PART I SOLID MECHANICS 1 Stability and Equilibrium of Plane Frames A pinjointed frame is a structure made up of slender (cross-sectional dimensions quite small compared to length) members pin connected at ends and is capable of taking loads at joints. Frames are used as roof trusses to support sloping roofs and as bridge trusses to support deck. In many machines, steel frames are used. Transmission tower is another example of frame. In the case of wooden frames, the ends are connected by making suitable wooden joints or by nailing/bolting whereas steel frames are by riveting or by welding. A frame in which all the members lie in a single plane, is called a plane frame. In such a frame, loads act along the plane of the frame. Roof trusses and bridge trusses are the examples of plane frames. If all the members of a frame do not lie in a single plane, then the frame is called a space frame. Tripod and transmission towers are examples of space frame. In this chapter, the analysis of only plane frame is considered. 1.1 PERFECT, DEFICIENT AND REDUNDANT FRAMES A pinjointed frame which has got just sufficient number of members to 2 resist the loads without undergoing appreciable deformation in shape, is called a prefect frame. Triangular frame is the simplest perfect 1 2 frame and it has three joints and three members (Fig. 1.1). Perfect frames with four and five joints are shown in Fig. 1.2 and 1.3 1 3 3 respectively. It may be observed that to increase joint in a perfect frame, two Figure 1.1 more members are required. Hence, the following expression may be written as the relationship between number of joints j, and the number of member m, in a perfect frame. 4 4 2 m = 2j – 3 (1.1) However, the above equation gives only a necessary, but 1 3 not a sufficient condition of a perfect frame. For example, the 5 two frames shown in Fig. 1.4 (a) and (b) have the same number 1 3 2 of members and joints. The frame shown in Fig. 1.4(a) is perfect whereas the one shown in Fig. 1.4 (b) is not capable of retaining Figure 1.2 its shape if loaded at the joint marked 6. Therefore, the only 3 4 Solid and Fluid Mechanics necessary and sufficient condition of a perfect frame is that it should retain its shape when load is applied at any joint in any direction. 4 2 P 4 2 4 6 2 4 6 1 6 2 1 3 5 3 5 7 1 3 (a) Figure 1.3 5 1 3 (b) 5 Figure 1.4 A frame is said to be deficient if the number of members in it are less than that required for a perfect frame. Such frames cannot retain their shape when loaded. A deficient frame is shown in Fig. 1.5. A frame is said to be redundant if the number of members Figure 1.5 in it, are more than that required in a perfect frame. Such frames cannot be analysed by making use of the equations of equilibrium alone. Thus, a redundant frame is statically indeterminate. Each extra member adds one degree of indeterminancy. For the analysis of such members, the consistency of determinations is to be considered. The truss shown in the Fig. 1.6 is a typical redundant truss. In this truss, one diagonal member in each panel is extra. Hence, it is a two-degree redundant frame. Figure 1.6 In this chapter, only the analysis of perfect frames is considered. 1.2 ASSUMPTIONS In the theory that is going to be developed in this chapter, the following assumptions are made: (1) The ends of the members are pin-connected (hinged); (2) The loads act only at the joints; (3) Self-weights of the members are negligible; (4) Cross-sections of the members are uniform; If at all the cross-section varies, the centre of gravity of the section is assumed to be located along the same longitudinal line. In reality, the members are connected by bolting, riveting or by welding. No special care is taken to ensure perfect pin-connections. However, experiments have shown that assuming pin-connected ends is quite satisfactory since the members used are slender. In most of the frames, the loads act at the joints. Even if a load is not acting at a joint, it can be replaced by its reaction at the joint and a local bending effect on the member. The frame may be analysed for the joint loads and the local bending effect on the member superposed in the design of that member. P-2\D:\N-fluid\ANA1-1.pm5 In most of the trusses, the self-weight is really small compared to the loads they carry. Hence, self-weight of the members may be neglected. It is the duty of construction engineer to see that the centroid of all cross-sections lie along a single axis so that the member is held in equilibrium by the two forces acting at its ends. Because of the assumption of pin-connected ends, it is more appropriate to call the theory that is going to be developed in this chapter as stability and equilibrium of pin-connected plane trusses. Analysis of rigid frames is not covered in this book. 1.3 NATURE OF FORCES IN MEMBERS The members of a truss are subjected to either tensile or compressive forces. A typical truss ABCDE loaded at joint E is shown in Fig. 1.7(a). The member BC is subjected to compressive force C as shown in Fig. 1.7(b). Effect of this force on the joint B (or C) is equal and opposite to the force C as shown in Fig. 1.7(b). C B C C C T A C T D E T Figure 1.7(a) T Figure 1.7(b) The member AE is subjected to tensile force T. Its effect on the joints A and E are as shown in Fig. 1.7(b). In the analysis of frame, we mark Compression the forces on the joints, instead of the forces in the members as shown in Fig. 1.7(c). It may be noted that compressive force in a member is represented in a figure by two arrows going away from each other and Tension a tensile force by two arrows coming towards each Figure 1.7(c) other. In other words, if the arrows are towards joint member force is compressive and if it is away from joints the member force is tensile. This is quite logical considering the fact that the markings on the members represent the internal reactive forces developed which are opposite in direction to the applied forces. 1.4 METHODS OF ANALYSIS The following three methods are available for the analysis of pin-connected frames: (1) Method of joints (2) Method of section (3) Graphical method. The first two are analytical methods, only method of joints is dealt in this chapter. P-2\D:\N-fluid\ANA1-1.pm5 Chapter 1 5 Stability and Equilibrium of Plane Frames 6 Solid and Fluid Mechanics 1.5 METHOD OF JOINTS At each joint, the forces in the members meeting and the loads acting, if any, constitute a system of concurrent forces. Hence, two independent equations of equilibrium can be formed at each joint. First, a joint is selected where there are only two unknown forces. Many times such a joint can be identified only after finding the reaction at the support by considering the equilibrium of the entire frame. Then making use of the two equations of equilibrium at that joint, the two unknown forces are found. Then, the next joint is selected for analysis where there are now only two unknown forces. Thus, the analysis proceeds from joint to joint to find the forces in all the members. It may be noted that if there are j number of joints, 2j number of equations can be formed. There will be three reactions in a general determinate truss. The force in each member is unknown. Hence, if there are m number of members, the total number of unknowns will be m + 3. A problem can be analysed if there are as many equations as there are unknowns. Hence, a frame analysis problem is determinate if: 2j = m + 3 (1.2) This equation is the same as Equation 4.1 which was derived on the consideration of a perfect frame. Hence, a perfect frame is determinate. If m > 2j – 3, then the number of unknowns is more than the number of equations. Hence, a redundant frame is indeterminate. If m < 2j – 3, then the number of equations is more than the number of unknowns. Since a set of solutions can satisfy such equations, it shows instability of the structure. Hence, a deficient frame is not stable. The method of joints is illustrated with the examples 1.1 to 1.5. Example 1.1. Find the forces in all the members of the truss shown in Fig. 1.8(a). Tabulate the results. Solution. Step 1: Determine the inclinations of all inclined members. In this case, A B 3m q D q C 3 E 3m 3m =1 3 40 kN 40 kN ∴ θ = 45° Figure 1.8(a) Step 2: Look for a joint at which there are only two unknowns. If such a joint is not available, determine the reactions at the supports, and then at the supports the unknowns may reduce to only two. Now at joints C, there are only two unknowns, i.e., forces in members CB and CD, say FCB and FCD. FCB Note: Usually in cantilever type frames, we find such joints without the need to find reactions. 45° C Step 3: Now there are two equations of equilibrium for the forces FCD meeting at the joints and two unknown forces. Hence, the unknown forces can be determined. At joint C [Ref: Fig. 1.8(b)] ΣV = 0 condition shows that the force FCB 40 kN should act away from the joint C so that its vertical component Figure 1.8(b) balances the vertical downward load at C. tan θ = P-2\D:\N-fluid\ANA1-1.pm5 7 Stability and Equilibrium of Plane Frames ∴ FCB = 40 Chapter 1 FCB sin 45° = 40 kN Now ΣH = 0 indicates that FCD should act towards C. FCD – FCB cos 45° = 0 FCD = FCB cos 45° = 40 2 × 1 2 = 40 kN Note: If the assumed direction of unknown forces is opposite, the value will be negative. Then reverse the direction and proceed. Step 4: On the diagram of the truss, mark arrow on the member near the joint analysed to indicate the force on the joint. At the other end, mark the arrow in the opposite direction. In the present case, near the joint C, the arrows are marked on the members CB and CD to indicate forces FCB and FCD directions as found in the analysis of joint C. Then opposite directions are marked in the members CB and CD near joints B and D, respectively. Step 5: Look for the next joint where there are only two unknown forces and analyse that joint. In this case, there are only two unknown forces at joint D as shown in Fig. 1.8(c). FDB FDE D 40 kN ΣV = 0 FDB = 40 kN ΣH = 0 40 kN 2 Figure 1.8(c) FDE = 40 kN Step 6: Repeat steps 4 and 5 till forces in all the members are found. In the present case, after marking the forces in the members DB and DE, we find that analysis of joint B can be taken up. Referring to Fig. 1.8(d). FBA ΣV = 0 FBE sin 45° – 40 – 40 ∴ B 45° × sin 45° = 0 45° FBE FBE = 80 2 kN 40 2 40 kN ΣH = 0 Figure 1.8(d) FBA – FBE cos 45° – 40 2 × cos 45° = 0 FBA = 80 2 × ∴ 1 2 + 40 × 1 2 FBA = 120 kN The directions of these forces are marked on the diagram. Now the analysis is complete since the forces in all the members are determined. Step 7: Determine the nature of forces in each member and tabulate the results. Note that if the arrow marks on a member are towards joints, then the member is in tension and if the arrow marks are away from joints, the member is in compression [Ref. Fig. 1.8(e)] as discussed in 1.3. In this case, P-2\D:\N-fluid\ANA1-1.pm5 Tension Compression Figure 1.8(e) 8 Solid and Fluid Mechanics Member Magnitude of force in kN Nature AB 120 Tension BC CD 40 40 Tension Compression DE 40 Compression BE BD 80 2 40 Compression Tension Example 1.2. Determine the forces in all the members of the truss shown in Fig. 1.9(a) and indicate the magnitude and nature of forces on the diagram of the truss. 40 kN 50 kN All inclined members are at 60° to horizontal and length of each member is 2 m. B Solution. C Now, we cannot find a joint with only two unknown forces without finding reactions. 60° A Consider the equilibrium of the entire frame. 2m RD × 4 – 40 × 1 – 60 × 2 – 50 × 3 = 0 RD = 77.5 kN 60° D RA 2m RD 60 kN Figure 1.9(a) ΣH=0 ∴ 60° E ΣMA = 0 ∴ 60° 2 HA = 0 ∴ Reaction at A is vertical only ΣV = 0 RA + RD = 40 + 60 + 50 ∴ FAB RA = 72.5 kN, since RD = 77.5 kN Joint A: ΣV = 0 60° A FAE FAB sin 60° = RA = 72.5 FAB = 83.716 kN (Comp) ΣH = 0 RA Figure 1.9(b) FAE = 83.716 cos 60° = 0 FAE = 41.858 kN (Tension) FDC Joint D: ΣV = 0 60° FDC sin 60° = RD = 77.5 ∴ FDC = 89.489 kN (Comp) ΣH = 0 FDE = 89.489 cos 60° = 0 ∴ FDE = 44.745 kN (Tension) Joint B: ΣV = 0 P-2\D:\N-fluid\ANA1-1.pm5 D FDE RD Figure 1.9(c) 9 Stability and Equilibrium of Plane Frames ∴ 83.716 sin 60 ° − 40 = 37.528 (Tension) sin 60 ° ΣH = 0 FBE = FBC = FAB cos 60° – FBE cos 60° = 0 FBC = (83.716 + 37.527) × 0.5 FBC B 60° 60° 60° FBE FAB FBC = 60.622 kN (Comp) Figure 1.9(d) Joint C: ΣV = 0 50 kN FCE sin 60° + 50 – FDC sin 60° = 0 FCE = 89.489 sin 60 ° − 50 ° = 31.754 kN (Tension) sin 60 ° Now the forces in all the members are known. If joint E is analysed, it will give the check for the analysis. The results are shown on the diagram of the truss in Fig. 1.9(f). 40 kN 754 31. 489 716 89. 528 83. Compression C Tension 37. A D E 44.745 41.858 60 kN Figure 1.9(f) Example 1.3. Analyse the truss shown in Fig. 1.10(a). All inclined members have the same inclination to horizontal. 4 3 θ = 53.13° tan θ = ∴ C 4m B q D q 4m HA A q 3m q F Figure 1.10(a) P-2\D:\N-fluid\ANA1-1.pm5 E 3m VA C 60° 60° FCE FDC Figure 1.9(e) 50 kN 60.622 B FBC 20 kN Chapter 1 40 kN FBE sin 60° – FAB sin 60° + 40 = 0 10 Solid and Fluid Mechanics As soon as a joint is analysed, the forces on the joint are marked on members [Fig. 1.10(b)] kN RC 20 kN 25 Joint E: ΣV=0 q 15 kN 20 kN FED = 25 kN (Tension) ΣH=0 FEF = 25 × cos 53.13 = 15 kN (Comp) O q HA FEF – FED cos θ = 0 O q 15 kN 15 kN VA 20 kN At this stage as, no other joint is having only two unknowns, Figure 1.10(b) no further progress is possible. Let us find the reactions at the supports considering the whole structure. Let the reaction be as shown in Fig. 1.10(b). ΣMA = 0 FED RC × 8 – 20 × 6 = 0 q RC = 15 kN VA = 20 kN 20 kN ΣH = 0 Figure 1.10(c) HA = RC = 15 kN Joint A: ΣV = 0 C FEF ΣV = 0 15 cos 53.13 FAB A FAB – VA = 0 HA FAB = 20 kN (Comp) FAF VA ΣH = 0 FAF – HA = 0 Figure 1.10(d) FAF = 15 kN (Comp) Joint C: ΣH = 0 FCB × cos 53.13 – RC = 0 FCB = = 25 kN (Comp) ΣV = 0 FCD = FCB sin θ = 25 × sin 53.13 = 20 kN (Tension) Joint B: ΣV = 0 FBF × sin 53.13 – FBC × sin 53.13 + FAB = 0 P-2\D:\N-fluid\ANA1-1.pm5 kN ∴ 25 FED × sin 53.13 – 20 = 0 11 Stability and Equilibrium of Plane Frames ∴ FBF = 0 ΣH = 0 q B q FBD – 25 × cos 53.13 = 0 FBD = 15 kN (Tension) FBF Figure 1.10(e) ΣV = 0 FBF = 0 FFD = 0 (since FBF = 0) Note: When three members are meeting at an unloaded joint and out of them two are collinear, then the force in third member will be zero. Such situations are illustrated in Fig. 1.10 (g) and (h). A C FBD FAB Joint F: Chapter 1 FBC FBF × sin 53.13 = 25 × sin 53.13 – 20 = 0 FFD = 0 q FAF FFE Figure 1.10(f) A B D C B D Figure 1.10(g) (h) Example 1.4. Find the forces in all the members of the truss shown in Fig. 1.11 (a). tan θ1 = ∴ FG 8 × 1 IJ H 3 2K 4 6 θ1 = 33.69° 2m A q1 12 kN 20 kN 3m 2m 2m B q1 D F q2 H q3 C θ2 = tan–1 θ3 = tan–1 = 53.13° 4m E FG 4 IJ = 53.13° H 3K G Figure 1.11(a) Joint-by-joint analysis is carried out as given below and the joint forces are marked in Fig. 1.11(b). Then nature of the force in the members is determined. 12 kN A 15 kN B 15 kN D 15 kN 18 . kN028 RA 0 C 0 0 18 . kN028 0 20 kN F 15 kN 12 H 25 kN E1 8. kN028 G RG Figure 1.11(b) P-2\D:\N-fluid\ANA1-1.pm5 Compression Tension 12 Solid and Fluid Mechanics Joint H: ΣV = 0 FHG sin θ3 = 20 FHG sin 53.13 = 20 = 25 kN (Comp) ΣH = 0 FHF – FHG cos θ2 = 0 FHF = 25 × cos 53.13 = 15 kN (Tension) ΣMG = 0 Now RA × 6 – 20 × 3 = 0 RA = 10 kN Downward ΣV = 0 RG – 10 – 12 – 20 = 0 RG = 42 kN Joint A: ΣV = 0 FAC sin θ1 – 10 = 0 FAC = 18.028 kN (Comp) ΣH = 0 FAB – FAC cos θ1 = 0 FAB = 15 kN (Tension) Joint B: ΣV = 0 FBC = 0 ΣH = 0 FBD = FBA = 15 kN (Tension) Joint C: Σ Forces normal to AC = 0, gives FCD = 0 since FBC = 0 Σ Forces parallel to CE = 0 FCE = FCA = 18.028 (Comp) Joint D: ΣV = 0 FDE = 0 ΣH = 0 FDF = FDB = 15kN (Tension) Joint E: Σ Forces normal to CG = 0, gives FEF = 0 and Σ Forces in the direction of CG = 0 gives FEG = FCE = 18.028 kN (Comp) P-2\D:\N-fluid\ANA1-1.pm5 13 Stability and Equilibrium of Plane Frames Chapter 1 Joint F: ΣV = 0 FFG – 12 = 0 FFG = 12 kN (Comp) Example. 1.5. Analyse the truss shown in Fig. 1.12 (a). All the members are of 3 m length. Solution. Since all members are 3 m long, all triangles are equilateral and hence all inclined members are at 60° to horizontal. Joint-by-joint analysis is carried out and the forces are represented in Fig. 1.12(b). Then nature of the force is determined. Joint G: 40 kN 30 kN B D 60° A 60° ΣV = 0 FGF sin 60° = 20 FGF = 23.094 kN (Tension) ΣH = 0 FGE – FGF cos 60° = 0 FGE = 11.547 kN (Comp) 60° C 60° 3×3=9m F 60° E Figure 1.12(a) 10 kN 60° G 20 kN Joint F: ΣV = 0 FFE sin 60° – FGF sin 60° = 0 FFE = FGF = 23.094 kN (Comp) ΣH = 0 FFD + 10 – FGF cos 60° – FFE cos 60° = 0 FFD = 13.094 kN (Tension) Now, without finding reaction we cannot proceed. Hence, consider equilibrium of the entire truss. 30 kN 10 kN Compression RE 4 11.547 E .09 9.4 33 7 F 23 47 1.0566 C VA .07 8.3771 D 13.094 44 7 A 33 HA 9.4 38 .75 43 B 13.6603 23 .09 4 40 kN G 20 kN Tension Figure 1.12(b) ∴ P-2\D:\N-fluid\ANA1-1.pm5 Σ MA = 0 RE × 6 + 10 × 3 × sin 60° – 40 × 1.5 – 30 × 4.5 – 20 × 9 = 0 RE = 58.170 kN ΣV = 0 VA = 40 + 30 + 20 – RE = 31.830 kN ΣH=0 HA = 10 kN 14 Solid and Fluid Mechanics Joint A: ΣV = 0 FAB sin 60° – 31.830 = 0 FAB = 36.754 kN (Comp) ΣH = 0 FAC – FAB cos 60° + 10 = 0 FAC = 8.377 kN (Tension) Joint B: ΣV = 0 FBC sin 60° + FAB sin 60° – 40 = 0 FBC = 9.434 kN (Comp) ΣH = 0 FBD + FBC cos 60° – FBA cos 60° = 0 FBD = 13.660 kN (Comp) Joint C: ΣV = 0 FCD sin 60° – FBC sin 60° = 0 FCD = FBC = 9.434 kN (Tension) ΣH = 0 FCE + FAC – FCD cos 60° – FBC cos 60° = 0 FCE = 2 × 9.434 × 1 – 8.377 = 1.057 kN (Comp) 2 Joint D: ΣV = 0 FDE sin 60° – FCD sin 60° – 30 = 0 FDE = 44.075 kN (Comp) IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS AND FORMULAE 1. A pinjointed frame which has got just sufficient number of members to resist the loads without undergoing appreciable deformation in shape, is called a perfect frame. 2. A frame is said to be deficient if the number of members in it, are less than that required for a perfect frame. Such frames cannot retain their shape when loaded. 3. A frame is said to be redundant if the number of members in it, are more than that required for a perfect frame. They are statically indeterminate. Equations: In a perfect frame, m = 2j – 3 where m = number of members j = number of joints. P-2\D:\N-fluid\ANA1-1.pm5 PROBLEMS FOR EXERCISE 1.1. to 1.17. Determine the forces in all the members of the frames shown in Fig. 1.13 to 1.29. Indicate the nature of the forces also (Tension as + ve and compression as – ve). 1.1. 20 kN 30 kN 6m 6m A C B 4m E F D 3m 6m Figure 1.13 (Prob. 1.1) [Ans. FAB = + 67.5 kN; FBC = + 15 kN; FCD = – 25 kN; FDE = – 30 kN; FEF = – 105 kN; FAE = + 62.5 kN; FBE = – 62.5 kN; FBD = + 25 kN] 1.2. A 20 kN B 4m C D G F 3m E 3m 3m 20 kN Figure 1.14 (Prob. 1.2) [Ans. FAB = + 82.074 kN; FBC = + 73.866 kN; FCD = 49.244 kN; FDE = – 45 kN; FEF = – 45 kN; FFG = – 67.5 kN; FBG = – 10.0 kN; FFC = + 24.622 kN; FCE = 0; FBF = 10 kN] 1.3. A C E 30° G F D 3m 100 kN 3m 3m Figure 1.15 (Prob. 1.3) [Ans. FAC = FCE = FEG = + 193.185 kN; FBD = FDE = FFG = – 193.185 kN; All others are zero members] P-2\D:\N-fluid\ANA1-1.pm5 Chapter 1 15 Stability and Equilibrium of Plane Frames 16 Solid and Fluid Mechanics 1.4. E 200 kN 2m C A 2m D B 4m 4m Figure 1.16 (Prob. 1.4) [Ans. FEC = + 447.214 kN; FCA = + 400 kN; FAB = – 447.214 kN; FBD = – 400 kN; FCD = 0; FCB = – 200 kN] 1.5. F D B 3m 90° 3m 3m 3m 3m 3m 3m E A C 10 kN 5 kN Figure 1.17 (Prob. 1.5) [Ans. FDB = FBA = + 5.773 kN; FBC = FDE = – 5.774 kN; FAC = – 2.887 kN; FCE = – 14.434 kN; FDC = + 17.320 kN; FDF = + 20.0 kN] 1.6. 160 kN 160 kN 30 kN B A 4m 20 kN D C 4m F E 3m Figure 1.18 (Prob. 1.6) [Ans. FAB = – 30 kN; FAC = – 160 kN; FBC = + 50 kN; FBD = – 200 kN; FCD = – 50 kN; FCE = – 120 kN; FDF = – 266.67 kN; FDE = + 83.33 kN] P-2\D:\N-fluid\ANA1-1.pm5 1.7. 100 kN 2m 200 kN 2m A C B 2m E D F 2m G H Figure 1.19 (Prob. 1.7) [Ans. FAB = – 200 kN; FAC = – 100 kN; FBC = FCF = 0; FBD = 141.42 kN; FBF = – 141.42 kN; FDE = – 100 kN; FDG = 0; FEF = + 100 kN; FEH = – 141.42 kN; FEG = + 141.42 kN; FGH = + 100 kN] A 1.8. B 2m 1 kN 2 kN C D E F G H 2m 2m 2m 2m Figure 1.20 (Prob. 1.8) [Ans. FBD = – 2.828 kN; FBA = + 3 kN; FAC = + 4.243 kN; FAD = – 3 kN; FDC = – 2 kN; FDF = – 5 kN; FCF = – 1.414 kN; FCE = + 6 kN; FFE = + 1 kN; FFH = – 4 kN; FEH = – 1.414 kN; FEG = + 5 kN; FGH = + 1 kN] 100 kN 1.9. A B 100 kN D 5m C F E 5m 5m 5m Figure 1.21 (Prob. 1.9) [Ans. FAC = – 223.6 kN; FAB = + 200 kN; FBD = + 200 kN; FBC = – 100 kN; FCD = + 111.8 kN; FCE = – 335.4 kN; FDE = + 35.0 kN; FDF = 424.3 kN; FEF = – 300 kN] P-2\D:\N-fluid\ANA1-1.pm5 Chapter 1 17 Stability and Equilibrium of Plane Frames 18 Solid and Fluid Mechanics D 1.10. B 2m F E A C 2m 10 kN G 5 kN H 2m 2m 2m 2m Figure 1.22 (Prob. 1.10) [Ans. FAB = + 7.07 kN; FAC = – 5 kN; FBC = – 5 kN; FBD = + 5 kN; FCD = + 21.2 kN; FCE = – 20 kN; FDE = – 15 kN; FDF = + 28.28 kN; FEH = – 15 kN; FEF = – 20 kN; FFG = + 42.43 kN; FFH = + 14.14 kN] 1.11. 40 kN 30 kN 45° B 45° D 2m A E C 2m 2m Figure 1.23 (Prob. 1.11) [Ans. FAB = – 15 kN; FAC = + 16.97 kN; F BD = – 38.89 kN; F BC = – 17.68 kN; FCE = 0; FCD = + 25 kN; FED = – 38.89 kN] 20 kN 1.12. D 2m 20 kN B E 60° 2m 30° 20 kN A C Figure 1.24 (Prob. 1.12) [Ans. FAB = – 17.32 kN; FAC = + 5 kN; FBC = – 20 kN; FBD = – 17.32 kN; FCD = + 20 kN; FCE = – 15 kN; FDE = – 30 kN] 20 kN 20 kN 10 kN 1.13. A D B 20 kN E 30° 30° C 3m 10 kN F 3m Figure 1.25 (Prob. 1.13) [Ans. FAB = 60 kN; FAC = + 51.96 kN; FBC = – 20 kN; FBD = – 40 kN; FCD = + 40 kN; symmetry] P-2\D:\N-fluid\ANA1-1.pm5 E 1.14. C 1m F 2m H A B D G 6 kN 6 kN 3 × 4 = 12 m 6 kN Figure 1.26 (Prob. 1.14) [Ans. FAC = – 16.22 kN; FAB = + 13.5 kN; FBC = + 6 kN; FBD = + 13.5 kN; FCD = – 1.80 kN; FCE = – 12.65 kN; FDE = 8 kN] 1.15. 30 kN B 15 kN D 3m C A 2m E F 2m 2m 30 kN Figure 1.27 (Prob. 1.15) [Ans. FAB = + 36.06 kN; FAC = – 20 kN; FCB = – 48.75 kN; FCE = – 20 kN; FCD = – 7.5 kN; FBE = + 22.53 kN; FDE = 18.75 kN; FDF = – 13.52 kN; FFE = – 7.5 kN] 1.16. C 40 kN B D 60° A 60° 60° 60° 60° E F 3m 3m 40 kN Figure 1.28 (Prob. 1.16) [Ans. FAB = 16.91 kN; FAF = + 31.55 kN; FBF = + 23.91 kN; FBD = – 23.91 kN; FBC = + 40 kN; FCD = – 40 kN; FDE = – 63.1 kN; FDF = + 23.91 kN; FEF = + 31.55 kN] P-2\D:\N-fluid\ANA1-1.pm5 Chapter 1 19 Stability and Equilibrium of Plane Frames 20 Solid and Fluid Mechanics 1.17. E 30 kN C 3m 1.5 m F 30° A B D 10 kN G 3m 2m 2m Figure 1.29 (Prob. 1.17) [Ans. FAC = – 67.48 kN; FAB = + 53.99 kN; FBC = + 10 kN; FCD = – 8.33 kN; FCE = – 59.15 kN; FEF = – 24.5 kN; FED = + 52.81 kN; FFD = + 47.21 kN; FFG = – 34.64 kN; FDG = + 47.32 kN] P-2\D:\N-fluid\ANA1-1.pm5