 78/80, #5 78/80, #6 78/BO. Removed .all.spark plugs, cleaned, gapped, rotated, tested, and reinstalled W/New gaskets PIN M674. Magneto timing checked good. • Removed all fuel injector nozzles, cleaned in Sonic Cleaner, inspected and reinstalled W/New o-rings PIN 951391 I k checked gOOd. ' ea • Serviced engine W/8 Quarts Aeroshell 1fMl50 oil and New AA4811 0 oil filter. • Checked ADs through ATP Revision Dated 10-21-2009. See AD compliance report in aircraft records for details • CIW AD 2008-14-07 by inspection offuel injection lines, all required clamps are in place, no defects noted. Next' due at 760.5, annual 2008 or next nozzle removal. • I ~g ~cted IIA/W a 100 Hour Inspection and was determined to be in airworthy condition. William Dorothy A&P 481620816 '" 1'1. 9 Cc/JI 4,'Y)t IA c 1I~r{6.c,t>Ci,-rI FI(...Tc.e. G;A/J-]/~/) /trot'{' i:,-f, ,4~ 0,1:> 7"/t:..7"E£.. ,.&C;~ /Y}<C "4 c, NU/'{{. .s£/lvl(f!.7;) -E4/#ev..#r# /JCIlO'J.lIt't{; ;;v-/~CI lvE-V Clft{t!lIIO-1 Oft Ftf-,e;Z· &!2lA./JVP ,z,Viy?E1l ., ~I1£P, 'cud"V7) ;IGNATURE, iE TYPE BER 1an1nn\ri·lIe.AR 72712 N607DM En • ~ ·X -o.r_- firer •;-ess.or. -est Resurts: #118• ~e"""oved aD spark plugs, cleaned, gappeo. rota ~. ,""" ........._ _ __ .~">"IEC ~TURE, 'PE a:1C .....s:>eCteC ed, • R.eplaced both magnetos WlNew (2 each) Slick MIN 6361, SIN Rigr: J:~71 WlNfNi gasket PIN AEL 12681. • Serviced engine W/8 Quarts Aeroshell W80 Plus oil and New AA48110-2 fNI gaskets PIN M674, and SIN Left 10040985. Installed each , 011 fitter.. , . • Checked ADs through ATP Revision Dated 11-1-2010. See AD compiance report In aircraft records for details. • CIW AD 2008-14-07 by inspection of fuel injection lines, all required clamps are in place, no defects noted. Next due at 817.4 or next nozzle removal. .. • I certify that this n in was inspected IIAIW a 100 Hour Inspection and was determined to be in airworthy condition. vdf; William Dorothy A&P 3504028 IA DATE Summit Aviation LLC 2440 SW Aviation St. Bentonville, AR 72712 12-8-2011. Tach. 772.3 N607DM Engine Log Entry • • • • • • • • Performed 100 hour/AnnualllAIW FAR 43 App. D and Cessna T182T Maintenan~ Manual. Drained oil and inspected filter, no abnormal contaminates noted. Compression Test Results: #179/80, #2 78/80, #3 78/80, #4 78/80, #5 78/80, #6 78/80. Removed all spark plugs, cleaned, gapped, rotated, tested, and reinstalled W/New gaskets PIN UM674. Magneto timing check good. Serviced engine W/8 Quarts Aeroshell W80 Plus oil and New AA48110-2 oil filter. Checked ADs through ATP Revision Dated 12-5-2011. See AD compliance report in aircraft records for details. CIW AD 2008-14-07 by inspection of fuel injection lines, all required clamps are in place, no defects noted. Next due at 872.3 or next nozzle removal. • Removed all fuel nozzles, cleaned in sonic cleaner, inspected and reinstalled W/New o-rings PIN 951391. • Performed engine run and noted rated manifold pressure and RMP could be not obtained with oil temperature at 150 ". Adjusted MFP up to 32" and RPM to 2350 at 150· oil temperature. • Engine run and leak checked good. • I certify:~ a.di. -- was inspected IfAIW a 100 Hour Inspection and was determined to be in airworthy condition. A&P 536946158 IA URE, E -- _---- Summit Aviation LLC 2440 SW Aviation 1-6-2012 St. Bentonville, AR 72712 Tach. 773.4 N607DM Engine Log Entry • Removed all intake tubes and interconnect hoses. Re-swaged all oil sump intake adapter tubes and leak checked good. Reinstalled all intake tubes WlNew interconnect hoses (6 each) PIN 69603 and tube to cylinder gaskets (6 each) PIN 71973. Induction system pressure tested good. • Checked internal gear timing, gear timing checked good. Reinstalled #2 rocker cover W/New gasket PIN 75906. • Removed turbo waste gate for inspection. Found waste gate seized. Replaced turbo charger waste gate assembly W/Overhauled unit PIN 470954-1, SIN IF0113. Overhaul performed by Approved Turbo Components Inc., see FAA Form 8130-3 tracking number 002264 and work order number 31649 dated Jan. 5, 2012. Installed WlNew fitting o-rings and flange gaskets (2 each) PIN 75845. Performed engine run, adjusted max MFP to 32" and adjusted idle and idle mixture. Operational and leak checked good. e;;:~p~ HOBBS: 879.2 N607DM TACH:800.7 05/29/2012 REMOVED OIL AND FILTER. EXAMINED FILTER FOR METAL CONTAMINATION & FOUND NONE. INSTALLED NEW CH48110-1 OIL FILTER. SERVrCED ENGINE WITH AERO SHELL WIOO PLUS OIL. PERFORMED COMPRESSION CHECK: #1 77/80 #2 76/80 #3 78/80 #4 77180 #5 77/80 #675/80. GROUND RUN PERFORMED. ALL SYSTEMS OPERA TED NORMALLY. NO EVIDENCE OF LEAKS. JOhnGe~fi ~3~ MAINTENANCE DATE TOTAL TIME IN SERVICE HOURS 10THS RECORD DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK PERFORMED AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE, CERTIFICATE TYPE & NUMBER