Participant:___________________ Date Due:______________ Completed:__________ Coaches’ Signature: _____________________________________________________ Introductory CLM Unit: ‘Performance Task’ Checklist Each participant in the CLM Course of Study will be assigned a ‘certified’ CLM Coach. Primarily, we (i.e., CLM Coach) are expected to assist you and other instructors to be the ‘best instructors’ you can be. We are committed to assisting you in performing successfully and applying what you learn in the CLM Units. At any point in time, we will be responsive to your requests for assistance. We are determined to make this experience a very productive one for you and your learner. With your CLM Coach’s assistance, you will be expected to do the following for your ‘performance review checkout’ on the Introductory CLM Unit: a) Begin each CLM Unit in a timely manner, b) Answer all questions and fill out all required worksheets in your CLM Course of Study Binders, c) Contact your CLM ‘certified’ Coach to checkout on a CLM Unit, d) By being the best instructor you can be, apply what you learned with your chosen learner in your learning environments and, e) Request the next CLM Unit once you master a unit. Begin each CLM Unit in a timely manner note: most participants complete a unit about every other week while some do one a week Answer all questions and fill out all required worksheets in your CLM Course of Study binders Contact your CLM coach to checkout on a CLM Unit Apply what you learned with your chosen learner in your learning environments; be the best instructor you can be Request the next CLM Unit once you master a unit Task 0.07a ©2006 Tucci Learning Solutions, Inc. Participant: Date Due: Completed: Coaches’ Signature: Unit 1: ‘Performance Task’ Checklist The participant will assess his or her learner(s) across the five repertoires that were taught in this unit (i.e., Talker, Listener, Problem Solver, Participator (teacherdirected), and Participator (semi-directed). The coach will also assess the same learner(s) at about the same time (within a couple of weeks) to assure that the participant can use the CLRA Facts to assess the learner’s performance. Assess your learner across the 5 CLRA items and answer each question. You may find that it will be necessary to do one CLRA item at a time or you may become confused. Record what the learner did if s/he didn’t perform as specified in the CLRA facts. Contact your coach if you require further assistance. Submit your answers to your coach. 0.002 Talker (mand>echoic) Did your learner perform as specified in the CLRA fact? How do you know? 0.201 Problem Solver (mand) Did your learner perform as specified in the CLRA fact? How do you know? 0.501 Participator (teacher-directed) Did your learner perform as specified in the CLRA fact? How do you know? 0.503 Participator (semi-directed) Did your learner perform as specified in the CLRA fact? How do you know? 0.601 Listener (adhere to) Did your learner perform as specified in the CLRA fact? How do you know? Task 1.15ab ©2006-1989 Tucci Learning Solutions, Inc. Participant: Date Due: Completed: Coaches’ Signature: Unit 2: ‘Performance Task’ Checklist The participant will be expected to deliver a minimum of 4 formats according to the suggested general features of each format, unless alternative suggestions are made. Some of the formats may be similar to those the participant has already practiced with. The participant will deliver the formats as suggested to a “pretend” learner (e.g., another instructor or coach); Sessions may be videotaped. The coach will review the tapes or the results of the sessions with the participant, who is assisted in reaching criterion on all six points on the “Job Aide.” The participant is encouraged to use the ‘Job Aid: To Help Learn Format’ formats (i.e., Uses, Positions, Instructs, Prompts/Fades, Reinforces, Ends) or the ‘Worksheet- Questions to Help Learn Formats’ to assist in completing the task. The most important part of this checkout is that the participant indicates by his performance that he ‘knows’ the general features of each format. Ask your coach for 4 formats (combination of familiar and unfamiliar), Job Aid forms, and a worksheet with questions, if needed; formats may be delivered over the course of several days. Study each unfamiliar format for a few minutes [You may use a Job Aid or worksheet with questions to isolate general features of format: USEs, POSITIONs, INSTRUCTs, PROMPTs/FADEs, REINFORCEs, and ENDs] Setup the conditions to run each format (e.g., Gather materials); Run each format with a “pretend” learner; Discuss your performance on each point and request feedback from your coach for each format; and Request access to next unit once you have completed checkout on ALL 4 of the formats (combination of familiar and unfamiliar). Task 2.12ab Revised: 6/13/06 ©2006-1998 Tucci Learning Solutions, Inc. Participant: Date Due: Completed Coaches’ Signature: Unit 3: ‘Performance Task’ Checklist The participant will select learner behavior to monitor, preferably a competent learner repertoire. S/he will use action statements to define the learner’s and the teacher’s behavior. The participant will test the definition to make sure it is precise enough. Finally, s/he will collect data while watching a learner in his/her classroom or while viewing short video clips. The participant will do this in conjunction with his/her coach so s/he can practice collecting reliable data. The participant must achieve agreement of at least 80% to checkout of Unit 3. •Schedule the ‘performance review’ with your coach!!! •Perform the following steps with your coach: 1. Select a behavior that you need to monitor (preferably, a competent learner repertoire) 2. Define the target behavior (repertoire). Use action verbs in definition!! Note, you may use a CLRA fact/item as a basis of your definition 3. Test your definition by collecting data on the targeted behavior. If the definition is precise enough then proceed to collect data on the targeted behavior 4. Collect the data in a manner suggested by your coach (e.g., Record each time that the behavior occurs or record how long it takes for the behavior to occur) 5. Check for reliability with your coaches’ assistance. Task 3.03h ©2006-1998 Tucci Learning Solutions, Inc. Participant: Date Due: Completed: Coaches’ Signature: Unit 4: ‘Performance Task’ Checklist At this point, you have learned a lot about establishing, weakening, and strengthening repertoires. You are now ready to complete a “Performance Task.” You will be asked to study six scenarios. These scenarios illustrate teachers and learners working on repertoires that you are familiar with. In your binder, you will be provided with detailed A-BCs for each scenario. You will fill in the blanks for each diagrammed scenario. You will then be expected to predict the “likely” effect on the learner’s repertoire given what the teacher is or is NOT doing or saying. Next, you’ll use the diagrams of the A-B-C relations to help answer these questions: 1. What repertoire is being established, strengthened, or weakened? 2. What schedule of reinforcement is the teacher using? Does it seem sufficient to maintain consistent performance? 3. What is the likely effect on the learner's repertoire? Remember, in each scenario you will be able to make some predictions - what is the likely effect on the learner's repertoire? Perform the following steps for all 6 scenarios: Finish diagramming each scenario as an A-B-C relation(s). (get a copy of scenarios and A-B-C forms from your packet of materials) Now, answer each of the questions above per scenario. (record your answers for each question below each of the scenarios) Contact your coach if you require assistance or want to check any of your answers before you proceed to the next scenario. Submit your answer forms to your coach to be checked out. Task 4.07a-g Revised: 5/26/06 ©2006-1998 Tucci Learning Solutions, Inc. Participant: Date Due: Completed: Coaches’ Signature: Unit 5: ‘Performance Task’ Checklist The participant will monitor the participation of one or more learners while either watching video segments or episodes in his/her classroom. S/he will use the predesigned data sheet provided for this purpose. The data sheet must contain a description of what the teacher says/does, the learners’ behavior, & the consequences. The participant will record the data in the scheduled time period and the designated cell. The participant will collect the data in conjunction with the coach and check for agreement. If you are ready for a performance review schedule one with your coach. You will demonstrate mastery by watching a similar video segment or an episode in your classroom and monitoring the participation of one or several learners. Use the data sheet provided for this purpose. The data sheet must contain a description of what the Teacher says/does, the Learner’s Behaviors and the Consequences You may ask your coach for assistance to fill out this information. In order for you and your coach to collect reliable data one of you must cue the other one as to when to start observing, and when to stop, to record the data. Participate in the performance review. You may watch video episodes or conduct observations in your room and take data! Record the data in the scheduled time period(s). (locate a copy of the data collection form for an individual learner, “Monitoring Participation per Learner”) (Or, locate a copy of a data collection form for more than one learner, “Monitoring Participation/grouping”) Run the video clips or observe in your classroom and collect the data. Check for agreement with your coach! Task 5.09a ©2006-1998 Tucci Learning Solutions, Inc. Participant: Date Due: Completed: Coaches’ Signature: Unit 6: ‘Performance Task’ Checklist The participant will determine the value of stimuli for the learner who was selected as his/her case study. The participant will describe episodes that illustrate the ‘likely’ value of the stimuli. The participant will do this by diagramming episodes (i.e., Isolating the ABCs). Once the participant has isolated the ABCs then s/he will answer the following questions: a) What stimuli appear to be potentially reinforcing for the learner? and b) What stimuli appear to be potentially aversive for the learner? The coach will investigate the participant’s findings regarding the ‘likely’ value of the stimuli. The participant must also answer the following question, “What can you do to continue to find out whether stimuli are potentially reinforcing or aversive?” Schedule a Performance Review with your Coach! Between now and the time of your review complete the following actions: Begin to determine the value of stimuli for the learner you selected for your case study (Use Reinforcer Survey). Diagram the episode(s) to isolate the ABC's that demonstrate the effects of the stimuli that have value. After you have isolated the A-B-C's, answer the following questions: 1. What stimuli appear to be potentially reinforcing for the learner? 2. What stimuli appear to be potentially aversive for the learner? 3. How can you go about investigating your findings to answer the first two questions? Ask your coach to observe a situation(s) that will support your determinations about the value of stimuli for your learner. Task 6.08 ©2006-1998 Tucci Learning Solutions, Inc. Participant: Date Due: Completed Coaches’ Signature: Unit 7: ‘Performance Task’ Checklist The participant will document what s/he plans on doing to have adequate reinforcing stimuli to affect change in their learner's behavior. The participant must use the processes of ‘pairing’ and/or ‘correlating’ stimuli to develop adequate stimuli to affect change. The participant will be expected to: (record summary info below to help you plan what you will do) 1. Determine if you have adequate reinforcing stimuli to affect change in your learner’s behavior. Explain how you know. 2. Record what you would do to have adequate reinforcing stimuli by: • Changing the value of stimuli that have already been conditioned as aversive stimuli; • Continuing to look for other stimuli that have similar features to reinforcing stimuli; • Conditioning neutral stimuli to have value as potential reinforcers: Review ALL the previous guidelines the teachers and the instructor used to assist in changing the value of stimuli or to condition neutral stimuli as potentially reinforcing stimuli. You may copy any directions from the previous guidelines if they are pertinent. (refer to handouts 7.05g2, 7.06d2, 7.07b in your binder or click the answersheet button on the CDROM to view 7.11c) On a blank worksheet (‘Guidelines: Conditioning Stimuli to Have Value’), write out the directions you would follow when you condition stimuli to have value as potential reinforcers. (get a blank copy from your binder, Task 7.11e) Schedule a session with your coach if you need assistance in completing this assignment. When completed submit this written assignment to your coach! Task 7.11e1 ©2006-1998 Tucci Learning Solutions, Inc. Participant: Date Due: Completed Coaches’ Signature: Unit 8: ‘Performance Task’ Checklist The participant must be able to use a ‘placement test’ to determine the entry lesson for his learner in the CLM curricula (i.e., CLM Lessons 1, 4, 8, 12, 17, or 21) or placement in an alternative validated curriculum (e.g., SRA’s Language for Learning Lessons 1, 11, 21, 31, or 41), track and monitor the learners’ progress in these lessons, and determine when to progress to a new lesson. The coach will verify that placement in the curriculum is appropriate for the learner. The coach will monitor the ‘correctness’ of placement over at least a four-week period of time to assure for the learner’s success. Schedule a Performance Review with your Coach Administer a Placement Test (i.e., CLM or alternative curriculum placement test) to find the entry lesson for your learner Track your learner’s progress in the curriculum using the ‘CLM Tracking Sheet, Lessons 1-16’ or another curricula’s tracking sheet. Note: Instructor(s) highlight and date the box for each CLM format mastered Monitor your learner’s progress using the ‘Monitoring Delivery of Lessons, Bi-Weekly’ form or alternative curricula’s form. Checks days of week the format(s) was delivered (e.g., Checked Monday, Wednesday and Thursday for both weeks) Locates and reads the tasks and criteria for ea format per lesson (i.e., current and long-term) Records and dates observations/comments Records mark(s) (e.g., X) if learner performs across people, places, and/or items at end of 2-week period Determine when to move to the next lesson in the curricula (i.e., CLM or alternative curricula) Task 8.10 ©2006-1999 Tucci Learning Solutions, Inc. Participant: Date Due: Completed: Coaches’ Signature: Unit 9B: ‘Performance Task’ Checklist Participants will learn to deliver formats for naive learners who have placed in at least CLM Lesson 12. Learners should be able to repeat [echo] a single word or answer a yes/no question. You will be exposed to six principles for designing formats. You are NOT expected to design formats, but become somewhat familiar with the design principles to help you understand why the formats are designed as they are. At the end of Unit 9B, you will complete a ‘performance task review’ that will be similar to Unit 2. You'll be expected to evaluate your performance at delivering formats for learners who are verbal (vocal/sign). As in Unit 2, you will be expected to deliver the ‘best practices’ associated with the general features (e.g., USE of materials, POSITION, and INSTUCT) of the formats while adhering to the suggested design of the formats. As such, you will be expected to be responsive to your learner’s current level of performance. Subsequently, you will determine if you need to rearrange any of the general features in order for the learner to be successful. The participant will be expected to setup and deliver the formats with his/her learner, as suggested, yet be responsive to his/her learner’s performance. The participant must videotape the session(s). The participant is encouraged to run sessions (videotaping each time) until s/he is satisfied with his/her performance. Don’t worry, the participant is NOT expected to be error-free in his/her delivery of the formats. However, the participant is expected to evaluate his/her performance accurately, using the ’Instructional Session Performance Checklist.’ Arrange for video equipment for taping and reviewing your performance Choose and study the formats to teach a NEW concept or verbal association that will establish or strengthen one of your learner’s repertoires [i.e., Isolate the six general features of the format] Set up the T-d instructional condition to run the formats Videotape the session(s) as you run the formats with your L Task 9.07a ©2006-B2001 Tucci Learning Solutions, Inc. Participant: Date Due: Completed: Coaches’ Signature: Evaluate your performance using the Instructional Session Performance Checklist [Note: remember to record comments when you notice that you need to do something differently the next time you run the format] If you are satisfied with your performance, schedule a performance review with your Coach View the videotape with your coach and comment on your evaluation of your performance at delivering the formats Task 9.07a ©2006-B2001 Tucci Learning Solutions, Inc. Participant: Date Due: Completed: Coaches’ Signature: Unit 10: ‘Performance Task’ Checklist The participant will be expected to determine the ‘likely’ cause of a learner’s behavior by completing the steps listed below. The participant must be able to answer the question: ‘What is the source of the reinforcement that’s maintaining the behavior?’ The coach must be able to verify the ‘correctness’ of the answer in order for the participant to complete the requirements for this unit. The coach will do this by reviewing the attached data collection sheets and worksheets for each of the steps listed below, conduct some direct and deliberate observations to ‘test’ for accuracy, and interview significant others that have observed episodes. At any point in time the participant may ask the coach for assistance. Schedule a ‘Performance Review Checkout’ with your coach. S/He will assist you in completing the steps, if necessary. (get a copy from your packet of materials, T10.12a1) Setup to observe the behavior overtime (get a copy from your packet of materials, T10.12a2) [Note: You may use the data collection sheet provided for collecting data on the participator repertoire or another one that’s appropriate for the repertoire(s) you want to study. Make sure that your definition of the repertoire(s) is defined well enough to get reliable data. You may only have to fill in the blank spaces for the data sheet provided to collect reliable data, but be sure & check for reliability.] Identify ABCs to produce factual information (get a copy from your packet of materials, T10.12a3) Isolate the ‘typical’ pattern(s) of responding (get a copy from your packet of materials, T10.12b1) [Note: Use the questions on the worksheets, “Worksheet: When learner is participating” and “Worksheet: When learner is NOT participating,” to assist you in completing this step] (click the second and third handout/worksheet buttons to see a copy of the worksheets or get copies from your materials, Tasks 10.12b2 & 10.12b3) Determine the cause of the behavior by answering the following question: “What is the source of the reinforcement that is maintaining the behavior?” Task 10.12a1 ©2006-1999 Tucci Learning Solutions, Inc. Participant: Date Due: Completed: Coaches’ Signature: Unit 11: ‘Performance Task’ Checklist The participant is expected to formulate programming by answering two of the four questions: 1) What repertoires will be developed or weakened? and 2) Are there adequate stimuli to affect change? As you are delivering the programming, you will collect data on at least four repertoires. Your CLM Coach will assist you in selecting the ‘type of data’ to collect per repertoire. Within one week of delivering the programming, you will be expected to begin to ‘conduct a progress review’ of your learner’s performance across each of the repertoires. At that time you will begin to make the following instructional decisions: continue it (lesson or step) as is, revise it, discontinue it, or move to the next lesson or step, if criteria are met. The coach must be able to verify the ‘reliability’ of progress review data and the validity of the instructional decisions in order for the participant to complete the requirements for this unit. Your coach will use Unit 9’s ‘Instructional Session Performance Checklist’ to determine if formats are delivered correctly. At any point in time the participant may ask the coach for assistance. Schedule a ‘Performance Task’ checkout with your CLM Coach. S/He will assist you in completing the steps, if necessary. Formulate programming for your L by answering two of the four questions: 1. What repertoires will be developed or weakened? 2. Are there adequate stimuli to affect change? Note: All the forms that you will need to complete the Unit 11 ‘checkout’ are contained in a ‘Learner Folder’ (blue or red for school sites or green for home sites). Also, your CLM Coach can assist you to use the electronic versions of each form. These forms are located on the CLM Masters CD. List the repertoires that are to be developed and weakened on a ‘Learner Profile’ form. (get a blank copy from your Learner Binder) Collect data on at least four repertoires using ‘Learner Progress Data’ sheets. Be sure and ask your CLM Coach for assistance. (get blank copies from your Learner Binder or use an Electronic version of the forms). Within one week, begin to conduct a ‘progress review’ of your learner’s performance across each of the repertoires. Begin to make the following instructional decisions: continue programming (lesson/step) as is, revise it, discontinue it, or move to the next lesson or step, if criteria are met. (refer to ‘Making Instructional Decisions: Flowchart’ or get a copy from your binder, Task 11.07a4) Task 11.08a ©2006-2002 Tucci Learning Solutions, Inc. Participant: Date Due: Completed: Coaches’ Signature: Unit 12: ‘Performance Task’ Checklist For your ‘performance review checkout’ on Unit 12, with your CLM Coach’s assistance, you will continue to formulate programming for your learner by answering the third of the four formulation questions: What contingencies will be delivered given the type of programming required to develop and or weaken the repertoires.? You goal is to: Deliver the supplementary contingencies as prescribed. In Unit 12, you will be expected to: 1) Study the existing contingencies to decide what you may need to do or say to develop/weaken repertoires based on ‘best practice’ guidelines (contingencies) with the assistance of your CLM Coach; 2) Determine the type(s) of programming required to develop repertoires; 3) Describe the basic behavioral operations for each contingency; 4) Select the most appropriate contingencies to develop your learners’ missing repertoires; and 5) Adhere to the ‘guidelines’ of the contingencies unless you observe that the learner’s current performance warrants otherwise. Schedule a ‘Performance Review’ checkout with your coach once you are able to answer the third formulation question for your learner, “What contingencies are required given the type of programming to develop/weaken your learner’s repertoires.” Review ALL the previous contingencies (existing contingencies) the teachers and the IA might have arranged to assist in developing or weakening repertoires. That is, study existing contingencies to decide what you may need to do or say to develop repertoires based on ‘best practice’ guidelines (contingencies) with the assistance of your CLM Coach. Your BCBA or other qualified behaviorist must review all behavior plans before they are implemented and must be involved in monitoring the learner’s progress. Determine the type(s) of programming required to develop repertoires. Task 12.12a ©2006 Tucci Learning Solutions, Inc. Participant: Date Due: Completed: Coaches’ Signature: Select the most appropriate contingency(ies) to develop the targeted repertoire(s). Remember to study the basic behavioral operations (e.g., Consequential or Stimulus Control) to help you determine the most appropriate contingency. Schedule a session with your coach if you need assistance in completing this assignment. On each selected contingency worksheet (e.g., Premack or Shaping), that you plan to arrange, write out the additional directions the instructors would follow when delivering the contingencies. If you need to re-arrange the contingency, record the changes in the blank spaces on each worksheet. Deliver a couple of contingencies, in front of your CLM Coach, and adhere to the guidelines of the contingencies. Remember, it will take practice to deliver the contingencies as prescribed. Schedule a session with your BCBA or other qualified behaviorist if you need to weaken repertoires. They MUST review and approve all behavior plans (i.e., Contingencies). Task 12.12a ©2006 Tucci Learning Solutions, Inc.