VCCS Course/Title Equivalency Credits ACC 111 Accounting I ACC 112 Accounting II ACC 211 Principles of Accounting I ACC 212 Principles of Accounting II ACC 219 Gov & Non-Profit Account ACC 221 Intermediate Accounting I ACC 222 Intermediate Accounting II ACC 225 Managerial Accounting ACC 230 Advanced Accounting ACC 231 Cost Accounting I ACC 232 Cost Accounting II ACC 240 Fraud Examination ACC 241 Auditing I ACC 261 Prin. of Federal Taxation I ACC 262 Prin. of Federal Taxation II ADJ 100 Survey of Criminal Justice ADJ 105 Juvenile Justice System ADJ 107 Survey of Criminology ADJ 110 Intro to Law Enforcement ADJ 111 Law Enf Org & Admin I ADJ 115 Patrol Procedures ADJ 116 Special Enforcement Topics VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 ADJ 120 ADJ 128 ADJ 130 ADJ 131 ADJ 134 ADJ 140 ADJ 145 ADJ 146 ADJ 150 ADJ 159 ADJ 165 ADJ 171 ADJ 172 ADJ 173 ADJ 174 ADJ 175 ADJ 201 ADJ 211 ADJ 212 ADJ 216 Intro to Courts Patrol Admin & Operations Intro to Criminal Law Legal Evidence Coll & Pres of Phys Evidence Intro to Corrections Corrections & Community Adult Correctional Inst Intro to Security Admin Physical Security Crime Scene Photography Forensic Science Forensic Science II Forensic Photography I Forensic Photography II Forensic Instrumental Anal Criminology I Criminal Law, Evidence & Pro Crim Law, Evidence & Pro I Organized Crime & Corrupt VSU Course/Title Credits = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = COBU 201 Principles of Accounting I COBU 202 Principles of Accounting II COBU 201 Principles of Accounting I COBU 202 Principles of Accounting II ACCT 415 Gov & Non-Profit Account COBU 301 Intermediate Accounting I COBU 302 Intermediate Accounting II FINC 465 Management of Financial ACCT 403 Advanced Accounting ACCT 306 Cost Accounting I ACCT 406 Advanced Cost Accounting ACCT 410 Forensic Accounting ACCT 407 Auditing ACCT 307 Federal Income Tax I ACCT 308 Federal Income Tax II CJUS 116 Intro to Criminal Justice CJUS 217 Intro to Juvenile Justice Sys CJUS 360 Criminology & Thry of Crime CJUS 212 American Law Enforcement CJUS 212 American Law Enforcement CJUS 365 Police Organization & Mgmt CJUS 335 Contemp Probs in Policing VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = CJUS 250 CJUS 365 CJUS 345 CJUS 345 CJUS 415 CJUS 364 CJUS 364 CJUS 364 CJUS 320 CJUS 320 CJUS 415 CJUS 415 CJUS 415 CJUS 415 CJUS 415 CJUS 415 CJUS 360 CJUS 345 CJUS 345 CJUS 434 Court System and Practices Police Organization & Mgmt Criminal Law & Evidence Criminal Law & Evidence Intro to Forensic Investing Sociology of Corrections Sociology of Corrections Sociology of Corrections Private Security Sys & Prac Private Security Sys & Prac Intro to Forensic Investing Intro to Forensic Investing Intro to Forensic Investing Intro to Forensic Investing Intro to Forensic Investing Intro to Forensic Investing Criminology & Thry of Crime Criminal Law & Evidence Criminal Law & Evidence Organized Crime 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VCCS Course/Title Equivalency Credits ADJ 225 Courts & Admin of Justice ADJ 228 Narcotics & Dangerous Drug ADJ 229 Law Enf & Community ADJ 234 Terrorism & Counter-Terr ADJ 235 Research in Criminal Justice ADJ 236 Princ of Criminal Invest ADJ 237 Adv Criminal Investigation ADJ 247 Criminal Behavior ADJ 255 Security Management ADJ 270 Intro to Trace Evidence ADJ 289 Comparative Sys of Crim Jus AGR 141 Intro to Animal Science AGR 142 Intro to Plant Science AGR 143 Intro to Agribusiness AGR 205 Soil Fertility & Management AGR 231 Agribusiness Marketing VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 Credits VCCS Course/Title Equivalency Credits ARA 101 Beginning Arabic I ARA 102 Beginning Arabic II ARA 201 Intermediate Arabic I ARA 202 Intermediate Arabic II VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 3 3 Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 ART 100 ART 101 ART 102 ART 106 ART 111 ART 112 ART 114 ART 115 ART 116 ART 117 ART 120 ART 121 ART 122 ART 125 ART 130 ART 131 ART 132 ART 133 ART 134 Art Appreciation Hist & Appreciation of Art I Hist & Appreciation of Art II History of Modern Art Intro to the Arts I Intro to the Arts II General Art Current Issues in Web Design Design for the Web I Design for the Web II Beginning Drawing Drawing I Drawing II Intro to Painting Intro to Multimedia Fundamentals of Design I Fundamentals of Design II Visual Arts Foundation Three Dimensional Design VSU Course/Title Credits CJUS 250 Court System and Practices CJUS 260 Drugs Crime & Crim Just Sys CJUS 212 American Law Enforcement CJUS 315 Terrorism CJUS 317 Research Meth for Crim Jus CJUS 230 Criminal Investigation CJUS 230 Criminal Investigation CJUS 360 Criminology & Thry of Crime CJUS 320 Private Security Sys & Prac CJUS 415 Intro to Forensic Investing CJUS 425 Comparative Crim Jus Sys ANSC 140 Principles of Animal Science PLSC140 Principles of Plant Science AGEC 140 Intro to Agribusiness Entre SOSC 344 Soil Management & Conser AGEC 447 Agriculture Marketing VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits VSU Course/Title Credits = = = = ARAB 110 Elementary Arabic I ARAB 111 Elementary Arabic II ARAB 212 Intermediate Arabic I ARAB 213 Intermediate Arabic II VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 Credits = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ARTS 199 ARTS 301 ARTS 302 ARTS 307 ARTS 199 ARTS 199 ARTS 199 VCAD 305 VCAD 305 VCAD 401 ARTS 101 ARTS 101 ARTS 102 ARTS 216 COMM 202 ARTS 103 ARTS 104 COMM 377 ARTS 207 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Art Appreciation World Art Survey I World Art Survey II Modern Art: 1860-1960 Art Appreciation Art Appreciation Art Appreciation Web Design I Web Design I Web Design II Drawing I Drawing I Drawing II 2D Methods & Materials Intro to Media Technology 2D Design Color Theory Impact & Media Three Dimensional Design 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ART 135 Visual Communications ART 138 Figure Drawing I ART 140 Intro to Graphic Skills ART 141 Typography I ART 142 Typography II ART 145 Intro to Fashion Design ART 148 Garment Construction ART 150 History of Film & Animation ART 153 Ceramics I ART 154 Ceramics II ART 175 Photography Workshop ART 180 Intro to Computer Graphics ART 195 Silkscreen Printing I ART 201 History of Art I ART 202 History of Art II ART 203 Animation I ART 204 Animation II VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 3 3 3 Credits = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = COMM 377 Impact & Media ARTS 202 Life Drawing I VCAD 203 Graphic Design VCAD 201 Typography I VCAD 202 Typography II FACS 262 Textiles and Clothing TAMM 271 Clothing Construction MCOM 239 Motion Picture Appreciation ARTS 309 Ceramics: Hand Building ARTS 310 Ceramics: Wheel Throwing VCAD 206 Photography as Visual Comm VCAD 203 Graphic Deign I VCAD 301 Silkscreen Procedures ARTS 301 World Art Survey I ARTS 302 World Art Survey II ARTS 215 Intro to Animation ARTS 225 Electrical Animation VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits ART 217 Electronic Graphic Design 3 ART 218 Electronic Graphic Design II 4 ART 220 Adv Design for the Web 3 ART 223 Etching I 4 ART 228 Multimedia Graphic Design I 4 ART 229 Multimedia Graphic Design II 4 ART 231 Sculpture I 4 ART 232 Sculpture II 3 ART 235 Functional Ceramics 3 ART 236 Sculptural Ceramics 3 ART 237 Ceramic Decoration 4 ART 238 Figure Drawing II 4 ART 240 Painting Materials & Techniques 3 ART 241 Painting I 3 ART 242 Painting II 3 ART 243 Watercolor I 3 ART 244 Watercolor II 3 ART 245 Portrait Painting 3 ART 246 Figure Painting 3 ART 247 Painting Technique-Illustr 3 ART 248 Painting III 3 ART 249 Painting IV 3 ART 259 Landscape Painting 3 ART 271 Printmaking I 3 ART 272 Printmaking II 3 VCCS Course/Title Equivalency Credits = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = VCAD 203 Graphic Design I VCAD 205 Graphic Design II VCAD 401 Web Design II ARTS 203 Printmaking I VCAD 203 Graphic Design I VCAD 205 Graphic Design II ARTS 303 Sculpture: Wood ARTS 304 Sculpture: Mold Making ARTS 309 Ceramics: Wheel Throwing ARTS 310 Ceramic Arts ARTS 309 Ceramics: Hand Building ARTS 212 Life Drawing II ARTS 216 2D Methods & Materials ARTS 305 Painting: Still Life ARTS 306 Painting: Landscape ARTS 206 Watercolor ARTS 206 Watercolor ARTS 415 Painting: Figure ARTS 415 Painting: Figure VCAD 300 Illustration I ARTS 415 Painting: Figure ARTS 416 Painting: Mixed Media ARTS 306 Painting: Landscape ARTS 203 Printmaking I ARTS 204 Printmaking II VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits ART 277 = Adv Printmaking 4 ART 278 3D Computer Design I 4 ART 279 3D Computer Design II 4 ART 280 Graphic Design for Studio Arts 3 ART 282 Graphic Techniques 3 ART 283 Computer Graphics I 3 ART 284 Computer Graphics II 3 ART 286 Communication Arts Workshop 3 ART 287 Portfolio & Resume' Prep 1 ART 295 Silkscreen Printing II 2 AST 101 Keyboarding I 3 AST 107 Editing/Proofreading Skills 3 AST 112 Keyboarding Skill 3 AST 117 Keyboarding for Comp Use 1 AST 132 Word Processing I 1 AST 133 Word Processing II 1 AST 137 Records Management 3 3 AST 141 Word Processing I AST 142 Word Processing II 3 VCCS Course/Title Equivalency Credits = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = COMM 376 Three Dimensional Design COMM 381 Media Creative Project COMM 374 Communication Graphics COMM 374 Communication Graphics VCAD 203 Graphic Design I VCAD 205 Graphic Design II COMM 371 Media Technology Workshop VCAD 430 Portfolio VCAD 301 Silkscreen Procedures ASYM 101 Keyboarding COMM 304 Copy Editing ASYM 101 Keyboarding ASYM 101 Keyboarding ASYM 201 Word Processing I ASYM 202 Word Processing II ASYM 315 Admin Systems Technology ASYM 201 Word Processing I ASYM 202 Word Processing II VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits AST 195 Web Page Design (FrontPage) AST 201 Keyboarding III AST 205 Business Communications AST 230 Intro to Office Tech AST 243 Office Administration I AST 244 Office Administration II VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits = = = = = = VCAD 305 Web Publishing I ASYM 101 Keyboarding ASYM 301 Business Communications ASYM 130 Intro to Microcomputers ASYM 410 Administrative Management ASYM 410 Administrative Management VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits VCCS Course/Title Equivalency Credits VSU Course/Title Credits BIO 101 BIO 102 BIO 106 BIO 110 BIO 120 BIO 141 BIO 142 BIO 145 BIO 149 BIO 150 BIO 193 BIO 205 BIO 206 BIO 220 BIO 231 BIO 232 BIO 256 General Biology I General Biology II Life Science General Botany General Zoology Human Anat & Phys I Human Anat & Phys II Human Anat & Phys HSC Microbiology-Allied Health Intro to Microbiology Studies in Hum Anat & Phys General Microbiology General Microbiology Immunology Human Anat & Phys I Human Anat & Phys II General Genetics 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = BIOL 120 BIOL 121 BIOL 116 BIOL 410 BIOL 313 BIOL 315 BIOL 316 BIOL 319 BIOL 240 BIOL 241 BIOL 315 BIOL 241 BIOL 241 BIOL 443 BIOL 315 BIOL 316 BIOL 220 Principle of Biology I & Lab Principles of Biology II & Lab Biological Science & Lab Systematic Botany & Lab General Zoology Human Anatomy & Lab Human Physiology Human Anat & Phys (Nurs) Microbiology-Pre Nursing Intro to Microbiology Human Anatomy & Lab Intro to Microbiology Intro to Microbiology Immunology & Serology Human Anatomy & Lab Human Physiology Principles of Genetics 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 BIO 270 General Ecology VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 Credits VCCS Course/Title Equivalency Credits BUS 100 Intro to Business BUS 116 Entrepreneurship BUS 147 Intro to Business Info Syst BUS 216 Prob/Stat for Business/Econ BUS 220 Intro to Business Statistics BUS 221 Business Statistics I BUS 222 Business Statistics II BUS 225 Applied Business Statistics VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits BUS 236 Communication in Mgmt BUS 240 Intro to Business Law BUS 241 Business Law I BUS 242 Business Law II BUS 270 Interpersonal Dyn Bus Org CAD 140 Technical Drawing CAD 151 Engr Drawing Fund I CAD 152 Engr Drawing Fund II CAD 225 Machine Drawing & Design CAD 241 Parametric Solid Modeling I CAD 242 Parametric Solid Modeling II CAD 243 Parametric Solid Model III VCCS Course/Title Equivalency CHD 205 Guiding the Beh of Children CHD 210 Intro to Exceptional Child CHD 230 Beh Mgmt for Sch-Age Chd CHD 240 Play & Early Chdhd Curr Dev CHM 100 Intro to Chemistry CHM 101 General Chemistry I CHM 102 General Chemistry II CHM 111 College Chemistry I CHM 112 College Chemistry II CHM 241 Organic Chemistry I CHM 242 Organic Chemistry II CHM 243 Organic Chemistry Lab I VCCS Course/Title Equivalency CHM 244 CHM 245 CHM 246 CRF 102 Organic Chemistry Lab II Organic Chemistry Lab I Organic Chemistry Lab II Wheel-Thrown Pottery = BIOL 324 Ecology VSU Course/Title 3 Credits VSU Course/Title Credits = = = = = = = = COBU 101 Intro to Business COBU 111 Professional Enhancement COBU 155 Intro to Information Systems COBU 260 Business Statistics COBU 260 Business Statistics COBU 260 Business Statistics COBU 260 Business Statistics COBU 260 Business Statistics VSU Course/Title 3 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 Credits = = = = = = = = = = = = COBU 200 Business Communication 3 COBU 170 Legal Ethical Digital Env 3 COBU 170 Legal Ethical Digital Env 3 COBU 170 Legal Ethical Digital Env 3 COMM 326 Organizational Communication 3 INTC 161 Engineering Graphics I 3 INTC 161 Engineering Graphics I 3 INTC 261 Engineering Graphics II 3 INTC 364 Applied Machine Drafting 3 INTC 261 Engineering Graphics II 3 INTC 362 Engineering Graphics III 3 INTC 362 Engineering Graphics III 3 VSU Course/Title Credits 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 1 Credits = = = = = = = = = = = = PSYC 212 Human Growth & Dev SPED 325 Survey of Exception Children PSYC 117 Psyc of Early Childhood PSYC 212 Human Growth & Dev CHEM 100 Chemistry and Society CHEM 151 General Chemistry I & Lab CHEM 152 General Chemistry II & Lab CHEM 161 Chemistry I & Lab CHEM 162 Chemistry II & Lab CHEM 305 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 306 Organic Chemistry II CHEM 307 Organic Chemistry Lab I VSU Course/Title 1 2 2 3 = = = = CHEM 308 CHEM 307 CHEM 308 ARTS 309 Organic Chemistry Lab II Organic Chemistry Lab I Organic Chemistry Lab II Ceramic Design 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 1 Credits 1 1 1 3 CRF 126 Ceramic Design VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 Credits = ARTS 309 Ceramic Design VSU Course/Title CSC 110 Intro to Computing CSC 200 Intro to Computer Science CSC 210 Programming with C++ CST 100 Princ of Public Speaking CST 105 Oral Communication CST 110 Intro to Communication CST 111 Voice and Diction CST 115 Small Group Communication CST 116 Speech Workshop CST 125 Interviewing CST 126 Interpersonal Comm CST 127 Workshop in Interpers Skills CST 131 Acting I CST 132 Acting II CST 137 Oral Interpretation CST 140 Acting for the Camera CST 141 Theatre Appreciation I CST 142 Theatre Appreciation II CST 145 Stagecraft CST 151 Film Appreciation I CST 152 Film Appreciation II CST 200 Advanced Public Speaking CST 227 Bus & Pro Comm CST 229 Intercultural Comm VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 1 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = COBU 155 Intro to Information Systems 1 CSCI 100 Intro to Computer Science 3 CSCI 150 Programming in C++ 3 COMM 210 Public Presentation 3 SPEE 215 Voice & Diction 3 COMM 210 Public Presentation 3 SPEE 215 Voice & Diction 3 SPEE 214 Intro to Public Speaking 3 COMM 210 Public Presentation 3 COMM 431 Advanced Audio Production 3 COMM 210 Public Presentation 3 COMM 210 Public Presentation 3 DRAM 113 Acting 3 DRAM 113 Acting 3 SPEE 313 Oral Interpretation 3 COMM 342 Adv Television Production 3 DRAM 199 Drama Appreciation 3 DRAM 199 Drama Appreciation 3 DRAM 215 Stagecraft I 3 COMM302 History & Appreciation of Film 3 COMM 361 Film Genres 3 COMM 210 Oral Presentation 3 ASYM 301 Business Communications 3 COMM 389 Special Topics 3 VSU Course/Title Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = DRAM 215 DRAM 414 DRAM 414 DRAM 316 COMM 361 DRAM 316 DRAM 316 DRAM 217 DRAM 217 DANC 201 DANC 327 DANC 328 DANC 301 DANC 302 DANC 101 DANC 404 DANC 202 DANC 327 CST 240 CST 241 CST 242 CST 245 CST 250 CST 251 CST 252 CST 266 CST 267 DAN 160 DAN 161 DAN 162 DAN 163 DAN 164 DAN 166 DAN 167 DAN 200 DAN 210 Basic Set Design Intro to Directing I Intro to Directing II Basic Lighting Art of the Film Stage Lighting & Sound Costume & Make-up Outdoor Drama Creative Drama Modern Dance Dance Production I Dance Production II Jazz I Jazz II Ballet Dance Improvisation History of Modern Dance Dance Composition Stagecraft I Directing and Producing Directing and Producing Stagecraft II Film Genres Stagecraft II Stagecraft II Activities in Drama Activities in Drama Modern Dance Dance Composition Advanced Dance Comp Jazz Dance I Jazz Dance II Ballet Somatic Movement & Theatre Modern Dance II Dance Composition 3 Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 1 1 2 3 3 3 DIT 120 Nutritional Care DIT 121 Nutrition I DIT 122 Nutrition II DIT 130 Food Management System DIT 221 Medical Nutrition Therapy VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 3 3 4 Credits VCCS Course/Title Equivalency Credits ECO 100 Elementary Economics ECO 110 Consumer Economics ECO 120 Survey of Economics ECO 201 Princ of Macroeconomics ECO 202 Princ of Microeconomics ECO 210 International Economics ECO 230 Money and Banking ECO 231 Princ of Money & Banking ECO 245 Contemp Economic Issues EDU 225 Audiovisual Mat & Comp Sof EDU 295 Topics in Edu: Multimedia EGR 110 Engr Graphics VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits EGR 111 Engr Graphics I EGR 112 Engr Graphics II EGR 115 Engr Graphics EGR 120 Introduction to Engineering EGR 126 Computer Programming EGR 130 Stats & Strength of Material EGR 135 Stats for Engr Technology EGR 136 Strengths of Materials EGR 140 Engr Mechanics-Statics EGR 206 Engr Economics EGR 240 Solid Mechanics EGR 245 Engr Mechanics-Dynamics EGR 246 Mechanics of Materials EGR 248 Thermodynamics Engr EGR 251 Basic Electrical Circuits I EGR 252 Basic Electrical Circuits II EGR 255 Electrical Circuits Lab EGR 260 Circuit Analysis EGR 262 Fund Circuits Lab EGR 265 Dig Elect & Logic Design EGR 277 Digital Logic EGR 278 Digital Logic Lab VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 2 2 2 2 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 4 3 1 Credits = = = = = DIET 311 Nutrition in Life Cycle DIET 221 Princ of Analysis of Foods DIET 221 Princ of Analysis of Foods DIET 435 Org & Mgmt of Food Ser Sys DIET 431 Medical Nutrition Therapy I VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 Credits VSU Course/Title Credits = = = = = = = = = = = = ECON 100 Basic Economics ECON 100 Basic Economics ECON 100 Basic Economics ECON 211 Princ of Macroeconomics ECON 210 Princ of Microeconomics ECON 451 International Economics ECON 321 Financial Markets ECON 321 Financial Markets & Inst ECON 350 Economic Development COMM 202 Intro to Media Technology COMM 202 Intro to Media Technology ENGR 200 Engineering Graphics VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 Credits = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ENGR 200 Engineering Graphics ENGR 200 Engineering Graphics ENGR 200 Engineering Graphics ENGR 101 Intro to Engineering ENGR 203 Intro to Programming ENGR 210 Statics/Strength of Materials ENGR 301 Engineering Statics ENGR 210 Statics/Strength of Materials ENGR 210 Statics/Strength of Materials ENGR 310 Engr Economics ENGR 210 Statics/Strength of Materials ENGR 315 Dynamics ENGR 210 Statics/Strength of Materials MCET 301 Intro to Thermodynamics ELET 101 Circuit Analysis I ELET 102 Circuit Analysis II ENGR 221 Circuit Analysis Lab ENGR 201 Circuit Analysis ENGR 221 Circuit Analysis Lab ELET 207 Digital Circuits CPEG 207 Digital Systems CPEG 227 Digital Systems Lab VSU Course/Title 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 1 3 1 4 3 1 Credits ELE 121 Electrical Circuits I ELE 122 Electrical Circuits II VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 Credits = = ELET 410 Intro to Electricity/Electronic ELET 410 Intro to Electricity/Electronic VSU Course/Title 3 3 Credits EMS 100 CPR for Hlthcare Providers VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 1 Credits = HLTH 347 First Aid & Emerg Med Care VSU Course/Title 2 Credits ENG 111 College Composition I ENG 112 College Composition II ENG 115 Technical Writing ENG 116 Writing for Business ENG 120 Survey of Mass Media ENG 121 Intro to Journalism I ENG 122 Intro to Journalism II ENG 125 Intro to Literature VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits = = = = = = = = ENGL 110 Composition I ENGL 111 Composition II ENGL 342 Technical Communication COBU 200 Business Communications MCOM 201 Intro to Mass Com MCOM 205 Journalism I MCOM 301 Journalism II ENGL 201 Intro to Literature VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 Credits ENG 131 Tech Report Writing ENG 205 Technical Editing ENG 215 Creative Writing-Fiction I ENG 216 Creative Writing-Fiction II ENG 217 Creative Writing-Poetry I ENG 218 Creative Writing-Poetry II ENG 230 Mysteries in Lit and Film ENG 233 Bible as Literature ENG 241 Survey of American Lit I ENG 242 Survey of American Lit II ENG 243 Survey of English Lit I ENG 244 Survey of English Lit II ENG 245 Major English Writers ENG 246 Major American Writers ENG 247 Survey of Popular Culture ENG 251 Survey of World Lit I ENG 252 Survey of World Lit II ENG 253 Survey of Afr Amer Lit I ENG 254 Survey of Afr Amer Lit II ENG 255 Major Writers World Lit ENG 256 Literature of Science Fiction ENG 257 Mythology ENG 268 Modern Drama VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ENGL 342 Technical Communication ENGL 342 Technical Communication ENGL 344 Writing Short Fiction ENGL 344 Writing Short Fiction ENGL 343 Writing Poetry ENGL 343 Writing Poetry ENGL 333 Readings in Popular Culture ENGL 325 Bible as Literature ENGL 212 American Literature I ENGL 213 American Literature II ENGL 210 English Literature I ENGL 211 English Literature II ENGL 210 English Literature I ENGL 212 American Literature I ENGL 333 Readings in Popular Culture ENGL 214 World Literature I ENGL 215 World Literature II ENGL 311 African American Lit ENGL 311 African American Lit ENGL 313 Classics of Western Lit ENGL 333 Readings in Popular Culture ENGL 326 Mythology ENGL 332 Modern Drama VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits 3 3 3 3 3 = = = = = ENGL 403 ENGL 404 ENGL 312 ENGL 312 ENGL 408 ENG 271 ENG 272 ENG 273 ENG 274 ENG 276 Works of Shakespeare I Works of Shakespeare II Women in Literature I Women in Literature II Southern Literature Shakespeare I Shakespeare II Women's Literature Women's Literature Literature of American South 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ENG 279 Film and Literature ENV 100 Basic Environmental Science ENV 230 GIS:Apps in Env Science VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 3 Credits = = = ENGL 260 Intro to Film Studies Lit AGRI 150 Intro to Environmental Sci AGRI 280 Princ of Geog Info Systems VSU Course/Title 3 4 3 Credits ETR 151 Elect Cir & Troubleshoot I 2 ETR 152 Elect Cir & Troubleshoot II 2 ETR 156 Dig Circuits & Microproc Fund 4 ETR 160 Survey of Microprocessors 4 ETR 168 Digital Circuit Fundamentals 3 ETR 179 Digital Logic & Circuits 3 ETR 219 Intro to Electrical Machines 3 ETR 221 Electronic Controls I 4 ETR 223 Communications I 5 VCCS Course/Title Equivalency Credits = = = = = = = = = ELET 204 Electronic Circuits ELET 204 Electronic Circuits ELET 207 Digital Circuits ELET 208 Microprocessors ELET 207 Digital Circuits ELET 207 Digital Circuits ELET 401 Electric Machinery ELET 403 Control Systems ELET 406 Communication Systems VSU Course/Title 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 Credits ETR 249 Electrical Control Systems ETR 261 Microprocessor App I ETR 263 Microprocessor Application ETR 266 Microprocessor Applications FIN 107 Personal Finance VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 4 4 4 4 3 Credits = = = = = ELET 403 Control Systems ELET 208 Microprocessors ELET 208 Microprocessors ELET 208 Microprocessors COBU 110 Personal Money Mgmt VSU Course/Title 3 4 4 4 2 Credits FRE 101 Beginning French I FRE 102 Beginning French II FRE 103 Basic Spoken French I FRE 104 Basic Spoken French II FRE 111 Conversation in French I FRE 112 Conversation In French II FRE 201 Intermediate French I FRE 202 Intermediate French II FRE 203 Intermediate French I-II FRE 204 Intermediate French I-II FRE 211 Int French Conversation I-II FRE 212 Int French Conversation I-II FRE 233 Intro to French Civ & Lit I-II FRE 234 Intro to French Civ & Lit I-II VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits = = = = = = = = = = = = = = FREN 110 Elementary French I FREN 111 Elementary French II FREN 110 Elementary French I FREN 111 Elementary French II FREN 313 French Conversation FREN 314 Advanced Conversation FREN 212 Intermediate French I FREN 213 Intermediate French II FREN 212 Intermediate French I FREN 213 Intermediate French II FREN 313 French Conversation FREN 314 Advanced Conversation FREN 416 French Civilization FREN 416 French Civilization VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 = = = = = = = = GEOG 210 GEOG 210 GEOG 210 GEOG 413 GERM 110 GERM 111 GERM 110 GERM 11 GEO 220 GEO 221 GEO 222 GEO 225 GER 101 GER 102 GER 103 GER 104 World Regional Geography Regions of the World I Regions of the World II Economic Geography Beginning German I Beginning German II Basic Spoken German I Basic Spoken German II World Geography World Geography World Geography Economic Geography Elementary German I Elementary German II Elementary German I Elementary German II 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 GER 201 Intermediate German I GER 202 Intermediate German II GIS 200 Geographical Info Systems I GIS 201 Geographical Info Systems II GOL 110 Earth Science GOL 210 Earth Science VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 4 4 4 4 Credits = = = = = = GERM 212 Intermediate German I GERM 213 Intermediate German II AGRI 280 Princ of Geog Info Systems AGRI 280 Princ of Geog Info Systems GEES 181 General Earth Science GEES 181 General Earth Science VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits HIS 101 History of Western Civ I HIS 102 History of Western Civ II HIS 111 History of World Civ I HIS 112 History of World Civ II VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 3 3 Credits = = = = HIST 114 World History I HIST 115 World History II HIST 114 World History I HIST 115 World History II VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 Credits HIS 121 United States History I HIS 122 United States History II HIS 125 History of Amer Indian HIS 127 Women in Amer History HIS 141 African-Amer History I HIS 142 African-Amer History II HIS 155 Life in Colonial Virginia HIS 203 History of African Civ I HIS 211 History of England I HIS 225 Topics in Eur History I HIS 231 Hist of Lat Amer Civ I HIS 241 History of Russia I HIS 242 History of Russia II HIS 243 History of Ancient World I HIS 244 History of Ancient World II HIS 253 History of Asian Civ I HIS 254 History of Asian Civ II HIS 261 Topics in Cult Ethnicity I HIS 266 Military Hist of Civil War HIS 267 Second World War HIS 268 American Constitution HIS 269 Civil War & Reconstruction HIS 276 US History Since WWII VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = HIST 122 US History to 1865 HIST 123 US History 1865-Present HIST 406 Native Amer in Early Amer HIST 445 Women's History HIST 340 African-Amer Hist to 1865 HIST 341 African-Amer Hist 1865-Now HIST 431 History of Virginia HIST 461 History of Africa Since 1800 HIST 317 History of England HIST 481 Europe, 1814-1914 HIST 325 Survey of Latin America HIST 312 Hist of Russia & Soviet Union HIST 312 Hist of Russia & Soviet Union HIST 114 World History I HIST 115 World History II HIST 301 History of Asia HIST 301 History of Asia HIST 441 Amer Intell & Cult History HIST 304 American Military History HIST 428 America in 2 World Wars HIST 439 Amer Constitutional Hist HIST 413 Civil War & Reconstruction HIST 425 Contemp American History VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits 3 3 2 2 2 1 2 3 = = = = = = = = HIST 405 HIST 431 HLTH 347 HLTH 347 HLTH 340 HLTH 340 HPER 170 PHED 232 HIS 279 HIS 281 HLT 100 HLT 106 HLT 110 HLT 115 HLT 116 HLT 120 Age of American Revolution History of Virginia I First Aid & Cardiopul Resus First Aid & Safety Con of Pers & Comm Hlth Intro to Pers & Comm Hlth Intro to Pers Wellness Conc Found & Princ Sprt Coaching Revol & Early Nat Period History of Virginia First Aid & Emerg Med Care First Aid & Emerg Med Care Community Health Community Health Health Wellness Coaching & Officiating 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 HLT 121 Intro to Drug Use & Abuse HLT 122 Intro to Alc Abuse & Cont HLT 125 Anat & Phys Exercise Science HLT 138 Principles of Nutrition HLT 155 Current Issues & Health Care HLT 160 Personal Health & Fitness HLT 200 Human Sexuality HLT 206 Exercise Science HLT 208 Fitness & Exercise Training VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 1 3 1 2 3 3 3 3 Credits = = = = = = = = = HLTH 330 Drug Use & Abuse Edu HLTH 330 Drug Use & Abuse Edu PHED 403 Physiology of Exercise DIET 310 Human Nutrition HLTH 342 Contemporary Health Issues HPER 165 Personal Fitness HLTH 440 Intro to Hum Rep & Sex Dev PHED 403 Physiology of Exercise HPER 165 Personal Fitness VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 Credits HMS 121 Basic Counseling Skills I HMS 145 Effects of Psychoactive Drugs HMS 203 Marriage & Family Couns I HMS 210 Marriage & Family Rel HMS 220 Addiction & Prevention VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 3 3 3 Credits = = = = = HLTH 343 Health Counseling PSYC 420 Drugs & Behavior SOCI 302 Marriage & Family SOCI 302 Marriage & Family HLTH 330 Drug Use & Abuse Edu VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 Credits HMS 251 Substance Abuse I HMS 261 Human Behavior I HRI 120 Principles of Food Prep HRI 158 Princ of Hosp Mgmt HRI 159 Sanitation and Safety HRI 180 Hotel Hskpg and Engr Mgmt VCCS Course/Title Equivalency HRI 233 Princ of Event Plan & Mgmt HRI 255 Mktg of Hosp Services HRI 270 Princ and App of Catering HRI 286 Hospitality Law HRI 290 Coord Intern in Hosp Mgmt VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 4 3 3 4 Credits 3 3 2 3 3 Credits = = = = = = HLTH 330 Drug Use & Abuse Edu PSYC 325 Personality Development HMGT 221 Principle of Food Prep HMGT 101 Intro to Hospitality Mgmt HMGT 107 Food Sanitation & Safety HGMT 301 Lodging Operations Mgmt VSU Course/Title HGMT 302 Catering & Event Mgmt HMGT 449 Hospitality Marketing HMGT 322 Meal Management/Lab HGMT 303 Hospitality Law HMGT 399 Internship in Hosp Mgmt VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits 3 3 4 3 3 Credits HRT 121 Greenhouse Crop Prod I HRT 126 Home Landscaping HRT 150 Theory of Landscape Design HRT 201 Landscape Plant Materials I HRT 202 Landscape Plant Materials II HRT 205 Soils HRT 225 Nurs & Gard Center Mgmt HRT 226 Greenhouse Management HRT 228 Turfgrass Mgmt I HRT 235 Landscape Drawing VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits = = = = = = = = = = HORT 446 Greenhouse Crops & Mgmt HORT 340 Landscape Design HORT 440 Theory of Landscape Design HORT 352 Plant Materials I HORT 353 Plant Materials II SOSC 242 Soil Science HORT 449 Plant Prop & Nursery Pract HORT 446 Greenhouse Crops & Mgmt PLSC 455 Turf Management HORT 340 Landscape Design VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 Credits 3 3 8 = = = COMM 202 Intro to Media Technology IDUP 270 Intro to Africana Studies AGME 346 Agricultural Power Machine 3 3 3 HUM 105 Technology & Liberal Arts HUM 220 Intro to Afr Amer Studies HVE 120 Track Type Tractor Op I = = = = = IDS 109 Styles of Furniture & Interiors VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 Credits = FACS 263 Hsehld Furnishings & Equip VSU Course/Title 3 Credits IND 110 Princ of Instrumentation IND 140 Quality Control IND 146 Statistical Quality Control IND 160 Introduction to Robotics IND 165 Princ of Industrial Tech I VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 2 3 3 4 Credits = = = = = MCET 415 Instrumentation & Controls MCET 403 Quality Control MCET 403 Quality Control MANE 315 Manufacturing Automation INTC 212 Principles of Technology VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 Credits IND 166 Princ of Industrial Tech Ii IND 235 Statistical Quality Control IND 250 Intro to Bas Comp Int Man IND 265 Princ of Industrial Tech III INS 110 Princ of Instrumentation VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 4 3 3 4 3 Credits = = = = = INTC 212 Principles of Technology MCET 403 Quality Control MANE 315 Manufacturing Automation INTC 212 Principles of Technology MCET 415 Instrumentation & Controls VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 Credits ITD 110 Web Page Design I ITD 111 Web Design for Personal Use ITD 136 Database Mgmt Software ITD 210 Web Page Design II ITD 251 Database System Dev ITE 100 Intro to Information Sys ITE 101 Intro to Microcomputers ITE 102 Computers & Info Systems ITE 115 Intro to Comp App and Conc ITE 120 Princ of Info Systems ITE 126 Operating System Fund VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 Credits = = = = = = = = = = = VCAD 305 Web Publishing I VCAD 305 Web Publishing I CSCI 356 Database Systems VCAD 401 Web Publishing II CSCI 356 Database Systems COBU 155 Intro to Information Systems MISY 201 Microcomputer Concepts I COBU 155 Intro to Information Systems CISY 155 Intro to Information Systems COBU 155 Intro to Information Systems CPEG 305 Operating Systems VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits ITN 100 Intro to Telecommunication ITN 106 Microcomp Operating Sys ITN 109 Internet and Network Found ITN 132 C++ Programming I ITN 205 Protocols & Comm I ITN 208 Protocols & Communications VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 4 3 3 3 4 Credits = = = = = = ASYM 306 Information Processing I MISY 201 Microcomputer Concepts I CSCI 100 Intro to Computers CSCI 150 Programming in C++ I CSCI 445 Comp Commun Networks CSCI 445 Comp Commun Networks VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits ITP 100 Software Design ITP 110 Visual Basic Programming I ITP 120 Java Programming I ITP 132 C++ Programming I ITP 170 Project Management VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 3 3 3 Credits = = = = = CSCI 487 Software Design & Develop MISY 344 Intro to Progrm using Vis Bas MISY 330 Intro to Java Programming CSCI 150 Programming in C++ I INTC 485 Project Management VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 Credits 3 3 = = CSCI 387 CSCI 250 ITP 200 ITP 232 Data Structure & Algorithms C++ Programming II Data Structures Programming in C++ II 3 3 VCCS Course/Title Equivalency Credits VSU Course/Title Credits LGL 218 Criminal Law MAC 121 Numerical Control I MAC 131 Machine Lab I VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 2 Credits = = = CJUS 345 Criminal Law & Evidence MANE 315 Manufacturing Automation MCET 102 Machines Laboratory VSU Course/Title 3 3 1 Credits MAC 206 Production Machining Tech MAC 209 Standards Msrmts & Calcs MDA 107 Pharmacology for Med Assts VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 6 3 2 Credits = = = MANE 205 Intro to Design & Manufact MANE 320 Work Design & Measurement NURS 110 Pharmacology for Nursing VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 Credits MDL 210 Immunology & Serology MDL 215 Immunology MDL 236 Parasitology & Virology MEC 100 Intro to Engr Technology MEC 101 Intro to Engr Technology I MEC 103 Electronic Circuits & Instr MEC 112 Processes of Industry MEC 113 Materials & Processes of Ind MEC 118 Automated Mfg Tech MEC 125 Safety & Automated Manuf MEC 131 Mechanics I-Statics MEC 132 Mechanics II-Strength of Mat VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 Credits = = = = = = = = = = = = BIOL 443 Immunology & Serology BIOL 443 Immunology & Serology BIOL 440 Virology & Lab ENGT 100 Intro to Engr Technology ENGT 100 Intro to Engr Technology ELET 204 Electronic Circuits MANE 205 Manufacturing Process I MANE 205 Manufacturing Process I INTC 355 Automated Systems INTC 355 Automated Systems INTC 374 Statics & Strength of Mater INTC 374 Statics & Strength of Mater VSU Course/Title 3 3 4 2 2 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 Credits MEC 133 Mechanics III-Dynamics MEC 161 Bas Fluid Mech-Hyd/Pneu MEC 162 App Hydraulics & Pneumatic MEC 210 Machine Design MEC 211 Machine Design I MEC 212 Machine Design II MEC 215 Adv Jig & Fixture Design MEC 220 Intro to Poly & Comp Mater MEC 225 Metallurgy MEC 255 Thermodynamics MEC 265 Fluid Mechanics MEC 266 App of Fluid Mechanics MKT 100 Principles of Marketing MKT 120 Fundamentals of Fashion MKT 201 Intro to Marketing MKT 210 Sales Management MKT 215 Sales & Marketing Mgmt MKT 216 Retail Org & Mgmt MKT 220 Principles of Advertising MKT 221 Public Relations VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 2 4 2 3 4 4 2 3 3 2 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = MCET 311 Dynamics MCET 313 Fluid Mechanics MCET 421 Hydraulics & Pneumatics MCET 306 Machine Design I MCET 306 Machine Design I MCET 406 Machine Design II MANE 340 Tool Engineering ENGR 305 Materials Engineering ENGR 305 Materials Engineering MCET 301 Intro to Thermodynamics MCET 313 Fluid Mechanics & Lab MCET 313 Fluid Mechanics & Lab NBMK 300 Princ of Mktg/Non Majors TAMM 372 History of Fashion MKGT 300 Princples of Marketing MKGT 416 Sales Management MKGT 416 Sales Management MKGT 414 Retail Management MKGT 402 Advertising COMM 321 Public Relations I VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits MKT 228 Promotion MKT 229 Marketing Research MKT 235 History of Costume Design MKT 238 Fashion Merchandising MSC 112 Intro to Leadership MSC 211 Leadership Skills VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 3 3 1 1 Credits = = = = = = MKGT 303 Promotions Management MKGT 401 Marketing Research TAMM 372 History of Costumes TAMM 373 Business World of Fashion MIL 300 Basic Leadership Training MIL 300 Basic Leadership Training VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits MTH 121 Fundamentals of Math I MTH 157 Elementary Statistics MTH 158 College Algebra MTH 163 Precalculus I MTH 164 Precalculus II MTH 166 Precalculus w/ Trig MTH 168 Precalculus II w/ Intro Calc MTH 173 Calculus w/ Anal Geom I MTH 174 Calculus w/ Anal Geom II MTH 177 Intro Linear Algebra MTH 180 Finite Math MTH 181 Finite Math I MTH 240 Statistics MTH 241 Statistics I MTH 242 Statistics II MTH 243 Probability & Statistics I MTH 244 Probability & Statistics II MTH 270 Applied Calculus MTH 273 Calculus I MTH 274 Calculus II VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 Credits = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = MATH 290 Foundations of Math STAT 210 Elementary Statistics MATH 111 Intro to College Algebra MATH 120 College Algebra & Trig MATH 122 Finite Math MATH 120 College Algebra & Trig MATH 122 Finite Math MATH 200 Calculus I MATH 200 Calculus I MATH 325 Linear Algebra MATH 122 Finite Math MATH 122 Finite Math STAT 210 Elementary Statistics STAT 210 Elementary Statistics STAT 310 Elementary Statistics II STAT 380 Probability & Statistics I STAT 480 Probability & Statistics II MATH 212 Intro to Calculus MATH 200 Calculus I MATH 201 Calculus II VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 3 2 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = MATH 470 MATH 325 MATH 284 MATH 350 MUSI 181 MUS 182 MUSI 199 COMM 331 MUSI 115 MUSI 116 COMM 331 COMM 431 MUSI 111 MUSI 171 COMM 331 MUSI 106 MTH 280 MTH 285 MTH 286 MTH 291 MUS 101 MUS 111 MUS 121 MUS 130 MUS 131 MUS 132 MUS 133 MUS 134 MUS 136 MUS 137 MUS 140 MUS 141 History of Math Linear Algebra Discrete Math Differential Equations Basic Musicianship I Music Theory I Music Appreciation I Overview of Recording Ind Class Voice I Class Voice II Recording Systems Serv I Recording Systems Serv II Applied Music-Voice Chorus Ensemble Intro to Recording Tech Class Piano I History of Math Linear Algebra Discrete Math I Differential Equations Theory Chromatic Harmony Music Appreciation Audio Production Voice Class I Voice Class II Audio Production Advanced Audio Production Applied Voice Major Choir Audio Production Class Piano I 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 1 MUS 142 Class Piano II MUS 148 Orchestra Ensemble MUS 149 Band Ensemble MUS 157 Sound Studio Design MUS 158 Recording Studio Elect MUS 165 Applied Music-Strings VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 2 1 1 3 3 1 Credits = = = = = = MUSI 206 Class Piano II MUSI 185 Orchestration MUSI 161 Band COMM 431 Advanced Audio Production COMM 381 Media Creative Project MUSI 121 Applied Strings Major VSU Course/Title MUS 175 Applied Music-Brass MUS 185 Applied Music-Percussion MUS 213 Composition I MUS 221 History of Music I MUS 225 History of Jazz MUS 231 Adv Class Voice I MUS 232 Adv Class Voice II MUS 236 Adv Applied Music-Voice MUS 237 Chorus Ensemble MUS 241 Adv Class Piano I MUS 249 Band Ensemble MUS 265 Adv Applied Music-Strings MUS 275 Adv Applied Music-Brass MUS 285 Adv App Music-Percussion NAS 110 Elementary Physical Science NAS 111 Physical Science I VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 4 Credits = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = MUSI 121 Applied Brass Major MUSI 121 Applied Percussion Major MUSI 386 Music Composition MUSI 285 Music History MUSI 384 Jazz History MUSI 215 Voice Class MUSI 216 Voice Class MUSI 413 Applied Voice Major MUSI 271 Choir MUSI 205 Applied Piano Major MUSI 261 Band MUSI 423 Applied Strings Major MUSI 423 Applied Brass Major MUSI 423 Applied Percussion Major GEPH 101 Physical Science & Lab GEPH 101 Physical Science & Lab VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 4 4 Credits NAS 161 Health Science I NAS 171 Human Anat & Phys I NAS 172 Human Anat & Phys II NAS 177 Upper Extremity Anat & Kin NAS 185 Microbiology NAS 195 Topics in Upper Ext Anat NUR 100 Intro to Nursing & Health NUR 104 Fundamentals of Nursing NUR 110 Intro to Nursing & Health NUR 111 Nursing I NUR 121 Nursing Fundamentals I NUR 122 Nursing Fundamentals II NUR 136 Princ of Pharmacology I VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 4 4 4 2 4 1 1 6 2 7 9 9 1 Credits = = = = = = = = = = = = = HLTH 210 Foundations of Health Sci BIOL 315 Human Anatomy & Lab BIOL 316 Human Physiology PHED 338 Kinesiology BIOL 241 Intro to Microbiology BIOL 315 Human Anatomy NURS 100 Intro to Nursing & Lab NURS 150 Principles of Nursing NURS 100 Intro to Nursing & Lab NURS 100 Intro to Nursing & Lab NURS 150 Principles of Nursing I & Lab NURS 252 Principles of Nursing II & Lab NURS 110 Pharmacology for Nursing VSU Course/Title 2 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 10 3 Credits NUR 230 Pharmacology VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 Credits = NURS 110 Pharmacology for Nursing VSU Course/Title 3 Credits 3 3 3 = = = POLI 209 Public Administration PADM 405 Adv Public Personnel Admin POLI 306 Seminar in Urban Problems PBS 100 PBS 105 PBS 115 Intro to Public Admin Personnel Mgmt in Pub Sec Urban & Env Problems 1 2 3 3 3 2 Credits 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 PBS 116 Public Budgeting & Finance PBS 120 Intro to Comm & Soc Srvc PBS 135 Labor/Mgmt Rel in Pub Sect PBS 136 Grantsmanship PBS 200 Ethics in Public Sector PBS 230 Public Info Tech & E-Gov PBS 240 Constitutional Law PBS 255 Mgmt of Modern City PED 101 Fund of Physical Activity I PED 103 Aerobic Fitness I PED 105 Aerobic Dance I PED 111 Weight Training I PED 113 Lifetime Activities I PED 116 Lifetime Fitness & Wellness PED 117 Fitness Walking VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Credits = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = PADM 305 Intro to Pub Sector Budgeting PADM 301 Public Policy Analysis PADM 405 Adv Public Personnel Admin PADM 410 Grants Management PADM 307 Administrative Law PADM 404 Project Management POLI 304 American Constitutional Law PADM 211 Government Management HPER 165 Personal Fitness HPER 168 Aerobics & Conditioning HPER 168 Aerobics & Conditioning HPER 183 Weight Training I HPER 165 Personal Fitness HPER 165 Personal Fitness HPER 180 Fitness Walking VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Credits PED 123 Tennis I PED 124 Tennis II PED 140 Water Aerobics PED 141 Swimming I PED 142 Swimming II PED 143 Lifeguard Training PED 152 Basketball PED 160 Modern Dance PED 163 Jazz I PED 164 Jazz II PED 166 Ballet PED 210 Intro to Phy Ed & Health PHI 100 Intro to Philosophy PHI 101 Intro to Philosophy I PHI 111 Logic I VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 Credits = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = HPER 188 Beginning Tennis HPER 188 Beginning Tennis HPER 190 Aqua-Aerobics HPER 166 Beginning Swimming/Well HPER 167 Intermediate Swim/Well PHED 238 Water Safety HPER 192 Basketball DANC 201 Modern Dance DANC 301 Jazz Dance I DANC 302 Jazz Dance II DANC 101 Ballet I PHED 120 Foundations of Physical Edu PHIL 140 Philosophy PHIL 140 Philosophy PHIL 220 Intro to Logic VSU Course/Title 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 = = = = = = = = = = = = = PHIL 220 PHIL 180 PHIL 213 PHIL 213 PHIL 275 PHIL 450 PHIL 450 PHIL 450 PHIL 314 COMM 314 COMM 465 COMM 314 COMM 314 PHI 112 PHI 115 PHI 200 PHI 211 PHI 220 PHI 225 PHI 226 PHI 227 PHI 265 PHT 101 PHT 102 PHT 105 PHT 106 Logic II Practical Reasoning History of Western Phil History of Western Phil I Ethics Selected Prob in App Ethics Social Ethics Bio-Medical Ethics Philosophy of Religion Photography I Photography II Basic Photography Visual Lit:Photograph Image Intro to Logic Critical Thinking History of Philosophy History of Philosophy Ethics Applied Ethics Applied Ethics Applied Ethics Philosophy of Religion Photojournalism Cinematography Photojournalism Photojournalism 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 PHT 110 History of Photography 3 PHT 126 Intro to Video Techniques 3 PHT 135 Electronic Darkroom 3 PHT 206 Large Format Photography 3 PHT 211 Color Photography I 3 PHT 221 Studio Lighting I 3 PHT 227 Photographic Mktg 3 PHT 231 Photojournalism I 3 PHT 247 Alt Photographic Processes 3 PHT 256 Comm Through Photo Seq 3 PHT 265 Mass Media into 21st Century 3 PHT 270 Digital Imaging I 3 PHY 100 Elements of Physics 4 PHY 101 Intro to Physics I 4 PHY 102 Intro to Physics II 4 PHY 121 Principles of Physics I 4 4 PHY 122 Principles of Physics II VCCS Course/Title Equivalency Credits = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = COMM 314 Photojournalism 3 COMM 341 Television Production 3 COMM 314 Photojournalism 3 COMM 371 Media Technology Workdshop 3 COMM 371 Media Technology Workdshop 3 COMM 465 Cinematography 3 COMM 377 Impact & Media 3 COMM 314 Photojournalism 3 COMM 381 Media Creative Project 3 COMM 381 Media Creative Project 3 COMM 201 Intro to Mass Media 3 COMM 314 Photojournalism 3 PHYS 100 Intro to Physics I 3 PHYS 105 Intro to Physics I 3 PHYS 106 Intro to Physics II 3 PHYS 105 General Physics I & Lab 4 PHYS 106 General Physics II & Lab 4 VSU Course/Title Credits PHY 201 General College Physics I PHY 202 General College Physics II PLS 120 Intro to Political Science PLS 130 Basics of American Politics PLS 135 American National Politics PLS 136 State and Local Politics PLS 140 Intro to Comparative Pol PLS 200 Political Ideologies PLS 211 US Government I PLS 215 Virginia Govt & Politics PLS 220 Political Parties & Elections PLS 225 United States Presidency PLS 230 Congress of US Govt PLS 241 International Relations I PLS 250 Intro to Conflict Resolution PLS 255 Intro to Peace & Stab Ops VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 4 4 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 Credits = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = PHYS 112 General Physics I & Lab PHYS 113 General Physics II & Lab GEPO 150 United States Govt GEPO 150 United States Govt GEPO 150 United States Govt POLI 102 State and Local Govt POLI 210 Comparative Government POLI 202 Contemp Political Ideology GEPO 150 United States Govt POLI 102 State and Local Govt POLI 303 Political Parties & Press Grps POLI 410 Presidential Policy-Making GEPO 150 U.S. Government POLI 207 International Relations POLI 408 Independent Study POLI 207 International Relations VSU Course/Title 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 = = = = = = = = = = PSYC 318 PSYC 311 PSYC 212 SOCI 302 PSYC 111 PSYC 111 PSYC 429 PSYC 316 PSYC 415 PSYC 325 PSY 100 PSY 105 PSY 135 PSY 166 PSY 200 PSY 201 PSY 205 PSY 215 PSY 219 PSY 225 Princ of Applied Psyc Psych of Personal Adjus Child Care Psychology Psych of Marriage Principles of Psychology Intro to Psychology I Pers Conf & Crisis Mgmt Abnormal Psychology Cross-Cultural Psychology Theories of Personality Applied Psychology Mental Hygiene Human Growth & Develop Marriage & Family General Psychology General Psychology Crisis Intervention Strategies Abnormal Psychology Culture & Personality Personality Development 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 PSY 230 Developmental Psychology PSY 231 Life Span Human Dev I PSY 232 Life Span Human Dev II PSY 235 Child Psychology PSY 236 Adolescent Psychology PSY 238 Development Psychology PSY 240 Health Psychology PSY 245 Educational Psychology VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits = = = = = = = = PSYC 216 Developmental Psychology PSYC 216 Developmental Psychology PSYC 216 Developmental Psychology PSYC 117 Psyc of Early Childhood PSYC 210 Adolescent Psychology PSYC 216 Developmental Psychology PSYC 311 Mental Hygiene PSYC 419 Intro to School Psychology VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits PSY 255 Psyc Aspects of Crim Beh REL 100 Intro to Study of Religion REL 230 Religions of the World REL 231 Religions of the World I VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 3 3 Credits = = = = CJUS 360 Criminology & Ther of Crime SOCI 314 Sociology of Religion PHIL 314 Philosophy of Religion PHIL 314 Philosophy of Religion VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 Credits SAF 126 Princ of Industrial Safety SAF 127 Industrial Safety VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 2 Credits = = INTC 281 Industrial Safety INTC 281 Industrial Safety VSU Course/Title 3 3 Credits SOC 200 Principles of Sociology SOC 201 Intro to Sociology I SOC 210 Survey of Phys & Cult Anth SOC 211 Principles of Anthropology I SOC 215 Sociology of Family SOC 235 Juvenile Delinquency SOC 236 Criminology SOC 245 Sociology of Aging SOC 265 Social Psychology SOC 266 Race and Ethnicity SOC 268 Social Problems SPA 101 Beginning Spanish I SPA 102 Beginning Spanish II SPA 103 Basic Spoken Spanish I SPA 104 Basic Spoken Spanish II SPA 105 Beginning Spanish Ia SPA 106 Beginning Spanish Ib SPA 107 Beginning Spanish IIa SPA 108 Beginning Spanish IIb SPA 111 Conversation in Spanish I SPA 112 Conversation in Spanish II VCCS Course/Title Equivalency 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 Credits = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = SOCI 101 Intro to Sociology SOCI 101 Intro to Sociology SOCI 102 Intro to Anthropology SOCI 102 Intro to Anthropology SOCI 302 Marriage & Family SOCI 362 Juvenile Delinquency CJUS 360 Criminology & Ther of Crime SOCI 422 Gerontology SOCI 214 Social Psychology SOCI 304 Race & Ethnic Relations SOCI 201 Social Problems SPAN 110 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 111 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 110 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 111 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 110 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 110 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 111 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 111 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 313 Spanish Conversation SPAN 314 Adv Spanish Conversation VSU Course/Title 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits 3 3 3 3 = = = = SPAN 212 SPAN 213 SPAN 212 SPAN 213 SPA 201 SPA 202 SPA 203 SPA 204 Intermediate Spanish Intermediate Spanish Intermediate Spanish I-II Intermediate Spanish I-II Intermediate Spanish I Intermediate Spanish II Intermediate Spanish I Intermediate Spanish II 3 3 3 3 SPA 211 SPA 212 SPA 233 SPA 234 SPA 241 SPA 242 SPA 271 SPA 272 SPA 293 VET 100 VET 111 Int Spanish Conversation I-II Int Spanish Conversation I-II Intro to Spanish Civ & Lit I-II Intro to Spanish Civ & Lit I-II Int Spanish Composition I Int Spanish Composition II Intro to Lat Amer Civ Lit I Intro to Lat Amer Civ Lit II Stud in: Spanish for Prof Intro to Animal Science Anat & Phys of Dom Animal 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 4 = = = = = = = = = = = SPAN 313 SPAN 314 SPAN 414 SPAN 414 SPAN 301 SPAN 301 SPAN 315 SPAN 316 SPAN 214 ANSC 140 ANSC 345 Spanish Conversation Adv Spanish Conversation Spanish Civilization Spanish Civilization Spanish Composition Spanish Composition Survey of Lat Amer Lit I Survey of Lat Amer Lit II Commercial Spanish Principles of Animal Science Veterinary Anat & Phys 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 **Any course not listed please contact your academic department for class equivalencies.