Brown County Work Instructions Document # PCard Reviewer

Brown County Work Instructions
Document #
PCard Reviewer / Cardholder
Transaction Processing (Single Cardholder / Reviewer)
Original Author Cheryl Corbeille
Updated Author Karrie Revolinski
Brown County’s Purchasing Card (P-Card) provider is JP Morgan Chase Bank. Chase Bank utilizes
the Smartdata credit card system to track cardholder activity. All cardholders are able to review
their credit card transactions on-line in the Smartdata system. The data contained in Smartdata
will be uploaded monthly to record the credit card activity in Logos. In order to upload the data
to Logos, all transactions are required to be reviewed by the cardholder and approved by the
cardholder’s supervisor. As part of the cardholders review, each transaction will be assigned a
general ledger account number and a description of the transaction.
Accounts Refers to Cardholders
Account Number This is the General Ledger Number assigned to the transaction which will
later appear in LOGOS after the upload
SDOL Is the web based Smart Data Online Website
Reviewer Is the function that the cardholders perform by assigning G/L accounts
and a specific concise description for each purchasing card transaction
Approver is the function that cardholders perform by approving that the
reviewers/cardholders correctly assigned G/L accounts and a
specific/concise short description for each procurement card transaction.
Approvers will also verify that the purchase was in compliance with
Brown County’s Procurement Card Policy
Outlay is defined as no assets or fixed asset account numbers can be purchased
using the P-Card. Please reference the “Addition of Fixed Assets Form”
found on the Intranet at the link below:
Click ‘here’ to be redirected to the Administrative Forms page for
‘Additions of Fixed Assets Form’
Non-Outlay is defined as a purchase for non-outlay items between $1,000 and $5,000
can be purchased with the P-Card.
1) Log Into SDOL – JP Morgan
2) Review Transaction Function Navigation
3) Process Transactions
A Possible Error Message Upon Saving
4) Detailed Description of Transaction Icons
5) Print Statement / attach receipts
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Brown County Work Instructions
Document #
PCard Reviewer / Cardholder
Transaction Processing (Single Cardholder / Reviewer)
1) Log into SDOL – JP Morgan Chase
1. Go to website:
2. Enter in User ID (Case Sensitive) (fig 1.2)
3. Enter in Password (Case Sensitive) (fig 1.3)
4. Click Sign In (Case Sensitive) (fig 1.4), as shown below
5. Answer challenge Question, this question / answers were set up at the time of training. There
are 3 different questions /answers for this screen, based on the selection you have picked. (fig
6. Click Continue (fig 1.6), as shown below:
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Brown County Work Instructions
Document #
PCard Reviewer / Cardholder
Transaction Processing (Single Cardholder / Reviewer)
2) Review Transaction Function Navigation
1. Click on Total Transactions (fig 2.1), as shown below:
Fig 2.1
2. Click on the drop down arrow in the first section of the ‘Search Criteria’ box to select the correct
billing cycle dates (fig 2.2)
3. Click Search (fig 2.3), as shown below:
Fig 2.2
Fig 2.3
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Brown County Work Instructions
Document #
PCard Reviewer / Cardholder
Transaction Processing (Single Cardholder / Reviewer)
3) Processing Transactions
1. Click on the Account Detail Icon (fig 3.1), as shown below:
Fig 3.1
2. Enter a specific and concise description (fig 3.2) of the transaction. This description will be
available in Logos for review after the data has been uploaded.
a) For any grant expenditures, input your expense description as follows:
“GR-abbreviation of grant name-description of items purchased”.
(GR = grant request) Please keep in mind that only 60 characters entered are able to be
uploaded into LOGOS software.
3. Add Account Number (G/L Number for your department), by clicking on the drop down arrow
and selecting the correct Account Number (fig 3.3) Please contact the Purchasing Division if the
correct general ledger account number is not available.
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Brown County Work Instructions
Document #
PCard Reviewer / Cardholder
Transaction Processing (Single Cardholder / Reviewer)
4. Check the radio box under “reviewed”. Checking this box indicates that the transaction is
reviewed by the cardholder and available for the supervisor to review.(fig 3.4)
5. Click Save (fig 3.5),This final save completes your entries, which locks down the transaction
where you will be unable to make additional changes.
a) A ‘Copy to All on Page’ is also available if you want to copy your G/L Account Number to
all of your other P-Card transactions, as shown below
Fig 3.4
Fig 3.2
Fig 3.3
Fig 3.5
6. You will be brought back to the below screen
7. Repeat this step 3.1 thru 3.6 until all transactions have been reviewed / processed
8. When all transactions have been processed, notify your Approver
9. Got to ‘5) Print Statement / attach receipts’ within this document
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Brown County Work Instructions
Document #
PCard Reviewer / Cardholder
Transaction Processing (Single Cardholder / Reviewer)
Note: After selecting “SAVE”, the transaction will not be available to make further changes. This is
designated by the lock icon
(If required, your APPROVING supervisor and/or purchasing card ADMINISTRATOR(S) are able to
make any required changes to a locked transaction. See “Credit Card Transaction Approval
Procedures” for additional information.)
A. Possible Error Messages upon Saving
The G/L account number and expense description is a required field before you SAVE, so if you
missed one of those entries, you may receive an error message.
This message may include the following:
Expense Description Required as shown below
Account Number Required as shown below:
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Document #
PCard Reviewer / Cardholder
Transaction Processing (Single Cardholder / Reviewer)
Brown County Work Instructions
4) Detailed Description of Transaction Icons
Detail Icon
Split Icon
Account Detail Icon
Reviewed and Approved
Posting Date
Transaction Date
Provides the Financial, Tax, Merchant, Audit and Additional
Information for the selected transaction.
Allows the transaction to be split between multiple G/L accounts by
a specific dollar or percentage amount (If split transactions are
required, please see ‘Procedure 4: P-Card Splitting Transaction
Processing using SDOL for Cardholders & Approvers’ for more
Allows the transaction details to be expanded to allow for editing.
The ‘Expand All’ selection at the top of the transaction screen will
expand all transactions at one time.
These fields indicate whether the transaction, including accounting
codes, have been reviewed by the cardholder and approved by the
The date the transaction was applied to the account balance.
The date the transaction occurred.
Merchant name and location. Click the merchant name to view
merchant information.
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Brown County Work Instructions
Transaction Amount
Tax Amount
Dollar amount of the transaction.
The Tax and Alternate Tax will illustrate tax included on the
Select icon to view additional information for the transaction.
Designates that the transaction was for lodging
Additional Information
Lodging Icon
Line Icon
Add Receipt Icon
Document #
PCard Reviewer / Cardholder
Transaction Processing (Single Cardholder / Reviewer)
Designates that additional details exist for the procurement card
transaction. Select this icon to view the additional details.
Enables an electronic document such as a receipt to be attached to
the transaction. This function is not being utilized at this time.
5) Print Statement / attach receipts
All Statements are receipts must be sent to Accounts Payable / Attention: Karen Theys, due by
the 9th business day following the end date of the billing cycle (26th).
The statement could be the JP Morgan Chase mailed copy or the printed report from JP Morgan
Chase SDOL.
For more information on Running Reports in SDOL go to Brown County Purchasing Intranet and
refer to ‘Reporting’, The report would have been set up at the time of training and the cycle for
the reoccurring report will last 12 months from the time of set up.
The End…
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