***** These plans are designed to be a framework, or guide, to the projected homework for the week. It is NOT to take the place of students writing assignments into their own planners as daily plans may change from these. GRADE 6 Homework for the Week of January 14- 18 MONDAY READING Mr. Douglas LANGUAGE ARTS Mrs. Barbarini SCIENCE Mr. Hoenstine SOCIAL STUDIES Mrs. Waite MATH – Basal Mrs. Hoenstine MATH – Pre-Algebra Mrs. Hoenstine MATH- Basal Mrs. Stern B & I Tech 6 Mrs. Claar TUESDAY Read AR book for at least 20 minutes daily Pds. 1- 4 study new vocab Pds. 6 & 8 study new vocab; cut flashcards apart Students will present Chemical Reaction Demonstrations Finish flashcards; begin to study flashcards of geographic terms (test 1/24) Pd. 2 – RW 31 Pd. 6 & 8 RS and PS 4-4 Pd. 3 & 4 – PW 27 p. 39 #12-23 Career Power Point and Presentation READING Mr. Douglas Read AR book for at least 20 minutes daily LANGUAGE ARTS Mrs. Barbarini Pds. 1- 4 study new vocab; grammar page Pds. 6 & 8 study new vocab; grammar page Students will present Chemical Reaction Demonstrations SCIENCE Mr. Hoenstine SOCIAL STUDIES Mrs. Waite MATH - Basal Mrs. Hoenstine MATH – Pre-Algebra Mrs. Hoenstine MATH- Basal Mrs. Stern B & I Tech 6 Mrs. Claar WED. Name_________________ Finish Six Essential Elements project; study flashcards of geographic terms (test 1/24) Pd. 2 - p. 149 #3-13 Pd. 3 & 4 – p. 129; chapter test on Wed. Pd. 6 & 8 - p. 142 #3, 6, 9 Mid-chapter practice and review RW 2.2 Career Power Point and Presentation READING Mr. Douglas Read AR book for 20 minutes LANGUAGE ARTS Mrs. Barbarini Pds. 1- 4 study new vocab; grammar pages 199-200 Pds. 6 & 8 study new vocab; grammar pages 199-200 Students will present Chemical Reaction Demonstrations SCIENCE Mr. Hoenstine SOCIAL STUDIES Mrs. Waite MATH - Basal Mrs. Hoenstine MATH – Pre-Algebra Mrs. Hoenstine MATH – Basal Mrs. Stern B & I Tech 6 Mrs. Claar study flashcards of geographic terms (test 1/24) Pd. 2 - RW and PW 32 Pd. 6 & 8 - PW 30 RS and PS 4-5 Career Power Point and Presentation Pd. 3 & 4 – Chapter 5 Test THURS. READING Mr. Douglas Read AR book for 20 minutes LANGUAGE ARTS Mrs. Barbarini Pds. 1- 4 Pds. 6 & 8 Unit Test on Chapters 1 - 6 SCIENCE Mr. Hoenstine SOCIAL STUDIES Mrs. Waite MATH – Basal Mrs. Hoenstine MATH – Pre-Algebra Mrs. Hoenstine MATH – Basal Mrs. Stern B & I Tech 6 Mrs. Claar FRIDAY CYBER Assembly 7:45- 8:45 END of MP Activity in PM study flashcards of geographic terms (test 1/24) Pd. 2 – begin chapter 6 test Pd. 6 & 8 p. RS and PS 4-6 Career Power Point and Presentation READING Mr. Douglas Read AR book for 20 minutes LANGUAGE ARTS Mrs. Barbarini Pds. 1- 4 Vocabulary Test Pds. 6 & 8 Vocabulary Test SCIENCE Mr. Hoenstine SOCIAL STUDIES Mrs. Waite MATH – Basal Mrs. Hoenstine Pd. 3 & 4 – study flashcards of geographic terms (test 1/24); map skills test on 1/25 Pd. 2 Pd. 6 & 8 - Pd. 3 & 4 – MATH – Pre-Algebra Mrs. Hoenstine MATH – Basal Mrs. Stern B & I Tech 6 Mrs. Claar Tests/Quizzes this Week W- Math pds. 3-4 Chapter Test TH - SCI Unit Test on Chapters 1- 6 F- LA Vocabulary Test Upcoming Work 1/24 Geographic Terms test 1/25 Map Skills Test Parents – This is a weekly sheet provided for you to help monitor your child’s homework and to help him/her achieve success. This is only a projected outline for the week because sometimes plans change. It is available on my web page and the Middle School web page. Directions: Go to http://scsd.schoolwires.net/. Select a school - Spring Cove Middle School. Once there, click on Homework Journal on the left side of the page and choose grade 6. It is also available by clicking on “Teacher Pages”. Once there, click on Diane Heffelfinger. Scroll down on the left side and click on “Homework Journal”.