December 13 That is NOT a Rice Krispy … FORENSIC ENTOMOLOGY The study of insects and their arthropod relatives that interact with legal matters. Lyndsay Durham, MEd Department of Forensic Science It is based on the analysis of insects sequentially colonizing a corpse as decomposition progresses and on the developmental stages of their offspring. Material Copyright, L. Durham December 13 Material Copyright, L. Durham History of FORENSIC ENTOMOLOGY December 13 History of FORENSIC ENTOMOLOGY First actual case: 1235AD. The Washing Away of Wrongs Mateu Orfila 1787-1853 Father of Modern Toxicology Spontaneous generation of maggots in meat was disproved in 1668. First systematic observations of insect successions on human cadavers (1848) First published account in 1855 in the West (France). December 13 Material Copyright, L. Durham History of FORENSIC ENTOMOLOGY Applications 1828 - 1905 Estimation of PMI Wrote a series of articles (1883 – 1896) that made the information accessible Material Copyright, L. Durham Material Copyright, Lyndsay S. Durham Material Copyright, L. Durham Scope of FORENSIC ENTOMOLOGY Jean Pierre Megnin Wrote the founding works of modern forensic entomology: Fauna of Tombs (1887) Fauna of Cadavers (1894) December 13 December 13 Determination of death location Criminal Misuse Scene characterization Abuse of young & elderly DNA Analysis Toxicological specimens December 13 Material Copyright, L. Durham 1 December 13 Three Areas in FORENSIC ENTOMOLOGY URBAN STORED PRODUCT MEDICOCRIMINAL/ December 13 MEDICOLEGAL Material Copyright, L. Durham December 13 Material Copyright, L. Durham Blow Fly Life Cycle Adult (30 days) Egg Mass (1 day) Pupae (7 days) Male Larvae (6 days) Material Copyright, L. Durham December 13 December 13 Photo courtesy of JHByrd Material Copyright, L. Durham Material Copyright, Lyndsay S. Durham Gravid Female December 13 Material Copyright, L. Durham December 13 Material Copyright, L. Durham 2 December 13 December 13 Material Copyright, L. Durham December 13 Material Copyright, L. Durham December 13 Material Copyright, L. Durham December 13 Material Copyright, L. Durham December 13 Material Copyright, L. Durham Material Copyright, Lyndsay S. Durham 3 December 13 Cochliomyia macellaria FLY SPECIES Warm, sunny 2 Main Species Used to Estimate PMI JHB JHB Phaenicia sericata 1. Blow Flies – Calliphoridae 2. Flesh Flies - Sarcophagidae Calliphora vicina Warm, sunny Cool, shade JHB Lucilia illustris Warm, sunny JHB JHB Chrysomya rufifacies Phormia regina Tropical, sunny Cool, shaded JHB JHB December 13 Material Copyright, L. Durham JHB Material Copyright, L. Durham Forensic Insect Identification Cards December 13 Forensic Insect Identification Cards DISPOSITION OF OVIPOSITION Flies will be attracted to natural orify FIRST: Eyes, ears, nose, mouth JHB JHB Musca domestica Sarcophaga haemorrhoidalis Attracted to excrement Summer, shade December 13 Material Copyright, L. Durham In the event of anti-mortem trauma, flies will be attracted to wounds and/or the genitalia December 13 Material Copyright, L. Durham Forensic Insect Identification Cards …bugs… How can insects be used as an alternative source for toxicological testing How drugs affect the life cycles of insects December 13 The study of the adverse effects of drugs and chemicals on the body and their application to the law. Conventional specimens Alternative specimens Brain Blood Urine Kidney Liver Vitreous Humor Bile Bone Gastric Contents Skeletal Muscle Hair Nails Insects …drugs… ENTOMOTOXICOLOGY FORENSIC TOXICOLOGY Material Copyright, L. Durham Material Copyright, Lyndsay S. Durham December 13 Material Copyright, L. Durham 4 December 13 The Pupae The Larvae December 13 Can be ground and analyzed like any postmortem tissue from the body Drugs get deposited into the skin/puparial casing of the larvae When collecting samples for tox analysis, do not place in preservative fluid. Can be analyzed in the same manner as hair Material Copyright, L. Durham December 13 Material Copyright, L. Durham DNA EXTRACTION SUMMARY Larvae and pupae can be used as a toxicological specimen The gut content of insects can be properly extracted for DNA analysis The entomologist needs to be informed if an individual had any drugs on board so he or she knows if and how the time since death estimation should be adjusted The database for understanding the interactions between drug and insect is currently being developed December 13 Material Copyright, L. Durham December 13 JHB Material Copyright, L. Durham A: green/shiny B: grey, 3 black stripes C: dull grey, multiple black stripes Material Copyright, Lyndsay S. Durham 5