WSU Research and Technology Park te Blvd. Eastga ➔ Parking Key ➔ se alou To P To Research & Technology Park Vet.Science 27 Steptoe Emerald Downs Nevada St. Commons 2 Washington St. 3 Dilke St. 3 3 1 Kruegel 3 Parking Garage Clearances 2 Rogers Orton WSU Children’s Ctr. Basketball MP Courts 2 A D E Motorcycle Permits Required MP Moped Permits Required 1 F Yakama Village L Y S Z Raptor Rehabilitation Center 500 1000 NORTH lvd. op B Bish 200 North Fairway Rd. Airp ort Rd. Ellis Way Cro ss R d. Alumni Way ➔ Ai rp or t Ellis Way To Pu llm an -M osc ow 1 McCluskey Services Receiving and Delivery Vet. Maintenance Shops Creamery Annex Vet. Farm Shops General Storage Surplus Stores Plant Intro. Soil Storage Recycling Fac. Anthro. Storage Materials Storage WSU Arboretum Consolidated Storage 1 Eng. Storage Housing - Food Storage Compost Facility O C D B AA Chinook Village R O A E F L N M Chinook Fore st W ay P Chinook t. ar S Jam Q Animal Pens USDA Plant Intro. Station 270 N Creek Paradise 100 Lab Animal Facility P P Map current as of 7/30/10 To Pullman-Moscow Airport ➔ N k Chinoo J Chinook X W T M 0 MP Supply Storage Markley Motor Pool 1 Columbia 1 1 V K Feet Grimes Way 1 1 H J H H Cattle Feeding Lab 1 Steffen Ctr. G K © Office of University Publishing Grimes Way Steam Plant Vet. Horse Barn A B C G G Environmental Health Services Feed Plant 1 Dr. ve. ion ia A vat mp ser b Oly O Columbia Village E L C J Housing permits are required in University housing areas, and are NOT valid on campus. Parking and visitor information, 509-335-INFO (4636), is available from the WSU Visitor Center or from the Parking and Transportation building (C-8), phone 509-335-PARK (7275), D M U M Food Services Vet. Shelters K 2 B F Park & Ride Lot 1 1 4 Columbia 2 t. lousa C pa Ap ➔ Smith Center Martin Stadium 7' 6'8" 6'2" 7'6" 8'1" 6'4" 7'4" 7’10” 2 Rogers-Orton Playfield 2 2 South . St tah La Daggy Upper Level Lower Level 3rd Level Other Levels Upper Level Lower Level t. hS wa ne e B 0 27 Library 2 East Stephenson Complex 1 MP Hitchcock Equine Track 2 Olympia Ave. 2 St . Jewett Observatory 2 Forest Way Ri ve rv iew 2 Central Stores Veterinary Teaching Hospital McEachern Center 1 3 1 1 Bear Facility Central Stores MP North Bustad 1 1 McAllister Agronomy Seed House 4 Hort. Res.Grnhse. 1 Hall Rotunda MP KMac 14'9" 1 Cattle Feeding Lab Annex Cattle Feeding LabCommodity Storage . Rd on ils W USDA Bldgs. 1 1 1 Ent. Res. Cooper Publications Plant Sci. Grnhse. USDA Ag Res Srv 4 4 Neurological Science Ctr. Vet. Storage Olympia Avenue Student Housing MP Goldsworthy 4 Grounds Shop McCoy Wegner MP 4 Goat Barn USDA Plant Intro. Grnhse. 1 15'0" Gannon Waller Washington Health and Wellness Services 2 14'7" 1 Lewis Alumni Ctr. 1 IBC Plnt.Fac. 4 Animal Disease Biotech. Fac. 1 MP Neill 1 L.J. Smith 1 Meats Lab 4 Wilson Rd. IBC Grnhse. Rd . 2 MP 2 ay W 1 MP Lincoln Drive ➔ 2 ium ad St Forest Way MP 1 1 1 Smith Center Troy Shock Physics 14'7" Webster Phys. Sci. Stimson Grimes Way Playfield 1 Fine Arts 3 Beef Barn Animal Sciences Rd. Air po rt Library Rd. Fulmer Ensminger Pavilion 1 10'10" Cleveland Education Addition 2 3 Johnson Twr. 1 Lighty French Student Admin. Services 13'9" Hog Lane D St. Abelson Safety WilsonShort Todd Owen Sci & Eng Lib Idaho St. Columbia St. 3 Hawt h Creston Ln. Duncan Ln. Alfred Ln. Todd Addtn. Museum of Art Chinook Dr. Mo nro eS t. ➔ Ru by St. Op al S t. ➔ Gladstone St. Veterans Way Spokane St. 14'0" St. Ka mi ake n C St. B St. A St. 2 Alumni Arboretum MP . Wilson Rd Info. Tech. 1 . Rd iry Da Hill St. Eastlick y. Hw o, ah Id w, co os M Vehicles displaying valid WSU-issued disability permits may also park in all Green, Yellow, Red, and Blue areas. Every effort has been made to locate disability parking near building entrances. Bookstore Compton Union (CUB) 3 Fine Arts Disability Parking Terrell Library College To Emergency Phones Holland Library Murrow 2 2 3 St. South Gaines Rd. Lake St. t. Lake S Monroe St. 3 Pedestrian Mall Area Authorized vehicles only Vet. Mem. Math Heald Learning Annex Hulbert 1 Vogel Terrell Mall Dana Animal Lab 1 Bryan Way Ellis Plant Intro Station Clark 1 Johnson Van Doren 2 Engr. Teach. Res. Lab Engr. Lab Avery Stevens Daggy MP 1 Martin Stadium Bill Chipman Trail Vet. Rum. Barn 2 Animal Sci. 1 ➔ Visitor Permits are valid in any Green,Yellow, Red, or Blue parking zone. Kimbrough Music 2 South Fairway Intramural Playfield USDA Food Sci./ Ferdinand’s Human Food Nutr. Quality Athletic Ticket Office 4 1 1 1 Morrill City Playfields Visitor Permits Only Physical Ed. MP Carpenter 3 Enforcement times and rates are posted at each site. Lower Dr. Indiana St. 2 permit holders may park in any Gray 2 or Blue parking zone. Metered Parking Lybecker Rd. Gra nd A ve. Ma ple St. ➔ Lentil La ne Thompson School of Communication Addition College Ave. Gray 2 (Resident Priority Parking) Spring St. Myrtle St. Nye St. Wa y Sta diu m Ritchie St. Sate St. Gra nd Av e. ➔ Pine St. ➔ Kamiaken St. ➔ Elect/Mech Engr. Honors Teaching Greenhouses Ferdinand’s Lane Biotechnology Life Sciences Hollingbery Fieldhouse Bohler Athletic Complex Troy Lane College Avenue Steam Plant Ma in St. Public Pay Parking ➔ ➔ 2 2 To WSU Visitor Center (Downtown) Smith Gym MP McCroskey 2 Thermal MP 2 Fluids Lab Steptoe St. Enforcement times and rates are posted at each site. ➔ Sa te S t. ➔ Sloan y. ey W Rean . Tacoma St permit holders may park in any Gray 1 or Blue parking zone. Albrook Hyd. Lab 3 Holbrook St. Historical Arch . St McKenzie St. Gray 1 (Resident Priority Parking) President's Residence l nie Da 2 ek Crimson 3 permit holders maydispark e Crein Para their Crimson 3 lot, or any Blue parking zone. ➔ 2 ➔ Oa kS t. 1 Papermit holders may park in any Crimson 2, lou 2, or Blue parking zone. Gray se St. 2 Davis Wilmer Community 1 1 2 Rogers Field Gr ay Ln . Crimson 2 (Resident Priority Parking) 1 Alpha Omicron Pi 2 Delta Sigma Phi t. nS rto Mo Duncan Dunn Valley Crest Village 2 Indoor Practice Facility MP MP '8" hit may park in any Crimson 1, permit holders ma nS Gray 1, or Blue parking zone. t Mooberry Track 13 n ide Ma 1 2 USDA Endo. Disease e Cir. orn Audubon Way el Crimson 1 (Resident Priority Parking) W Maiden Ln. . Ln 2 nn ➔ ling Blue permit holders may park St. in any Blue parking zone. Pi Beta Phi Kappa Kappa Gamma 1 Vet. Feed Shelters 1 Bailey-Brayton Field 1 Tu Blue (Peripheral Parking) Sp au Sigma Kappa Chi Omega Tennis Courts 1 1 ➔ ➔ Alpha Delta Pi Delta Tau Delta Beta Theta Pi Alpha Gamma Rho Linden Ave. 1 Roundtop Dr. MP 13'11" Fla gL ane Colorado St. . Rd . t. gS rin Sp 1 Alpha Tau Omega Delta Gamma 2 1 Dodgen Res. Facility 1 Beasley Coliseum Regents r MP Hill rego 1 cG M MP Lower Soccer Field na atu Th in any Red 3 or Blue parking zone. sh St Oa kS t. Alpha Chi Omega Gamma Phi Beta ➔ Main St. Delta Delta Delta Pi Kappa Phi Ca mp Farmhouse us St. 1 Parking and Transportation Lambda Chi Alpha Delta Chi in any Red 2 or Blue parking zone. 3 Kappa Alpha Theta Sigma Phi Epsilon Res. Life & Housing Services Way Stadium Red 2 permit holders may park St. Theta Chi rth No d Dr. Orchar Vet. Large Anim. Barn . Rd ay rw Fai 1 1 Stearns Shaw St. Alpha Gamma Delta Tukey Hort. Perham Coman California St. Phi Kappa Tau Vet. Sawdust Storage Student Recreation Center d ar rn Ba Phi Delta Theta N L Gaines Rd. Scott Kappa Delta ➔ Co lor ad o r Dr. Uppe Streit Alpha Phi Sigma Chi Delta Upsilon M K Ln. way Fair 3 Theta Xi Red 3 permit holders may parkA J Clubhouse r. rD we Lo Stadium Way Heritage House Pi Kappa Alpha ➔ in any Red 1 or Blue parking zone. Phi Kappa Sigma R P Q McGee Wy. To P alo use , Hw y. 2 7 Kappa Sigma Phi Gamma Delta Phi Kappa Theta Nez Perce S E F G Round Top U T y. W ve Co ➔ ➔ Red 1 permit holders may park 2 High St. D E I Harv ey R d. Howard St. in any Yellow 4 zone, or in any Red or Blue parking zone. . Gra nd Av e. H J C D Park & Ride A Hillside Dr. Michigan St. Garfield St. Yellow 4 permit holders may park 1 Jordan Rd. F B C G r. ms D Willia . a Rd Alph in any Yellow 3 zone, or in any Red or Blue parking zone. WSU Visitor Center Ro cky Wa yD r. Kamiak Landis Pl. Maple St. Yellow 3 permit holders may park 1 W B Valley Road Intrmural Playfield . Wy iper Jun in any Yellow 1 zone, or in any Red or Blue parking zone. Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport A U Rd. ey Vall Illinois St. Yellow 1 permit holders may park Ter re Vie wD r. N L Wheatland Dr. Stad ium Way Turf Research T V M in any Green 2 zone or in any Yellow, Red, or Blue parking zone. 2 South St. J S X L Green 2 permit holders may park 1 Jackson St. Q M K Valley Rd. Green 1 permit holders may park in any Green 1 zone or in any Yellow, Red, or Blue parking zone. 1 Pioneer Wy. H R Park & Ride Terrace P H permit holders may park in their Orange 4 lot, or in any Green, Yellow, Red, or Blue parking zone. 4 27 F K Orange 4 (Martin Stadium) Cleveland St. Paradise St. G E D Chief Joseph permit holders may park in their Orange 3 lot, or in any Green, Yellow, Red, or Blue parking zone. 3 Ols en St. C Orange 3 (Smith Center Garage) Harrison St. Par kS t. F B A Sc ott Pl. permit holders may park in their Orange 2 lot, St. Yellow, Red, or Blue parking zone. orTimothy in any Green, 2 3 t. yS on th n A Orange 2 (Daggy Garage) 1 Windus St. Mis Gra sou nd A ri F ve. lat Cre ek permit holders may park in their Orange 1 lot, St. Green, Yellow, Red, or Blue parking zone. orJoe in any 4 Webb St. B C Orange 1 (Fine Arts Garage) 3 True St. Terre View Dr. A D E all Dr . 2 Me rm an Dr . De an eD Note: Permits are required on campus . St r. according to posted signs. Linda Ke This map and the parking locations are subject to change. nn yD r. the parking Before parking in any location, be sure to check signs to verify Janet that St. your permit isH valid for that location. 1 Terre View Dr. To Moscow, Idaho, Hwy. 270 ➔ USDA