oRDtNANCE #15-23-OA ORDINANCE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BERKELEY, COUNW OF OCEAN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A DEED RESTRICTION IN FAVOR OF THE NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT ON BTOCK 203, LOTS T8.24, BLOCK 204, LOTS 25-32, BLOCK 207, LOTS 49-56, BTOCK 208, LOTS 57-64, BLOCK 211, IOTS 81-88, BLOCK 212, LOTS 89-96 September t4,20ts WHEREAS, as a condition from a Certificate of the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection, the Township of Berkeley must grant a conservation restriction in favor of the Department of Environmental Protection on Block 203, Lots L8-24, Block 204, Lots 2532, Block 207, Lots 49-56, Block 208, Lots 57-64, Block 2L1, Lots 81-88, Block 212, Lots 89-96 as described in the metes and bounds description attached hereto as Schedule A; and WHEREAS, the Governing Body hereby authorizes the execution of the restriction, in a form similar to that attached hereto as Schedule deed B. NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT ORDAINED, by the governing body of the Township of Berkeley, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey as follows: L. That the governing body does hereby authorize the execution of a deed restriction on Block 203, Lots 18-24, Block 204, Lots 25-32, Block 207, Lots 49-56, Block 208, Lots 57-64, Block 211, Lots 81-88, Block 212, Lots 89-96 as described more particularly in Schedule A, in a form similar to that attached as Schedule 2. B. That a certif¡ed copy of this ordinance shall be forwarded to the Township Engineer. CARMEN F. AMATO, JR., MaYor JUDITH NOONAN, Council President JOHN BACCHIONE, CouncilVice Pres. NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the foregoing ordinance was introduced and passed on first reading at a regular meeting of the Township Council of the Township of Berkeley, in the County of Ocean, State of New Jersey, held on September !4,2O!5, and will be considered for second reading and flnal passage at the regular meeting of said Governing Body to be held on the 28ü day of September, 2015, at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as this matter can be reached, at the meeting room of the Municipal Building located aT.627 Pinewald-Keswick Road, Bayville, New Jersey, at which time all persons interested shall be given an opportunity to be heard concerning this ordinance. BEVERLYM. CARLE, RMC Township Clerlç Township of Berkeley ËDWÀRD VEßNlCK, PE, CRAIö MINGTON RElllll,lGT0N, Fl"s, cl'lE' PP, Prosldont VIee Prcsldent EXECUItVE VtCE PRESTOÊNf$ l,'llchael D, V¿na, PE, PR OME r¿¡arøzoo¡¡ Ëdrvard J, V/afberg, P€, 8B Cl'lE Thonlas F, úe¿ch, PE, CME Rlch¡rcl G. Ârango, PË, Cl''{Ë YnnuIcK GI DIRÊCIOR OF OFÉBATIONS F. August 18,2015 CORPORÂIg SECRETÂfiY tilubálBh, BA, f,lP,q Br.3dlÊy ^. SENIO¡ì ASSOCIATES Jolrn J. Cântviell, PE, PB 0l'11: Alan DitLenltofer, Pt, Pß Cì'lE ti¿nk J, S¿ner, Jr,, PL, Plì ctlË lcrenc') Vog1, PÉ:, PR c¡,lFtJennis K. Yodcr PE, PP CtlË, LlfiD Charlei [, l\d¡mson, l]LS, AEÏ Kinì V/eôdùlf BlÞbs, f)É-, cil[ Marc Deulasio, P¡j, PR cf'ìE Leonard A. F¿iola, PE, CÀlI ChriÈlophÈr.,. fì¿io, P[, Cl'lE Kenneth C. Btssler, P[, c],ltr Gregory J, Srllivarl, Pfr, FIi C¡'lE fìlchård U, Czckrrtski, Fl':, CltE, ßCF.t Lauren Staiger, Esq, Townshíp of Berkeley P.O. Box B 627 Pinewald-Keswick Road NJ 08721 Re: Lakeside at Berkeley- Release of Conservation Easement Berkeley Township NJDEP LURP File #1505-98-0037,2-.6 Our File: 1506-T-008 Dear Ms. Staiger: Remington & Vetnick Engineers ?32 KiDgs liighiTay 6¿sl 11¿ddonliêld, tlJ 08031] (s56) 795 9595 (856) 79¡, 1882 (l¿¡) This letter is to provide you w¡th the following items in continued suppoÉ of the above project: 1, One (1) copy of "Certifìcate of the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection Granting Release of Conse¡vation Restriction", 2. Six (6) copies of "Plan of Suruey - Conservation Easement, Portion of Pinewald Estates, Tax Map Blocks 203,204,207,2O8,211 &212, Berkeley Township, Ocean County, New Jersey", signed by Charles E. Adamson, dated August 31,2012. 3, Six (6) cop¡es of "Legal Description, Lots 18-24, Block 203, Township of Berkeley, Ocean County, New Jersey'', signed by Charles Ë. Adamson, dated August 31,2012. 4. Six (6) copies of "Legal Description, Lots 25-32, Block 204, Township of Berkeley, Ocean County , New Jersey", signed by Charles E. Adamson, dated August 31,2012, 5, Six (6) copies of "Legal Description, Lots 49-56, Block 207, Township of Berkeley, Ocean County, New Jersey", signed by Charles E. Adamson, dated August 31,2012. 6. Six (6) copies of "Legal Description, Lots 57-64, Block 208, Township of Berkeley, Ocean County, New Jersey", signed by Charles E. Adamson, dated August 31,2012. 7. Six (6) copies of "Legal Description, Lots 81-88, Block 211, Township of Berkeley, Ocean Çounty, New Jersey", signed by Charles E' Adamson, dated August 31,2012. B. Six (6) copies of "Legal Description, Lots 89-96, Block212, Township of Berkeley, Ocean County, New Jersey", signed by Charles E, Adamson, dated August 31,2012. ñenrlngton, Vcrnlck & Vena Ënglneets g Âllen Slrcit Iomr R¡\tr, NJ 0Û753 Q32',ì 2861t220 (7A2) å05 g4l6 ({¡¡) 3 .löc¿rnð $o{ievdrd, Suitû 300.40O Old Brfd8q, NJ 08857 (732) 955.8000 (732) 591 2815 (t¿r) Remittgton, Vernick & Walberg Engineets t¡45 l¡orlh l,¡ôln SkÈeL f¡le¡%nlYille, ¡ìJ 08232 (609) 645 7ì t0 (609) 645 7076 (r¿r) 4907 l.lur ,trscy Arcnuc W¡ldlïood cily, NJ 08?60 (c09) 522.5150 (609) 522.5313 (là1) 1000 Churrh ll¡ll llNd, Su¡tè 220 Pittrbur¿h, PÀ 15205 (r+l2l 2-ti3"22þO øl'¿) 263.?.210 ßx) Llni, 0llice Plð¿d, BellÊ1ue ûrrildirìIl ?6'l chapn¡an Ro¿d. Suitê 105 Nex¡rk, t)[ 19702 (302) ?66.0?l ? (302) 2-6í.620û (lôx) stated 300 Prnhorn Av(ruc, 3r(i lllcor Sæ¿uqur, tU 0709{ l'¿Ol) (t24-2137 (2011 024.2130 ('ðr) in the attached "Certificate of the Commissioner of the Depailment of Environmental Protection Granting Release of Conservation Restriction" item #1 - the shall record with the County Clerk a conservation restriction prohibiting any disturbance or development on the modified conservation restriction area as N:\SECRETAR\1506 - BERKELEY TWP\To08tStaigor - deed and doscript. for Resolution to Dedlcâtê.d0c Earriing Our Reputation Every Day Since 1901 wwl.tve,cotÌì Berkeley Township Our File: 1506-T-008 Page 2 - Conservation Easement, Porlion of Pinewald Estates, Tax Map Blocks 203, ?04, 2Q7, 208, 211 & 212, Berkeley Township, Ocean County, New Jersey", signed by Charles E, Aclamson, dated August 31,2012. A copy of the recorded conservation restríction must then be submitted to the Division of Land Use Regulation within thirty (30) days. depicted on the survey entitled "Plan of Survey As stated in items #2 and 3 of said Certificate legal authorization for the intended use and maintenance of these properties in perpetuity as well as documentation that responsibility will be taken fo rhte continued maintenance of the relocated tree preseruation areas. I trust the above is in order and is satisfactory for your review, Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact John LeCompte in our Toms River office. God Bless America, REMINGTON, VERNICl( & VENA ENGINEERS , PP, CME Alan B. JRL:ABD;ag Enclosure cc; B, Carle, Borough Clerk C, Amato, Mayor J. LeCompte, PE, PP, CME - RW NfSËCRETAR\150ô - BERKÉLEY TWP\Too8\slalger - cleed and descript, for Resolution to Dedicate.doc JUL 2 3 2015 ì fiIale of Seto lJerøegi D EPA tU.À4 I.;N1. OII ENvI IìONNI EN'IA L I) ROTEC]'iON BOß lll¿\R'l'lN P.O, Box 402 cilRls cHlllsï]E 'lïenton, NJ 08625-0402 'l'EL; # (ó09) 292-288s PA,\ # (609) 292-7695 ()ovtt'uor Klltl CU¿\Í)¡\ONO I.t (.iotvnnr Co¡u CERTIFICATE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF T}-IE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION GRANTING RELEASE OF CONSERVATION RESTRICTION Commissiolter Bob Martin, presents the follo"ving Certificate in accorcl¿tnce witlì tltc Ncw Jersey Conselvation RestLiction and Historic Presel'vatiotl Restriction Act, N'J.S.A. l3:[iB- I et scc1, ("the r\c("): Lakeside at tselkcley, WHEREAS, rþe clee<l restLictccl property is located on Blocks 939. t3; 939.l5; 939.16 ancl Lots l3-18; l-11 & l3-15; 9-I7, Berkelc¡,Torvnslti¡:, Ocean County, Nerv Ietsey; itnd WI-IEREAS, thc ltelrnittce (Marble Alch Homes) previously receit,ecl a CAF'RA lndiviclu¿rl Peuuit (CAFI{A IP) from the Division of Land Use Rcgultrtion (DLLJIì) File No. 159.5-98-0037,2,.3,,5, ancl .6, issued DecelntlerS, 1999, for activitics on Block 939, l-o¡s 22,02,25; ancl W¡IEREAS, an adnrinistrative conclition of thc CAFRA IP requilecl the ¡lclntittce to suþmit a recorclecl conservation Leslrictiolr to the Depûrtmelìt, rcstricting ilrì ilre¿ì of the project sitc frolll futule disturtrance ancl developntent in accorclance rvith N.J.A.C.7:7A6.2; ancl WHEIIEAS, the consel'r,atic¡n lestriction rvas tecorded Occan Couttt¡, Clerl<'s OtÏce orl Octolrcr 2,2002 in Deed Book 11023, Page 0561, Instrunreut Number 200217273 l; ancl WHllRllAS, the altplicarrt, (hereinalter "the applicant"), L,akesidc at Berkeley, is seekittg release of ¿r conscrvatiorl restriction on its pfope[1y pul'suant to the Now Jetse¡' Conselvatioll Restrictìon and Historic Presen,¿rtioil Restriction Act, N,J,S.A, l3:88-1 el sec¡.; and WI{EREAS, the Conurrissioner has revicu,ed the rccord arttl conttt'¡ents conrpilecl cluring tlre pLrlrlic hcalirtg of MaLclr 12,2013 and the recorcl compilccl by D[,UR; ancl WHIIREAS, tlre ltroclified conservation ¡'estriction area is depicted on the survcy cntitlcd: "PL¡\N OIr SIJRVI]Y - CONSERVATION EASEMENT PORTION OF PINEVyALD ES'I-ATES TAX MAP IILOCKS 203,204,207,208,211 ct 212 IIERI(BLEY 1-O\\/NSIIIP, OCEAN CIOUNTY, NEW .IERSEY", ptepared by Charlcs E. Aclarttson, NJPS, of llerrringtorr, Vernick & Vena, clatecl 8/2012, unrcvisecl, attcl the .six ((r) legal tlescri¡:tion for the corresporrcling right-of-ways. The applicartt has provicled oll'-sitc ar.eas totalitrg 1,159,000 S,F, (26.61acres) to be dedicated lror ltee ¡ueseLvatiort; ancl Àtrv.lersef is u Dqunl Oppotruuiß'Enpl<t¡'er r Prittted on Rectcled Pnpu md llttt'cl¡ble ttt issi¡tn tr WI{EREAS, lhc ap¡llicant proposes to release ancl clischargc the exislirrg consen,atiol restriction on Block.s 939.13; 939,15; 939.16 a¡rd Lols i3-18; l-ll ct l3-l5t 9-17 and relocatc ancl írnpose the conservatiort rcstriction ovcr Blocks 203;204;2Q7; 2Q8;2ll; 212; Lots 18-24; 25-32; 49-56; 57-64;81-88; 89-96 arrcl the follorvilg rigltt-o[-rvays: I)ouglas Roacl and Merrvood Road (Bailey Avenue to lrr¡ing Avenue); ancl Oxforcl Avenuc (Ma1,¡n¡,' Drive to lìerkeley Roacl); ancl WHEREAS, ilr accorclance with N,J,S.A. l3:98-1 0t scq,, no corìservalior Lestriction sh¿rll bc rclcasecl s'ithout the approval of the Coruurissioner of the De¡rartnrenf ol Btrvironnrcntal Protectior, and the Conrurissioner shall take inlo considerït¡orì tlre public interest iu presorvilrg thesc lancls in lheir natural slate, as rvell as any Sttrlc, tegional or loctrl conrprehensivc land Lrse or dcvelopruent plan aff'ecting suclt propert¡'; and WI-IEREAS, the Conrmissioner has considered lhe public interest in prescn,irtg the lands subjcct to the existifig conservÍrtion rcstriction in thcir natural stitte ; ancl in light of the above, the Cornnrissioner finds that a¡rproval oI the a¡r¡rlicant's rcquest for a change in locatiorr of the existing conscn,¿ttion ¡'estticlion is irt the ¡rublic interest, WHIIREAS, NOW, TI-IEI{-EFORE lT llE RIISOLVED that the applicant's request f'or a change in locntioll of the existing conservaliou restriction is ltcleby applove(|, subject to the conclitions listed in the peLnrits for the site and the followirtg conditions: I Pursuant t<¡ N,J.A,C.7:7-7.9(d)3vi, within 7 clays of this Hulhorizatiott, the ap¡rlicant shall ¡rrepare ancl recorcl rvith the Count¡, Clcrk a conscrvaliort lestriction prohibiting any fulute distutbance or developnlenl on thc rnoclifiecl consen,ation lest¡'iction areil as clc¡lictccl on thc sulvo)' entitlecl: "PLAN OIl SUIìVEY CONSERVATION EASEMENT PORTION OF PINEWALD ESTATES 1'AX MAP tsLOCKS 203,204,207,208,21I & 2I2 BERKEI,IIY 'lOWNSlllP. OCEAN COLINï'Y, NìlV/ JE[ìSDY", ¡rre¡rarecl Lry ChaLlcs E, A<lanrson, NJPS, clf Renrirtgton, Vcrnick & Vena, datecl 8/20t2, unrevisecl, ancl thc six (6) legal dcscriplion foL the colles¡ronding right-of-w¿ìys. Thc Division cloes not authorize any chaugcs to the lnnguagc of thc conservation restrictiorr, This conservation restrictio¡r shall reflect exactly what is proviclocl on lhe Divisiou's rvetr site (\'wy-l[t[g.nj.rrsße¡/rUS[Uf-ClfUS) and rrrust accoril¡rany, aucl rcfcl'ence a site plan, ivith all restrictecl aLeas clearly clelineatecl. Olrce thc conserualion lestrictiort ltas treen recolcled, ¿ì copy of lhe recorded conservation restriction lnust tle subr¡ritted to the Division of L¿rncl Use Regulation rvithin llrirty (30) days. Said restriction shall run ',vith the land nnd [re bincling u¡ron all st¡cccssive owncrs, 2 Subnrit legal authorization from Berkeley T'orvnshi¡r, orvner of lllocks 203,204, 207,208,211 &.212, Lots 78-24,25-32, 49-56,57-64,81-88, 89-96 ancl the follorving right-of'-ways: Douglas Road and Menvoocl Roacl (Bailcy Avcnrc to h'r,ing Avcnue); ancl Oxford Avenue (Mayfair Drir¡e to BeLkelel, Roacl) lbr the ilrtenclecl usr: and nraintenance of the.se properties in perpetuity. rlocuntentalion 3 the ment of Envfuomreutal Protection Of Nerv Jerscy t#+#,iJil,wi"H fo+{e rt"o A -îõ v'yn 4{È^y o*-t**trJúú Township, stating that responsibility r.vill be of the relocated tree preselr,fltion areas. ËoVl/rR0 \¡f:llNlCl(, PÊ, Cfif:, fJrôslderìt Ìlnirnl\_:c;Tioi\ 0l"VrlG lìEh'¡tl,{Sì-01{, PLS, Pl', Vice Presitlent [):r:cl.ll l\¡E vlcË PRËslDl:l,lTS hlichael D. Vena, PE, PI ChiE rd*r:rr"'uo:it Edvatd J. Walbarg, PE, Pfl Ch'lÊ Thonlas f, Be¡clt, PE, CllE Richard G. Arango, PE, Ch'lE &;\¡l;{t{lNtcK trNGINIItrR.S DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS CORPORAIE SEcREI/TRY Bradley À ßlubau¿lì, BA, Ì,lP^ LI]GAL DESCRIPTION LOTS 18 -24,BLOCK 203 TO\\rI'ISHIP OF BEI{KIILY OCE¡\N COUNTY, NEV/ JERSEY SENIOR ASSOCIATES John J. Cânhrelì, PE, Pe Cl,{E Alan Dit(enhùfer, PE, PR CttE Frank J. Sene¡ -lr, ttE, Pl Ci',1Ë Terence \to?t, PÉ, PfÌ Ct,lE Dennis l(. ì'oCcr, PE, Plì Cl,{E, l.EF-t) Charles E Adanrson, PLS, AÉl K¡nì \'lendcll Bibbs, f'8, Cl.1E fJarc DeBJasio. PE, Pl? Ct,tÊ LeÒnârd A, Faiola, PE, Ci'1E Chrjstopher J. Faz-io, f'Ë, ChlE Kennelh C. Reîsler. PE, CÀl8 Gregory J. Sullivan, PÉ, PB CiJE Rich¿rd B. Czclranski, PÊ, Cl.{E, BCEE Ìi premises, situate' lying arrd certa"in ìot, tract oÌ palcel of lancl ancl -State of Neu' Jersel' and being of Oceart ancl ALL THAT being in the Torvuship of Berkeley, Courrti' rnore 1:articularl)' described as follows: BEGINNINGatapointbeirrgtlreintet.sectionofthesouther.lyrightofu,a),lineof of u'ay line of ìvfen'r'ood Road (50' oxforcl Avenue (50' u,ide) \.\¿ith the westelly riglit Remington & Vernick Engineers 232 Kin¿s Hiehrï¿y E¿it l{addonfåld, IJJ 08033 (e56) 795-959s (856) 795-1882 (får) lvide); thence extertclirtg l, Remington, Vernick & Vena Engineers 9 Aller Slrèêl Toms Riv¿r. N.l 08753 (732t 286,9220 (732) sCs-84r6 (fâÐ Z. 3 Jcama Blrler¿rd, Suite 30C 400 Oid Êridgc, ¡U 08857 (732) 955.8000 (732) 591-2815 (fôx) Remington, Vernlck & Walberg Engineers 3. 4. 845 ¡,lorlh l.l¡in Stte¿l Fle¿santvìl¡e, N., 08232 (609) 645-7 u 0 (6091 645.7076 (lax) 5, 4907 ll€t? Jers!y A'.,.nrs \'/¡ldyiord City, fU 0926C (609) 522-5150 (609) 522-53!3 (fax) 6. (6ì0) 940-105(r (6t0) 940.1 l6l (rár) 50ÌO E¿st lrindlc Ro¿d, Suite 203 ¡,lechãúirsburB, PA I 7050 7l 7{16-171 b 17) 766 0232 (lât.l (7 I (l U.S. St€31 To;ler 600 Cir¿nt Slreei, Suìtè P¡lt5bur8h, PA l25l l52ì9 (412t 263.220Ð G12) 263-2?1O llt¡) Uni\,, 0lllcÈ Pl¿¿a, È!ll:ru¡ Buildiûg 262 Chzpnzn R¡¿c, Sujie I 05 Poitlt; thence along the Easterly li'e of rax North oo ã"gr.., 57 nrinutes 39 seco'cls \\/est, feet to a point; thence .. lr{ap Lot iz,"gro.k 203, aclistance of 150,00 along the Norfherþ'line of Lot West, Sorrtli S: ã.'g*.r 02 mínutes 21 seconcls pojnt in the Eastelly Light of wai' lT, Block 203, aclistance of l40,00 feet to a line of Berkele;' poud (50' u'ide);thence west, aloug the F,asteriy light of u'ay Nor.th oo-àrgr..r 57 rnì¡utes 39 seconcls feet to a point in the li]]e of Berkãi.y Roua, a distance of 450.00 of rvaY line of aforetnelltio East' 280' North 83 cle u,ay Remington, Vernick & Beach Engineers 922 F¿i¿tte StrÈel Consho¡o.li:n, PA Ì9,i 2B along the \\/esterl)lf gltl of r'r'ay south 06 degrees 5T minutes 3g seconcls East, to a point in the Northerl¡' line of N,lerq,ood Road, a clistance oi 600.00 feet right of r'r'ay line of In'ing Avettte; thence a distance of 140'00 feet to a South 83 ãágt*t 02 rli'iltes 21 seconcls \\/est, |i¡e seconds istance of of bcginning' containing x,i"thiü så'id bo.r,rds 147,000 Sq. Ft. (3.3747 klolvn ti. Ac.) of lancl and designa ted as Blocks 18, ø-çt-tø es E. Aclaruson. N'J.P'L, S l,icertsc No, 42627 T:\sun'c¡'\PRO.lF-Cl S\OCL¡\N CNTY\tlERKl'E\' (i of I9, 20, 71,22,23 &,24 ott a Plau filecl in the Oceatl Courtl'Clelk's entitlecì "Pineu'ald Estates of Pitler'i'a ld, Nerv JerseY", of tlìe 203 o n the crtt'rent Tax Office and as Lots 18, 19, 20, 27,22, 23 .k 24, Block Tori,rtship of Belkelel" Oceatl Couut¡', Nerv Jet'se¡' tseing Date (20t) 6?/1-?i37 (2o l', 6? 11'2 l'..,5 ace of lecot'cl' except those that ttral' Subject to conclj,tions, lestrictions aucl easetnents have expit'e<l by their otvtl litnitalions' tl,rrr¿rt;,08 19702 (3A2r 266 A2I? (302) 2õ6-620S (l¿)ì) 301) Pú¡horn Á'lÊi!Ê 3ra Tir:r S.fsuaus, tl-ì 070tii of .f0\\'NSFllP\ I i06T01 I LOCK PIN F,\\'AI-D ESTATES\DESC RI P1'lO¡ilS\B l0l.rloc Ertnring Ow' Rg.tutÁtilrt Eyct'lJ Dny Sitrcc 7901 1 (ttlrtlt,l'ltc, (.ot tl Itpn¿.il{G'ror\ Cfr/,lG tÌDVl/rRtt VERh'lCl(, P[, Cl,lE, ['tcsidenl f:: tlt-:l'/ilI{GIOH, Pl.$, PP, Vicc Ptcsidcnt UXECUI'IVE VICË PRESIDEI{TS &izlxnl{rcK llìchael D. \tcna, P[, Pf, Ch'iE lce:::r:de0,,'61 Edr'¿ard J. \\'aib¿rg, PE, PE ChlE Thonlas E Beach, PE, Cl\'lE Richard G, At¿ngo, PE, Cl 4E E¡ùGINIIBI{S DI RECIOR OF OPERATIOI,IS CORPORÄTE SECRETARY BrzdleyA Blub;u¡h, BA, LEGAI, DESCIUPTION LOTS 25 - 32, BLOCK 204 TO\\/J..,ISFIIP OF BERKELY OCEAN COUNT'Y. NE\\/ JEI{SEY l,1PA SENIOR ASSOCIATES John J, Can.t\,rell, PE, PP Cl,lE Alan D¡tlenholer, PÊ, Pn Cl/Ë Frank J, Seney, -Jr, PE, Pe CllE Torence Vogt, PE, PP, CtlE Dennis l(. Yodor, PE. Pq C[fE, ttED Cherles E. PLS, AEI l(im \'/endell ^rlànson, Bibb¡, FE, ChlE 1,4¿rc DeBlâsic, PE, PR C¡,tË Leonard  Faiolô, PE, C¡.tE Christopher J. Fazio, PE, Cl,lE Kerìneth C Ræsler, PE, Cl,lE Ctegory.l. SUllir¿n, PE, Pe Cl,1[ R¡chard B. Czùk¿nski, PE, Clfi, BCEt Renrington & Vernick Eng¡neers 232 K¡ne! Iligh\vóy Eõst H¿dConfiëld, Nl 08033 (856) 795-9595 (8561 795-1882 (íry) ALL THAT ceÍtain lot, tlact ot'parcel of land ancl the Torvnship of Berkele)', Counqr of Oceatr alld State of Nerv Jet'se1' and being mole pâfticulatl¡' described as follou's: beirrg i¡ BEGINNING at a concïete nìonulnent at the inte¡:section of the Southerllr ¡1t1t, ot $ray lille of Bailey ¿\r,enue (50' r.r,ide) \,vith the Westelly t'ight of u'ay line of Mer\a'ood Road (50' \\,ide); thetlce exteuding L soutli 06 cleg¡ees 57 minutes 39 seconcls East, along the Westetly right of rvay line of lr4ervvood Road, a distance of 600,00 feet to a poillt in the Nor-tlierly right of ,way line of Oxford Avenue; thence South 33 cleg¡ees 02 rniuutes 2l seconcls West, along the Nortlterl)' line of Oxforcl Avemre, a distance of 280,00 feet to a poittt ín tlie Easterly dght of u,ay line of Berkeley Road (50' rvide); theuce Nortlt 06 degr,ees 57 nrinutes 39 seconds West, aloug the Easter'ly light of u'ay line of Bertele¡' p6u4, a distance of 600.00 fèet to a poillt in the aforementionecl Sor.rther'ly riglrt of rvay line of Bailey r\r,eune; thence Nor1fi 83 cleg¡ees 02 minutes 2l seconcls East, along the Southerl)'riglrt of rval.line of Bailey Ave¡ue, a clistance of 280.00 feet to the point and place of Z. 3.Jo:ànì, BoulÉvárd, Suile 300-400 old Brid8¿. l.lj 08857 (73?) 95s-8000 1732) 591.2815 (l¡x) 3, Renrington, Vernick & Walberg Engineers 845 North l {alri ShÈet Ple¿s¿ntvill¡, NJ 08232 (609) 645.7110 (609) 645'7076 (farl 4907 ll3ìr Je¡sry A','¿nue v/¡tdr;ùyJ city, l.lJ Q8¿60 (609) 522.5I50 (609) 522-5313 (får) Reminglon, Vernick & Beach Engirìcers 922 FåyÉtte SkeÈì C€nshch0.kEn, P (6to) 940,1050 (õio) 94Dll6l I9428 (får) 501 0 East Tr¡ndle Raac, S!it: 2ú3 t f echanicsbu¡g, PÄ 1 7050 (7r?l 7G6.t775 l7 lt ) 7 66'0232 tu\) pretnises, situate, l)'irlg and 4. begimúng, containingrvithin said l¡ouncls 168,000 sq. Ft. (3.8567 Ac.) of land Srrdect to corrrlitions, resttictions and easements of Lecorcl, exceptlhose that have expired by their ou'n limitatious' Being klolut and clesignated as BJocks 25,26,27,28'29,30,31 &,32 on a plart entitled "Pirùrvald Estates of Pinervald, New Jersey", f,rled in the Ocean County Clel'k's Office and as Lots 25, 26,27,28,29,30, 31 ct 32, Block 204 on tlte current'fax ìr4aps of the Torvnship of Belkeley, Ocean Countl', Nen'Jet'se)' U.S Sleel forrer 600 Grent Strð¿|, Suitè I 251 PittsburÈ,h, PA l52l9 (47Ð 263-22Ð0 141?") 263-22.10 lllrl Uiliv otli:c Pläz¡, Ball¿!u: Bu:ldinÊ 262 Lhapman Ro¡d, Suit! 105 i(?!'i¿rl, OÊ 1970? ßa?) ?6e,.02t2 (302) 266.6208 (l¿r) 6 -çt-tL Char'les E, Adanlson, N,J.P.L,S Date Liceuse No. 42627 3C0 uenharn ¡\lE^uE,3rC tlosr S.-:åu:u5, IJJ 0709( (20t) 621-2r31 (201) 6z¿'2lJ(' (iár:) ma5' Ennring Our Rcyutntiott Ettcnt Sittcc L907 Dau J J llttltllt,l'l'î,aoffi r\4 EDvlÁfìD Vlalìl,llcK, Pli, chiL, Presidcnt Clì/rlG f'l Rtil'lll,lGTOt,¡, PIS, frP, \'ice Ptcsldctit n{cìïo l\ rìi¡:cuì'rvR vlcÉ PRt:slDEllÏs lllchaef D. Vena, PE, PP, Cl4E Gt:¿¿tzJtot:,) \i nnxicr{ Edrv¿rd J, Vlalb-.r9, PE, Thonìas t Pf DIRECTOR OÉ OPERATIONS CORPORAIE SECREÌARY LEGAL DESCIìIPTION LOTS 49 - s6. BLOC.K 207 TO\\\TSHIP OF B]]RKELY OCEAN COLINTY, NEW JEIISEY Bradley A. Blub:ughi 6/i, tlPA SENIOR ASSOCIAIËS John J. Cantrì,ell, PE, PfÌ Cl,lË Alan D¡ttenholþr, Pt, PB Cl,'iE Frênk J. Senêy, Jr, PÊ, Ff, ChlE Terence Vog, PE, PB Cl,lE Dûnrìis K. YoiPr, FE, PtÌ CÀle, LEED Charles E. F\dânìscn, PLS, ÁET K¡m \'r'endell B¡bbs, PE, Cl.'lE li'1arc DeBlð5ió, PE, Pe Ct"lE Leonard A Faiola, PE, CLIE Christopher J. Fazio, PE, CltE Keùneth C. Re:slcr, PE, CldE Gre¿ory J. Sullìvan, PE, Pf Cl 1Ë Richf,rd B. Czekanski, PE, Cl"iE, BCEE Renrington & Vernick Engineers ALL THAT certailt lot, tract 01'parcel of land and preurises, situate, lying ancl in the 1'or¡,uship of Berkeley, Courìq, of Ocean and State of Neu' Jersey alld being being ntore paûicularly described as follou's: BEGn\TNING at a point being thc intersection of the Southerly t'ight of wa)t line of Oxfo¡cl Avenne (50' rvicle) \\'ith the \\/estel'l),right of iva¡'line of Douglas Road (50' wide); theuce exterrding 232 KinEs llírhuåy Ea¡t Haddtnn¿ld, NJ 08033 (856) 795-9595 (8561 795'1882 L (lâY) Soqth 06 deglees 57 minutes 39 seconds East, along the \\iesterl),right of way line of Douglas Road, a clisf ance of 600.00 feet to a point irr the Not'therly right of u'a¡'line of In'ing A\/enue; thence South 83 clegrees 02 rninutes 21 seconds West, along the Noúherl¡' line of Irving Ar¡erlue, a distance of 280,00 feet to apoint in the Easterly r:ight of rvay line of Vlerwood Road (50' rvide); thettce North 06 degrees 57 minutes 39 seconcls \\rest, along the Eastelly right of rvay line of lvfenvoocl Road, a distauce of 600.00 feet to a point in the afolementionecl Southerly right of u'ay line of Oxfold Avenue; thence Nol'th 83 clegr-ees 02 milutes 2 i seconds East, along the Souiherly right of rvay line of Oxfold Avellue, a distance of 280.00 t'eet to the point and place of Rernlnglon, Vernick & Vena Engineers 2, 9 Allên StreËt Túfl5 Ri\'er, l{J û8753 ,732t 286-e220 17321 505-84ì6 (lar) 3 Jocanra Boul:v¿rd, Suitr 3OC-400 3. Old Br¡d8s, NJ 08857 1732) 955-8000 (73?) 591-2815 ({år) Remington, Vcrnick 4. & \{alberg Engineers B45 Ncrlh I,lain St,ÊÊt Pleõ:zntville, l.lJ 08232 (609) 645-7Ìr0 (609) 645'7076 (l¡t) begiruring. Contairring s'ithin said bounds 168,000 Sq. Ft. (3.8567 Ac,) of land 4907 l.,ler/ Jcrery Ai¿ñue Wildr.'ócd Cit, NJ 06260 (609) 522-5150 (609) 522.5313 (f¿xl S¡bject to conditions, restrictions and easenteuts of recot'd, except those that rnay Ìrave expirecl by their own limitatiotis, Rernington, Vernick & Beach Engineers 922 fãi'êlt€ Slr€et ConshrhorlÊn, PÀ 19428 5010 East lrirdfE RÕ3d, Su¡te 203 l.lc.hani.rburg, PA 1705ú (f1t) 766-t775 (7t7l, t66-Ð2?,2. (axl U.S Blocks 49, 50, 51,52,53, 54, 55 & 56 otr a plan entitlecl"Pinervald Estates of Pinelald, Ne\\'Jet'sey", filed in the Ocean County Clerk's Office ancl as Lots 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 & 56, Block 207 ott the cutrent Tax Ñfaps of the Tou,nship of Berkelel', Oceatr Connty, Nelv Jersel' Bei¡g k¡ou,¡ (6r0) 940.1050 (6r0) 940-Il6l (tð\) ancl clesignated as Sle¿l Toüúr õ00 Gr¿¡l StrÊÊ1, Su¡t! I 251 Fitlshurgh, P/r'1 5219 (+tzt 263.2200 14I2l 263.2210 (lòr) tln¡,¿ Crtñce Pl??ê, BÈli¿rue 8u:iding Ro¿d, Suil¿ 105 l.lcu¿rk, DÉ lgl02 262 Chzpfl\zft (f_ t3ú2r 266-02t2 l3O2I 26Ê 62û8 (f¿{) o Date t"tz Challes E. Adanlson, N.J,P.L.S l,icense No.42627 T:\sun,c'i\PRO.tEC|S\OCF,l;\NCNT\lBERKLEY'I'O\\rNSlllP\l506T0ll-I'1{E\\/r\LDESTATES\DESClllPl'IONS\tJI.OCI( 3iiú F;rhoir Å,.'rJr!ü,3rd S*s¿!;!s, llJ 07094 QÕ\) 62t-2\31 \zatl) 6't¿-2)36 U¿t) Flcar 207 dc,c Enrnítry Our Rgnrnilon Eyctlt DnU J J 1ltß,ll,,t,ltL,a:Ottt Sirrcc 190_L ChlË Beach, Pt, Ch'lË Iljrm lil'lG']..o l) \-Y tiOVJ/rR0 VËRt{ lCl(, Pf:, Cl,1 tl, I'teslcictrt CRAIcì F. REl,lll,lGì'Ol.{, Pl.S, PP, Vicc P¡e sldc¡t r-,.r r:xÉCUTIVE VICE PR[SlDËl,lTS hlichacl D. Vcna, PE, PÊ Cl,lE l¿:.'e¡¡:¿zoo¡) Edvrard J. $'¿lbere, PE, Pl Cl'4E \/ EItl*{ICl{ dS¿; Th<lmas I Beach, PE, ChlE DInEcTon OF OPERAT|0l,lS CORPORAIE SECRETARY BradlÈy A. BlubâLrEh, tlA, LIPA LECì¡\L D]ISCRIPTION LOTS 57 _ 64, BLOCK 208 TO$N'{SFIIP OF BERKTLY OCE¿\N COUNTY. NE\\i JERSEY SENIOR ASSOCIATES John J, C¿nh'rell, Pt, PB Cl,lE Alån Ditterholcr, PE, PR CllË ir, lfl Fr¿nk J. Seney, Pt, PR CllE TercnÉe Vúet, PE, CIJE Denn¡s K, Yoder, PE, PR Ct,lË, LÉÉD CharlÈs E, Adånì;on, PLS, AEI K¡m W'ËndÉll Blbbs, PE, CÀlE l.'larc 0eBlasio, PE, PB Clr'lE Leon¿rd A. Faiola, PÊ, ChlE Chr¡stoDherJ. T¿zio, PE, CLîE Kcnn¿th C, Resslet, PE, CitE crÉßory J. Sullivan, PE, Pf CIJE R¡chard B. Czekûnski, PE, C!;'iE, BCEE Remington & Vernick Engineers 232 i'\lnïs High$ay Haddonfeid, NJ 08033 llj ol rvide); thence extending 1, Remlngton, Vernick & Vena Engitteers AllÊn SlrËét Tams FiYùr, at a point being the intersection of the Southct'l¡, r'ight of I'a¡' line Bailel, Avenue (50' u'ide) \\¡ith the Westell¡, riglrt of u'ay line of'Douglas Itoad (50' BEGINNI{G E¿sl (856) 79s-959s (856) 795"1882 (far) I and plentises, situate, [)'ing ancl beiug in the Townshi¡l of Berkele)/, Count), of Ocean and State of Nen, Jet'se1, and being more pal'ticularly described as follorvs: ALL THAT ceitain lot, tt'act or parcel of lancl 08753 (732) 286-9220 (732) 505.84t6 (fårl 3 Jô.åma ecul¿z¿rd, Suile 300.40C Old Pr;dee, llJ 08857 (732) 955.8000 (732) 591'2815 (lax) Remington, Ve¡n[ck & Walberg Engineers 845 llorlh llain Skcet Pleàsa,ìtv¡lle, lU 08232 1609) 645-7Ìr0 (609) 645'7076 (l¿x) 49c7 ll¿ri JÊrsÉy \ïild!.,ed Citt, l¡J ^NÊ¡uD 08260 (609) 522-5r50 (609) 522-5313 (fåx) Renlngton, Vernick & Beach Engineers South 06 degtees 57 minutes 39 seconds East, along the Westelll' right of q'a)' line of Douglas Roacl, a distance of 600.00 feet to a point in the Northerly right of way line of Oxforcl Aveuue; thence South 83 deglees 02 minr.rtes 2l seconds \\/est, along the Norlherl¡, lire of Oxfolcl Avenue, a distance of 280.00 feet to a point in the Eastelly Light of $,ay line of N4elwood Road (50' wide); thence Nofih 06 degrees 57 minutes 39 seconcls \\/est, along the Eastelll'right of rvay Iine of N4el'u,ood Roacl, a clistance of 600,00 feet to a point ín the aforementionecl Southell)' right of u'ay line of Bailey Avenue; tlieuce North 33 degrees 02 uli¡rutes 2I seconcls Ëast, along tlie Southet'ly Liglit of q,ay line of Baile5' Avenue, a clistance of 280,00 feet to the point and place of beginning, Containing within said bounds 168,000 Sq. Ft. (3.8567 Ac.) of ìand 2. 3, 4, Subject to conclitions, restrictions and easemelrts of t'ecot'd, except those that may have expired by their oq'n limitations. 92? Fà)¿tte Strê€L CÆnshxhNken, PA 19428 (6r0) 940-1050 (610) 940.1161 (lô¡) 5010 Estt Trindlc Roid, Suìlù 203 LlË.hânlcsburÈ, PÀ 17050 t7 t7l 766-t7 7 5 (7 17 ) 1 66-0232 lrâx\ U S, Sisel loï;¿r 6Cc crð01 Slre:Ì, Suile P¡tlsb!rgh, PA I 5219 (47?.t 263.?20n (¡.t2\ 261-22.10 (a<J Being knorvn and designated as Blocks 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63 &, 64 on a plan entitlecl "Pinelvald Estates of Pineuald, Ne$, .Tersey", filecl in the Ocean Count¡' Clerk's Office ancl as Lots 57, 58, 59, 60, 67, 62, 63 & 64, Block 20S on the curent Tax Maps of the Torvnship of Belkeley, Ocean County, Nerv Jet'sey l25I LJniú 0ll¡¿e Pl¿z¿, E!:ia!ue BL,ilCing Ro¿d, Suite 1O5 Ne!/¿rt:, DE 19702 262 Cl1¿pnßi -4t. z (302J 266-0212 (.302) 266'6208 (fá\) E, Aclanlson, N,J.P,L.S IJ¿rte License No, 42627 'l:\slrvc¡\PROJECTS\OCEANCñl-1111ÊRNl-ÌrYTO\\l{SHIP\1.506-l-01ì'PINÊ\\¿ALDIì.S1 ¡\'lE.S\DESCRIPTIONS\BLOCli 300 Pênhúrrì Âv¿ile,3,d tiolr Sc[ariiu;, i l-l 070-r4 (20!t .6?.1 ?.131 l2Q ! ) Fr2 !t.2 l',44 $ à i) 108. dc¡c Eølring Ottr RExrfnt'iort Eye.nt Dmt .Siucc 1"907 J J lrt¡trrt,t,rtc.(o¡t Ì,tmv-l ì{Gl'o'i\ C[úlG ËD\\tÁft0 VHìNlClí, PE, Cl.lE, ['tcsidcnt l.; REI¡ll,lûIoN, PLs, PP, Vlcc lrrosldorrt Ii):HCUI'IVË VICÊ PRÈSIDËNi'S h'lichael D, Vena, PE, Pf CfrlE l;;;:..:r,r2o)s) Edr,r¿rd J, Wãlb€rg, PE, PB CME Thornas F. Be¿ch, PË, Cl"lÊ Richard G. Arângo, PE, Ch4E dil;t¡Elr.Nl,cK. EI\IGTNE]]ITS DIRECTOR OF OPËRAÏIONS CORPOFAfE SECREIARY tlradley A, Blub¡uâh, tsA, l,1PA SENIOR ASSOCIÀTES lohn J. Canhrell, PE, PB Ct,'lI Âlân Dìtl€nhófêr, PE, PR ChlE Frank J, SÊnet Jr,, PE, PR CI,JE Tctence Vogt, PE, Pe Cf,lE Dennis K. Yoder, PE. PB Cl.fË, LËED Charìes E. Adanìson. PLS, AET Klnr f"endell Bibbs, PE, Cl,'tE l¡arc DeBlsslo, PE, Pe Cl,lE Leon¿rd A, Fa¡ola, PE, ChtE ChristoDher J. F¡zio, PE, Cl,lE Kennelh C Ressler, PE, clfL Gregory J. Sulli'ran, PE, PI CP.lE Richard I Czakanski, PE, Cl,lE, BCËÊ Remingon & Vernlck Engineets 232 Kin8s lllghlvây Eåsl Haddof,liÊld, NJ 08033 (856) 7-05-9595 (856) 795-1882 (far) Renrington, Vernick 9 All€n S!Èr[ Tonìs R¡v¿r, NJ O8753 1732) 286-9220 (732) 505'84t6 (fár) 3 Jocrnìa BoulËr¿rd, Su¡lê 300-400 Old Br;dÊ¿, ¡lJ 08857 (7s2) 955-8000 (7321 591.?.8r5 (la\) Remingtorì, Vernjck & Walberg Engineets sk€?|. PlÊas¡ntville, I'lJ 08232 (609) 615-71 10 (609) 645 7076 Uaxl 4907 lJËrr Jè.sÊy 08260 \uÌldrrori Citt', llJ ^vênue (609) s22 5150 (609) õ22'5313 (fàx) & Beach Engineers Fót BEGINNING at a point being the intersectiotr of the SoLttherll, r'ight of s'ay line of Oxforcl Avenue (50' r.r'ide) with the Westell¡' r'ight of \\Ia)' line of Mayfair DLive (50' rvicle); thence extendirrg So¡th 06 degrees 57 lninutes 39 seconds East, along the \\/esterly riglrt of u'ay line of lr4ayfail Drive, a clistatrce of 600,00 feet to a poiut in the Northell¡' right of way line of lri,ing Avenrte; thence 2. So¡1h 83 clegrees 02 minutes 21 seconds \\/est, along the Noltherl¡'line of Irr,ing Avenue, a clistance of 280.00 feet to a point in the Easterly right of ivay line of Douglas Road (50' rvide); thence 3. North 06 clegrees 57 minutes 39 seconds \\¡est, along tlie Eastet'l¡'right of u'ay line of Douglas Roacl, a <listance of 600,00 feet to a point in the afore¡rentionecl Southerly right of lvay line of Oxfotd Avenue; thence 4. North 33 deglees 02 mimrtes 21 seconds East, along the Sontherly right of u,ay line of OxfoLd Avenne, a clistance of 280.00 feet to the point and place of beginning. Cìontaining liithin said bounds 168,000 Sc¡. Ft, (3.8567 Ac.) of land Subject to conditions, rcstrictions ancl easerneuts of lecot'd, except those that tnal' have expired by theil orvu limitations. Remington, Vernick 922 THz-\T cel'tain lot, tlact or parcel of lancl and prenises, situate, I¡'ing ancl being in tl.re Tor.r,nship of Berkele)'r coullt)r of ocean arìd state of Nerv Jerse¡, and being nìore particulalll' desclibecl as folIorç's: ALL 1. & Vena Engìneers 845 Nsth Llain LEG¿\L DESCzuPTION LOTS 81 _ 88, BLOCK 21I TO\\NSHIP OF BERKELY OCEAN CO UNTY, NE\\i .IERSEY Êlte StrÊ¿t conshDlÌæken, PA 19428 (6ro) 940 1050 (6lo) 940-l I6l (l¿r) 501 0 Ëasl Trindlc Ro¡d, Su¡te 203 l.lech¿nirsburg, P¡. 17050 17L7) 166.1't75 0 17 t 7 66-0232 (1à7') Being k¡otyn ancl designated as Blocks 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87 & 88 otl a plan ,,Pinervald Estates of Pineu,ald, Ne\\, Jersel"', filecl in the Ocean Cor.rnty Clel'k's entitled Office aucl as Lots 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87 & 88, Block 211 on the cutrent Tax \4aps of the Tou,nship of Berkeley, Ocean Coutt¡', Nelt' Jet'sey U.S. Steel To'.re¡ 600 GrâotSlrést, Slile 125'l FinsburÊh, P,q 15219 14l2't 263-2200 (412) 263-2210 (läv) Unir Of¡cÈ Pl¡za, Eellé'ruo Euilding 262 Cî¿tilao Road, Suiie- 105 Neuârli, D[ 197ô2 t'i()?t 266.0212 l'3Ù2i 266.6204 fttt w "qt -t¿ E. Aclamson, N.J.P.L.S License No. 42627 Date Remington, Vernicli & Arango Engineers The Pr;ridÉfliiil Csrìt€r Lincolr 3uìldifiê, suiÌr 600 101 lì¿lie 130 Cinrêrr¡r,s1î, l,ll 08077 l8s6) 303-r 245 (85r)) 3fr:ì-l 249 (íar) 3OrJ PÊnìlfûl f\\'E¡u?..1rû S:;eulu;, l'lj 070!4 QAI) b21-2137 QA!,821-2L36 ht) T:\sun,c1-\PROJECTS\OCEA¡\ Florf CNT\lBERKLEY 'IOWNSHIP\l -i06T0l I - PINE\\'ALD ESTATES\DESCRIPTIONS\tlLOC:K 2l l.doc Earnínn EtterlJ Døy J Our Rcutfntíon J fi1.,rrt,rl'c,cottl Sirrt.,e 790I l litrnfl{c,'J]0 l\ :DV,t/rRt Vf:Rl'll Clí, t' l:, CllE, I'rêsldenl Clì/rlG tr ßtilrltl(GTON, PLS, Pfì \'icc Fresklant f Ð([:CUTIVÈ VICE PNESIDEI.{IS hfich¿el D. Vena, PE, PE Cl''lE r¿se¿rrrzar;J \lnnr-¡ICK Edr,,'ard J. \falberg, PE, PR CME Thomas F. Baâch, PE, ChlE Rlchârd c. Arango, PE, C¡,lE ENGTI,.ìtrERS DIRECTOR OF OPENATIONS CORPORÂTE SÊCREIARY LEGAL DËSCIUPTION LOTS 89 - 96, BLOCIK 212 TOWNSHIP OF BERKELY OCEAN COUNTY, NE\\/ .IERSEY Bradley A. Blub¿ugh, B^, ilP,q SENfOR ASSOCIATES Jolrn J. Cantrrell, PE, f'n Ct,{E Alan D¡ttenhofer, PE, Pe CI,JE Frank J. Seney, Jr, PE, FP, Cl,'lE Tererìce Vogt, PE, PB Cl''lE Denñis K, Yoder, PE, PB CllE, LEED Charles E Adamscn, PLS, r^ET Kim V"endell Bibbs, PE, CtlE l¡ârô DeBlasio, PE, Pe C[1E Leonard A F¿ioìa, PE, Cl,'1E Clìri!topher l. Faz¡o, PE, Cl.lE Kenñcth C. Ilessler, FE, Cl,'18 Gregcry J. Sullivan, PE, Pf ChlE Rich¡rd B, Czet:änski, PE, Cl,lE, BCEE Remington & Vernick Engineers 232 ALL THAT certain lot, tract or parcel of land and premise s, situate, l)'ing and being in the Torvnship of Berkeley, Courìty of Ocean ancl State of Nerv Jet'se1' and being rnore pal'ticularl¡, describecl as follorvs: BEGINNING at a corrcrete rnom¡merìt at tlie infelsection of the Sor¡therly right of rva1, line of Bailey Averue (50' rvide) \\'ith the Westerl),right of u'ay line of N4ayfair Drive (50' rvide); thence extencliug KinBs Hlghrv¿y Eåsl NJ 08033 (856) 795-9595 'laddcfll¡¿ld, (856) 795-1882 (f¿¡) 1. Renrington, Vernick & Vena Engineers I Aller Slreet foms River, NJ 08753 t73Ð 286 9220 (732) 505 8416 (fax) 2. 3 Jo.am¿ B@lovard, Suite 30O 40O Old Èrìdge, NJ 08857 3. (732) 955 B0C0 (732) 59I-28ì5 (fàr) Remington, Vernick & Walberg Engineers 845 l{artlì ¡,1aln SlrÉÊt P¡e¿s5r'tv¡lle, NJ 08232 (609) 645.7 ll 0 (609) 645.7076 (rax) 4907 Nep Jerssy Avenù¿ vJild!¡rìod City, NJ 08260 (609) 522-51 50 (609) 522-53I3 (fax) aforementioned Southerly right of u'a1'Iine of Bailey Avenue;tltence North 83 degrees 02 minutes 21 seconcls East, along the Southerly tight of u'a1, Iine of Bailey Avenue, a distance of 280.00 feet to the point and place of begirurirtg, Containing \\'ithiti said l:ounds 168,000 Sq, Ft. (3.8567 Ac.) of land Sutrject to conclitions, r'estlictions and easements of recot'd, except those that may have expired b¡, theil olvn limitations. 5010 Eâst Trindìe Ro¡d, Suitg 203 1,1€ch¡njcsburg, P¡r I 7050 I'rL7l 766,1775 l1 l7't 766-0232 (làt) U.S. StÈ?l T0Jr¿r 600 Gr¿nt streat, Suite Êíll.sburgh, PA 15219 4. South 06 degrees 57 minutes 39 secon<ls East, along the \\/estelly light of u,ay Iine of ltlayfair Drive, a distance of 600.00 feet to a point in the Norfhelly riglìt of way line of Oxforcl At'enue; thence Sor.rth 83 degrees 02 rnirnrtes 21 seconcls \\/est, along the Nortlielly line of Oxfold Avenue, a distance of 280.00 feet to a point in the Eastelll, ri*1t ot u,ay line of Douglas Roacl (50' u'ide); tltence North 06 degrees 57 minutes 39 seconds \\/est, along the Easterl¡, right of rvay line of Douglas Road, a distance of 600,00 feel to a point in the Being loro$'n and clesignated as Blocks 89, 90, 9I,92,93,94,95 &.96 oll a plan entitled "Pinelyald Estates of Pineu'alcl, Nel\, Jerse¡,", filed in tlte Ocean Count¡, Clerk's Office and as Lots 89, 90, 91, 92,93, 94, 95 & 96, Block 212 on the cr¡rrent Tax lt4aps of the Toq,nship of Berkele5r, Ocean Count¡', Nerv Jer-se¡, l25I i¿:lÐ 263-22oa 1412) 263'2210 ll¡x) Un;\,. Ofí¡ce P¡az¿. BellåruË ßu¡ldrnE 262 Ch3pnìån RoàC, Suite I 05 l.lûr/¿rk, DE 1 9702 í302\ 266-02rZ (302) 266'6208 (f¿¡J ff-â["te Charles E. Adanrson, N.J,P.L.S License No. 42627 Date l':\sr¡rvev\PRO.ll--ìC f S\OCI;^N 300 Pi¡lìgrñ Au¿nu9,3rd Fla{r SEi¿ucls, llJ 070.J4 (21rl 624.2137 (7Oll-624.2-136 (l¿¡) C¡\T\lBERKLEY l'O\\¡¡\SHIP\1506T01 I - PINE\\'ALD ESTAI-IS\DESCRIP'llON.S\Bl'OCl( ? t2.dr¡c Ennrirrg Ortr Reyutnfiott Ettuu Dnu Sittcc 7901 J J lt,tutl,,l'l't,cot¡l