First Firstsymposium symposiumwithin withinthe theCOST COSTE32 E32Action: Action: Paper/Ink Paper/Ink Properties Properties and and their their Relation Relation to to Offset Printability Offset Printability October October6-7, 6-7,2005, 2005,Madrid Madrid The effect of formation on paper properties with respect to different aggregation mechanisms Elena Bobu and Florin Ciolacu Technical University of Iasi, Romania Vera Rutar Pulp and Paper Institute of Ljubliana, Slovenia SUMMARY OF PRESENTATION Research Research background background Research Research approach, approach, experimental experimental Effectiveness Effectiveness of of different different aggregation aggregation mechanisms in controlling mechanisms in controlling the the retention retention and and drainage drainage rate rate Effect Effect of of the the aggregation aggregation mechanism mechanism on on the formation quality and related proprieties the formation quality and related proprieties of of printing printing paper paper Conclusions Conclusions 1 PRINTING PAPERS - EMERGING PRESSURES Good Good quality qualityat at competitive competitivecost costis isparamount paramountin in performance of papermaking system. performance of papermaking system. Higher Higherbrightness brightnessand andopacity opacity→ highfiller fillerlevels levels →high Market Marketchange changefrom fromtight tightsupply supplyto tooversupply oversupply-more morefocus focuson onquality qualityand andvalue valueand andless lesson ontonnage tonnage Advances Advances in in printing printing techniques techniques--new new requirements requirements for runnability and printability for runnability and printabilitycharacteristics. characteristics. characteristics. Increased Increasedspeed speedof ofpaper papermachine machine-- more moredemand demand for for wet wet endprocess processcontrol control wetend THE IMPORTANCE OF FORMATION Formation Formationis isthe thespatial spatialdistribution distributionof ofmass masswithin within the sheet and manifests itself as variations of the sheet and manifests itself as variations ofthe the local localbasis basisweight: weight: The Thebasis basisweight weightvariations variationsarise ariseout outof ofthe theformation formationof of fiber fiberflocs flocscreated createdbefore before and andduring duringsheet sheetformation. formation. The Theformation formationquality qualityof ofpaper papersignificantly significantlyinfluence influence the theend enduse useproperties propertiesbecause becauseitit affects affectsalmost almostall all physical physicalproperties propertiesof ofpaper paper (Source: (Source:Dodson, Dodson,C.T.J., C.T.J.,and andSchaffinit, Schaffinit,C., C.,1992. 1992.Flocculation Flocculationand and Orientation Effects on Paper-Formation, Tappi Journal, Orientation Effects on Paper-Formation, Tappi Journal,75, 75,1: 1:167-171.) 167-171.) 2 FORMATION AFFECTS PAPER PROPERTIES One Oneway wayto to optimize optimizethe theproperties properties of ofpaper paperis isto to improve improvethe theformation formationbecause: because: The Thepaper paper strength strengthdecreases decreaseswith withformation formation decreasing decreasing The Theprintability printabilityof ofpaper papersupports supportssignificant significantchanges changesas as aafunction of formation due to its effect on: function of formation due to its effect on: •• surface surfacetopography topography •• porosity porosityand andpore porestructure structure •• compressibility /conformability compressibility /conformability •• stiffness stiffnessand andbulk bulk Optical Opticalproperties propertiesare arenegatively negativelyaffected affected by bydecreasing decreasing formation quality formation quality (Source: Kajanto, I.”Effect of Formation on Print Unevenness.” Proceedings of the TAPPI International Paper Physics Conference , Kona, HI, September 1991, 281-290.) KEY PARAMETERS OF SHEET FORMATION Highretention retentionwith withaauniform uniform distribution distributionof ofthe thestock stock High components during sheet formation, and a high drainage components during sheet formation, and a high drainage rate are key elements in process performance rate are key elements in process performance Drainage Drainage Formationquality quality Formation is caused by local is caused by local variations of the variations of the basisweight weight basis Formation Formation Retention Retention Aggregation Aggregation (Flocculation) (Flocculation) Local Localvariations variationsof of the basis the basisweight weight occur occurbecause becauseof of fiber flocs fiber flocsformation formation Source: Source:N.Jopson N.JopsonAchieving Achievingproduct productquality, quality,PPI PPIAugust August2004, 2004,p.22-24 p.22p.22-24 3 ROLE OF RETENTION CHEMICALS Retention Retentionchemicals chemicalsare areaakey keycomponent componentto tomost most papermaking systems: papermaking systems: Throughthe thephenomena phenomenaof ofadsorption adsorptionand andelectrostatic electrostatic Through interactions, retention chemicals are able to develop interactions, retention chemicals are able to develop differentaggregation aggregationmechanisms mechanismsby bywhich whichfillers, fillers,fines, fines, different andother otherfunctional functionaladditives additivesare areretained retainedin inthe thesheet. sheet. and Conventionalwisdom wisdomis isthat thatthe therelationship relationshipbetween between Conventional retention / drainage and sheet formation is a tradeoff: retention / drainage and sheet formation is a tradeoff: Increasingretention retentionproduces produces aadecrease decreasein information formation ••Increasing qualityand andlow lowretention retentionresults resultsin inbetter betterformation; formation; quality Frequentlywhen whenthe thedrainage drainageis isimproved improvedthe the •• Frequently retention falls and poor formation is obtained. retention falls and poor formation is obtained. AGGREGATION AGGREGATION IN IN PAPERMAKING PAPERMAKING Aggregation Aggregationdefinition: definition:destabilization destabilizationof ofthe thestock stock components by forming “aggregates” (flocs), components by forming “aggregates” (flocs),which which cannot cannotpass passthrough throughthe theforming formingwire. wire. .. The The “flocs” “flocs” could could be be different different in in terms terms of of :: ■■ Characteristics: Characteristics: size, size,density, density,shear shearstrength strengthand and reversibility reversibilityafter afteraadispersion dispersionstage. stage. ■■ Type Typeof ofparticles particlesinvolved: involved: •• fiber fiberflocculation flocculation •• fines finesand/or and/orfiller fillerflocculation flocculation •• adhesion adhesionof offines finesand andfiller fillerto tofibers fibers(heteroflocculation) (heteroflocculation) 4 AGGREGATION STATE Variousfactors factorsinfluence influencethe theinteraction interactionmechanisms mechanisms Various betweenstock stockcomponents, components,and andfinely finelydetermine determinethe the between aggregation or stabilization of the colloidal system. aggregation or stabilization of the colloidal system. Factors Factors that that affect affect the the aggregation aggregation mechanism: mechanism: ■■ ■■ Surface Surfacecharacteristics characteristicsof ofparticles particles → →electrical electricalcharge charge Size Sizedistribution distributionof ofparticles particles → →fines finesand andCDM CDM ■■ Polymers Polymers characteristics characteristics → → MW, MW,charge, charge,structure structure ■■ Electrolyte Electrolyteconcentration concentrationand andpH, pH,conductivity conductivity ■■ Hydrodynamic Hydrodynamic conditions conditions→ →intensity intensityand and duration duration AGGREGATION AGGREGATION -- RELEVANCE RELEVANCE TO TO PAPERMAKING PAPERMAKING The Thewet wetend endprocesses processesand andpaper paperproperties propertiesare areintimately intimately related to the aggregation state of the furnish components. related to the aggregation state of the furnish components. Paper sructure Retention Specific Filtration Resistance Aggregation mechanism Fiber CDM Additives Fines Hydrodynamics Dewatering Formation Papermakers Papermakershave haveto tocontrol control the aggregation state the aggregation state during during furnish furnishpreparation preparationand andsheet sheet formation. formation. 5 AGGREGATION MECHANISMS The Thewet wetend end aggregation aggregationmechanisms mechanismsare aregenerally generally referred as retention mechanisms, and could referred as retention mechanisms, and couldbe bedivided: divided: ■■ Coagulation: Coagulation: Less relevant for printing paper stock ““The Thedestabilization destabilizationof ofaacolloidal colloidalsystem systemwith withsalts saltsor orlow lowmolecular molecular weight, weight,high highcharge chargedensity densitypolyelectrolytes” polyelectrolytes” ••Coagulation Coagulation by bycharge chargeneutralization neutralization ••Coagulation Coagulationby bypatch patchmodel model ■■ Flocculation: Flocculation: Very important for printing paper stock “The “Thedestabilization destabilizationof ofaacolloidal colloidalsuspension suspensionby bybonding bondingthe the particles together with a long chain polymer” particles together with a long chain polymer” •• Flocculation Flocculationby bybridging bridgingpolymers polymers •• Complex Complexflocculation flocculationwith with multi-component multi-componentsystems systems RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN FLOCCULATION MECHANISM AND PAPER PROPERTIES Study Study objectives: objectives: To To develop develop different different aggregation aggregation mechanisms mechanisms and and evaluate evaluate their their effectiveness effectiveness in in controlling controlling the retention and drainage processes. the retention and drainage processes. To To evaluate evaluate the the effect effect of of the the different different aggregation aggregation mechanisms mechanisms on on the the printing printing paper paper properties. properties. 6 EXPERIMENTAL EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH APPROACH Selecting Selecting chemicals chemicals for for different differentaggregation aggregation mechanisms: mechanisms: ••Bridge Bridgeflocculation flocculation by bypolyacrylamides polyacrylamides(PAM) (PAM) ••Microparticle flocculation with two components: Microparticle flocculation with two components: PAM PAM++Bentonite Bentonite(B); (B); PAM PAM++Micropolymer Micropolymer(MP) (MP) ••Microparticle flocculation with three components: Microparticle flocculation with three components: PAM PAM++BB++MP MP Evaluation Evaluationof ofthe thefirst firstpass passretention retention(FPR) (FPR)and andfree free drainage at constant dosages of chemicals, drainage at constant dosages of chemicals,established established for for maximum maximum effectiveness effectiveness Preparing Preparinghandsheets handsheetswith withoptimum optimumdosages dosagesof of chemicals for retention and drainage chemicals for retention and drainage Evaluating Evaluatingformation formationquality qualityand andrelated relatedpaper paperproperties. properties. MATERIALS MATERIALS Paper Paper stock stock basic basic components: components: ■■ Fibrous Fibrousfurnish furnish was wasone onetypical typicalfor forfine fineprinting printingpaper: paper: hardwood hardwood(BHWP) (BHWP)and andsoftwood softwood(BSWP) (BSWP)bleached bleachedkraft kraft pulps at a ratio BHWP/BSWP of 80/20 by dry weight, pulps at a ratio BHWP/BSWP of 80/20 by dry weight, 0 separately separatelybeaten beaten in in aa Valley Valleybeater beater to to 30 300SR. SR. ■■ Filler Fillermaterial: material:natural naturalcalcium calciumcarbonate carbonate(Hydrocarb (HydrocarbHO, HO,Omya) Omya ■■ Sizing Sizingagent: agent:AKD AKDemulsion emulsion(Aquapel-210D, (Aquapel-210D, Hercules) Hercules) ■■ C Cationic ationicstarch starch((CS CS))––substitution substitutionindex indexof of0.003 0.003 7 MATERIALS MATERIALS Retention Retention additives additives -- CIBA CIBA Specialty Specialty Chemicals Chemicals ■■ Bridge Bridge flocculation flocculation polymers: polymers: Polyacrylamides Polyacrylamides with withdifferent different molecular molecularweight weight and and cationic charge density: Percol 292; Percol 3040 cationic charge density: Percol 292; Percol 3040 ■■ Microflocculation Microflocculation -- nanoparticles: nanoparticles: Bentonite Bentonite --anionic anionicinorganic inorganiccomponent component--Hydrocol HydrocolOT OT Micropolymer Micropolymer -- anionic anionic organic organic component component --Polyflex PolyflexCP3 CP3 MATERIALS Bridge flocculation The Theaggregates aggregates are areforming formingby by bonding the particles together bonding the particles together with withaa long longchain chainpolymer. polymer. Chemicalsof ofPercol Percolseries series--copolymer copolymerof of acrylamide acrylamide Chemicals andacryloxyethyltrimethyl acryloxyethyltrimethyl-ammonium -ammoniumchloride chloride:: and Percol 292::medium mediummolecular molecularweight weight(MMW) (MMW) Percol 292 cationic density1.455 meq/g cationic density- 1.455 meq/g highmolecular molecularweight weight(HMW) (HMW) Percol 3040 :high Percol 3040 : cationic density1.0 meq/g) cationic density- 1.0 meq/g) 8 MATERIALS Microparticle flocculation Bridgeflocculation flocculationby bycationic cationicPAM PAM ••Bridge Flocsdispersion dispersionby byintense intenseshear shear •• Flocs • Microflocculation by anionic microparticle • Microflocculation by anionic microparticle Microparticle: Microparticle: Hydrocol HydrocolOT OT--Bentonite Bentonite(B) (B) Sodium Sodiumform formof ofmontmorillonite montmorilloniteclay clay -- anionic in slurry anionic in slurryform form Nanoparticle: Nanoparticle: Polyflex PolyflexCP.4 CP.4--micropolymer micropolymer(MP) (MP) Polyacrylamide, Polyacrylamide,water watersoluble, soluble, anionically charged anionically chargedmicronetwork micronetwork structure structure. . LABORATORY Wet Wet end end processes: processes: TESTS Firstpass passretention retention(FPR) (FPR)--on onDDJ DDJapparatus apparatus ●●First Thecalculation calculationof ofthe theFPR FPR (total/ (total/CaCO CaCO33))was wasbased based The onthe theconcentration concentrationof ofwhite whitewater water on Drainagetime time(DT) (DT) --on onShöpper Shöpper ●● Drainage Rieglerapparatus apparatus Riegler Thedrainage drainagetime timemeans means time timeto tocollect collect700 700 mL mLww ww The Chargedensity density(CD) (CD)of ofthe the ●● Charge additivesand andcationic cationic additives charge demand (CCD) of the furnish were determined charge demand (CCD) of the furnish were determined by colloidal colloidal titration titrationwith withstandard standardpolymers polymers by 9 LABORATORY TESTS Paper Paper properties: properties: Formation ––Optical OpticalScanner ScannerMeasurement Measurement ●●Formation Calciumcarbonate carbonatecontent content(TAPPI (TAPPI––T413) T413) ●●Calcium Opticalproperties properties -- Elrepho Elrepho 2000 2000 (Opacity (Opacity --ISO ISO2471) 2471) ●●Optical Airresistance resistance––Gurley Gurley(ISO5636-5) (ISO5636-5) ●●Air Micro-macroporosity porosity(Microcontour (Microcontourtest-IGT test-IGTW W26) 26) ●●Micro-macro Inkstability stabilitytest test ((lab labprinting printingpress press––Prufbau, Prufbau,optical opticaldensity density–– ●●Ink spectrophotometerEyeOne) EyeOne) spectrophotometer Tensilestrength strength((ISO1924-1, ISO1924-1,1992) 1992) ●●Tensile PROCEEDING WORK Byproceeding proceeding experiments, experiments,the theeffectiveness effectivenessof of By polyacrylamides with withdifferent different molecular molecularweight weight and and polyacrylamides cationic density was evaluated for their performance in cationic density was evaluated for their performance in improvingretention retentionand anddrainage. drainage. improving Theexperimental experimentalprogram programwas wasperformed performedwith withvariable variable The dosagesof ofadditives additivesconsidering: considering: dosages ►Fourpolyacrylamides polyacrylamideswith withdifferent differentmolecular molecularweight weight ►Four Percol63;;Percol Percol 3335;;Percol Percol3040 andcationic cationicdensity: density:Percol Percol292;;Percol and 292 63 3335 3040 ►Four Fouradditive additivesystems: systems: ► Flocculationwith withsingle singlecomponent component(PAM) (PAM) Flocculation Micro-flocculation with two components (PAM/B) Micro-flocculation with two components (PAM/B) Micro-flocculation with two components (PAM MP) Micro-flocculation with two components (PAM //MP) Micro-flocculation with three components (PAM MP) Micro-flocculation with three components (PAM //BB//MP) 10 CONCLUSIONS ON PAMs PERFORMANCE The best best performance performance for for retention retentionand anddrainage drainagewas was The recorded for two polyacrylamides with different properties: recorded for two polyacrylamides with different properties: Percol-292and andPercol-3040 Percol-3040.. Percol-292 Retention system Filler Retention, % PAM dosages, % PAM PAM/MP PAM/B 66.5 PAM/B/MP 66 P3040 52 P292 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.07 P3040 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.10 59 72 64 77 76 The highest levels of filler retention P292 Retention system The best drainage capacity PAM Drainage time (s) P292 16 P3040 22 PAM dosages, % P292 0.08 P3040 0.08 PAM/MP PAM/B 16 7 10 16 15 0.08 0.08 24 0.08 PAM/B/MP 0.08 0.08 0.08 EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM Tasks: ► Evaluation Evaluationretention/drainage retention/drainageperformance performanceof ofthe theP-292 P-292 ► andP-3040 P-3040at atoptimum optimumdosages dosagesin indifferent differentcombinations combinations and ► Preparing Preparinghandsheets handsheetsand andmeasuring measuringpaper paperproperties properties ► Paper stock: basic composition BHWKP / BSWKP 80 / 20 CaCO3 - 30% A0 Without retention additives A1-3 PAM - 0.07: P292; P3040; MP A4-5 PAM / MP- 0.07 / 0.07 : P292; P3040 A6-7 PAM / B - 0.07 / 0.7: P292; P3040 AKD - 8 kg/t A8-9 CS - 10 kg/t PAM / B / MP- 0.07/0.35/0.035: P292; P3040 11 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Developing different different flocculation flocculation mechanisms mechanisms with with Developing optimum dosages dosages of of chemicals chemicals and and evaluation: evaluation: optimum ►Total ►Total and and Filler FillerFirst First Pass Pass Retention Retention (FPR) (FPR) ► ► Drainage Drainage rate rate of of paper paper stock stock ► ► Formation Formation quality quality and and printing printing properties properties of of paper paper sheets sheets RETENTION and DRAINAGE TIME 35 100 35 90 30 90 30 80 25 80 25 70 20 70 20 60 15 60 15 50 10 50 10 40 5 30 0 w/o add. P292 P3040 MP FPR-total 62 82 72 80 FPR-CaCO3 33 66 53 62 28.7 15.4 21.3 27.8 Drainage time FPR (%) 100 40 30 5 P3040 w/o add. P292 + B +B P292 + P3040 + MP MP FPR-total 62 84 89 82 FPR-CaCO3 33 69 77 66 61 28.7 6.4 13.6 17.1 23.3 Drainage time Drainage time (s) Micro-flocculation Two components Drainage time (s) FPR (%) Flocculation Single component 0 77 As Assingle singlecomponent componentthe thePercol-292 Percol-292(medium (mediummolecular molecularweight weightand and high cationic density) give the highest retention and drainage high cationic density) give the highest retention and drainagerate. rate. Two Twocomponent componentsystem systemusing usingbentonite bentoniteas asmicroparticle microparticledevelops developsthe the highest retention with P-3040 and the best drainage with P-292. highest retention with P-3040 and the best drainage with P-292. 12 RETENTION and DRAINAGE TIME Micro-flocculation Three components 35 100 35 90 30 90 30 80 25 80 25 70 20 70 20 60 15 60 15 50 10 50 10 40 5 40 5 30 0 w/o add. P292 + B P3040 +B P292 + P3040 + MP MP FPR (%) 30 0 w/o add. P292 + MP/B P3040 +MP/B FPR-total 62 84 89 82 77 FPR-total 62 83 FPR-CaCO3 33 69 77 66 61 FPR-CaCO3 33 68 72 28.7 6.4 13.6 17.1 23.3 28.7 9.3 15.3 Drainage time Drainage time Drainage time (s) 100 Drainage time (s) FPR (%) Micro-flocculation Two components 83 In Inthree threecomponent componentsystem, system,the thelevels levelsof ofretention retentionand and drainage drainage are areaalittle littlelower lowerthan thanin intwo twocomponent componentsystem, system, but butthere thereis isaaless lesssensibility sensibilityto tothe thetype typeof ofpolyacrylamide. polyacrylamide. FILLER FILLER RETENTION RETENTION VS. VS. DRAINAGE DRAINAGE TIME TIME •• Excepting Exceptingthe themicropolymer micropolymer(MP) (MP)as assingle singlecomponent, component,all alladditive additive systems systemsimprove improvethe therelationship relationshipbetween betweenretention retentionand anddrainage drainage The effectiveness of the P-292 is less dependent of the additive The effectiveness of the P-292 is less dependent of the additivesystem system.. In Inaathree threecomponent componentsystem, system,the themicropolymer micropolymerallows allowsaabetter bettercontrol control of drainage rate of drainage rate 100 w/o add. 90 P292 80 FPR-CaO3 (%) •• •• P292 P3040 MP 70 P292 + B 60 P3040 + B 50 P292 + MP 40 P3040 + MP 30 P292 + B/MP w/o add. 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 P3040 + B/MP 35 40 Drainage time (s) 13 FORMATION EVALUATION Since, the retention additives cause flocculation of fibers, fines and filler particles, they further tend to impair paper formation. Consequently, evaluating the impact of retention additive systems on the formation quality is an important step in optimizing printing paper manufacture. Method for formation evaluation: Scanner - MicroTek ScanMaker 5900 Transmission light Resolution - 300 dpi Measured surface - 400 x 400 pixel Processing – Image J. Result – CV FORMATION FORMATION vs. vs. ADDITIVE ADDITIVE SYSTEM SYSTEM 19 Percol : MMW Percol292 292: MMW CD CD=1.45 =1.45meq/g meq/g 18 Formation 17 Produces Producesbetter betterinteraction interaction with withanionic anionicfines finesthat thatare are flocculated flocculatedon onthe thefiber, fiber,dedecreasing creasingprobability probabilityof offiber fiber flocculation. flocculation. 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 o w/ d. 92 040 ad P2 P3 M P 92 P2 + M P P P P B M M M + B/ 0 + 0 B/ 04 0 + 4 2 3 0 9 P 04 P3 P2 P3 92 P2 + B + Percol HMW Percol3040 3040: : HMW CD CD==1.0 1.0meq/g meq/g By Byits itslong longchains chainsand andlow low cationic cationicdensity densityfavors favorsfiber fiber flocculation. flocculation. •• Excepting Exceptingthe thesample samplewithout withoutretention retentionadditives, additives,the thebest bestformation formationwas was obtained ,,but its obtainedusing usingaapolyacrylamide polyacrylamidewith withMMW MMWand andhigher higherCD CD--PP292 but its 292 combinations combinationswith withmicroparticle microparticlegive givepoorer poorerformation. formation. ••Polyacrylamide as single flocculation chemical impairs Polyacrylamideof ofHMW HMW--PP3040 3040 as single flocculation chemical impairs formation quality, and significant formation quality, and significantimprovements improvementsof offormation formationare areobtained obtained when it is applied in combinations with microparticle components. when it is applied in combinations with microparticle components. 14 OPACITY OPACITY vs. vs. FILLER FILLER CONTENT CONTENT 86 w/o add. P292 85 Opacity, % P3040 84 MP P292 + MP 83 P292 + B Percol : MMW Percol292 292: MMW CD CD=1.45 =1.45meq/g meq/g Percol HMW Percol3040 3040: : HMW CD CD==1.0 1.0meq/g meq/g P292 + B/MP 82 P3040 + MP 81 P3040 + B P3040 + B/MP 80 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Filler content, % Micropolymer Micropolymer(MP): (MP): anionic anioniccharge, charge, micromicro-network network structure structure ■ When they are applied as single component, all polyacrylamides provide a consistent increase in filler content (about 5 units, % ), but only a slight improvement in opacity (~ 1 unit, %) ■ The microflocculation systems give an increase in filler content of 5 -8 units, and higher levels of opacity ( 2-5 units, %) as a function of the polyacrylamide and/or microparticle type. OPACITY OPACITY vs. vs. FORMATION FORMATION ■ There are no direct correlations between paper opacity and formation quality because of differences in filler content and aggregation mechanism. ■ At about the same formation, the opacity is higher for microflocculation systems, especially combinations with Percol 292 → P292 + B/MP 86 w/o add. P292 85 Opacity, % P3040 84 MP P292 + MP 83 P292 + B P292 + B/MP 82 P3040 + MP 81 P3040 + B P3040 + B/MP 80 10 12 14 16 Formation 18 20 CaCO3, % 10.8 15.8 15.5 15.1 15.2 16.5 16.9 15.2 17.2 17.8 PP292 single 292 single produces produces filler fillerparticle particle aggregation aggregation and and reduces reduces scattering scattering surface, surface,but but no nofiber fiber flocculation. flocculation. P3040 favors fiber flocculation and less filler aggregation 15 OPACITY OPACITY // FILLER FILLER CONTENT CONTENT vs. vs. FORMATION FORMATION 20 86 w/o add. P292 18 P292 P3040 P3040 16 MP MP P292 + MP P292 + MP P292 + B P292 + B P292 12 + B/MP P292 + B/MP P3040 + MP P3040 + MP 10 + B P3040 P3040 + B Filler content (%) Opacity, % 85 w/o add. 84 83 82 81 14 P3040 + B/MP P3040 + B/MP 80 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 10 Formation 12 14 16 18 20 Formation ■ The two polyacrylamides applied as single component give about the same filler content, very different formation quality and close values of opacity ■ The microflocculation systems, especially as a three components, give lower variation in the filler content and formation quality but large difference in opacity → at the same formation and lower filler content, the P292 produces higher opacity comparatively with P3040 TENSILE STRENGTH vs. ADDITIVE SYSTEM ■ Tensile strength decreases when formation becomes more no uniform, as it is the case of the P3040 (HMW –PAM) as single component. 5000 20 4500 18 4000 16 3500 14 3000 12 2500 10 2000 w /o Formation / Filler (%) Breaking length, m ■ By using a proper additive system, the negative effect of higher filler content on tensile strength is balanced by a better formation. 8 ad d. P2 92 P3 0 40 Form ation P P M P 0 + B B/ M +B /M MP + 4 92 2 + B 2 0+ + 0 2 4 9 0 3 0 P 9 P P2 04 P3 P2 P3 MP Filler content,% Breaking length, m 16 STRENGTH STRENGTH vs. vs. FILLER FILLER CONTENT CONTENT // FORMATION FORMATION 5000 5000 Breaking length (m) Breaking length (m) 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 w/o add. w/o add. P292 4500 P292 P3040 P3040 4000 MP MP P292 + MP P292 + MP 3500 P292 + B P292 + B P292 + B/MP P292 3000 + B/MP P3040 + MP P3040 + MP P3040 + B 2500 + B P3040 P3040 + B/MP P3040 + B/MP 2000 2000 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 8 Formation 10 12 14 16 18 20 Filler content (%) ■ The single component flocculation systems show a normal correlation of the tensile strength with formation, but not with filler content. ■ In the case of micro-flocculation systems there are different relationships as a function of the polyacrylamide and microparticle types : generally, P292 and micropolymer give higher strength at the same filler content. AIR RESISTANCE vs. ADDITIVE SYSTEM The air resistance can be an indirect indicator of internal / surface structure of paper, being influenced by additive system and filler content. At a relative low variation in filler content, the flocculation mechanisms give structures with different air resistance: 16 14 12 3 10 8 2 6 4 1 Filler content (%) 18 4 2 M P2 92 P + M P P2 92 P2 + 92 B + B/ P3 M P 04 0 + P3 MP 04 P3 0 + 04 B 0 + B/ M P 0 P2 92 P3 04 0 0 ad d. In all combinations, the micropolymer- MP determines an increase and bentonite-B a decrease of the air resistance. Air resistance (s,Gurley) P3040 produces fiber flocculation and a more permeable structure. 20 5 w/ o P292 induces fines flocculation leading to a structure with high air resistance: Air resistance Filler content 17 AIR RESISTANCE VS. FORMATION • There is a trend of air resistance increase with formation improvement (from sample P3040 to P292 and w/o add.) • However, the microparticle systems gives very different values of the air resistance for a relative narrow range of formation quality 5 Air resistance (s, Gurley) w/o add. P292 4 P3040 MP 3 The two types of micro particles can be applied in different manners in order to control air resistance: P292 + MP P292 + B 2 P292 + B/MP • Bentonite for lowering P3040 + MP 1 P3040 + B P3040 + B/MP 0 10 12 14 16 18 20 • Micropolymer for increasing Formation MICRO – MACRO PORES IGT W 26: Test ink – blue micro contour 3811 Micro pores – interior pores Macro pores – exterior (surface pores) Example of calculation: Micro pores - y = ΔR1450 ΔR 450 = Rpaper1 - Rprint1 ΔR450 = 82.09 – 46.20 y = 35.9 100 90 80 R (%) 70 60 50 Macro pores - x 40 30 20 10 0 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 720 740 nm paper MCprint x = ΔR450 – ΔR600 ΔR600 = Rpaper1 - Rprint1 ΔR600 = 84.96 – 4.51= 80.45 x = 35.9 18 MACRO / MICRO PORES 50.0 20 46.0 18 46.0 18 42.0 16 42.0 16 38.0 14 34.0 12 38.0 14 34.0 12 Relative value (%) 20 Formation Relative value (%) 50.0 30.0 30.0 10 o w/ d. ad 92 P2 Macro pores 0 04 P3 M Micro pores o w/ P Formation Microflocculation Two- and three-components Flocculation PAM –single component 10 d. ad 92 P2 Formation + M P 92 P2 + B 92 P2 Macro pores + M B/ P 0 04 P3 + M P B + 0 B + 04 0 P3 04 3 P Micro pores P /M Formation ■ There are not direct correlations between formation and values of pore components, these depending mainly of the PAM type and additive system ■ The relative value of the macro-pores is higher for all additive systems comparatively with sample without additives. P3040 leads to more uniform ratio between micro and macro pores comparatively with P292. MACRO / MICRO PORES RATIO Macro pores (relative value) 50 w/o add. P292 46 All additive systems produce a change of the ratio between relative values of the macroand micro-pores by increasing the surface component P3040 MP 42 P292+MP P292+B 38 P292+B/MP P3040+MP 34 P3040+B P3040+B/MP 30 30 34 38 42 46 50 Micro pores (relative value) 1.5 w/o add. P292 At very different formation qualities (from 12 to 18), the ratio between micro- and macro-pores varies in a relative narrow range (from 0.7 to 1.0) Micro / Macro Pores 1.3 P3040 MP 1.1 P292+MP P292+B 0.9 P292+B/MP P3040+MP 0.7 P3040+B P3040+B/MP 0.5 10 12 14 16 18 20 Formation 19 INK STABILIZATION MEASUREMENT The measurement gives information on the ink drying speed. The principle of the measurements is the optical density determination of the printed areas after different time intervals • The optical density as a function of drying time for a sample is compared with that for a optimal curve. INK S T AB IL IZAT IO N 2 1.8 1.6 • The shape of the optimal curve is determined in practise. 1.2 1 0.8 • Sample preparation → Dürner-Prüfbau device 0.6 0.4 • Drying speed evaluation → 0.2 Spectrophotometer EyeOne (Macbeth) 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 tim e (s ) INK INK STABILIZATION STABILIZATION vs. vs. ADDITIVE ADDITIVE SYSTEM SYSTEM 1.4 Standard w/o add. P 292 P 3040 MP 1.2 Optical density Optical density (Drs) 1.4 1 0.8 Single component additive system 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 Time (s) Comparing the optimal curve (standard) of ink stabilization with those of paper obtained with different types of PAM, one can observe: • A higher initial penetration rate, but a lower drying rate • However, ink stabilization of samples with PAM is better than sample without additives, and MP gives the best drying rate 20 INK INK STABILIZATION STABILIZATION vs. vs. PORE PORE STRUCTURE STRUCTURE 1.4 Standard w/o add. P 292 P 3040 MP Optical density 1.2 1 0.8 • The drying rate improvement by flocculation additives seems to be correlated with increase of macro-pores level. 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 60 120 180 240 300 • There are no correlations between ink stabilization and formation quality Relative value (%) Time (s) 50.0 20 46.0 18 42.0 16 38.0 14 34.0 12 30.0 Formation 0 10 w /o ad d. 9 P2 2 Mac ro pores P 4 30 0 M Mic ro pores P Form ation INK INK STABILIZATION STABILIZATION vs. vs. ADDITIVE ADDITIVE SYSTEM SYSTEM P292 1.4 P3040 1.4 Standard 1.2 P 292 + MP 1 P 292 + B/MP 0.8 P 3040 P 3040 + MP 1 P 292 + B Optical density Optical density Standard 1.2 P 292 0.6 P 3040 + B 0.8 P 3040 + B/MP 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 60 120 180 Time (s) 240 300 0 60 120 180 240 300 Time (s) ■ Ink stabilization is consistently improved for microparticle additive systems, excepting combination P3040 + B ■ The P292 appears to have a better balancing effect in interaction with both microparticle types (Bentonite and Micropolymer) → drying curves are well fitting on the optimal curve 21 CONCLUSIONS Different Different aggregation aggregation mechanisms mechanisms were were developed developed considering: considering: ►Polyacrylamides ►Polyacrylamideswith withdifferent differentmolecular molecularweight weight and Percol-3040 andcationic cationicdensity: density:Percol-292; Percol-292; Percol-3040 ► ►Four Fouradditive additivesystems: systems: Flocculation Flocculationwith withsingle singlecomponent component (PAM) (PAM) Micro-flocculation Micro-flocculationwith withtwo twocomponents components(PAM/B) (PAM/B) Micro-flocculation Micro-flocculationwith withtwo twocomponents components (PAM (PAM // MP) MP) Micro-flocculation Micro-flocculationwith withthree three components components (PAM (PAM // BB//MP) MP) CONCLUSIONS Influence Influence of of polyacrylamide polyacrylamide type: type: Flocculation Flocculationwith withaasingle singlecomponent: component: ►The ►The polyacrylamide polyacrylamidewith withmedium mediummolecular molecularweight weight and and ) is the most effectively high highcationic cationicdensity density(Percol (Percol292 292) is the most effectively for for retention/drainage, retention/drainage,and andalso alsogives givesaagood goodformation. formation. ►The ►The polyacrylamide polyacrylamidewith withhigh highmolecular molecularweight weight and and low low cationic ) produces slight increase of cationicdensity density(Percol (Percol3040 ) produces slight increase of 3040 retention/drainage, retention/drainage,but butimpairs impairsstrongly strongly formation formation quality. quality. ► ► The Themicropolymer micropolymer (Polyflex (PolyflexCP4) CP4) alone aloneis isnot noteffective effectivein in controlling wet end processes and sheet formation controlling wet end processes and sheet formation 22 CONCLUSIONS Influence Influence of of additive additive system system Microflocculation Microflocculationwith withbentonite bentoniteand and//or ormicropolymer: micropolymer: ► ► Effectiveness Effectivenessof ofall all PAMs PAMsis isimproved improvedin incombination combination with withmicroparticle microparticleby bybalancing balancingwet wetend endprocesses processesand and paper properties paper properties ►The ►Thecombinations combinationswith withbentonite bentoniteare arevery veryeffectively effectivelyfor for drainage in both systems and the retention drainage in both systems and the retentionsupports supportsalso also aaconsistent consistentincrease, increase,but butformation formationquality qualityis islower lower comparatively comparativelywith withmicropolymer micropolymersystems. systems. ►The ►Thecombinations combinationswith withmicropolymer micropolymer show show an anincrease increase of air permeability without damage the formation of air permeability without damage the formation quality, quality, and andtensile tensilestrength strengthis isalso alsoimproved. improved. CONCLUSIONS The The flocculation flocculation mechanism mechanism influences influences most most part of the printing paper properties: part of the printing paper properties: ►Generally, ►Generally, the theretention retentionadditives additivesproduce produceaadecrease decreaseof of formation quality, but choosing an adequate flocculation formation quality, but choosing an adequate flocculation mechanism mechanismallow allowus usto toget getthe theoptimum optimumcompromise compromise between formation, retention and drainage. between formation, retention and drainage. ►Some ►Someproperties properties--air airpermeability permeabilityand andtensile tensilestrength strength–– are arewell wellcorrelated correlatedwith withflocculation flocculationformation formationquality quality ►Other ►Otherproperties propertieslike likeopacity opacityand andink inkstabilization stabilizationare are influenced influencedby byflocculation flocculationmechanism mechanismas asresult resultof of differences differencesin information formationquality qualityand andlevel levelof offiller fillerretention. retention. 23 OVERALL CONCLUSION The The results resultspresented presentedhere hereshow show that thatititis is possible possible to toobtain obtainmore more benefits benefits from from microparticle microparticleretention retention systems systemsby byoptimum optimum combination combinationof ofbentonite bentoniteand andmicropolymer micropolymer with withan anadequate adequate cationic cationicpolyacrylamide polyacrylamide:: Balancing Balancing the the wet wet end end processes processes Better Better control control of of paper paper properties properties Product Product innovation innovation and and development development AKNOLEDGEMENT The The authors authors wish wish to to thank thank Oskar Oskar Vogel Vogel and and Konstantin Konstantin Ivanov Ivanov from from Ciba Ciba Specialty Specialty Chemicals Chemicals for for their their support support in in developing developing these these studies. studies. 24