J. Chim. Phys. (1 998) 95, 112-121 Q EDP Sciences, Les Ulis 1 H NMR studies of the diamagnetic gallium (III) and paramagnetic iron (III) complexes of a chiral macrobicyclic ligand of bicapped tris (binaphtol) type P. Baret, V. Beaujolais, C. Bougault, D. Gaude and J.-L. pierre* LEDSS, UMR 5616 du CNRS, Université Joseph Fourier, BP. 53, 38041 Grenoble cedex 9, France (Received 24 July 1997; accepted 24 September 1997) Correspondence and reprints RÉSUMÉ Les complexes du gallium (III) et du fer (III) d'un ligand macrobicyclique chiral impliquant trois sous-unités de type binaphtol sont étudiés en RMN du proton en solution méthanolique. L'étude du complexe (diamagnétique) du gallium permet de montrer que le complexe : (i) ne subit pas d'inversion de la configuration ( A I A ) du site octaédrique et : (ii) qu'il n'y a pas d'échange entre ligand libre et complexe à la température ambiante. L'évolution du spectre du complexe paramagnétique du fer avec la température permet une attribution des protons du ligand et met en Svidence la symétrie D3 du complexe. Une bonne corrélation est obtenue entre la distance fer-proton (donnée par la modélisation moléculaire) et le Ti du proton considéré. ABSTRACT 1~ NMR studies of the diamagnetic gallium (III) and paramagnetic iron (III) complexes of a chiral macrobicyclic ligand of bicapped tris (binaphtol) type are described. The study of the gallium complex emphasizes : (i) that the inversion of the octahedral center is not observed and : (ii) the absence of exchange between free ligand and complex, at room temperature. In the case of the iron complex, assignments of the hyperfine shifted resolved resonances are achieved, based on temperature-behavior studies, which evidence the D3 syrnmetry of the complex. These assignments are in complere agreement with measured Tl values and protonto-iron distances obtained from molecular modelling. KEY WORDS : 1H NMR ; gallium (III) and iron (III) complexes ; chiral macrobicyclic ligand MOTS CLES : RMN du proton : complexes du gallium (HI) et du fer (III) : ligand macrobicyclique chiral 'H NMR OF GALLIUM(II1) AND IRON(III) COMPLEXES 113 INTRODCCTION Some studies using chiral ligands have evidenced the stereoselective formation of A or A coordination isomers upon octahedral complexation of transition metal ions [l-121. The biological importance of the absolute configuration of the octahedral metal center has been demonstrated in the recognition of iron (III) siderophore complexes by the membrane receptor protein [13]. We described [14] the specific control of the helical chirality (A or A) in iron (III) and chromium (III) complexes by the chiral macrobicyclic tris (binaphtol) ligand LH6 (Figure 1). Only the A-as, as, a s or the A-aR, aR. aR enantiomers were obtained respectively from the a s , as, a s and the aR, aR, aR enantiomers of LH6. We describe herein new 1~ NMR studies for the diamagnetic gallium (III) and for the paramagnetic iron (III) complexes of LH6. Diamagnetic gallium (III) has been extensively used as a substitute for iron (III) in NMR studies [8, 9, 15-17], both having the same charge and similar ionic radii in six-coordinate complexes. Furthermore, since neither the high spin d5 iron (III) nor the d l 0 gallium (III) complexes have any crystal field stabilization, they are similar in their ligand exchange rates. On another hand, the proton NMR spectra of paramagnetic transition metal complexes can yield valuable informations on the nature and extent of metal-ligand covalency [18]. Figure 1 :the hicapped ms (hinaphtol) ligand LH6 P. Baret et al 114 MATERIAL AND METHODS Materials Preparation and characterization of the complexes have been previously described i 141. IH NMR data Gallium (III) comp1e.x [LGu] 3- : The NMR spectra in CD30D or in D20-NaOD were recorded at 300 MHz on a Bruker AM 300 spectrometer using standard pulse sequence. Iron (III) complr-c [LFe] 3- : The NMR spectra in CD;OD were recorded at 300 MHz on a Bruker AM 300 spectrometer for temperatures ranging from 223 to 303K. Each Free Induction Decay consisted of 1024 scans over a 20 kHz bandwidth centered on the residual OH resonance of the solvent. A 410 ms total recycle tirne was used. The spectra were then apodized using eitlier a standard exponential function to introduce a 10-50 Hz linebroadening (when integration of the resonances was considered) or a lorenz-gaussian enhanced transformation - 1 Tt lb -[(gb*taq)> e Zgbt, il'] ) with Ib = -1.1 Hz and gb = 0.1 Hz in order to increase the signal to noise ratio for the fast relaxing peaks . Nonselective spin-lattice relaxation times, T I , were collected usiag an inversion-recovery pulse sequence with a 500 ms recycle time. Tl values were calculated for resolved resonances using two altemate methods: the nul1 point ( Tl = t(I=O) 1 ln2 ) and the initial slopes of the magnetization recovery data. where the data are fitted through exponential t -- ( 1 = Io (1 - 2Ae )) or logarithrnic (In- 1 0 - 1 -- In A - -)t functions. The three 210 Tl methods gave similar results within 20 % of the Tl value and the accuracy of the intensiiy measurement for very broad and weak resonances on a 60 ppm bandwith seem to be more crucial than the method used. Given in the tables are the average T l values. Spin-spin relaxation times, Tl, were estimated based on the linewidth for each resolved resonance. The observed chernical shifts Fobs in paramagnetic species consist of three contributions, the diamagnetic shift Fdia (which could be obtained from an isostructural diamagnetic compound), the dipolar shift 6dip and the contact shift Gcon : sobs = sdia + Fhf = Fdia + Fdip + Gcon (1) 'H NMR OF GALLIUM(II1) AND IRON(III) COMPLEXES 115 For high-spin ~ e ' " complexes with little g-anisotropy, the contact contribution G c o n shows an inverse linear temperature-dependence, while the dipolar contribution 8dip is accounted for an inverse quadratic function of the temperature [19]. As a consequence, the hyperfine shifts vanish at Iiigh temperatures and T-> r*, intercepts in 6= f(l/T) plots give access to the diamagnetic-only contribution. The presence of a paramagnetic center results in broad signals and enhanced spin-lattice relaxation, which is given by : T-1 = T-1 1 -1 1 1 dia + para = 'c'dia + T ~ l d i p+ + TI (-une where R is the distance to the iron atorn and T l e the electronic spin-lattice relaxation time. In most of the iron complexes studied by 1H NMR [20a, 20b], the dipolar relaxation mechanism appears to be dominant and Tl becomes proportional to Rb, which leads for nonequivalent protons i and j to : 6 6 (3) Tli /Tlj = RFe-i iRFe-j RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Gallium (III) cornplex [LGa] 3- : Surprisingly, the unique gallium isomers respectively obtained (LGaK3) from each enantiomer of LH6 revealed to be less stable than the corresponding iron (III) complexes and decomposed into solution in a few days ; they are more stable in the solid state. Nevertheless, before decomposition, no isomerisation is observed (no change in the NMR spectrum) : the constrained bicapped structure does not allow inversion of the octahedral center, as observed for simple tris-bidentate complexes [17]. It has to be emphazised that inversion of the octahedral center would lead to diastereoisomeric species since the ligand LH6 cannot racemise under the experimental conditions. The 1~ NMR data (300 MHz) in CD30D for the two enantiomers (A-as, a s , a s or A-aR. aR, aR) of LGaK3 are the same. The symrnetry of the spectrum reveals the equivalence of the three binaphtyl subunits. the equivalence of the two naphtyl parts for a given binaphtyl and the equivalence of the two tren moieties (6 Hq 7.77, s ; F Hg 6.42. d 8.2 Hz ; 6 Hg 6.75. m ; 6 H7 6.90, m ; 8 Hg 7.60. d 8.3H.z). The 116 P. Baret et al. two sets of methylenic protons of the tren moieties appear as a complex ABCD spectrum (6 2.05 and 2.43). The spectrum pattern is similar to that of the hexa methoxyl-protected free ligand for which extensive 2D NMR studies (COSY and XHCORR sequences) allowed assignrnents of al1 proton resonances. On the basis of these data, the structure of the [ L G ~ Icomplex ~anion in solution is assigned D 3 syrnrnetry. The titration of LH6 by Ga(acac)3 (in D20, NaOD) was monitored by 1~ NMR spectroscopy revealing a 1:l stoechiometry for the complex (Figure 2). In particular. a precise measurement of the ligand to gallium ratio can be achieved through the singlet H4 resonance. The absence of exchange at ambient temperature between free and complexed ligand reveals the stability of the complex before decomposition : a kinetic lability resulting of the absence of ligand field stabilization would favor the release of the metal and then, the exchange between free and complexed ions. This exchange has been observed for the simple tris (bidentate) complexes [8]. O 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 equivalent of Ga (acac) Figure 2 :titration ofLH6 b-YGa(acac)j in D20-KOD Iron (III) complex [LFe] 3- : The 300 MHz 'H NMR spectrum in CD30D for the free ligand L at 293 K and for the complex [FeIIILI 3- at 243 K are illustrated in Figure 3A and 3B, respectively. Both the spectral width and the line broadening of the complex signals are consistent with the presence of paramagnetic species in solution, which were identified by EPR as high-spin Fe(II1) c o m p l e x e s (characteristic signal at g = 4.3). 'H NMR OF GALLIUM(II1) AND IRON(II1) COMPLEXES l 9.0 1 I I I 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 l 4.0 1 3.0 117 I 2.0 ppm Figure 3 : IH NMR spectra for the free ligand L ( A )at 293 K. for the GaiIll) co!nplerc ( B ) or 193 K and for the Fe([[[)comp1e.r (Ci ut 233K. Prororzs are labelled according to Figrire 1. 118 P. Baret et al. In order to differenciate the contribution of the ligand coordination to the Fe III center from a dipolar-only interaction. Curie plots (chetnical shift vs reciprocal temperature) and plots of the chemical shift vs the inverse quadratic temperature were generated for temperatures ranging from 323 to 303 K. Resulting slopes and T-> x intercepts are presented in Table 1. Correlation coefficients are very similar for the two different fits (not shown), nevertheless intercepts in the Curie plots are more consistent with the diamagnetic shifts observed in the free ligand. An inverse linear temperature dependence of the chemical shifts then suggests a large contribution of the contact shift (i.e. coordination of the ligand to the metal center) and a rather small contribution of the dipolar shift (Le. rather small zero-field splitting as in the case of "FeO6" trischelate complexes and consequently a rather symmetric environment for the Fe III ) [21]. Wliile COSY experiments are unadapted due to extreme relaxation. tentative assignrnents for the hyperfine shifted resolved resonances can be pursued that take advantage from Curie slopes, Curie intercepts andlor relaxation considerations. In particular. peaks a. b, f and g in Figure 1B can be assigned to naphtalene ring protons on the ligand. Arguments in favor of this assignment are the position of the diamagnetic shifts (deduced from Curie plots) in the aromatic region for peaks b and f. but also the sizeable sirnilarities in spinlattice relaxation times and Curie slopes for resonances a-b and f-g. Sign and intensity of Curie slopes together with relative relaxation times can be considered next, in order to discriminate between these protons. In fact, smaller positive contact shifts and longer relaxation times (peaks a and b) are assigned to protons 57, while the leftover protons. nurnbered 4 and 8. show shorter T l s and increased Curie slope (peaks g and f respectively) consistent with a closer through-space and through-bond distance to the iron center. The remaining unassigned resonances may arise from protons located on the aliphatic chains of the ligand (c,e) whicli are expected to experience no contact chemical shifts and moderate dipolar shifts with respect to their increased distance to the metal center. The obtained assignments are summarized in Table II. which shows a good correlation between the distance to the iron atom (from molecular modelling studies [14]) and the T l values. or the nurnber of bonds to the Fe atom and the hyperfine shifts deduced from the SObs and the corresponding &dia for the diamagnetic [LGa]3-. A cornparison between the IH NMR spectra of the free ligand ( Figure 3A ) and the Ga(II1) complex ( Figure 3B ) places protons I Q , C&NH and C&N as good candidates for sensitive probes upon metal complexation ( 0.61, 1.22 and 0.96 ppm upfield shift respectively upon metal ligation ). Similar effects are expected for the Fe(II1) complex, implemented with the intrinsic paramagnetic shifts due to the iron 'H NMR OF GALLIUM(II1) AND IRON(III) COMPLEXES 119 Table 1 : 'H NMR spectral properties for the [ L F ~ ] complex ~in c D 3 0 D a at 293 K Resonances Label 60bs T1 (PP~) 20.7 18.5 7.5 2.0 O. 1 - 10.2 a b c d e f T2 (ms) 1.1 1.1 2.6 (ms) 0.4 0.4 1.3 0.5 0.3 Curie plots 10' x Slope Intercept (pprn.~) 52.0 30.3 0.3 O O -56.5 (pprn) 3.0 8.1 6.3 2.0 0.2 9.0 Inverse quadratic plots 104 x Slope Intercept (ppm.~2) 66.8 39.3 0.44 O -0.05 -71.3 (ppm) 13.O 13.9 6.9 2.0 O. 1 -2.1 g - 19.9 0.7 0.3 -96.5 13.1 -123.5 -5.5 (a) Chernical shifts referenced to tetrarnethylsilane via residual C m 0 H solvent signal at 3.30 ppm (b) Average result from the two methods (nul1 point and initial slope of thee rnagnetisation recovev data) Table II : Comparison of some 1~ NMR properties for the free ligand L and the two complexes (LGaj3- and ILFej3- in CD30D at 293K Assignrnenta Ligand 6 [LGa]36 Label (PP~) (PP~) -- [LFe]3Nurnber of 6hfLGa 6hfL bonds to Fe (ppm)b (ppm)b TI (ms) R F ~ (A)c 8.38 7.77 g 5 -27.7 -28.0 0.7 6.0 6.85 6.42 b 7 12.1 11.7 1.1 7.4 H6 6.96 6.75 a 7 14.0 14.0 1.1 8.5 H7 6.96 6.90 a 8 13.8 14.0 1.1 7.7 H8 7.59 7.60 f 6 -17.8 -17.6 0.5 5.0 CH2NH 3.65 2.43 c 5.1 4.0 2.6 4.515.6 CH2N 3.01 2.05 (a) According to labelling in Figure 3 O>) 6hfLGa = 60bs - & [ L G ~ ] ~ - 6 h f ~= 60bs -6L (c) Distances measured on the rninimized A-confomtion of the complex obtained through molecular modelling calculations using the Insight Discover software. H4 H5 120 P. Baret et al center. As a consequence. inequivalences in the three binaphtyl subunits or in the two tren moities in a non-symmetric complex should give rise to multiple resonances for proton H j . which is well resol\.ed in the upfield window. The absence of such patterns is then suggesting a structure where the iron atom is encaged in the macrobicyclic ligand cavity in a D3 symrnetry. Nethertheless the lines broadening may indicate local distorsions or dynamic effects that precludes definitive conclusion. On the other hand. the absence of free ligand resonances favors the stability of the complex with regard to tris (bidentate) ligands. REFERENCES 1 Okawa H (1988) Noncovalent interligands interactions in metal complexes. Coord. Chrm Rev. 92. 1-28 and references cited herein. 2 Okawa H. Tokunaga H. Katsuki T. Koikawa M. Kida S (1988) Noncovalent interactions in metal complexes 16. Stereoselectivity of 1:3 complexes of Sc, Y, La. Al. 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