Michigan Wines Newsletter

September 2007
Michigan Wine & Spirits Competition 2007
Twenty-four wine experts gathered August 7 in East Lansing for the 30th
annual Michigan Wine and Spirits Competition. Judges included wine experts
from around the country, including Doug Frost, who is both a Master of Wine
and Master Sommelier. Other judges included well-known California
winemaker Scott Harvey; two Master Sommeliers; and internationally known
authors, winemakers and wine educators.
Thirty-six wineries entered a record total 365 wines. Six Best of Class
winners were selected from among the gold and double gold winners:
• Best of Class Dry Red:
Longview Winery – 2005 Cabernet Franc Reserve
• Best of Class Dry White:
Left Foot Charley – 2006 Pinot Blanc “Island View Vineyard”
• Best of Class Sparkling: Tabor Hill Winery – Grand Mark Brut
• Best of Class Semi-Dry White: Gill’s Pier Winery – 2006 Riesling
• Best of Class Semi-Dry/Sweet Red:
Leelanau Wine Cellars – Great Lakes Red
• Best of Class Dessert Wine:
Chateau Grand Traverse – 2005 Riesling Ice Wine
A complete list of medal-winning wines is available online at
www.michiganwines.com. Winning wineries may order Best of Class and Gold
Medal stickers to affix to wine bottles by contacting Karel Bush. The competition is sponsored by the Michigan Grape and Wine Industry Council.
Get the News You Need
to Stay Informed
Enology Extension
A monthly e-newsletter is published by the Council to those in the
wine and wine grape industry who
wish to receive it. It is a supplement
to this semi-annual industry newsletter and frequently contains dates of
upcoming events and other announcements that are time-sensitive. If you
are not receiving the e-news and
would like to, please contact Karel
Bush at bushk9@michigan.gov. You
may unsubscribe easily at any time.
Michigan State University is
expected to post a new position to
serve as a coordinator of Enology
Extension programs for the industry.
Watch for further details in an upcoming e-newsletter or contact Linda
Jones to receive a copy of the position description when it becomes
Staff Directory
Linda Jones, Program Manager
(517) 373-9789
David Creighton, Promotion Specialist
(517) 241-3415
Karel Bush, Program Assistant
(517) 241-4468
Wine Industry
Annual Meeting
Crystal Mountain Resort
February 27–29, 2008
If you have ideas for workshops
and/or speakers, contact Linda
Jones at JonesL9@michigan.gov.
In This Issue
Great Lakes Fruit & Veg Expo ............... 2
Michigan Wine Wheels Available ........... 2
Fed Funding for Viticulture Research .... 2
USDA Data on Wine Grape Acreage ..... 2
Brock University .................................... 2
IPM Handbook for Grape Growers ........ 2
PureMichigan Campaign ....................... 3
Council Strategic Planning .................... 3
Julian-Stille Value-Added Grants ........... 3
New Director for MDA ........................... 3
Michigan Vine – new book available ...... 3
New Winemaker at Leelanau Cellars .... 3
New York Wine Grape Prices ................ 3
Enology Notes from Virginia Tech .......... 3
Michigan State Fair Auction ................... 4
Entrepreneurial Workshop ..................... 4
National Study on Economic Impact ...... 4
WineAmerica Member News ................. 4
Hats Off ................................................. 4
Great Lakes Fruit, Veg and Farm Market Expo
December 4–7, Devos Place, Grand Rapids
The huge annual Great Lakes Expo will be held in Grand Rapids in early
December. Grapes educational programs will be held December 5, along with
the Grape Industries Luncheon, sponsored by the Michigan Grape and Wine
Industry Council and National Grape Co-operative. The luncheon program
(separate $15 registration required) will feature speakers from the Michigan
Department of Agriculture providing information about the Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP), a voluntary program of
verification of a farm’s environmentally responsible practices. More information about the MAEAP program can be found at www.maeap.org. Several
Michigan wineries are currently MAEAP-verified, and an article about the
program is planned for the 2008 edition of Michigan Wine Country magazine.
A large trade show is a popular component of Expo activities and more
wine- and grape-related companies are exhibiting each year. Early registration
discounts apply prior to November 6 – register at www.glexpo.com.
Michigan Wine Wheels Available
The Michigan Grape and Wine Industry Council purchased a quantity of
wine wheels last winter that we are offering for sale at $3.50 each, with a
suggested retail price of $5.95. The 4.5-inch diameter wheels come in a protective sleeve and contain information about the major grape varietals of Michigan, and suggested food pairings. If you would like a complimentary sample,
please contact Karel Bush at bushk9@michigan.gov or (517) 241-4468.
Other point-of-sale materials are available from the Council office, including the popular “Enjoy Michigan Wines” posters and shelf talkers unveiled at
the Annual Meeting in March. To view a list of items, go to
www.michiganwines.com under “Industry Resources.”
Federal Funding for Viticulture Research
Research Reports Available On-Line
Federal funds have been made available for several years for viticulture
research under a program called the Viticulture Consortium. The funds are
dispersed to researchers in two geographic regions – West and East. Projects
funded through the Viticulture Consortium–East address viticulture priorities of
regions east of the Rockies, including Michigan. Several Michigan State
University faculty members have received funding from the VC-E to supplement research activities funded by the Michigan Grape and Wine Industry
Council. Reports on a wide range of topics – including vine physiology, insect
and disease control, and canopy management are available on a website managed by Cornell University in New York – www.nysaes.cornell.edu/pubs/vitcon
USDA Data on Wine Grape Acreage
USDA released acreage data in August on 2006 grape plantings in Michigan, documenting a 118-acre growth in wine grapes since the last Rotational
Fruit Survey in 2003. A link to the data is available at www.michiganwines.com
under “Fast Facts.”
Growers and wineries are encouraged to complete and return survey forms
they receive from USDA. Continued support from state and federal sources
hinges on solid documentation of the growth and economic impact of the grape
and wine industries. Only with a high level of grower and processor participation
in USDA surveys, do we have information that is accurate and credible enough to
garner continued support for the wine industry in this difficult economy.
More than 1,200 consumers are
members of the Vintage Michigan
program, having paid $15 for a
lifetime membership. The list of
participating wineries, retailers and
restaurants continues to grow (list
available on the Council web site).
Participating vendors may request the
member list from the Council office
to use for promotional purposes.
If your business would like to
offer a discount to Vintage Michigan
members, please contact Karel Bush
at (517) 241-4468 or
Brock University
The Cool Climate Oenology and
Viticulture Institute of Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario is just a
four-hour drive from Detroit or Port
Huron and offers a wide range of
educational programming for the
wine industry. The campus is right
next door to the burgeoning Niagara
wine region of Ontario, making for a
fabulous 2–3 day visit to the region.
Program details are available at
IPM Handbook for
Michigan Grape Growers
Michigan State University’s
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Coordinator Dr. Michael Brewer is
developing a new handbook for
Michigan grape growers. A project
team, with representatives from both
the juice and wine grape industries,
will be advising MSU faculty and
staff on content and format. Watch for
the release of the publication in 2008.
Dr. Brewer will be attending the
Grape Industries Luncheon at the
Great Lakes Expo in Grand Rapids, to
provide an update on this project.
From the Vine
Exploring Michigan Wineries,
a new book by
Sharon Kegerreis and
Lorri Hathaway,
includes gorgeous photos,
fresh quotes and tantalizing
stories on Michigan wineries
and the families behind them.
Order it online at
New Winemaker at
Leelanau Cellars
Nicole Birdsall has been appointed as winemaker for Leelanau
Cellars. She has two Bachelor of
Science degrees (Nutritional Science
and Enology) from prominent California universities and several years
of experience in the California wine
industry. Welcome to Michigan,
NY Wine Grape Prices
Cornell University publishes a
list of New York wine grape prices
each year. Information for the 2007
grape crop is available at
http://flg.cce.cornell.edu under the
Grape Harvest Prices link.
Enology Notes from
Virginia Tech
This informative electronic
newsletter is issued by Dr. Bruce
Zoeklin approximately twice per
month. Recent articles cover factors
impacting sulfur-like off odors in
wine, services for testing grape juice
for yeast assimilable nitrogen and
upcoming trips and workshops.
• France Trip,
Nov. 26–Dec. 5, 2007
• Juice and Wine Analysis
Short Course, Jan. 9–10, 2008
• Issues in Winery Layout and
Design Workshop,
March 7, 2008
Enology Notes newsjournals are
posted on the Wine/Enology–Grape
Chemistry Group’s website at:
PureMichigan Campaign Earns Top Honors
In August 2007, the Travel Industry Association of America recognized
Michigan’s “PureMichigan” advertising campaign as the best state tourism
campaign in the nation. The fall campaign, which features wine grapes and
other agricultural tourism experiences, is now airing in
Michigan and Chicago. You can view the ad
at www.travelmichigannews.org under
Michigan Grape and Wine Industry
Council Strategic Planning
Members of the Grape and Wine Council are in the midst of a Strategic
Planning activity that began on August 27 and will continue through January
2008 to set direction and goals for the next few years. Industry input is needed
to develop this plan of work. Please forward your suggestions to Linda Jones or
any member of the Council to bring to the next planning session (Nov. 13).
Industry members of the Council are currently Liz Berger, Chateau Chantal;
Dave Miller, St. Julian; Bob Jacobson, Leelanau Cellars; and Charles Edson,
Bel Lago Winery. A complete list of Council members is available at
www.michiganwines.com under “About the Council.”
State Grants for Innovative Value-Added
Julian-Stille Value-Added Grants for 2008
In 2006, several innovative wine and grape projects were approved by the
Michigan Department of Agriculture for state grant funding under the JulianStille Value-Added Grant program. Many additional wine and grape proposals
were submitted to the Department but were not able to be funded, for a variety
of reasons.
Legislation is being considered this fall for another round of funding, some
to be awarded as grants and some as loan guarantees. If you support this type of
state assistance for value-added agriculture, contact your state representative
and senator to voice your opinions. You can find the names and contact numbers for your legislators by going to www.legislature.mi.gov. Links to contact
your legislators are at the bottom of the page.
Koivisto Appointed as New Director of
Michigan Department of Agriculture
Don Koivisto assumed the helm of the Michigan Department of Agriculture
on September 5, replacing retiring Director Mitch Irwin. Director Koivisto
served as a state representative and senator representing districts in the state’s
Upper Peninsula in the 1980s. He will lead the challenge of managing the
department’s mandate “to protect, promote and preserve the food, agricultural,
environmental and economic interests of the people of Michigan” in a difficult
budget environment in the state.
Director Koivisto will chair the Michigan Grape and Wine Industry Council
at its next meeting Nov. 13, at Constitution Hall in Lansing. Council meetings
are always open to the public and members of the wine industry are particularly
encouraged to attend. Agendas are available from Linda Jones, one week prior
to the meeting date.
Michigan State Fair Livestock Auction
Breaks Wine Proceeds Record
The annual auction of livestock, butter, cheese and wine at the Governor’s
Reception at the Michigan State Fair was held on August 29, bringing record
fund-raising in the wine category. Two baskets of two bottles each of the six
Best of Class wines from the Michigan Wine and Spirits Competition were
purchased by Al Long Ford dealership in Warren and Boyer Meats of Clinton,
raising $4,300 and $4,000, respectively, for the Michigan Youth Livestock
Scholarship Fund.
Entrepreneurial Workshop
“Growing Your Business”
November 2, Kellogg Center, East Lansing
Michigan State University Product Center will host a conference on entrepreneurship and innovation to celebrate the Center’s fifth Anniversary, on
November 2, 2007. The keynote speaker will be Barry Moltz, author of the
popular book You Need to be a Little Crazy – the Truth About Starting and
Growing Your Business. A discounted rate is available for registration received
by October 15. Details are available at www.productcenter.msu.edu/
National Study on the Economic Impact
of the Wine Industry
Michigan was one of several states that contributed detailed information to
MKF Research of Napa, Calif., to determine the economic impact of the U.S.
Grape and Wine Industry. The national impact is tagged at $162 billion. Download the press release from www.michiganwines.com/Media/news/
The Michigan study is summarized at www.michigan.gov/mda/0,1607,7125-1572_3628-163468---0.html. Hard copies of the complete 42-page report
are available on request from Linda Jones or can be downloaded from the
Council’s website at www.michiganwines.com/industry_business.html
WineAmerica Member News
WineAmerica continues to be an excellent organization for Michigan
wineries. Updates on important federal and state legislation affecting the U.S.
wine industry are just one of many membership benefits. Recent communications from WineAmerica have covered topics such as:
• Changes to Direct Shipping laws in Illinois, Ohio, Missouri and Indiana
• New Rules on Social Security Checks for Employers – related to
Department of Homeland Security crackdown on illegal workers
• Federal Farm Bill Provisions that will provide new grant monies for
specialty crop producers (wine grape and wine are included in this
• Alcohol and Tobacco Taxation and Trade Bureau (TTB) rule changes
on American Viticultural Areas and on Nutritional Labeling for wine
• Special Occupational Tax Filing
• Fall Membership Meeting Information
Check out membership benefits and rates at www.wineamerica.org.
Hats off to ...
„ Tasters Guild International, and President
Joe Borrello, for
sponsoring the
trophy for the
Michigan Wine and Spirits
Competition’s Best of Class
Dessert Wine. Underwritten by
Speigelau, the official wine glass
provider to the Tasters Guild
International Wine Competition,
the trophy will be donated annually to the Michigan Wine and
Spirits competition. It is a large,
engraved Speigelau wine glass.
The 2007 recipient was Chateau
Grand Traverse for the 2005
Riesling Ice Wine.
„ Amanda Danielson, member of
the Michigan Grape and Wine
Industry Council and owner of
Trattoria Stella in Traverse City,
who passed the Advanced Course
of the Court of Master Sommeliers
in August 2007. She is now
eligible to be invited to sit the
exam for the top qualification of
the Court, the Master Sommelier
Examination, sometime in 2009.
„ Dr. Paul Rupert, of Cool Climate Analytical in Southeast
Michigan for completing the
certification process of the
Alcohol, Tobacco Tax and Trade
Bureau (TTB) to be listed as a
TTB-Certified Wine Laboratory.
More information is available on
the company’s website –
Upcoming Meetings and
Visit the Industry Resources
section of the Council’s website –
www.michiganwines.com – for a list
of upcoming meetings and conferences. If you have events you would
like to add to this calendar, please
contact Karel Bush at (517) 241-4468