Will I have access to my email account at BYU after I retire?
You will not have BYU premium email access after retiring. However, you may keep your BYU email address as an alias. Remember to use Email Alias Manager MyBYU to forward your emails to a different account. You will need to contact your department prior to official retirement in order to keep your alias account. Otherwise, it will be deleted from the system. You retain your net ID and access to MyBYU indefinitely, but your privileges and access to applications within MyBYU will be different.
Can I still check out books from the BYU Library?
YES . But, there are some limitations. You have online access to BYU libraries where you can view library accounts, request books, and renew checked-out material. You can check out books with your net ID and password. However, faculty Delivery is not available.
Can I still search the BYU Library’s databases ?
NO. However, if you are continuing to do research for you department and they have granted you permission to do so, you may access them.
Retired faculty members may continue to have off-site (outside of the HBLL) access to electronic/digital resources for a twelve-month period. This transitional period allows a retiring faculty member time to finish research and publication activities.
A retired faculty member may request continued off-site access to these resources beyond the initial twelve-month period. A written request should be made through the department chair that documents ongoing connection to the university, such as a research project or teaching.
By making use of the continued tuition benefit, retired faculty can enroll in a course (including audit) and thereby gain remote access to most electronic/digital resources.
Will my BYU Bookstore discount still apply?
YES . Retirees may use their BYU ID cards for purchases post retirement. Retirees are still eligible for the
10% Bookstore discount with their BYU ID. You may use your Faculty BYU ID card or you may choose to have a new Affiliate BYU ID card made for free in the Signature Card Office.
Can I still use the BYU laundry after I retire?
YES . Anyone can use BYU laundry.
Can I still use gym facilities?
YES . Retirees may use BYU athletic facilities with a valid BYU ID.
Am I still eligible for discounts on theater, museum, and sporting events?
YES . If Retirees are official “Retired Status”, Retirees will continue to receive faculty discounts to football games, theatrical performances, the museum, etc. Season passes will also continue to be discounted.
Post-retirement, am I eligible to purchase computer software programs at the same discount as active employees?
NO . Regretfully, retirees are no longer eligible for computer software discounts.
Is there a special section of the Alumni Association for faculty?
YES . In 1979, the Emeriti Faculty/Administrative Personnel section of the Emeriti Alumni Association was formed. The group holds a variety of events, including lectures, tours and cultural events. The association also produces a quarterly newsletter, the EmeriTimes , available to all retired faculty.
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Is there a university acknowledgement of my retirement?
YES . The Faculty Center sponsors a special retirement dinner for you and your spouse (or a guest of your choice) with the university president. This is usually held in April of each year. All faculty who have officially notified the Benefit’s Office by March 15 of their plan to retire will receive an invitation.
After retirement, will I still have parking privileges at BYU?
YES . Retirees are eligible to maintain their parking privileges at BYU indefinitely. You do not have to do anything to maintain this privilege; the system automatically recognizes your vehicle. Simply make sure to update your license plate information, VIN and registration information in MyBYU if changes do occur.
Will I still be able to have a UTA bus pass?
NO . Regrettably, the contract BYU has with UTA only covers active affiliates of the university.
Will I still retain tuition benefits after retirement?
YES . Retirees (and spouses and children) retain the same tuition benefits as active faculty.
What about Conferences and Workshops – do I have benefits there?
SOMETIMES . If credit is offered for the course, you will retain the same benefits as you had preretirement. There is no discount on Campus Education Week. IT training classes are no longer available to retirees. For questions regarding specific classes or conferences, contact the Benefits Office at (801)-
Can I still purchase surplus items from BYU surplus sales?
YES. Anyone may purchase surplus items and attend surplus sales.
Will I still have access to my class rolls and grades?
YES. But, with limitations. You can access your class rolls and grades for sections you taught prior to retirement on AIM. Blackboard access for courses created prior to retirement is also available; however, course information is available only for one year following the semester they were last used.
Will I still have long distance telephone options after retirement?
YES . These options are still available to you through Veracity as an affiliate of the university. This includes access to Session Initiated Protocol (SIP) phones as well. Check with your department chair.
Can I keep my computer when I leave the university?
NO. Due to tax considerations, all capital equipment stays with the university when you leave.
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