Course Outline -

Goal: Introduce students to fundamental tefillot and set the structure upon which
additional tefillot can be added. Teach basic comprehension of prayer and its function
through a developmentally appropriate approach.
Subject matter/materials: modeh ani, reishit chochma, Torah tziva, birchat tzizit,
ma tovu, adon olam, yigdal, birchat al netilat yadayim, birchat asher yatzar, birchat
haTorah (including V’harev na), birchot hashachar, boruch shemar, ashrei, 5th hallukah,
6-10 lines of az yashir, yishtabach, birchat yotzer ohr, last few lines of ahava rabah,
abbreviated shemoneh esrei (4-7 berachot), aleinu, selected tehillim.
Methodology: Each new tefillah is taught repetitively line by line to insure accurate
pronunciation of words and set to a tune that increases the excitement and enjoyment as
well as regularity with the prayer. Each new tefillah is summarized to lend appreciation
to its meaning and purpose. Stories are told to increase relevance and understanding.
Kriyah - Reading:
Goal: Students will master the aleph-bet and vowels, read with fluency at a 20-30
word/minute pace. Introduction and familiarity with advanced “exception to the rule”
rules including hidden cholom, shvah nah & nach, silent hei, syllabication, chataf
patach, vocal and silent letters, and correct reading emphasis (pronunciation).
Subject matter/materials: Hebrew aleph-bet and Hebrew vowels. Teacher
developed worksheets, reading packets & tehillim book.
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Methodology: An intense review of the aleph-bet is taught throughout the first
months of the school year covering the entire aleph-bet and vowels. Each letter or vowel
is presented as a character with a unique story to increase recollection and differentiate
between letters that are similar in appearance. Vowels are taught in tandem with the
aleph-bet to empower students to read immediately even before being familiar with all
letters. Throughout the year the class reads daily from progressive reading packets as
well as utilizing peer learning groups to listen to each other read and assist in peer
improvement. Boys receive a personalized Tehillim book midyear marking a milestone
in their reading fluency. “Exception to the rule” rules are first introduced in the second
semester in a progressive and spiraling manner. Activities, games and worksheets are
used throughout the curriculum to increase fluency, review skills and recollection,
correlate related skills, and increase enjoyment and mastery.
Ketiva - Writing:
Goal: Students will master the script aleph-bet as the primary aleph-bet for writing. As
well as the ability to form letters correctly and develop strong penmanship skills.
Subject matter/materials: Hebrew aleph-bet and Hebrew vowels. Kesiva workshop
workbook, teacher developed worksheets.
Methodology: Letters are taught in a progressive manner beginning with the simplest
shape and progressing to the more difficult per the kesiva workshop curriculum. Each
letter is presented as a character with a unique story to increase recollection and
differentiate between letters that are similar in appearance. These stories correlate with
those used in the reading curriculum to allow for association of the two alphabets and
ability to cross reference. Activities, games and worksheets are used throughout the
curriculum to increase fluency, review skills and recollection, correlate related skills,
and increase enjoyment and mastery. Quizzes are administered monthly with a final
written test on the entire aleph-bet midyear. Upon completion students’ use writing
skills daily throughout the Judaic curriculum.
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Goal: Students will master beginning translating skills including prefix & suffix
decoding as well as build a bank of approximately 80 words the 1st step to become
independent learners. The course teaches fundamental critical thinking skills,
understanding and translating words within context of the verse and an appreciation of
essential personalities and themes of Torah. In addition, students will be introduced to
the format of a standard chumash and the skills needed to locate sefer (volume), perek
(chapter), and posuk (sentence).
Subject matter/materials: Parshas Lech Lecha (perek 12). L’shon HaTorah
workbook volume #1, teacher developed flashcards and worksheets. Student written,
color coded chumash.
Methodology: Skills are taught progressively beginning with basic prefixes and words
empowering students to perceive larger words in parts and become skilled translators.
In the second semester as student’s mastery increases they are introduced to pesukim
(sentences). Each new posuk (sentence) is decoded by the class and each individual
student as well as written in each student’s personal color coded chumash. Throughout
the year skills are reinforced and spiraled with the use of the L’shon HaTorah workbook.
In addition students are challenged to become a “chumash detective” through brief oral
testing of prefixes, suffixes, words and comprehension on their quest to earn their
personalized “detective badge”. Through each students creation of color coded
flashcards, chumash and activities their ability and self confidence increase and they
develop the ability to learn independently and gauge comprehension.
Goal: Students are instilled with a fundamental understanding of mitzvos and the rules
that govern their correct performance. In addition students gain an understanding for
the chagim (Jewish holidays), their specific mitzvot, and the historical and practical
Methodology: Daily discussions that begin with a thought provoking question are held
to discuss specific halachot(mitzvah performance). Chagim (Jewish holidays) are
brought alive and relevant through projects, discussions, hand on experiences such as a
model seder. Teacher developed worksheets are used as well to reinforce specific
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fundamentals and bridge the classroom with the chag (holiday) experienced by the
Parshat Hashavua:
Goal: Students develop an appreciation and understanding of the weekly Torah portion
and significant Torah personalities. Instill knowledge of fundamental middot (character
traits) and mitzvot taught in each weekly portion.
Subject matter/materials: The weekly portion from the book of Bereishit through
the beginning of the book of Bamidbar. Teacher developed questions, projects, activities,
and coloring packets.
Methodology: Each week mitzvot, middot, and historic occurrences are selected from
the portion. Through story, song, role play and projects students experience and
internalize the parsha. The relevance and application of these lessons is explained
clearly through discussion and thought provoking question. A folder with parsha
questions is sent home each week allowing each student to share their knowledge and
excitement with their family.
Yediot Klaliot:
Goal: Students are introduced to basic Jewish general knowledge and concepts relevant
to daily Jewish life. Students are taught fundamental concepts such as Jewish months
which many other subjects and ideas are based upon.
Subject matter/materials: The Hebrew names of the days of the week, the Jewish
months of the year, numerical value of aleph-bet letters aleph-yud, the 5 books of the
Torah and the order of the portions in the first 2 books, the patriarchs and matriarchs,
the names of the 12 tribes, the shalosh regalim, 6 principal berachos, boreh nefashos,
birkat hamazon, the name and time of the 3 daily teffilot (prayers) and who “invented”
each one, the 7 fruits of Israel.
Methodology: Each week a new concept is introduced and reinforced. Through song,
questions, teacher developed worksheets, use of a daily classroom calendar to track the
Jewish year, and discussion students implement yediot kelaliot. Written multiple choice
quizzes are administered in class every 4-6 weeks in addition to a school mandated final
test at the end of the year. Review pages are sent home as part of the parsha questions
prior to each quiz covering both previously learnt and new material.
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