1 - 5 September 2014 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany ERAD 2014 Programme 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Sunday, 31 August 2014 17:00 – 19:00 Registration and Welcome Cocktail at Garmisch-Partenkirchen Kongresszentrum Monday, 1 September 2014 08:00 – 09:00 Registration 09:00 – 09:45 Opening Ceremony Hall Werdenfels (plenary) Introduction to ERAD 2014 Welcome Addresses: Dr. Sigrid Meierhofer, Mayor of Garmisch-Partenkirchen Prof. Dr. Gerhard Adrian, President of German Weather Service (DWD) Dr. Thomas Gerz, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, German Aerospace Center (DLR) Session 1: 9:45 1.1 Progress in QPE and error structure analysis (I) Hall Werdenfels (plenary) Chair: Dmitri Moisseev, University of Helsinki, Finland KEYNOTE: A close shave with Occam's razor: managing complexity in a radar rainfall estimation system Alan Seed, Bureau of Meteorology, Australia, and Mark Curtis 10:15 – 10:45 Coffee break (sponsored by Baron Services) 10:45 1.2 Optimizing the capabilities of weather radars: The impact of error correction and uncertainty identification on quantitative precipitation estimation for hydrological applications Pieter Hazenberg, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Arizona, USA, and Hidde Leijnse, Remko Uijlenhoet 11:00 1.3 Evaluation of a precipitation classification and quantification method using Xband dual polarization radar observation Sanghun Lim, Korea Institute of Construction Technology, Korea, and Dong-Ryul Lee, V. Chandrasekar, Keon-Haeng Lee, Bong-Joo Jang, Haonan Chen 11:15 1.4 Improving radar estimates of rainfall by monitoring the attenuation by the wet radome Robert Thompson, University of Reading, United Kingdom, and Anthony Illingworth, Tim Darlington 11:30 1.5 Quantitative Precipitation Estimation (QPE) from C-Band Dual-polarized radar for the July 08 2013 Flood in Toronto, Canada Sudesh Boodoo, Environment Canada, Canada, and David Hudak, Alexander Ryzhkov, Pengfei Zhang, Norman Donaldson, Janti Reid 1 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology 11:45 1.6 QPE lessons learnt from the great Colorado Flood of September 2013 Daniel Sempere-Torres, Centre de Recerca Aplicada en Hidrometeorologia, UPC, Spain, and Marc Berenguer, David Gochis, Matthias Steiner 12:00 – 13:30 Lunch break (downtown) 13:30 – 15:00 Poster Viewing (Group 1) Posters: HYD MIC MMW NET NOW QPE Session 2a: Progress in QPE and error structure analysis (II) Monday, 1 Sept., Time 15:00, Hall Werdenfels (parallel) Chair: Marc Berenguer, CRAHI-UPC, Barcelona, Spain 15:00 2a.1 Evaluation of a scale decomposition-based stochastic ensemble quantitative precipitation estimation scheme Loris Foresti, Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, Belgium, and Edouard Goudenhoofdt, Maarten Reyniers, Laurent Delobbe, Alan Seed 15:15 2a.2 Spatial interpolation of point measurements of the raindrop size distribution Timothy Raupach, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, and Alexis Berne 15:30 2a.3 Improved radar QPE with temporal interpolation using an advection scheme on polar radar data Alrun Jasper-Tönnies, hydro & meteo GmbH & Co. KG, Lübeck, Germany, and Markus Jessen 15:45 2a.4 Rainfall estimation for the first operational S-band polarimetric radar in Korea Cheol-Hwan You, Pukyong National University, Korea, and Dong-In Lee, Mi-Young Kang, Young-Su Bang 16:00 2a.5 A new gauge adjustment procedure for Meteo France QPE radar products Nicolas Gaussiat, Météo France, France, and Daniel Idziorek, Bernard Chapnick, Julien Desplat, David Goutx, Jean-Rémy Regis, Jean-Louis Maridet, Pierre Tabary 16:15 2a.6 Long-term large scale bias-adjusted precipitation estimates at high spatial and temporal resolution derived from the National Mosaic and Multi-sensor QPE (NMQ/Q2) precipitation reanalysis over CONUS Olivier Prat, Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites-NC (CICS-NC), NCSU and NOAA/NCDC, Asheville, NC, USA, and Brian R. Nelson, Scott Stevens, D-J. Seo Session 2b: Millimeter-wave cloud radars Monday, 1 Sept., Time 15:00, Hall Zugspitze (parallel) Chair: Stefan Kneifel, McGill University, Montreal, Canada 15:00 2b.1 Utilization of the covariance matrix in cloud radars Alexander Myagkov, Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Leipzig, Germany, and Matthias Bauer-Pfundstein, Patric Seifert, Ulla Wandinger 15:15 2b.2 G-band atmospheric radars: new frontiers in cloud physics Alessandro Battaglia, University of Leicester, United Kingdom, and C. D. Westbrook, S. Kneifel, P. Kollias, N. Humpage, U. Löhnert, J. Tyynelä, G.W. Petty 2 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology 15:30 2b.3 Bin DSD and dynamics retrievals in rain with the ARM Ka-W-band radars dual wavelength Doppler spectra Frederic Tridon, University of Leicester, United Kingdom, and Alessandro Battaglia, Pavlos Kollias 15:45 2b.4 Utilising multiple radar frequencies for deriving microphysical properties of liquid water clouds Ewan O'Connor, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland, and Ed Luke 16:00 2b.5 Comparison of Eddy Dissipation Rate Retrievals using Vertically Pointing ARM Cloud Radar Observations Paloma Borque, McGill University, Canada, and Pavlos Kollias, Edward Luke 16:15 2b.6 BAECC SNEX: Comprehensive snowfall experiment during DOE ARM AMF2 deployment in Finland Dmitri Moisseev, University of Helsinki, Finland, and Annakaisa von Lerber, Matti Leskinen, V. Chandrasekar, Larry Bliven, Walt Petersen 16:30 – 17:00 Coffee break (sponsored by Eldes) Session 3: Hydrological studies employing weather radars Monday, 1 Sept., Time 17:00, Hall Werdenfels (plenary) Chair: Christopher Collier, University of Leeds, United Kingdom 17:00 3.1 Areal rainfall depth statistics based on a 10-year reanalysis of volumetric radar observations Edouard Goudenhoofdt, Royal Meteorological Institute, Belgium, and Laurent Delobbe 17:15 3.2 Investigating local extreme value statistics based on 10 years of radar observations Thomas Einfalt, hydro & meteo GmbH & Co. KG, Lübeck, Germany, and Marc Scheibel 17:30 3.3 Propagation of radar rainfall uncertainty through urban hydraulic models Miguel Angel Rico-Ramirez, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bristol, United Kingdom, and Sara Liguori 17:45 3.4 Improving hydrological modeling with radar data Marc Scheibel, Water Resources Management & Flood Protection, Wupperverband, Germany 18:00 3.5 Some challenges of QPE in snow Elena Saltikoff, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland, and Harri Hohti, Philippe Lopez 18:15 3.6 High-resolution X-band polarimetric radar Observations during the HyMeX Special Observation Period in North-East Italian Alpine Region: a Hydrologic Support Tool Marios Anagnostou, IERSD, National Observatory of Athens, Greece, and J. Kalogiros, E.I. Nikolopoulos, E.N. Anagnostou, F. Marra, M. Borga, E. Mair, G. Bertoldi, U. Tappeiner 18:30 – 20:00 Ice Breaker (sponsored by DWD) 3 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Tuesday, 2 September 2014 Session 4: Radar networking (I) Tuesday, 2 Sept., Time 8:30, Hall Werdenfels (plenary) Chair: Elena Saltikoff, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland 8:30 4.1 KEYNOTE: WMO Activities for the Global Exchange of Radar Data Daniel Michelson, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Sweden, and Paul Joe, Stuart Goldstraw, Dean Lockett 9:00 4.2 Odyssey: a regional solution for weather radar data exchange and radar products generation. Maud Martet, Meteo France, France, and Nicolas Gaussiat, Daniel Idziorek, Stuart Matthews, Robert Scovell, Bernard Urban, Pierre Tabary 9:15 4.3 Beyond Radars: Designing a Network for Diverse Services Aurora Bell, WPB, Bureau of Meteorology, Australia, and Alan Seed, Aoife Murphy 9:30 4.4 DWDs new radar network and postprocessing algorithm chain Kathleen Helmert, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany, and Patrick Tracksdorf, Jörg Steinert, Manuel Werner, Michael Frech, Nils Rathmann, Thomas Hengstebeck, Michael Mott, Sybille Schumann, Theodor Mammen 9:45 4.5 Design and first results of the new fourth generation Swiss radar network Urs Germann, MeteoSwiss, Locarno-Monti, Switzerland, and Marco Boscacci, Lorenzo Clementi, Jordi Figueras i Ventura, Marco Gabella, Alessandro Hering, Maurizio Sartori, Ioannis Sideris 10:00 4.6 The French operational weather radar network: achievements, current situation and outlook Pierre Tabary, Météo France, France 10:15 – 10:45 Coffee break (sponsored by Gamic) Session 5: Microphysics of cloud and precipitation (I) Tuesday, 2 Sept., Time 10:45, Hall Werdenfels (plenary) Chair: Anthony Illingworth, University of Reading, United Kingdom 10:45 5.1 Microphysical interpretation of coincident simultaneous and fast alternating horizontal and vertical polarization transmit data John Hubbert, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA, and Scott Ellis 11:00 5.2 A semi-supervised hydrometeor classification method for dual-polarization radar applications Renzo Bechini, Colorado State University, Fort Collins CO, USA, and V. Chandrasekar 11:15 5.3 Polarimetric radar observations of winter clouds and precipitation in the Alps CLACE2014 Jacopo Grazioli, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Environmental Remote Sensing Laboratory (LTE), Switzerland, and Daniel Wolfensberger, Timothy Raupach, Alexis Berne 4 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology 11:30 5.4 Fingerprinting of microphysical processes in Arctic clouds by tracking Doppler radar spectra features Stefan Kneifel, McGill University, Canada, and Heike Kalesse, Pavlos Kollias, Ed Luke 11:45 5.5 A close insight into precipitation microphysics and dynamics in Switzerland by means of two nearby X-band polarimetric radars, radar wind profilers and atmospheric modeling Marc Schneebeli, Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss, Locarno Monti, Switzerland, and Andreas Leuenberger, Jordi Figueras i Ventura, Samuel Monhart, Marco Gabella 12:00 5.6 Characterization of convective updraft cells during MC3E using S- and C-band polarimetric radars and tri-Doppler vector wind retrievals Marcus van Lier-Walqui, Columbia University and NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies, USA, and Ann Fridlind, Andrew Ackerman, Derek Posselt, Scott Collis, Jonathan Helmus, Kirk North 12:15 – 13:30 Lunch break (downtown) 13:30 – 15:00 Poster Viewing (Group 1) Posters: HYD MIC MMW NET NOW QPE Session 6a: Microphysics of cloud and precipitation (II) Tuesday, 2 Sept., Time 15:00, Hall Werdenfels (parallel) Chair: Jarmo Koistinen, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland 15:00 6a.1 A 3D + time stochastic simulator of raindrop size distributions Marc Schleiss, Princeton University, USA, and James Smith 15:15 6a.2 Radar and aircraft observations made during COPE of convective clouds forced by convergence lines in SW of England Alan Blyth, National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Leeds, United Kingdom, and Lindsay Bennett, Chris Collier, Yahui Huang, David Dufton, Jeff French, Phil Brown, Tom Choularton, Humphrey Lean 15:30 6a.3 Very large rain drops from 2D video disdrometers and concomitant polarimetric radar observations Merhala Thurai, Colorado State University, USA, and Patrick Gatlin, Viswanathan Bringi, Larry Carey 15:45 6a.4 The anatomy and physics of ZDR columns Matthew Kumjian, Penn State University, USA, and Alexander Khain, Nir BenMoshe, Eyal Ilotoviz, Alexander Ryzhkov 16:00 6a.5 Comparison of measured and radar-equivalent gamma DSDs to investigate the effect of gamma raindrop size distribution assumption on the rain rates Elisa Adirosi, Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, CNR, Rome and Department of Civil, Constructional and Environmental Engineeering, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, and Eugenio Gorgucci, Luca Baldini, Ali Tokay 5 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology 16:15 6a.6 Session 6b: Investigation of melting layer model assumptions through comparison to radar and in situ observations carried out during GPM GV campaigns Annakaisa von Lerber, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland, and Dmitri Moisseev, Andrew Heymsfield, Aaron Bansemer, V. Chandrasekar, Ari-Matti Harri Radar networking (II) Tuesday, 2 Sept., Time 15:00, Hall Zugspitze (parallel) Chair: Kathleen Helmert, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach, Germany 15:00 6b.1 Inter-radar comparison accounting for partially overlapping volumes Zlatko Vukovic, Environment Canada, Canada, and M.C. Jim Young, Norman Donaldson 15:15 6b.2 Optimal placement of weather radar network in complex terrain using swarm intelligence Redouane Boudjemaa, University M’hamed Bougara of Boumerdes, Bourmerdes, Algeria 15:30 6b.3 Urban High-Resolution Precipitation Product: Combining C-Band and Local XBand Radar Data Katharina Lengfeld, Meteorological Institute, University of Hamburg, Germany, and Marco Clemens, Hans Münster, Felix Ament 15:45 6b.4 Radar Networking over the Tyrrhenian sea Andrea Antonini, Consorzio LaMMA, Italy, and Samantha Melani, Manuela Corongiu, Alessandro Mazza, Alberto Ortolani 16:00 6b.5 Upgrade of the Swedish weather radar network Günther Haase, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), Sweden, and Chatrine Gyllander, Daniel Johnson, Daniel Michelson 16:15 6b.6 The dual-polarization processing chain V2 Abdel-Amin BOUMAHMOUD, Météo France, France, and Béatrice Fradon, Hassan Al-Sakkah, Nicolas Gaussiat, Pierre Tabary 16:30 – 17:00 Coffee break (sponsored by Toshiba) Session 7: Nowcasting techniques Tuesday, 2 Sept., Time 17:00, Hall Werdenfels (plenary) Chair: Stephen Nesbitt, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA 17:00 7.1 The Colorado Flood of 2013: Radar rainfall estimation, mesoscale wind analysis and nowcasting implications Jim Wilson, National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA, and Jenny Sun, Rita Roberts 17:15 7.2 Hazard assessment nowcasting based on European radar mosaics Marc Berenguer, Centre de Recerca Aplicada en Hidrometeorologia, UPC, Barcelona, Spain, and Daniel Sempere-Torres 17:30 7.3 The Radar-based Precipitation Nowcasting System RADVOR of Deutscher Wetterdienst for the support of meteorological and hydrological alert systems Tanja Winterrath, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany, and Wolfgang Rosenow 6 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology 17:45 7.4 Scale characterization and correction of diurnal cycle errors in MAPLE Aitor Atencia, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, and Isztar Zawadzki, Marc Berenguer, Frédéric Fabry 18:00 7.5 Recent Modifications to a new Surface-based Polarimetric Hydrometeor Classification Algorithm for the WSR-88D Network Terry Schuur, University of Oklahoma/CIMMS and NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory, USA, and Alexander V. Ryzhkov, Heather D. Reeves, John Krause, Kimberly L. Elmore, Kiel L. Ortega 18:15 7.6 Developments in echo tracking - enhancing TITAN Michael Dixon, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA, and Alan Seed 7 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Wednesday, 3 September 2014 Session 8: Data quality and calibration (I) Wednesday, 3 Sept., Time 8:30, Hall Werdenfels (plenary) Chair: Urs German, MeteoSwiss, Locarno, Switzerland 8:30 8.1 KEYNOTE: Challenges of Polarimetric Weather Radar Calibration Richard Ice, US Air Force, WSR-88D Radar Operations Center, USA, and Adam Heck, Jeffrey Cunningham, W. David Zittel 9:00 8.2 Operational monitoring of absolute calibration and differential moments: longterm stabilty and specific examples Michael Frech, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Observatorium Hohenpeißenberg, Germany, and Theo Mammen 9:15 8.3 Stepwise inter-comparison of radar rainfall products: Effects of quality controls, radar calibration, estimators, QPE methods, and gage adjustment GyuWon Lee, Dept. of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences, Research and Training Team for Future Creative Astrophysicists and Cosmologists, Kyungpook National University / Center for Atmospheric REmote sensing (CARE), Kyungpook National University, Korea, and Soohyun Kwon 9:30 8.4 Weather radar online sun-monitoring in presence of leverage outliers: five or three parameter model inversion? Patricia Altube, Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya (Meteocat), Barcelona / Dep. of Astronomy and Meteorology, University of Barcelona, Spain, and Joan Bech, Oriol Argemí, Tomeu Rigo, Nicolau Pineda 9:45 8.5 Spectral Dual-Polarization Characteristics of Wind Turbine Clutter and a Wind Turbine Clutter Suppression Technique Robert M. Beauchamp, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA, and V. Chandrasekar, Margaret Cheney 10:00 8.6 The German radar composite RX: qualitative performance analysis for a precipitation climatology Andreas Wagner, Institute of Geography, University of Augsburg, Germany, and Jörg Seltmann, Harald Kunstmann 10:15 8.7 Polarimetric WSR-88D network, observation highlights Dusan Zrnic, NOAA/NSSL, USA, and Robert Lee, Jami B. Boettcher 10:30 – 11:00 Session 9a: 11:00 9a.1 Coffee break (sponsored by EEC) Innovative Applications of Weather Radar Wednesday, 3 Sept., Time 11:00, Hall Werdenfels (parallel) Chair: Daniel Michelson, SMHI, Sweden Tactical use of WX Radar in ATM Thomas Wetter, Systems and Operations of the Aeronautical Meteorological Service, DWD, Germany, and Dirk Zinkhan 8 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology 11:15 9a.2 A High Resolution 3D Radar Reflectivity Prototype for SESAR Robert Scovell, Met Office, United Kingdom, and Hassan al-Sakka, Nicolas Gaussiat, Pierre Tabary 11:30 9a.3 Analysis and nowcast of Available Airspace for ATM Rudolf Kaltenboeck, Austro Control, Austria, and G. Croonen, H. Ganster, T. Gärtner, K. Hennermann, M. Kerschbaum, G. Löscher, S. Mayer, C. Nowak, M. Steinheimer, M. Uray 11:45 9a.4 The European Network for the Radar Surveillance of Animal Movement Hidde Leijnse, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), The Netherlands, and Adriaan Dokter, Günther Haase, Przemysław Jacewicz, Matti Leskinen, Alessio Balleri, Judy Shamoun-Baranes, Jose A. Alves, Silke Bauer, Ommo Hüppop, Jarmo Koistinen, Felix Liechti, Hans van Gasteren, Jason W. Chapman 12:00 9a.5 Intepretation of polarimetric radar measurements at X band for volcanic plume monitoring. Mario Montopoli, DIET, Sapienza University of Rome & CETEMPS, University of L’Aquila, Italy, and Gianfranco Vulpiani, Frank Marzano, Errico Picciotti, Saverio Di Fabio 12:15 9a.6 Polarimetric C-band radar imagery of a volcanic eruption in New Zealand John Crouch, Meteorological Service of New Zealand (MetService), New Zealand Session 9b: Airborne and spaceborne radars Wednesday, 3 Sept., Time 11:00, Hall Zugspitze (parallel) Chair: Frank Marzano, DIET Sapienza University of Rome, Italy 11:00 9b.1 Intercomparisons of 3D wind fields derived from airborne and operational ground-based radars during HyMeX Olivier Bousquet, LACy, UMR 8105, Météo-France / CNRS / Université de La Réunion, Reunion, and Julien Delanoe 11:15 9b.2 Airborne remote sensing of cloud properties with the German research aircraft HALO Martin Hagen, Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Deutsches Zentrum für Luftund Raumfahrt, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, and Lutz Hirsch, Heike Konow, Felix Ament, Mario Mech, Emiliano Orlandi, Susanne Crewell, Silke Groß, Andreas Fix, Martin Wirth 11:30 9b.3 Evaluation of CloudSat rainfall retrievals over land using operational WSR-88D radar data Sergey Matrosov, CIRES, University of Colorado and NOAA ESRL, USA 11:45 9b.4 Early result of Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) onboard GPM core satellite Nobuhiro Takahashi, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan, and Hiroshi Hanado, Katsuhiro Nakagawa, Toshio Iguchi 12:00 9b.5 A spaceborne conically scanning 94GHz radar to provide global observations of winds rain and clouds. Anthony Illingworth, University of Reading, United Kingdom, and Alessandro Battaglia 9 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology 12:15 9b.6 High-resolution spatial analysis of a hurricane structure by means of X-band and Ka-band satellite synthetic aperture radar Saverio Mori, DIET University of Rome & CETEMPS, University of L’Aquila, Italy, and Federica Polverari, Luca Pulvirenti, Mario Montopoli, Frank Marzano 12:30 – 14:30 Poster Viewing (Group 2) with Lunch and Coffee (sponsored by Vaisala) Posters: AIR APP DAC MES NWP SYN TEC 15:00 16:00 Bus transfer to Linderhof Castle Visit to Linderhof Castle 18:00 Bus transfer to Ettal Visit to Ettal Monastry 19:00 22:00 Gala Dinner at Ettal (sponsored by SELEX) Bus transfer return to Garmisch-Partenkirchen 10 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Thursday, 4 September 2014 Session 10: Mesoscale and Severe weather studies (I) Thursday, 4 Sept., Time 8:30, Hall Werdenfels (plenary) Chair: Aurora Bell, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia 8:30 10.1 KEYNOTE: Convergence zone development in complex terrain during the Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS) Tracy Hertneky, National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA, and Tammy M. Weckwerth 9:00 10.2 A climatology of mesoscale motions of precipitation patterns Isztar Zawadzki, McGill University, Canada, and Bernat Puigdomènech 9:15 10.3 Polarimetric X-band radar measurements of the development of precipitation observed during COPE Chris Collier, National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Leeds, United Kingdom, and Alan Blyth, Lindsay Bennett, David Dufton, J. French 9:30 10.4 Polarimetric signatures of Mediterranean storms retrieved by an operational polarimetric X-band radar system Gianfranco Vulpiani, Department of Civil Protection, Italy, and Luca Baldini, Elisa Adirosi, Nicoletta Roberto 9:45 10.5 Hailstorm distribution in the Alpine area: a long-term, radar-based analysis over complex orography Luca Nisi, 1) Oeschger Centre, University of Bern, Bern, 2) MeteoSwiss, Radar, Satellite, Nowcasting division, Locarno, Switzerland, and Olivia Martius, Alessandro Hering, Urs Germann 10:00 10.6 Recent observations of tornadoes using a mobile, rapid-scan, polarimetric, Xband, Doppler radar Howard Bluestein, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA, and Jeffrey C. Snyder, Kyle J. Thiem, Zachary B. Wienhoff, Jana B. Houser, Vivek N. Mahale 10:15 – 10:45 Coffee break (sponsored by METEK) Session 11: Advances in weather radar technology and signal processing (I) Thursday, 4 Sept., Time 10:45, Hall Werdenfels (plenary) Chair: Alexis Berne, EPFL-LTE, Lausanne, Switzerland 10:45 11.1 Pulse Compression Waveform Design Considerations for Extreme Weather Observations James Kurdzo, Advanced Radar Research Center, University of Oklahoma, USA, and Boon Leng Cheong, Robert Palmer 11:00 11.2 Use of the dual-wavelength dual-polarization CSU-Chill radar to estimate rainfall from attenuation Francesc Junyent, Colorado State University, USA, and V. Chandrasekar 11 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology 11:15 11.3 Measurements of Circular Depolarization Ratio with the Radar with Simultaneous Transmission / Reception Alexander Ryzhkov, Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies, University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA, and Pengfei Zhang, Qing Cao, Sergey Matrosov, Valery Melnikov, Michael Knight 11:30 11.4 Shortening the update time of a phased array weather radar Valery Melnikov, University of Oklahoma, USA, and Richard Doviak, Dusan Zrnic 11:45 11.5 Dual polarisation technique to improve the identification of RLAN interference Nawal Husnoo, Met Office, United Kingdom, and Jacqueline Sugier 12:00 11.6 New Doppler Spectral Processing Technique for Identifying Atmospheric Signals from Radar Wind Profilers Jonathan Helmus, Argonne National Laboratory, USA, and Virendra P. Ghate, Richard Coulter, Scott Collis, Karen L. Johnson, Scott Giangrande, Pavlos Kollias 12:30 Lunch break (downtown) 12:30 – 14:30 Poster Viewing (Group 2) Posters: AIR APP DAC MES NWP SYN TEC Session 12a: Mesoscale and Severe weather studies (II) Thursday, 4 Sept., Time 15:00, Hall Werdenfels (parallel) Chair: Olivier Bousquet, Météo-France / LACy, Saint Denis de La Réunion 15:00 12a.1 A macrophysical life cycle description for precipitating systems Raquel Evaristo, Meteorological Institute at the University of Bonn, Germany, and Xinxin Xie, Silke Troemel, Malte Diederich, Jürgen Simon, Clemens Simmer 15:15 12a.2 Trigger and Evolution of the Mesoscale Convection: A Case Study over Pearl River Delta in South China Xingchao Chen, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, and Xingchao Chen 15:30 12a.3 Fine-scale X-Band Mobile Radar Observations of Small-scale Circulations in Intense Lake-effect Snow Bands Karen Kosiba, Center for Severe Weather Research, USA, and Joshua Wurman 15:45 12a.4 Hurricane boundary layer: rolls, Low level winds , and building shadows Joshua Wurman, Center for Severe Weather Research, USA, and Karen Kosiba, Paul Robinson 16:00 12a.5 Radar-derived Thermodynamics in Tropical Cyclones Annette Foerster, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA, and Michael M. Bell 16:15 12a.6 A Radar-Cross-Section Database Driven Radar Time-Series Simulator Boon Leng Cheong, University of Oklahoma, USA, and B. L. Cheong, D. Bodine, T. Maruyama, C. Fulton, Sebastian Torres, R. D. Palmer 12 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Session 12b: Advances in weather radar technology and signal processing (II) Thursday, 4 Sept., Time 15:00, Hall Zugspitze (parallel) Chair: John Hubbert, NCAR, Boulder, USA 15:00 12b.1 Cylindrical Polarimetric Phased Array Radar for Weather Observation John Meier, Advanced Radar Research Center, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, USA, and Redmond Kelley, Shaya Karimkashi, Matt McCord, Isaac Meier, Guifu Zhang, Robert Palmer, Allen Zahrai, Damon Schmidt, Richard J. Doviak, Dusan S. Zrnic, Caleb Fulton 15:15 12b.2 A new method to identify and correct range sidelobes from pulse compression Chris Westbrook, University of Reading, United Kingdom, and John Nicol 15:30 12b.3 Does Range Oversampling Help or Hurt NEXRAD’s Ability to Detect Tornados? Sebastian Torres, University of Oklahoma/CIMMS and NOAA/NSSL, Norman, Oklahoma, USA, and Christopher Curtis 15:45 12b.4 Detection of electric fields using full polarimetric C-Band radar data Jens Reimann, Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik und Radarsysteme, DLR, Germany, and Martin Hagen 16:00 12b.5 Developing a low cost C-band FMCW microwave areal rain gauge – MARG Ferenc Dombai, MET-ENV, Hungary, and H. Paulitsch, R. Cremonini, R. Bechini, M. Budai 16:15 12b.6 Optimization of turbulence measurements for radar, lidar and sonic anemometers. Albert Oude Nijhuis, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, and Oleg Krasnov, Christine Unal, Herman Russchenberg, Alexander Yarovoy 16:30 – 17:00 Session 13: Coffee break (sponsored by NTT-AT) Data quality and calibration (II) Thursday, 4 Sept., Time 17:00, Hall Werdenfels (plenary) Chair: Remko Uijlenhoet, Wageningen University, The Netherlands 17:00 13.1 Classification of meteorological and non-meteorological targets with new statistical methods applying polarimetric moments and their texture Jarmo Koistinen, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland, and Teemu Mäkinen, Seppo Pulkkinen 17:15 13.2 Quality of clear-air radar radial velocity data: Do insects matter? Ronald Hannesen, Selex ES GmbH, Germany, and Sebastian Kauczok, André Weipert 17:30 13.3 A new method for clutter detection and removal Remco van de Beek, Meteo Group, The Netherlands, and Daniel van Dijke, Hugo Hartmann, Floris Bijlsma 17:45 13.4 Effects of wind turbines on the use of meteorological radar based products Tim Böhme, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany 13 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology 18:00 13.5 Weather Radar with Abundant Wind Farming – Impacts on Data Quality and Mitigation by Doppler Dual-Polarization Reino Keränen, Vaisala Oyj, Finland, and Alberto Pettazzi, Laura Alku Catalina, Salsón Santiago 18:15 13.6 Study of radar signatures of hail in the Basque Country Mercedes Maruri, (1) Basque Meteorology Agency (EUSKALMET), Miñano, Alava; (2) TECNALIA-Energy and Environment Division-Meteo Area, Miñano, Alava; (3) Department of Applied Mathematics, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao, Spain, and Arkaitz Etxezarreta, Jose Antonio Aranda, Maialen Martija, Eugenia Iturritxa, Iñaki Eguiara, Jesus Torres, Joseba Egaña, Pedro Anitua, Santiago Gaztelumendi 14 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Friday, 5 September 2014 Session 14: Synergetic use of weather radar and other sensors Friday, 5 Sept., Time 8:30, Hall Werdenfels (plenary) Chair: Pierre Tabary, Météo France, Toulouse, France 8:30 14.1 KEYNOTE: Long-term country-wide rainfall mapping employing cellular communication networks Aart Overeem, Wageningen University / Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, The Netherlands, and Hidde Leijnse, Remko Uijlenhoet, Manuel F. Rios Gaona 9:00 14.2 Using microwave backhaul links to optimize the performance of radar-based rainfall estimation and attenuation correction Silke Trömel, Hans-Ertel Centre for Weather Research, Atmospheric Dynamics and Predictability Branch, University of Bonn, Germany, and Michael Ziegert, Alexander V. Ryzhkov, Christian Chwala, Clemens Simmer 9:15 14.3 Melting layer attenuation as observed by polarimetric radar-radiometer synergetic approach Pablo Saavedra Garfias, University of Bonn, Germany, and Alessandro Battaglia, Clemens Simmer 9:30 14.4 Multi-sensor field studies of thunderstorms and lightning Hartmut Höller, Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, DLR, Germany, and HansDieter Betz, Carlos Morales, Richard J. Blakeslee, Jeffrey C. Bailey, Rachel I. Albrecht, Margot Leitner 9:45 14.5 Inter-comparison of X-band radar and lidar low-level wind measurement for air traffic control (ATC) Thomas Ernsdorf, German Weather Service, Aeronautical Meteorology Department, Germany, and Bernd Stiller, Björn-Rüdiger Beckmann, André Weipert, Sebastian Kauczok, Ronald Hannesen 10:00 14.6 On the meteorological circumstances of the occurence of clear air echoes Jan Handwerker, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research, Germany, and Norbert Kalthoff, Bianca Adler 10:15 – 10:45 Coffee break Session 15: Use of weather radars in NWP systems Friday, 5 Sept., Time 10:45, Hall Werdenfels (plenary) Chair: Hidde Leijnse, KNMI, De Bilt, the Netherlands 10:45 15.1 Comparisons between S, C, and X band polarimetric radar observations and convective-scale simulations of HyMeX first special observing period Clotilde Augros, Radar Center and CNRM-GAME, Météo France, France, and Olivier Caumont, Pierre Tabary, Nicolas Gaussiat, Véronique Ducrocq 11:00 15.2 Use of Radar Observations to Evaluate WRF Cloud Microphysics Scheme Ki-Hong Min, Kyungpook National University, Korea, and Sunhee Choo, Daehyung Lee, Gyuwon Lee 15 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology 11:15 15.3 Multiple Doppler radar data assimilation with WRF 3D-Var: IOP4 of HyMeX campaign retrospective studies Ida Maiello, Centre of Excellence CETEMPS, Department of Physics and Chemistry University of L’Aquila, Italy, and Rossella Ferretti, Luca Baldini, Nicoletta Roberto, Errico Picciotti, Sabrina Gentile, Pier Paolo Alberoni, Frank Silvio Marzano 11:30 15.4 Assimilating radar volume data into the COSMO model using an LETKF approach Yuefei Zeng, DWD, Germany, and Ulrich Blahak, Theresa Bick, Virginia Poli, Klaus Stephan 11:45 15.5 Towards the operational assimilation of radar refractivity retrievals in the United Kingdom John Nicol, National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Reading, United Kingdom, and David Simonin, Anthony Illingworth, Susan Ballard 12:00 15.6 Assimilation of multinational radar data using HARMONIE Martin Ridal, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), Sweden, and Mats Dahlbom, Günther Haase, Daniel Michelson 12:15 – 13:00 Closing Ceremony 16 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Poster Group 1 – Session HYD: Hydrological studies employing weather radars Display time: Monday & Tuesday HYD.P01 Visually and easily detectable radar information available for judging the evacuation from heavy rainfall disasters Izumi Yokota, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, and Koji Nishiyama, Kenichi Tsukahara, Kenji Wakimizi HYD.P02 Comparison between C-band and S-band radar rainfall for hydrological simulations in Marikina River Basin, Philippines Catherine Abon, University of Potsdam, Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Potsdam, Germany, and Irene Crisologo, David Kneis, Axel Bronstert, Maik Heistermann HYD.P03 A study on flash flood forecasting using threshold rainfall and quantitative radar precipitation Hee Sook Ji, National Institute of Meteorological Research/Korea Meteorological Administration, Korea, and Hyedeuk Bae, Yoon-Jin Lim, Byoung-Cheol Choi HYD.P04 Use of radar-based QPE in stochastic precipitation simulator for flood frequency estimation over small mountain catchments Petr Zacharov, Institute of Atmospheric Physics ASCR, Czech Republic, and Daniela Rezacova, Petr Pesice, Sarka Blazkova HYD.P05 Investigating the ice water path in convective cloud life cycles to improve passive microwave rainfall retrievals Ramon Braga, National Institute for Space Research, Brasil, and Daniel Vila HYD.P06 Improving Hydrometeorological Forecasting Using High-Resolution X-Band Radars (HyFoX) Katharina Lengfeld, Meteorological Institute, University of Hamburg, Germany, and Marc Berenguer, Marco Clemens, Felix Ament, Daniel Sempere-Torres HYD.P07 Rainfall-runoff modelling using merged rainfall from radar and raingauge measurements Nergui Nanding, University of Bristol, United Kingdom, and Miguel Angel Rico-Ramirez, Dawei Han HYD.P08 Characteristics of Radar Echoes formed by Seeding Experiment of Liquid Carbon Dioxide for Enhancing Winter-time Precipitation in the northern part of Kyushu,Japan Kenji Wakimizu, Kyushu University, Japan, and Koji Nishiyama, Osamu Morira, Kikuro Tomine, Yoshinori Suzuki, Taichi Maki HYD.P09 Influence of rainfall spatial variability on hydrological modelling: case study on an urban catchment Jérôme Schoorens, Ondeo Sytems, France, and Isabelle Emmanuel, Vincent Le Balier, Anne Guillon, Bernard Flahaut HYD.P11 Attenuation Correction and Precipitation Estimates Using a Mobile X Band Polarimetric Radar for Hydrological Studies Ivon Wilson da Silva Júnior, University of São Paulo, Brasil, and Augusto J. Pereira Filho, Felipe Vemado HYD.P12 Precipitation monitoring in urban areas by a dense C-Band weather radar network Laura Catalina Alku, University of Helsinki,Helsinki; Vaisala Oy, Vantaa, Finland, and Kalle Nordling, Roberto Cremonini, Dmitri Moisseev, V. Chandrasekar 17 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology HYD.P14 The TERENO pre-alpine observatory: a hydrometeorological test bed Benjamin Fersch, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Campus Alpin, GarmischPartenkirchen, Germany, and Christian Chwala, Johannes Werhahn, Gerhard Smiatek, Carsten Jahn, Matthias Mauder, Ralf Kiese, Rainer Gasche, Hans Papen, Harald Kunstmann HYD.P15 A cloud-based urban flood Early Warning System using radars Xavier Llort, Hydrometeorological Innovate Solutions, Spain, and Alvaro Rodríguez, David Sancho, Rafael Sánchez-Diezma HYD.P16 Water management DSSs integrating radar and other data sources David Sancho, Hydrometeorological Innovative Solutions, Spain, and Álvaro Rodríguez, Rafael Sánchez-Diezma, Xavier Llort HYD.P17 Comparison between X-band and C-band co-located rainfall estimations in urban environment in Torino, Italy Marco Branca, Electronics and Telecommunications Department, Politenico di Torino, Italy, and Roberto Cremonini, Renzo Bechini, Riccardo Notarpietro HYD.P18 Use of a Micro Rain Radar (MRR) for Measurements of Rain Drop Sizes and Quantitative Estimation Precipitation in Mountain Area Jeongho Choi, Suwon Science College, Korea, and Jungho Kim, V. Chandrasekar, Sanghun Lim Poster Group 1 – Session MIC: Microphysics of cloud and precipitation Display time: Monday & Tuesday MIC.P01 On applicability of spheroidal shapes to describe observed cloud radar depolarization ratios of ice hydrometeors Sergey Matrosov, CIRES, University of Colorado and NOAA ESRL, USA MIC.P02 Influence of the liquid layer within mixed-phase clouds on radar observations. Lukas Pfitzenmaier, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, and Yann Dufournet, Christine Unal, Herman Russchenberg MIC.P03 Hydrometeor Classification at MeteoSwiss Jordi Figueras i Ventura, MeteoSwiss, Switzerland, and Marco Boscacci, Marco Gabella, Urs Germann MIC.P06 Automatic detection and characterization of the melting-layer on X-band polarimetric radar scans Daniel Wolfensberger, EPFL-LTE, Switzerland, and Danny Scipion, Alexis Berne MIC.P07 Discrimination between winter precipitation types based on explicit microphysical modeling of melting and refreezing in the polarimetric hydrometeor classification algorithm Alexander Ryzhkov, Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies / University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA, and Heather Reeves, John Krause, Hoyt Burcham MIC.P08 Rainfall Estimation and Drop Size Distribution Retrieval from Dual-polarization Radars at Ku- and S-band: Application in NASA IFloodS Field Campaign Haonan Chen, Colorado State University, USA, and V. Chandrasekar 18 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology MIC.P09 Retrieval of Rain Microphysical parameters in Korea Peninsular using the DualPolarimetric S-band Radar Soohyun Kwon, Dept. of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences, Research and Training Team for Future Creative Astrophysicists and Cosmologists, Kyungpook National University, Korea, and GyuWon Lee, Bo-Young Ye MIC.P10 Measurment of rain intensity by radiometer and double frequency radar remote sensing Anna Linkova, A. Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine, and Grygoriy Khlopov MIC.P11 Hydrometeor Classification for the DWD Weather Radar Network: First Verification Results Jörg Steinert, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach, Germany MIC.P12 Weather radar precipitation estimates vs lightning flash rates: overview of HyMeX SOP1 cases Ibai Campo, University of Barcelona, Dep. Astronomy and Meteorology, Barcelona, Spain, and Anna Domingo-Dalmau, Joan Bech, Nicolau Pineda, Tomeu Rigo MIC.P13 Evaluation of hydrometeor classification algorithms from multi-frequency dualpolarimetric radar observations collected during HyMeX Jean-Francois Ribaud, CNRM-GAME and LA, France, and Olivier Bousquet, Hassan AlSakka MIC.P14 High-resolution X-Band networked rainfall morphology Scott Collis, Argonne National Laboratory, Australia, and Scott Giangrande, Jonathan Helmus, Adam Theisen MIC.P15 Analysis of co-located dual-polarization observations at C and X band in Italy Renzo Bechini, Arpa Piemonte, Italy, and Roberto Cremonini, Gianfranco Vulpiani, Luca Baldini, Valentina Campana MIC.P16 The impact of raindrop collisional processes on the polarimetric radar variables Matthew Kumjian, Penn State University, USA, and Olivier Prat MIC.P17 The vertical structure of Mediterranean precipitation during HyMeX special observation periods in 2012 and 2013 Jacopo Grazioli, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Environmental Remote Sensing Laboratory (LTE), Switzerland, and Alexis Berne MIC.P19 High resolution polarimetric radar observations in Southern France during the second HyMex SOP 2013-2014 John Kalogiros, National Observatory of Athens, Greece, and Marios Anagnostou, Guy Delrieu, Brice Boudevillain, Manos Anagnostou MIC.P20 Hydrometeor classification tuned for Austrian C-band polarimetric weather radar data Manuela Kalcher, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, and Rudolf Kaltenböck, Leopold Haimberger MIC.P21 Raindrop Size Distribution under Drop Break-up: Implications for GPM DPR Algorithm Leo Pio D'Adderio, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy, and Federico Porcu', Ali Tokay MIC.P22 Localized intensification of snowfall by air traffic Susanna Lautaportti, University of Helsinki, Finland, and Laura Rojas, Ksenia Atlaskina, Dmitri Moisseev, Ewan O'Connor MIC.P23 Dual-Polarization X-Band Radar Observations of Tropical Convection During HERO Michael Bell, University of Hawaii, USA 19 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology MIC.P24 Identification of snowfall riming through analysis of radar echo spatial structure Dmitri Moisseev, University of Helsinki, Finland, and Susanna Lautaportti, V. Chandrasekar, Pablo Saavedra MIC.P25 Overview of NASA D3R’s performance during the GV Field Campaigns –IFLOODS and IPHEX; Preliminary Results V. Chandrasekar, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA, and Robert M. Beauchamp, Manuel Vega, Haonan Chen, Mathew Schwaller, Walt Petersen, David Wolff MIC.P26 Simultaneous polarimetric X-band and Ka-band radar observations of clouds and mixed phase precipitation over the North Slope of Alaska V. Chandrasekar, Colorado State University, USA, and Cuong Nguyen, Nitin Bharadwaj, Hans Verlinde Poster Group 1 – Session MMW: Millimeter-wave cloud radars Display time: Monday & Tuesday MMW.P01 The Fully Polarimetric Architecture of the Ka-W SACR2 Michele Galletti, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA, and Mariko Oue, Hans Verlinde, Alexander Ryzhkov MMW.P02 Using higher radar moments to study ice clouds Maximilian Maahn, University of Cologne, Germany, and Ulrich Löhnert, Kollias Pavlos MMW.P03 Development mechanism of a cumulonimbus observed by Ka-band Doppler radar on 18 August 2011 in the Kanto region, Japan Namiko SAKURAI, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, Japan, and Shimizu Shingo, Shimada Seiichi, Iwanami Koyuru, Misumi Ryohei, Suzuki Shin-ich, Maesaka Takeshi, Shusse Yukari MMW.P04 Evaluation and Monitoring of Data Quality of Ka-Band Cloud Radar Bo-Young Ye, Dept. of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences, Research and Training Team for Future Creative Astrophysicists and Cosmologists, Kyungpook National University, Korea, and Gyuwon Lee, Soohyun Kwon, Ho-Woo Lee, Jong-Chul Ha MMW.P05 Tropical Indian Cloud Characteristics: Insights from Cloud radar observations Madhu Chandra R KALAPUREDDY, Physics and Dynamics of Tropical Clouds Programme, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India, and Sukanya Patra, Subrata Das, Sachin Deshpande, Kaustav Chakravarty MMW.P06 Reconstruction of 3D cloud geometry using a scanning cloud radar Christian Winkler, Meteorologisches Institut, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany, and Florian Ewald, Tobias Zinner, Bernhard Mayer MMW.P07 Using the correlation RHO_LDR between the co and cross channel for target classification of cloud radar data Matthias Bauer-Pfundstein, METEK, Meteorologische Messtechnik GmbH, Germany, and Björn-Rüdiger Beckmann, Alexander Myagkov MMW.P08 The Ka-band radar MIRA36: Experiences from ten years of operation and current applications Ulrich Görsdorf, DWD, Meteorologisches Observatorium Lindenberg, Germany, and Volker Lehmann 20 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology MMW.P09 Characterization of the in-cloud horizontal wind shear and its relation with cloud morphology using Scanning ARM Cloud Radar Observations Paloma Borque, McGill University, Canada, and Pavlos Kollias MMW.P10 Deciphering the Radar Reflectivity Profile in Liquid Stratiform Clouds Edward Luke, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA, and Pavlos Kollias Poster Group 1 – Session NET: Radar networking Display time: Monday & Tuesday NET.P01 OPERA 4 - The new phase of Operational Weather Radar Network in Europe Elena Saltikoff, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland, and Hidde Leijnse, Petr Novak NET.P02 Sensitivity Study for a Reflectivity Retrieval within the testbed of an X-band radar network Nicole Feiertag, Meteorological Institute, University of Hamburg, Germany, and Katharina Lengfeld, Marco Clemens, Felix Ament NET.P03 Polarimetric radar observations in Belgium Laurent Delobbe, Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, Belgium, and Edouard Goudenhoofdt NET.P04 Three-Dimensional Reflectivity Composite created from Radar Volume Data Michael Mott, Forschung und Entwicklung - Zentrale Entwicklung, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany, and Malte Diederich NET.P05 PATTERN: Advantages of High-Resolution Weather Radar Networks Katharina Lengfeld, Meteorological Institute, University of Hamburg, Germany, and Marco Clemens, Hans Münster, Felix Ament NET.P06 Real-time estimation and correction for vertical profile of reflectivity in the Danish weather radar network Rashpal S. Gill, Danish Meteorological Institute, Denmark, and Martin B. Sørensen, T. Bøvith NET.P07 The Morocco Weather Radar Network - mix of upgraded radars and new ones - A success story Martin Malkomes, GAMIC mbH, Germany, and Mostapha Saadi, Marco Costa NET.P08 The ADRIARadNet project: ADRIAtic integrated RADar-based and web-oriented information processing system NETwork to support hydro-meteorological monitoring and civil protection decision Errico Picciotti, CETEMPS, University of L’Aquila, Italy, and Frank Marzano, Valentina Colaiuda, Marco Massabò, Miranda Deda, Paolo Campanella, Luca Abeti, Francesca Sini, Carlo Alberto Neri, Shemsi Prençi, Maksimiljan Dhima, Petrit Zorba, Irma Berdufi, Marku Metodi, Paolo Sala, Marcella Rezzolla, Mato Tomljanović, NET.P09 Meteorological Applications of the Font Range Observational Network Testbed John Hubbert, National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA, and P. Kennedy, M. Dixon, W.-C. Lee, S. Rutledge, T. Weckwerth, V. Chandrasekar, E. Loew NET.P10 Composite rainfall map from C-band conventional and X-band dual-polarimetric radars for the whole of Japan Kohin Hirano, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, Japan, and Masayuki Maki, Ryohei Misumi 21 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology NET.P11 Evaluating radar beam occultation and ground clutter in urban environment using laser scanner data Roberto Cremonini, Dep. of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland, and Dmitri Moisseev, V. Chandrasekar NET.P12 The BALTRAD Software System Contributions to Kapildu's Radar Mercedes Maruri, (1) Basque Meteorology Agency (EUSKALMET), Miñano, Alava; (2) TECNALIA-Energy and Environment Division-Meteo Area, Miñano, Alava; (3) Department of Applied Mathematics, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao, Spain, and Christian Aloni, Hector Fernández NET.P13 OPERA User Group – a new way to account for user requirements on OPERA products Klaus Stephan, German Weather Service, Germany, and Elena Saltikoff NET.P14 Close Future of Slovak Weather Radar Network Marian Jurasek, Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute, Slovakia, and Jan Kanak, Luboslav Okon, Ladislav Meri NET.P15 Weather radar network design as a function of benefits analysis Dawn Harrison, Met Office, United Kingdom Poster Group 1 – Session NOW: Nowcasting techniques Display time: Monday & Tuesday NOW.P01 Overview and recent developments of the nowcasting system INCA in Belgium (INCABE) Maarten Reyniers, Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, Belgium NOW.P02 Operational hail nowcasting and automatic warnings at MeteoSwiss Alessandro Hering, MeteoSwiss, Locarno-Monti, Switzerland, and Luca Nisi, Simona Trefalt, Urs Germann NOW.P03 Retrieving wind gust information from radar data Simona Trefalt, University of Bern and MeteoSwiss, Switzerland, and Simona Trefalt, Olivia Romppainen-Martius, Alessandro Hering, Urs Germann NOW.P04 Use of radar data in nowcast applications Judith Ungelenk, Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), Germany, and Tanja Winterrath, Tim Böhme, Paul James, Kai Oliver Heuer, Wolfgang Rosenow, Sebastian Trepte, Reinhold Hess, Tamas Hirsch NOW.P05 A new Melting Layer Detection Algorithm that Combines Polarimetric Radar-based Detection with Thermodynamic Output from Numerical Models Terry Schuur, University of Oklahoma/CIMMS and NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory, USA, and Alexander V. Ryzhkov, John Krause NOW.P06 Dual-Polarization Radar Particle Classification Results during the Sochi Olympic Games Janti Reid, Environment Canada, Canada, and Janti Reid, David Hudak, Sudesh Boodoo, Norman Donaldson, Paul Joe, Dmitry Kiktev, Aleksandr Melnichuk NOW.P07 Storm Tracking and Forecasting using High Resolution echoes of Short Range X-Band Radar Sajid Shah, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, and Riccardo Notarpietro, Marco Branca 22 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology NOW.P08 Nowcasting Using Dual Polarization Radar in Southeast Brazil Bruno Lisboa Medina, National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Brasil, and Enrique Vieira Mattos, Luiz Augusto Toledo Machado NOW.P09 Nowcasting of precipitation at the Danish Meteorological Institute Thomas Bøvith, Danish Meteorological Institute, Denmark, and Rashpal S. Gill, Martin B. Sørensen NOW.P10 Using dual-polarized radar data in LAPS system Jelena Markovic, Faculty of Physics, Serbia NOW.P11 Detection of atmospheric rotation by means of the DWD weather radar network Thomas Hengstebeck, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany, and Dirk Heizenreder, Paul Joe NOW.P12 RainAhead - first results of QPE and QPN based on adjusted radar data from Boostedt Guido Lempio, hydro & meteo GmbH & Co.KG, Germany, and Thomas Einfalt, Alrun Jasper-Tönnies NOW.P13 Case study of hail detection using S-band dual polarization radar in Korea Sol-Ip Heo, NIMR/KMA, Korea, and Kyung-Yeub Nam, Byoung-Cheol Choi NOW.P14 Combination of object-oriented and areal tracking algorithm for improvement of radar echo prediction Hana Kyznarova, Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, Czech Republic, and Petr Novak NOW.P15 Study about the nowcasting techniques and their implementation in the meteorological radar of Kapildui Diego Gil, Telecommunications Department, Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao, University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU), Spain, and Mercedes Maruri, J.A. Aranda NOW.P16 Quantitative expression of uncertainty in nowcasting heavy convective precipitation in Central Europe by extrapolation methods Jan Mejsnar, Department of Meteorology and Environment Protection, Charles University, Czech Republic, and Zbynĕk Sokol, Petr Pešice NOW.P17 Skill in nowcasting high-impact heavy precipitation events Joan Bech, University of Barcelona, Dep. Astronomy and Meteorology, Barcelona, Spain, and Marc Berenguer NOW.P18 Using the ZDR Column Product to Detect Convective Storm Development and Track Updraft Position Jeffrey Snyder, National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL), USA, and Alexander Ryzhkov, Matthew Kumjian, Joey Picca NOW.P19 A nowcasting technique for cumulative rainfall for the Mediterranean basin Alessandro Mazza, CNR-IBIMET/Consorzio LaMMA, Italy, and Samantha Melani, Andrea Antonini, Alberto Ortolani NOW.P20 The use of NWP forecasts to improve an ensemble nowcasting technique Álex Buil, CRAHI-UPC, Spain, and Marc Berenguer, Daniel Sempere-Torres 23 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Poster Group 1 – Session QPE: Progress in QPE and error structure analysis Display time: Monday & Tuesday QPE.P01 Pinpointing the errors in radar estimates of rainfall using minute-by-minute rainfall rates measured with very sensitive rain gauges Anthony Illingworth, University of Reading, United Kingdom, and Robert Thompson QPE.P02 A wind drift correction for radar rainfall products Caroline Sandford, Met Office, United Kingdom QPE.P03 Using an S-band radar to verify polarimetric retrieval methods at C-band in a tropical environment Maik Heistermann, University of Potsdam, Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Germany, and Irene Crisologo, Catherine Abon, Gianfranco Vulpiani, Axel Bronstert QPE.P04 Error analysis of quantitative precipitation estimates from NCAS’s X-band polarimetric radar. David Dufton, National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Leeds, United Kingdom, and Lindsay Bennett, Alan Blyth, Chris Collier QPE.P05 Radar-Based Precipitation Climatology for Germany – First Results and Future Directions Elmar Weigl, Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), Germany, and Tanja Winterrath, Gabriele Malitz QPE.P06 Progress in operational quantitative precipitation estimation in the Czech Republic Petr Novák, Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, Czech Republic, and Hana Kyznarová QPE.P08 Implementation of variable relationships of radar reflectivity and rainfall rate in a network of X-band radars Marco Clemens, Meteorological Institute, University of Hamburg, Germany, and Katharina Lengfeld, Hans Münster, Felix Ament QPE.P10 Classification and correction of the radar bright band with polarimetric radar Will Hall, Bristol University, United Kingdom, and Miguel A. Rico-Ramirez, Stefan Kramer QPE.P11 Validation of satellite precipitation products using NMQ over the CONUS Jianxin Wang, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA, and Walter Petersen, David Wolff, George Huffman, David Bolvin, Pierre-Emmanuel Kirstetter QPE.P12 Correction of C-band radar observation for propagation effects based on the selfconsistency principle Ahoro ADACHI, Meteorological Research Institute, Japan, and Takahisa Kobayashi, Hiroshi Yamauchi QPE.P13 Estimation of radar rainfall and its accuracy Improvement in Korea Mi-Kyung Suk, Korea Meteorological Administration, Korea, and Hye-Sook Park, JongSeo Park QPE.P14 Analysis of radar rainfall estimation accuracy using Hybrid Scan Reflectivity (HSR) Technique in Korea Hye-Sook Park, Korea Meteorological Administration, Korea, and Jae-Kyoung Lee, MiKyung Suk, Jong-Seo Park 24 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology QPE.P15 Merging single and dual-polarization radar rainrates to improve the accuracy of quantitative rainrate estimation Jae-Kyoung Lee, Korea Meteorological Administration, Korea, and Ji-Hyeon Kim, HyeSook Park, Mi-Kyung Suk, Jong-Seo Park QPE.P16 Comparison of two rainfall estimation algorithms using S-band dual-polarization radar in Korea Hye-Young Ko, Dept. Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences, Research and Training Team for Future Creative Astrophysicists and Cosmologisis, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea, and Gyuwon Lee QPE.P17 Comparison of polarimetric techniques for precipitation estimation in Serbia Zoran Vucinic, Republic Hydrometeorological service of Serbia, Serbia, and Julijana Nadj QPE.P18 Comparison of Optimal Rainfall map with CAPPI Soohyun Kwon, Dept. of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences, Research and Training Team for Future Creative Astrophysicists and Cosmologists, Kyungpook National University / Center for Atmospheric REmote sensing (CARE), Kyungpook National University, Korea, and Sung-Hwa Jung, GyuWon Lee, Bo-Young Ye QPE.P19 Quantitative Precipitation Estimation Algorithm Using an Overlapped Observation Area between Radars Jungho KIM, Korea University, Korea, and Chulsang Yoo, V. Chandrasekar, Sanghun Lim, Jeongho Choi QPE.P20 Dual-polarization based QPE in presence of hail contamination Ljubov Nevvonen, FMI, Finland, and Dmitri Moisseev, V. Chandrasekar, Heikki Pohjola QPE.P21 Results from the network of rain gauges in association with the Doppler Weather Radar Vesna Ivkov, Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia, Serbia QPE.P22 A quality-based approach for radar rain field reconstruction and the H-SAF precipitation products validation Gianfranco Vulpiani, Department of Civil Protection, Italy, and Angelo Rinollo, Silvia Puca, Mario Montopoli QPE.P23 Observation of Winter Precipitation Using the PX-1000 Boon Leng Cheong, University of Oklahoma, USA, and B. L. Cheong , J. D. Lee, T.-Y. Yu, S. Lee, R. D. Palmer, J. Heo, J.-H. Kim, J. Yoo, S. J. Oh, G. W. Lee, B.-Y. Ye, J. E. Lee, K.-Y. Nam QPE.P24 Jamming detection using geometric signatures in weather radar images Dominique Faure, Météo-France, Toulouse, France, and Pierre Tabary, Nicolas Gaussiat, Maud Martet QPE.P25 Gauge-radar adjustment by using multivariate kernel regression and spatiotemporal Kriging Seppo Pulkkinen, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland, and Jarmo Koistinen, Timo Kuitunen QPE.P26 Quality-based combination of multi-source precipitation data Jan Szturc, Department of Ground-Based Remote Sensing, IMGW-PIB, Warszawa, Poland, and Katarzyna Osrodka, Anna Jurczyk, Piotr Struzik, Irena Otop QPE.P27 1-year long operational application of Vertical Profile of Reflectivity in the retrieval of the rain rate at the ground: impact and problems. Anna Fornasiero, ARPA Emilia-Romagna, Italy, and Roberta Amorati, Pier Paolo Alberoni 25 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology QPE.P28 Error sources of radar snowfall estimaiton: Z-S relationships and vertical structure of snow storm Jeong-Eun Lee, Kyungpook National University, Korea, and Jeong-Eun Lee, GyuWon Lee QPE.P29 Comparison of MRR and weather radar measurements in Mediterranean precipitation Julie Pichon, LTE, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, and Jacopo Grazioli, Tim Raupach, Brice Boudevillain, Alexis Berne QPE.P31 Adjustment of Radar Precipitation Estimation Based on the Local Gauge Correction Method Kwangho Kim, Pukyong National University, Korea, and Park-Sa Kim, Min-Seong Kim, Seong-Woon Seo, Dong-Hwan Kang, Byung-Hyuk Kwon QPE.P32 A dual-polarization dual-frequency transmission experiment for precipitation and humidity remote sensing Christian Chwala, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Campus Alpin, GarmischPartenkirchen, Germany, and Uwe Siart, Harald Kunstmann QPE.P33 A neural-network approach for quantitative precipitation estimation using an operational polarimetric C-band radar in complex terrain scenarios Gianfranco Vulpiani, Department of Civil Protection, Italy QPE.P34 Quantitative Precipitation Estimation for the Polarimetric DWD Weather Radar Network Patrick Tracksdorf, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach am Main, Germany QPE.P35 Comparison of measured drop size distribution and retrieved Z/R relations with the distribution of reflectivity patterns in the 2D-radar image Malte Neuper, Institute of Water Resources and River Basin Management - Section Hydrology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany, and Uwe Ehret QPE.P36 How does reconstruction of clutter areas improve by accounting for the spatial and temporal variability of rainfall? Shinju Park, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Centre de Recerca Aplicada en Hidrometeorologia, Barcelona (Spain), current: Department of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea, and Marc Berenguer QPE.P37 Range Effects at S and X Band Radars in São Paulo Roberto Vicente Calheiros, Instituto de Pesquisas Meteorologicas - UNESP, Brasil, and Ana Maria Gomes, Maria Andrea Lima QPE.P38 A probabilistic Quantitative Precipitation Estimation for ground-based radar networks at high space and time scale Pierre-Emmanuel Kirstetter, OU Advanced Radar Research Center / NOAA National Severe Storm Laboratory, USA, and Jonathan Gourley, Yang Hong, Jian Zhang, Saber Moazamigoodarzi, Carrie Langston, Amy Arthur QPE.P39 Sensitivity of power functions to aggregation: bias and uncertainty in radar rainfall retrieval Maximilliano Sassi, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, 't Horntje, The Netherlands, and Hidde Leijnse, Remko Uijlenhoet QPE.P40 Have we reached the limits in quantitative precipitation estimation by conventional weather radar? Pieter Hazenberg, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Arizona, USA, and Hidde Leijnse, Remko Uijlenhoet 26 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Poster Group 2 – Session AIR: Airborne and spaceborne radars Display time: Wednesday & Thursday AIR.P02 An Airborne Ka-Band PMS Probe Radar Andrew Pazmany, ProSensing Inc., USA AIR.P03 The CleoSim Radar Simulator Andrea Manzoni, DEIB - Politecnico di Milano, Italy, and Michele D'Amico, Fabio Milani, Jean-Philippe Wasselin AIR.P04 Doppler performance assessment of a space-borne cloud stereo-radar concept for a hurricane system Alessandro Battaglia, University of Leicester, United Kingdom, and Pavlos Kollias AIR.P05 Diagnosis of Sensitivity of Energy Efficiency in Typhoon Sinlaku(2008) during TCS-08/TPARC Jisun Lee, Dept. of Environmental Atmospheric Sciences, Pukyong National University, Korea, and Hung-Chi Kuo, Tien-Yiao Hsu, Dong-In Lee AIR.P06 Radar simulation studies for measurement of precipitation from space-borne radar on GPM Takahisa Kobayashi, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan, and Soichiro Sugimoto, Mistuharu Nomura, Hiromaru Hirakuchi, Ahoro Adachi AIR.P07 Snowfall validation for the NASA Global Precipitation Measurement mission Stephen Nesbitt, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, and Kirstin Gleicher, George Duffy, Kim Reed, V. Chandrasekar, Walt Petersen, David Hudak AIR.P08 Spatial Variability of Raindrop Size Distribution and Radar Observables Ali Tokay, JCET/UMBC - NASA/GSFC, USA, and Leo Pio D'Adderio, David B. Wolff, Walter A. Petersen AIR.P09 On the ground validation of TRMM PR reflectivity using 3-D composites from a groundbased radar network Shinju Park, Research and Training Team for Future Creative Astrophysicists and Cosmologists, Dept. of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences and Center for Atmosphere Remote Sensing, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea, and Soohyun Kwon, Sung-Hwa Jung, GyuWon Lee AIR.P10 Scan strategy concepts of Tier-1 radars of GPM ground validation Luca Baldini, CNR Istituto di Scienze dell'Atmosfera e del Clima, Italy, and V. Chandrasekar, Walter A. Petersen, Mathew R. Schwaller AIR.P11 VAD and Dual-Doppler Analysis of Doppler Velocity for HIWRAP Lin Tian, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA, and Gerry Heymsfield, Steve Guimond, Lihua Li 27 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Poster Group 2 – Session APP: Innovative Applications of Weather Radar Display time: Wednesday & Thursday APP.P01 Tailored Weather Radar Products for use in aviation Thomas Wetter, Systems and Operations of the Aeronautical Meteorological Service, DWD, Germany, and Dirk Zinkhan APP.P02 A verification and validation study of the prototype products of the 3D high-resolution radar reflectivity for SESAR Hassan AL-SAKKA, Météo France, France, and Robert Scovell, Nicolas Gaussiat, Pierre Tabary APP.P03 Turbulence eddy dissipation rates in the boundary layer: a comparison of Doppler lidar and X-band radar estimate Lucas Besson, LATMOS/UPMC, France, and Richard Wilson APP.P04 Use of on advanced airborne weather radar for flight trajectory optimization Fabrizio Cuccoli, U.O. CNIT, Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni, Firenze, Italy, and L. Facheris, S. Lischi, A. Lupidi, C. Mugnai, C. Zoppetti, N. Roberto, E. Adirosi, L. Baldini APP.P06 The new German guideline for radar measurement of precipitation Thomas Einfalt, hydro & meteo GmbH & Co. KG, Lübeck, Germany, and Simon Jäckel APP.P08 Bird flock tracking by weather radars Matti Leskinen, University of Helsinki, Finland, and Jarmo Koistinen, Dmitri Moisseev, Pekka Rossi, Heikki Pohjola APP.P09 Bird migration across the Bay of Biscay observed by meteorological radar Nadja Weisshaupt, Department of Ornithology, Aranzadi Sciences Society, Spain, and Mercedes Maruri, Juan Arizaga APP.P10 Potential of weather radar in estimating volcanic eruption source parameters: case study of Ejyafjallajökull volcano eruption Luigi Mereu, DIET University of Rome & CETEMPS, University of L’Aquila, Italy, and Frank Silvio Marzano, Mario Montopoli, Costanza Bonadonna, Wim Degruyter APP.P11 Statistical analysis of volcanic ash measured by X-band polarimetric radar Masayuki Maki, Kagoshima University, Japan, and Ikuko Suzuki, Takeshi Maesaka, Yoshitaka Muraji APP.P12 Radar volcano monitoring system in Iceland Þórður Arason, Icelandic Meteorological Office, Iceland, and Richard F. Yeo, Hermann Arngrímsson, Bolli Pálmason, Sibylle von Löwis, Guðrún Nína Petersen, Halldór Bjornsson APP.P13 Application of radar data for oceanography and hydrodynamics of seas Olga Shishkina, Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation 28 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Poster Group 2 – Session DAC: Data quality and calibration Display time: Wednesday & Thursday DAC.P01 The effect of a wind power plant in radar data Michael Frech, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Observatorium Hohenpeißenberg, Germany, and Jörg Seltmann DAC.P02 Receiver Upgrade for the Polarimetric C-Band Radar POLDIRAD Dennis Vollbracht, Research and Development Department, Selex ES GmbH, Germany, and Daniel Ridene, Jens Reimann, Martin Hagen DAC.P03 Reflectivity quality control based on 2D and 3D parameters Sorin Burcea, National Meteorological Administration, Romania, and Daniel Cărbunaru DAC.P04 A new Radar Data Post-Processing Quality Control Workflow for the DWD Weather Radar Network Manuel Werner, Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), Germany DAC.P05 The development of a Kriging based gauge and radar merged product for real-time rainfall accumulation estimates Sharon Jewell, Met Office, United Kingdom, and Katie Norman DAC.P06 The Austrian TUNDRA project - Tuning dual-pol radars in the Alps Vera Meyer, Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG), Division Data Methods Models, Vienna, Austria, and Lukas Tüchler, Rudolf Kaltenböck, Christina Tavolato DAC.P07 Data quality of the new Austrian dual-polarized weather radars Lukas Tüchler, Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, Austria, and Vera Meyer, Rudolf Kaltenboeck, Christina Tavolato DAC.P08 Characteristics of Two Quality Control Techniques for Operational Radars in Korea Sora Park, Weather Radar Center, KMA, Korea, and Ji-Hyeon Kim, Heon-ae Kim, JongSeo Park DAC.P09 A Novel Method for Absolute Calibration of Radars Claire Merker, Meteorological Institute, University of Hamburg, Germany, and Katharina Lengfeld, Marco Clemens, Hans Münster, Ulrich Görsdorf, Felix Ament DAC.P10 Quality of weather radar wind profiles at ARPA Emilia-Romagna Virginia Poli, ARPA Emilia-Romagna, Bologna, Italy, and Pier Paolo Alberoni DAC.P11 Recovery of partial blocked beams from a single-polarised weather radar system Stephan Jacobi, University of Potsdam, Germany DAC.P12 Use of Hydrometeors, Bragg Scatter, and Sun Spikes to Determine System ZDR Biases in the WSR-88D Fleet W. David Zittel, NOAA/NWS Radar Operations Center, USA, and Jeffrey Cunningham, Robert Lee, Lindsey Richardson, Richard Ice, Valery Melnikov DAC.P13 Can NEXRAD and industry share the S-band? Exploring the impact of RF interference on the WSR-88D estimators Bradley Isom, NSSL/CIMMS, USA, and Bradley Isom, Christopher Curtis DAC.P14 Quality Assessment of Radial Velocity Data using Wind Profiles Iwan Holleman, Radboud University Nijmegen - Institute for Molecules and Materials, The Netherlands, and Hidde Leijnse 29 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology DAC.P15 X-band weather radar monitoring of precipitation fields in Naples Urban Areas: data quality, comparison and analysis Vincenzo Capozzi, Università degli studi di Napoli "Parthenope", Italy, and Errico Picciotti, Giorgio Budillon, Frank Marzano DAC.P16 Performance comparison of a low cost dual-polarization X-band mini radar with references systems in X and C bands in Rome supersite Stefano Barbieri, CETEMPS, University of L’Aquila, Italy, and Frank Marzano, Errico Picciotti, Mario Montopoli, John Kalogiros, Marios Anagnostou, Luca Baldini, Saverio Di Fabio, Raffaele Lidori DAC.P17 Some important weather radar correction algorithms and the development of the new 3D radar composite product at the Hungarian Meteorological Service. Roland Steib, Hungarian Meteorological Service, Hungary, and Péter Németh, István Sebők, Csaba Szegedi DAC.P18 Weather Radar and Wind Turbines - Theoretical and Numerical Analysis of the Shadowing and related Precipitation Error Gerhard Greving, NAVCOM Consult, Germany, and Martin Malkomes DAC.P19 Polarimetric calibration of weather radar using the sun Jens Reimann, Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik und Radarsysteme, DLR, Germany, and Martin Hagen DAC.P20 Preliminary analysis of vertical profiles of polarimetric radar observables in complex orography for operational purpose Mario Montopoli, DIET, Sapienza University of Rome & CETEMPS, University of L’Aquila, Italy, and Gianfranco Vulpiani DAC.P21 Differential Reflectivity Calibration for the Euskalmet Weather Radar Arkaitz Etxezarreta, Adasa Sistemas - Environmental Quality Division. L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona); Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao, UPV-EHU. Bilbao (Bizkaia); Department of Communications Engineering, Faculty of Engineering of Bil, Spain, and Mª de las Mercedes Maruri, Jose Antonio Aranda DAC.P22 Towards the improvement of monitoring and data quality assessment in the weather radar network of the Meteorological Service of Catalonia (SMC) Oriol Argemí, Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya, Spain, and Patricia Altube, Tomeu Rigo, Xavier Ortiga, Nicolau Pineda, Joan Bech DAC.P23 A tool for designing radar data processing schemes Joonas Karjalainen, Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Finland, and Markus Peura, Harri Hohti, Jarmo Koistinen DAC.P24 Absolute dual-polarization radar calibration: temperature dependence and stability with focus on antenna-mounted receivers and Noise Source-generated reference signal Dennis Vollbracht, Research and Development Department, Selex ES GmbH, Germany, and Maurizio Sartori, Marco Gabella DAC.P25 Application of the full wave electromagnetic approach to the calculation of polarimetric variables for ensembles of rough and nonspheroidal hydrometeors Djordje Mirkovic, National Severe Storm Laboratory, CIMMS University of Oklahoma, USA, and Dusan Zrnic, Alexander Ryzhkov DAC.P26 Using inpaint to replace clutter with plausible radar data Christoffer A. Elo, Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Norway 30 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology DAC.P27 Images processing techniques applied to the Kapildui weather radar Mercedes Maruri, (1) Basque Meteorology Agency (EUSKALMET), Miñano, Alava; (2) TECNALIA-Energy and Environment Division-Meteo Area, Miñano, Alava; (3) Department of Applied Mathematics, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao, Spain, and Arantxa Polo, Olatz Salmerón DAC.P28 Comparison of Indian Doppler Weather Radar Reflectivity Observations with TRMMPR Devajyoti Dutta, National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting, A-50, Sector, Noida, Dist.- U.P., India, and K. Amar Jyothi, John P. George, Kumar D. Preveen, E. N. Rajagopal DAC.P29 Software development processes in radar algorithm development at the DWD Nils Rathmann, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach, Germany DAC.P30 Development of a Real-time Data Quality Index for the S-Pol Radar Scott Ellis, NCAR/EOL, USA, and Dave Albo, Tammy Weckwerth, John Hubbert, Mike Dixon DAC.P31 Evaluation of System PhiDP at Environment Canada’s Research Radar Norman Donaldson, Environment Canada, King City, ON, Canada, and Sudesh Boodoo, David Hudak, Vlado Stojanovic DAC.P32 Statistical Study of Echoes from Wind Farms and Other Moving Clutter Targets Norman Donaldson, Environment Canada, King City, ON, Canada Poster Group 2 – Session MES: Mesoscale and Severe weather studies Display time: Wednesday & Thursday MES.P01 Doppler-radar observations of a prefrontal wind-shift line in the Southern Plains of the U. S. Howard Bluestein, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, USA, and Jeffrey C. Snyder, Kyle J. Thiem, Zachary B. Wienhoff, Dylan Reif, David Turner MES.P02 Observations of hail cores of tornadic thunderstorms with four polarimetric radars Valery Melnikov, University of Oklahoma, USA, and Dusan Zrnic, Donald Burgess, Edward Mansell MES.P03 Radar-Based Statistical Characteristics of Convective Storms in the West Coast of the Korean Peninsula Sung-Hwa Jung, Research and Training Team for Future Creative Astrophysicists and Cosmologists, Dept. of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences and Center for Atmosphere Remote Sensing, Kyungpook National University, Korea, and GyuWon Lee MES.P04 Case study of splitting hailstorms over Bulgaria on 20 May 2013 Ivaylo Zamfirov, National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, Pleven, Bulgaria, and Christo Georgiev, Julia Stoyanova MES.P05 Winter and summer weather studies using high resolution radar data Tim Böhme, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany MES.P06 Assessment of severe hailstorms and hail risk using weather radar data Sorin Burcea, National Meteorological Administration, Romania, and Roxana Cica, Roxana Bojariu 31 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology MES.P07 Classification of MCSs associated with Typhoon by Radar echo pattern Koji Sassa, Kochi University, Japan, and Hitomi Makigusa MES.P08 Polarimetric rainfall retrieval in a tropical environment: consistency analysis for two Cband radars in the Philippines Irene Crisologo, University of the Philippines, Philippines, and Maik Heistermann, Gianfranco Vulpiani MES.P09 Simulation of the hail storms with the COSMO NWP model Zbynek Sokol, Institute of Atmospheric Physics ASCR, Czech Republic, and Petr Pesice, Vojtech Bliznak, Petr Zacharov MES.P10 Quality aspect related to radar-based hail detection Maryna Lukach, Royal Meteorological Institute, Belgium, and Laurent Delobbe MES.P11 A case study of severe hailstorm in Belgrade on 30th May 2013 Gordana Bogunovic, Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia, Serbia MES.P12 An echo top estimation using vertical interval interpolation Maryna Lukach, Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium (RMI), Belgium, and Maarten Reyniers, Oliver Salasar Celis, Annie Cuyt MES.P14 Data Assimilation of Doppler Weather Radar Data in the Predictions of Mesoscale events Mohan Kumar Das, SAARC Meteorological Research Centre (SMRC), Bangladesh, and Md. Abdul Mannan Chowdhury MES.P15 Dual-Doppler Radar Observation of the Beijing Extreme Rainfall on 21 July 2012 Kun Zhao, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, and Zhao Kun MES.P16 Radar characteristics of selected windstorms in Serbia over the last decade Maja Rabrenovic, Ministry of Interior, Sector for Emergency Management, Belgrade, Serbia MES.P17 Radar-based Characteristics of Convective Storm associated with Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Flashes Sung-Hwa Jung, Research and Training Team for Future Creative Astrophysicists and Cosmologists, Dept. of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences and Center for Atmosphere REmote Sensing, Kyungpook National University, Korea, and Joon-Jin Song, GyuWon Lee MES.P18 Polarimetric weather signatures and Doppler spectral analysis of a convective squall line Ricardo Reinoso-Rondinel, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, and Christine Unal, Herman Russchenberg, Thijs IJpelaar, Yann Dufournet MES.P19 Preliminary result of hail detection using an operational S-band polarimetric radar in Korea Mi-Young Kang, Pukyong National University, Korea, and Dong-In Lee, Cheol-Hwan You, Sol-Ip Heo MES.P20 Preliminary Results from the ROTATE-2014 (Radar Observations of Tornadoes and Thunderstorms) experiment Karen Kosiba, Center for Severe Weather Research, USA, and Joshua Wurman MES.P21 An Automated Method for Polarimetric Tornado Debris Detection Jeffrey Snyder, National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL), USA, and Alexander Ryzhkov MES.P22 Polarimetric radial velocity estimates in intense tornadoes observed by a highresolution, rapid-scan, polarimetric mobile radar Jeffrey Snyder, National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL), USA, and Howard Bluestein 32 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology MES.P23 Analysis of a heavy storms episode in Basque Country: the 19-20 jul 2013 case. Santiago Gaztelumendi, Tecnalia - meteo area / Basque Meteorology Agency, Spain, and Joseba Egaña, Olatz Principe, Virginia Palacio, Mercedes Maruri MES.P24 Using radar data for analysis of a very heavy precipitation episode in Bilbao area. Joseba Egaña, Tecnalia - meteo area / Basque Meteorology Agency, Spain, and Santiago Gaztelumendi, Virginia Palacio, Olatz Principe, Mercedes Maruri MES.P25 Hail storm features using C-band polarimetric radar in Delhi and associated atmospheric energetic Devajyoti Dutta, National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting, A-50, Sector, Noida, Dist.- U.P., India, and K. Amar Jyothi, Kumar D. Preveen, John P. George, E. N. Rajagopal MES.P26 A major rainfall event in Apulia region observed by newly installed C band radar of RIVONA Project Franco Prodi, ISAC-CNR, Bologna, Italy, and Anna Cinzia Marra, Fausto Pasqualucci, Giuliano Trivellone, Fabrizio Congedo MES.P27 Effects of orographic convection on cloud and precipitation development in winter storms Katja Friedrich, Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, U of Colorado, USA, and Josh Aikins, Bart Geerts, Josh Wurman Poster Group 2 – Session NWP: Use of weather radars in NWP systems Display time: Wednesday & Thursday NWP.P01 Climatology of radar anomalous propagation over West Africa Samuel KAISSASSOU, University of Yaounde 1, Cameroon, and André Lenouo, Philippe Lopez NWP.P02 Routine monitoring of radar reflectivity observations at the Met Office and lessons for direct assimilation of radar reflectivity data in 4D-VAR Lee Hawkness-Smith, Met Office, Reading, United Kingdom, and Sue Ballard, David Simonin, Cristina Charlton-Perez NWP.P03 Application of Immersed Boundary Method to Variational Doppler Radar Analysis System (VDRAS) Sheng-Lun Tai, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Central University, Taiwan, and Yu-Chieng Liou, Juanzhen Sun, Shao-Fan Chang NWP.P04 The use of radar-based QPE in the high resolution QPF verification Petr Zacharov, Institute of Atmospheric Physics ASCR, Czech Republic, and Daniela Rezacova, Radmila Brozkova NWP.P05 COSMO-CZ-EPS Petr Zacharov, Institute of Atmospheric Physics ASCR, Czech Republic, and Daniela Rezacova, Zbynek Sokol NWP.P06 Radar-based post-processing of precipitation forecasts from a convection permitting NWP ensemble, MOGREPS-UK Clive Pierce, Met Office, United Kingdom, and Nigel Roberts 33 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology NWP.P07 Methodology for evaluating clouds and precipitation in high resolution models using radar data Dan Zhang, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach am Main, Germany, and Kathrin Wapler, Ulrich Blahak NWP.P08 Impact of dense radar observations on short-range rainfall forecasting with 4DVAR assimilation: Implementation of VDRAS radar data assimilation system and initial results Soichiro Sugimoto, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan, and Juanzhen Sun, Zhuming Yin NWP.P09 The improvement on quantitative precipitation forecast by implementing ice phase microphysics into a four-dimensional Variational Doppler Radar Analysis System (VDRAS) Shao-Fan Chang, National Central University, Taiwan, and Yu-Chieng Liou, Juanzhen Sun NWP.P10 Imrovements of seasonal forecast at Regional level (Ethiopia) Samsom Kahsay Gebretensae, Meteorologist, Ethiopia NWP.P11 The evaluation of updrafts in an operational high-resolution NWP model using singleDoppler radar measurements John Nicol, National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Reading, United Kingdom, and Robin Hogan, Thorwald Stein, Kirsty Hanley, Humphrey Lean, Robert Plant, Peter Clark, Carol Halliwell NWP.P12 A new efficient radar forward operator for weather radar networks in the COSMO model Ulrich Blahak, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany, and Yuefei Zeng, Dorit Jerger, Klaus Stephan NWP.P13 Assimilation of the radar data in the (1.3 km) high resolution AROME model and estimates of the observation error correlations Eric Wattrelot, Météo France, France, and Thibaut Montmerle, Jean-Francois Mahfouf, Slim Selmi NWP.P14 Applying OPERA rain rate composite for assimilation into COSMO model Klaus Stephan, German Weather Service, Germany NWP.P15 Development of Observation Operator for Dual Polarimetric Radar Takuya Kawabata, University of Hohenheim, Germany, and Thomas Schwitalla, HansStefan Bauer, Volker Wulfmeyer Poster Group 2 – Session SYN: Synergetic use of weather radar and other sensors Display time: Wednesday & Thursday SYN.P01 Synergy of ground-based weather radar network and geostationary satellite observations for extending rain rate estimation beyond radar coverage Domenico Cimini, CNR-IMAA, Italy, and Saverio Di Fabio, Errico Picciotti, Livio Bernardini, Gianfranco Vulpiani, Mario Montopoli, Filomena Romano, Frank Marzano SYN.P02 Use of satellite observations for weather radar quality control improvement Adolfo Magaldi, University of Barcelona, Spain, and Joan Bech, Jerónimo Lorente, Anke Thoss SYN.P04 Wind shear detection using radar and lidar at Frankfurt and Munich airports 34 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology André Weipert, Selex ES GmbH, Germany, and Sebastian Kauczok, Ronald Hannesen, Thomas Ernsdorf, Bernd Stiller SYN.P05 Warning procedures for extreme events in the Emilia-Romagna Region Anna Fornasiero, ARPA Emilia-Romagna, Italy, and Miria Celano, Roberta Amorati, Virginia Poli, Pier Paolo Alberoni SYN.P06 Remote sensing of severe convective storms using the MSG 2.5-minute rapid scan, weather radars and lightning detection data Petr Novák, Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, Czech Republic, and Hana Kyznarová, Martin Setvák, Jindřich Šťástka, Michaela Radová, Jan Kaňák, Kristopher Bedka, Michaela Valachova SYN.P07 Recognition of severe weather by combining dual-polarization radar measurements and high-resolution 3D lightning data Hans-Dieter Betz, nowcast GmbH, Germany, and Martin Hagen, Hartmut Höller, Matthias Möhrlein SYN.P08 Conditioning simulated radar rainfields onto gauges to preserve anistropy and relative wetness towards uncertainty estimates in hydrological applications Geoff Pegram, Pegram & Associates (Pty) Ltd, South Africa, and Yeboah Gyasi-Agyei SYN.P09 Verification of a weather radar derived surface precipitation type product Verònica Vidal, University of Barcelona, Dep. Astronomy and Meteorology, Barcelona, Spain, and Joan Bech, Joana Aina Ortiz, Nicolau Pineda, Roger Veciana SYN.P10 Overview of ground based radar/lidar remote sensing study of cloud and precipitation at Tropical Indian region Madhu Chandra R KALAPUREDDY, Physics and Dynamics of Tropical Clouds Programme, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India, and Sachin Deshpande, Subrata Kumar Das, K. Chakravarty, R.D. Ruchith, Sukanya Patra, G. Pandithurai, Thara Prabhakaran SYN.P11 Adjustment of radar rainfall images employing rainfall estimates from a cellular communication network Aart Overeem, Wageningen University / Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, The Netherlands, and Hidde Leijnse, Remko Uijlenhoet SYN.P12 Studying precipitation distribution along an alpine mountain slope using a MRR and a commercial microwave link Christian Chwala, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Campus Alpin, GarmischPartenkirchen, Germany, and Martin Hagen, Harald Kunstmann SYN.P13 Precipitation observation with commercial microwave links in the alpine region of Garmisch-Partenkirchen Christian Chwala, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Campus Alpin, GarmischPartenkirchen, Germany, and Harald Kunstmann 35 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Poster Group 2 – Session TEC: Advances in weather radar technology and signal processing Display time: Wednesday & Thursday TEC.P01 Dual-wavelength estimates of X-band radar signal attenuation characteristics in rain Sergey Matrosov, CIRES, University of Colorado and NOAA ESRL, USA, and P.C. Kennedy, R. Cifelli TEC.P02 Statistical Characterization of the Atmospheric Refractivity from Weather Radar Data Rubén Nocelo López, Signal Theory and Communications Department, University of Vigo, Spain, and Verónica Santalla del Rio TEC.P03 Methods to Improve Fields of Correlation Coefficient Estimates Igor Ivic, The University of Oklahoma/NSSL, Norman, OK, USA, and Bradley Isom TEC.P04 Development of advanced radar technologies for weather application Masakazu Wada, Toshiba Corporation, Japan, and Naoki Anraku, Hiroshi Yamauchi, Ahoro Adachi, Tomoo Ushio, Shinsuke Satoh TEC.P06 Locally and Temporally Adaptive Clutter Removal in Weather Radar Measurements Jörn Sierwald, Eigenor Corporation, Finland, and Jukka Huhtamäki TEC.P07 Adaptive Clutter Removal in Operational Dual-Polarization Measurements Jukka Huhtamäki, Eigenor Corporation, Finland, and Jörn Sierwald TEC.P08 ENIGMA - the versatile weather radar signal processing for weather radars Magnetron, Klystron, TWT and SST Martin Malkomes, GAMIC mbH, Germany, and Matthias Toussaint, Dietmar Veerkamp TEC.P09 Adaptive Storm-based Scanning at the National Weather Radar Testbed Phased Array Radar David Priegnitz, CIMMS/University of Oklahoma and NOAA/NSSL, USA, and Pamela Heinselman, Rodger Brown TEC.P10 Improved Spectrum Width Estimators for Doppler Weather Radars David Warde, CIMMS, University of Oklahoma and NOAA/OAR/NSSL, USA, and Sebastian Torres TEC.P11 Antenna pattern requirements for 3-Pol weather radar measurements. Veronica Santalla del Rio, University of Vigo, Spain, and María Vera-Isasa, José Manuel Pidre Mosquera TEC.P12 Performance comparison of receiving filters/algorithms in weather radar. Andres Martinez Mera, University of Vigo, Spain, and Veronica Santalla del Rio TEC.P13 Identification and Filtering of Non-Precipitation Echoes in Dual-Polarization Radar Data Using Selective Frequency Domain Filter Bo-Young Ye, Dept. of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences, Research and Training Team for Future Creative Astrophysicists and Cosmologists, Kyungpook National University, Korea, and Gyuwon Lee, Soohyun Kwon TEC.P14 Estimation of Melting Layer Altitudes from Dual-Polarization Weather Radar Observations Reino Keränen, Vaisala Oyj, Finland, and Laura Alku Catalina, Jason Selzler TEC.P15 Importance of Rapid-scan Radar Data During a Tornado Outbreak Pamela Heinselman, NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory, USA, and Charles Kuster 36 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology TEC.P16 Effect of Carrier Frequency Estimation Error On Clutter Filtering For Magnetron Based Coherent Systems Cagatay Candan, Middle East Technical University, Department of Electrical Engineering, Turkey, and Ali Ozgur Yilmaz, Eda Sezen Ata TEC.P17 Beam multiplexing and clutter filtering for the Phased Array Weather Radar Lesya Borowska, Atmospheric Radar Research Center, University of Oklahoma, USA, and Dusan Zrnic, Guifu Zhang, Chris Curtis TEC.P18 Statistical evaluation of time multiplexing approach to suppress coupling in the polarimetric radar Igor Ivic, The University of Oklahoma/NSSL, Norman, OK, USA TEC.P19 Improved Correlation Coefficient Estimator Igor Ivic, The University of Oklahoma/NSSL, Norman, OK, USA TEC.P20 The Doppler On Wheels and CSWR Surface Observational Facility Joshua Wurman, Center for Severe Weather Research, USA, and Michael Dixon, Eric Loew, Karen Kosiba TEC.P21 Improving the NEXRAD Network: an Update on NSSL Radar Division’s Research-toOperations Activities Michael Jain, NOAA-National Severe Storms Laboratory, USA, and Sebastian Torres, Alexander Ryzhkov TEC.P22 Exploration of ground targets to improve radar refractivity retrieval Ya-Chien Feng, McGill University, Canada, and Frédéric Fabry TEC.P24 Deployment of the X-band dual polarization phased array radar in the Dallas-Forth Worth Urban Demonstration Network. Krzysztof Orzel, University of Massachusetts, USA, and Lauren Masiunas, Tom Hartley, Stephen Frasier TEC.P26 Reuse of existing antenna in Swedish Weather Radar modernization. Ingemar Carlsson, Saab AB, Sweden 37 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Alphabetical List of all Authors Balleri, Alessio: 9a.4; Bang, Young-Su: 2a.4; Bansemer, Aaron: 6a.6; Barbieri, Stefano: DAC.P16; Battaglia, 2b.2; 2b.3; 9b.5; 14.3; Alessandro: AIR.P04; Bauer, Hans-Stefan: NWP.P15; Bauer, Silke: 9a.4; Bauer-Pfundstein, 2b.1; MMW.P07; Matthias: Beauchamp, Robert 8.5; MIC.P25; M.: Bech, Joan: 8.4; DAC.P22; MIC.P12; NOW.P17; SYN.P02; SYN.P09; Bechini, Renzo: 5.2; 12b.5; HYD.P17; MIC.P15; Beckmann, Björn- 14.5; MMW.P07; Rüdiger: Bedka, Kristopher: SYN.P06; Bell, Aurora: 4.3; Bell, Michael: 12a.5; MIC.P23; BenMoshe, Nir: 6a.4; Bennett, Lindsay: 6a.2; 10.3; QPE.P04; Berdufi, Irma: NET.P08; Berenguer, Marc: 1.6; 7.2; 7.4; HYD.P06; NOW.P17; NOW.P20; QPE.P36; Bernardini, Livio: SYN.P01; Berne, Alexis: 2a.2; 5.3; MIC.P06; MIC.P17; QPE.P29; Bertoldi, G.: 3.6; Besson, Lucas: APP.P03; Betz, Hans-Dieter: 14.4; SYN.P07; Beyer, Stefan: TEC.P05; Bharadwaj, Nitin: MIC.P26; ; Bick, Theresa: 15.4; Bijlsma, Floris: 13.3; Bjornsson, Halldór: APP.P12; Abeti, Luca: Abon, Catherine: Ackerman, Andrew: Adachi, Ahoro: NET.P08; HYD.P02; QPE.P03; 5.6; AIR.P06; TEC.P04; QPE.P12; Adirosi, Elisa: 6a.5; 10.4; APP.P04; Adler, Bianca: 14.6; Aikins, Josh: MES.P27; Alberoni, Pier 15.3; DAC.P10; Paolo: QPE.P27; SYN.P05; Albo, Dave: DAC.P30; Albrecht, Rachel I.: 14.4; Alku, Laura 13.5; HYD.P12; Catalina: TEC.P14; Aloni, Christian: NET.P12; Al-Sakka, Hassan: 6b.6; 9a.2; APP.P02; MIC.P13; Altube, Patricia: 8.4; DAC.P22; Alves, Jose A.: 9a.4; Ament, Felix: 6b.3; 9b.2; DAC.P09; HYD.P06; NET.P02; NET.P05; QPE.P08; Amorati, Roberta: QPE.P27; SYN.P05; Anagnostou, 3.6; MIC.P19; Emmanouil: Anagnostou, 3.6; DAC.P16; MIC.P19; Marios: Anitua, Pedro: 13.6; Anraku, Naoki: TEC.P04; Antonini, Andrea: 6b.4; NOW.P19; Aranda, Jose 13.6; DAC.P21; Antonio: NOW.P15; Arason, Þórður: APP.P12; Argemí, Oriol: 8.4; DAC.P22; Arizaga, Juan: APP.P09; Arngrímsson, APP.P12; Hermann: Arthur, Amy: QPE.P38; Ata, Eda Sezen: TEC.P16; Atencia, Aitor: 7.4; Atlaskina, Ksenia: MIC.P22; Augros, Clotilde: 15.1; Bae, Hyedeuk: HYD.P03; Bailey, Jeffrey C.: 14.4; Baldini, Luca: Balier, Vincent Le: Ballard, Susan: Blahak, Ulrich: 15.4; NWP.P07; NWP.P12; Blakeslee, Richard 14.4; J.: Blazkova, Sarka: HYD.P04; Bliven, Larry: 2b.6; Bliznak, Vojtech: MES.P09; Bluestein, Howard: 10.6; MES.P01; MES.P22; Blyth, Alan: 6a.2; 10.3; QPE.P04; Bodine, D.: 12a.6; 6a.5; 10.4; 15.3; APP.P04; AIR.P10; DAC.P16; MIC.P15; HYD.P09; 15.5; NWP.P02; 38 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Boettcher, Jami B.: 8.7; Bogunovic, MES.P11; Gordana: Böhme, Tim: 13.4; MES.P05; NOW.P04; Bojariu, Roxana: MES.P06; Bolvin, David: QPE.P11; Bonadonna, APP.P10; Costanza: Boodoo, Sudesh: 1.5; DAC.P31; NOW.P06; Borga, M.: 3.6; Borowska, Lesya: TEC.P17; Borque, Paloma: 2b.5; MMW.P09; Boscacci, Marco: 4.5; MIC.P03; Boudevillain, Brice: MIC.P19; QPE.P29; Boudjemaa, 6b.2; Redouane: Boumahmoud, 6b.6; Abdel-Amin: Bousquet, Olivier: 9b.1; MIC.P13; Bøvith, Thomas: NET.P06; NOW.P09; Braga, Ramon: HYD.P05; Branca, Marco: HYD.P17; NOW.P07; Bringi, 6a.3; Viswanathan: Bronstert, Axel: HYD.P02; QPE.P03; Brown, Phil: 6a.2; Brown, Rodger: TEC.P09; Brozkova, Radmila: NWP.P04; Budai, M.: 12b.5; Budillon, Giorgio: DAC.P15; Buil , Álex: NOW.P20; Burcea, Sorin: DAC.P03; MES.P06; Burcham, Hoyt: MIC.P07; Burgess, Donald: MES.P02; Calheiros, Roberto QPE.P37; Vicente: Campana, MIC.P15; Valentina: Campanella, Paolo: NET.P08; Campo , Ibai: MIC.P12; Candan, Cagatay: TEC.P16; Cao, Qing: 11.3; Capozzi, Vincenzo: DAC.P15; Carbunaru, Daniel: DAC.P03; Carey, Larry: 6a.3; Carlsson, Ingemar: TEC.P26; Caumont, Olivier: 15.1; Celano, Miria: SYN.P05; Celis, Oliver MES.P12; Salasar: Chakravarty, Kaustav: Chandrasekar, V.: Chang, Shao-Fan: Chapman, Jason W.: Chapnick, Bernard: Charlton-Perez, Cristina: Chen, Haonan: Chen, Xingchao: Cheney, Margaret: Cheong, Boon Leng: Choi, ByoungCheol: Choi, Jeongho: Choo, Sunhee: Choularton, Tom: Chowdhury, Md. Abdul Mannan: Chwala, Christian: MMW.P05; SYN.P10; 1.3; 2b.6; 5.2; 6a.6; 8.5; 11.2; AIR.P07; AIR.P10; HYD.P12; HYD.P18; MIC.P08; MIC.P24; MIC.P25; MIC.P26; NET.P09; NET.P11; QPE.P19; QPE.P20; NWP.P03; NWP.P09; 9a.4; 2a.5; NWP.P02; 1.3; MIC.P08; MIC.P25; 12a.2; 12a.2; 11.5; 11.1; 12a.6; QPE.P23; HYD.P03; NOW.P13; HYD.P18; QPE.P19; 15.2; 6a.2; MES.P14; 14.2; HYD.P14; QPE.P32; SYN.P12; SYN.P13; Cica, Roxana: MES.P06; Cifelli, R.: TEC.P01; Cimini, Domenico: SYN.P01; SYN.P01; Clark, Peter: NWP.P11; Clemens, Marco: 6b.3; DAC.P09; HYD.P06; NET.P02; NET.P05; QPE.P08; Clementi, Lorenzo: 4.5; Colaiuda, NET.P08; Valentina: Collier, Chris: 6a.2; 10.3; QPE.P04; Collis, Scott: 5.6; 11.6; MIC.P14; Congedo, Fabrizio: MES.P26; Corongiu, Manuela: 6b.4; Costa, Marco: NET.P07; Coulter, Richard: 11.6; Cremonini, 12b.5; HYD.P12; Roberto: HYD.P17; MIC.P15; NET.P11; Crewell, Susanne: 9b.2; Crisologo, Irene: HYD.P02; MES.P08; QPE.P03; Croonen, G.: 9a.3; Crouch, John: 9a.6; 39 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Cuccoli, Fabrizio: APP.P04; Cunningham, 8.1; DAC.P12; Jeffrey: Curtis, Christopher: 12b.3; DAC.P13; TEC.P17; Curtis, Mark: 1.1; Cuyt, Annie: MES.P12; da Silva Júnior, Ivon HYD.P11; Wilson: D'Adderio, Leo Pio: AIR.P08; MIC.P21; Dahlbom, Mats: 15.6; D'Amico, Michele: AIR.P03; Darlington, Tim: 1.4; Das, Mohan Kumar: MES.P14; Das, Subrata SYN.P10; Kumar: Das, Subrata: MMW.P05; Deda, Miranda: NET.P08; Degruyter, Wim: APP.P10; Delanoe, Julien: 9b.1; Elo, Christoffer A.: Emmanuel, Isabelle: Ernsdorf, Thomas: Etxezarreta, Arkaitz: Evaristo, Raquel: Ewald, Florian: Fabio, Saverio Di: DAC.P26; HYD.P09; 14.5; SYN.P04; 13.6; DAC.P21; 12a.1; MMW.P06; 9a.5; DAC.P16; SYN.P01; Fabry, Frédéric: 7.4; TEC.P22; Facheris, L.: APP.P04; Faure, Dominique: QPE.P24; Feiertag, Nicole: NET.P02; Feng, Ya-Chien: TEC.P22; Fernández, Hector: NET.P12; Ferretti, Rossella: 15.3; Fersch, Benjamin: HYD.P14; Figueras i Ventura, 4.5; 5.5; MIC.P03; Jordi: Filippaki, Chrysi: TEC.P05; Fix, Andreas: 9b.2; Flahaut, Bernard: HYD.P09; Foerster, Annette: 12a.5; Foresti, Loris: 2a.1; Fornasiero, Anna: QPE.P27; SYN.P05; Fradon, Béatrice: 6b.6; Frasier, Stephen: TEC.P24; Frech, Michael: 4.4; 8.2; DAC.P01; French, Jeff: 6a.2; 10.3; Fridlind, Ann: 5.6; Friedrich, Katja: MES.P27; Fulton, Caleb: 12a.6; 12b.1; Gabella, Marco: 4.5; 5.5; DAC.P24; MIC.P03; Galletti, Michele: MMW.P01; Ganster, H.: 9a.3; Gärtner, T.: 9a.3; Gasche, Rainer: HYD.P14; Gatlin, Patrick: 6a.3; Gaussiat, Nicolas: 2a.5; 4.2; 6b.6; 9a.2; 15.1; APP.P02; QPE.P24; Gaztelumendi, 13.6; MES.P23; Santiago: MES.P24; Gebretensae, NWP.P10; Samsom Kahsay: Geerts, Bart: MES.P27; Gentile, Sabrina: 15.3; George, John P.: DAC.P28; MES.P25; Georgiev, Christo: MES.P04; Delobbe, Laurent: 2a.1; 3.1; MES.P10; NET.P03; Delrieu, Guy: MIC.P19; Deshpande, Sachin: MMW.P05; SYN.P10; Desplat, Julien: 2a.5; Dhima, NET.P08; Maksimiljan: Diederich, Malte: 12a.1; NET.P04; Dixon, Michael: 7.6; DAC.P30; NET.P09; TEC.P20; Dokter, Adriaan: 9a.4; Dombai, Ferenc: 12b.5; Domingo-Dalmau, MIC.P12; Anna: Donaldson, 1.5; 6b.1; DAC.P31; Norman: DAC.P32; NOW.P06; Doviak, Richard J.: 11.4; 12b.1; Ducrocq, 15.1; Véronique: Duffy, George: AIR.P07; Dufournet, Yann: MES.P18; MIC.P02; Dufton, David: 6a.2; 10.3; QPE.P04; Dutta, Devajyoti: DAC.P28; MES.P25; Egaña, Joseba: 13.6; MES.P23; MES.P24; Eguiara, Iñaki: 13.6; Ehret, Uwe: QPE.P35; Einfalt, Thomas: 3.2; APP.P06; NOW.P12; Ellis, Scott: 5.1; DAC.P30; Elmore, Kimberly 7.5; L.: 40 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Germann, Urs: Ghate, Virendra P.: Giangrande, Scott: Gil, Diego: Gill, Rashpal S.: Gleicher, Kirstin: Gochis, David: Goldstraw, Stuart: Gomes, Ana Maria: Gorgucci, Eugenio: Görsdorf, Ulrich: Goudenhoofdt, Edouard: Gourley, Jonathan: Goutx, David: Grazioli, Jacopo: Greving, Gerhard: Groß, Silke: Guillon, Anne: Guimond, Steve: Gyasi-Agyei, Yeboah: Gyllander, Chatrine: Ha, Jong-Chul: Haase, Günther: Hagen, Martin: Haimberger, Leopold: Hall, Will: Halliwell, Carol: Han, Dawei: Hanado, Hiroshi: Handwerker, Jan: Hanley, Kirsty: Hannesen, Ronald: Harri, Ari-Matti: Harrison, Dawn: Hartley, Tom: Hartmann, Hugo: Hawkness-Smith, Lee: Hazenberg, Pieter: Heck, Adam: Heinselman, Pamela: Heistermann, Maik: 4.5; 10.5; MIC.P03; NOW.P02; NOW.P03; 11.6; 11.6; MIC.P14; NOW.P15; NET.P06; NOW.P09; AIR.P07; 1.6; 4.1; QPE.P37; 6a.5; DAC.P09; MMW.P08; 2a.1; 3.1; NET.P03; Helmert, Kathleen: 4.4; Helmus, Jonathan: 5.6; 11.6; MIC.P14; Hengstebeck, Thomas: Hennermann, K.: Heo, J.: Heo, Sol-Ip: Hering, Alessandro: Hertneky, Tracy: Hess, Reinhold: Heuer, Kai Oliver: Heymsfield, Andrew: Heymsfield, Gerry: Hirakuchi, Hiromaru: Hirano, Kohin: Hirsch, Lutz: Hirsch, Tamas: Hogan, Robin: Hohti, Harri: Holleman, Iwan: Höller, Hartmut: Hong, Yang: Houser, Jana B.: Hsu, Tien-Yiao: Huang, Yahui: Hubbert, John: Hudak, David: QPE.P38; 2a.5; 5.3; MIC.P17; QPE.P29; DAC.P18; 9b.2; HYD.P09; AIR.P11; SYN.P08; 4.4; NOW.P11; 9a.3; QPE.P23; MES.P19; NOW.P13; 4.5; 10.5; NOW.P02; NOW.P03; 10.1; NOW.P04; NOW.P04; 6a.6; AIR.P11; AIR.P06; NET.P10; 9b.2; NOW.P04; NWP.P11; 3.5; DAC.P23; DAC.P14; 14.4; SYN.P07; QPE.P38; 10.6; AIR.P05; 6a.2; 5.1; DAC.P30; NET.P09; 1.5; AIR.P07; DAC.P31; NOW.P06; Huffman, George: QPE.P11; Huhtamäki, Jukka: TEC.P06; TEC.P07; Humpage, N.: 2b.2; Hüppop, Ommo: 9a.4; Husnoo, Nawal: 11.5; Ice, Richard: 8.1; DAC.P12; Idziorek, Daniel: 2a.5; 4.2; Iguchi, Toshio: 9b.4; IJpelaar, Thijs: MES.P18; Illingworth, 1.4; 9b.5; 15.5; Anthony: QPE.P01; Ilotoviz, Eyal: 6a.4; Iovino, Antonio: NET.P08; Isom, Bradley: DAC.P13; DAC.P13; TEC.P03; Iturritxa, Eugenia: 13.6; Ivic, Igor: TEC.P03; TEC.P18; TEC.P19; Ivkov, Vesna: QPE.P21; 6b.5; MMW.P04; 6b.5; 9a.4; 15.6; 9b.2; 12b.4; DAC.P02; DAC.P19; SYN.P07; SYN.P12; MIC.P20; QPE.P10; NWP.P11; 3.3; 9b.4; 14.6; NWP.P11; 13.2; 14.5; SYN.P04; 6a.6; NET.P15; TEC.P24; 13.3; NWP.P02; 1.2; QPE.P40; 8.1; TEC.P09; TEC.P15; HYD.P02; MES.P08; QPE.P03; Heizenreder, Dirk: NOW.P11; 41 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Jacewicz, Przemystaw: Jäckel, Simon: Jacobi, Stephan: Jahn, Carsten: Jain, Michael: James, Paul: Jang, Bong-Joo: Jasper-Tönnies, Alrun: Jerger, Dorit: Jessen, Markus: Jewell, Sharon: Ji, Hee Sook: Joe, Paul: 9a.4; Kim, Kwangho: Kim, Min-Seong: Kim, Park-Sa: Kirstetter, PierreEmmanuel: Kneifel, Stefan: Kneis, David: Knight, Michael: Ko, Hye-Young: Kobayashi, Takahisa: Koistinen, Jarmo: APP.P06; DAC.P11; HYD.P14; TEC.P21; NOW.P04; 1.3; 2a.3; NOW.P12; NWP.P12; 2a.3; DAC.P05; HYD.P03; 4.1; NOW.P06; NOW.P11; Johnson, Daniel: 6b.5; Johnson, Karen L.: 11.6; Jung, Sung-Hwa: AIR.P09; MES.P03; MES.P17; QPE.P18; Junyent, Francesc: 11.2; Jurasek, Marian: NET.P14; Jurczyk, Anna: QPE.P26; Jyothi, K. Amar: DAC.P28; MES.P25; Kaissassou, Samuel: NWP.P01; Kalapureddy, MMW.P05; SYN.P10; Madhu Chandra R: Kalcher, Manuela: MIC.P20; Kalesse, Heike: 5.4; Kalogiros, John: 3.6; DAC.P16; MIC.P19; Kaltenböck, Rudolf: 9a.3; DAC.P06; DAC.P07; MIC.P20; Kalthoff, Norbert: 14.6; Kanák, Jan: NET.P14; SYN.P06; Kang, Mi-Young: 2a.4; MES.P19; Kang, Seong-Woon: QPE.P31; Karimkashi, Shaya: 12b.1; Karjalainen, Joonas: DAC.P23; Kauczok, Sebastian: 13.2; 14.5; SYN.P04; Kawabata, Takuya: NWP.P15; Kelley, Redmond: 12b.1; Kennedy, P.C.: NET.P09; TEC.P01; Keränen, Reino: 13.5; TEC.P14; Kerschbaum, M.: 9a.3; Khain, Alexander: 6a.4; Khlopov, Grygoriy: MIC.P10; Kiese, Ralf: HYD.P14; Kiktev, Dmitry: NOW.P06; Kim, Heon-ae: DAC.P08; Kim, Ji-Hyeon: DAC.P08; QPE.P15; QPE.P23; Kim, Jungho: HYD.P18; QPE.P19; QPE.P31; QPE.P31; QPE.P31; QPE.P11; QPE.P38; 2b.2; 5.4; HYD.P02; 11.3; QPE.P16; AIR.P06; QPE.P12; 9a.4; 13.1; APP.P08; DAC.P23; QPE.P25; Kollias, Pavlos: 2b.2; 2b.3; 2b.5; 5.4; 11.6; AIR.P04; MMW.P09; MMW.P10; Komericki, Zvonko: NET.P08; Konow, Heike: 9b.2; Kosiba, Karen: 12a.3; 12a.4; MES.P20; TEC.P20; Koyuru, Iwanami: MMW.P03; Kramer, Stefan: QPE.P10; Krasnov, Oleg: 12b.6; Krause, John: 7.5; MIC.P07; NOW.P05; Kuitunen, Timo: QPE.P25; Kumjian, Matthew: 6a.4; MIC.P16; NOW.P18; Kun, Zhao: MES.P15; Kunstmann, Harald: 8.6; HYD.P14; QPE.P32; SYN.P12; SYN.P13; Kuo, Hung-Chi: AIR.P05; Kurdzo, James: 11.1; Kuster, Charles: TEC.P15; Kwon, Byung-Hyuk: QPE.P31; Kwon, Soohyun: 8.3; AIR.P09; MIC.P09; MMW.P04; QPE.P18; TEC.P13; Kyznarová, Hana: NOW.P14; QPE.P06; SYN.P06; Langston, Carrie: QPE.P38; Lautaportti, MIC.P22; MIC.P24; Susanna: Lean, Humphrey: 6a.2; NWP.P11; Lee, Daehyung: 15.2; Lee, Dong-In: 2a.4; AIR.P05; MES.P19; Lee, Dong-Ryul: 1.3; Lee, G. W.: QPE.P23; Lee, GyuWon: 8.3; 15.2; AIR.P09; MES.P03; MES.P17; MIC.P09; MMW.P04; QPE.P16; QPE.P18; QPE.P28; TEC.P13; 42 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Lee, Ho-Woo: Lee, J. D.: Lee, J. E.: Lee, Jae-Kyoung: Lee, Jeong-Eun: Lee, Jisun: Lee, Keon-Haeng: Lee, Robert: Lee, S.: Lee, W.-C.: Lehmann, Volker: Leijnse, Hidde: Leitner, Margot: Lempio, Guido: Lengfeld, Katharina: Lenouo, André: Leskinen, Matti: Leuenberger, Andreas: Li, Lihua: Lidori, Raffaele: Liechti, Felix: Liguori, Sara: Lim, Sanghun: Lim, Yoon-Jin: Lima, Maria Andrea: Linkova, Anna: Liou, Yu-Chieng: Lisboa Medina, Bruno: Lischi, S.: Llort, Xavier: Lockett, Dean: Loew, Eric: Löhnert, Ulrich: Lopez, Philippe: Lorente, Jerónimo: Löscher, G.: Lukach, Maryna: Luke, Edward: MMW.P04; QPE.P23; QPE.P23; QPE.P14; QPE.P15; QPE.P28; QPE.P28; AIR.P05; 1.3; 8.7; DAC.P12; QPE.P23; NET.P09; MMW.P08; 1.2; 9a.4; 14.1; DAC.P14; NET.P01; QPE.P39; QPE.P40; SYN.P11; 14.4; NOW.P12; 6b.3; DAC.P09; HYD.P06; NET.P02; NET.P05; QPE.P08; NWP.P01; 2b.6; 9a.4; APP.P08; 5.5; Magaldi, Adolfo: Mahale, Vivek N.: Mahfouf, JeanFrancois: Maiello, Ida: Mair, E.: Maki, Masayuki: Maki, Taichi: Makigusa, Hitomi: Mäkinen, Teemu: Malitz, Gabriele: Malkomes, Martin: Mammen, Theodor: Mansell, Edward: Manzoni, Andrea: Maridet, JeanLouis: Markovic, Jelena: Marra, Anna Cinzia: Marra, F.: Martet, Maud: Martija, Maialen: Martinez Mera, Andres: Martius, Olivia: Maruri, Mercedes: AIR.P11; DAC.P16; 9a.4; 3.3; 1.3; HYD.P18; QPE.P19; HYD.P03; QPE.P37; SYN.P02; 10.6; NWP.P13; 15.3; 3.6; APP.P11; NET.P10; HYD.P08; MES.P07; 13.1; QPE.P05; DAC.P18; NET.P07; TEC.P08; 4.4; 8.2; MES.P02; AIR.P03; 2a.5; NOW.P10; MES.P26; 3.6; 4.2; QPE.P24; 13.6; TEC.P12; 10.5; 13.6; APP.P09; DAC.P21; DAC.P27; MES.P23; MES.P24; NET.P12; NOW.P15; Maruyama, T.: 12a.6; Marzano, Frank: 9a.5; 9b.6; 15.3; APP.P10; DAC.P15; DAC.P16; NET.P08; SYN.P01; Masiunas, Lauren: TEC.P24; Massabò, Marco: NET.P08; Matrosov, Sergey: 9b.3; 11.3; MIC.P01; TEC.P01; Matthews, Stuart: 4.2; Mattos, Enrique NOW.P08; Vieira: Mauder, Matthias: HYD.P14; Mayer, Bernhard: MMW.P06; Mayer, S.: 9a.3; Mazza, Alessandro: 6b.4; NOW.P19; McCord, Matt: 12b.1; Mech, Mario: 9b.2; Meier, Isaac: 12b.1; Meier, John: 12b.1; Mejsnar, Jan: NOW.P16; Melani, Samantha: 6b.4; NOW.P19; MIC.P10; NWP.P03; NWP.P09; NOW.P08; APP.P04; HYD.P15; HYD.P16; 4.1; NET.P09; TEC.P20; 2b.2; MMW.P02; 3.5; NWP.P01; SYN.P02; 9a.3; MES.P10; MES.P12; 2b.4; 5.4; MMW.P09; MMW.P10; APP.P04; MMW.P02; Lupidi, A.: Maahn, Maximilian: Machado, Luiz NOW.P08; Augusto Toledo: Maesaka, Takeshi: APP.P11; 43 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Melnichuk, Aleksandr: Melnikov, Valery: NOW.P06; Nishiyama, Koji: Nisi, Luca: Nocelo López, Rubén: Nomura, Mistuharu: Nordling, Kalle: Norman, Katie: North, Kirk: Notarpietro, Riccardo: Novák, Petr: 11.3; 11.4; DAC.P12; MES.P02; Mereu, Luigi: APP.P10; Meri, Ladislav: NET.P14; Merker, Claire: DAC.P09; Metodi, Marku: NET.P08; Meyer, Vera: DAC.P06; DAC.P07; Michelson, Daniel: 4.1; 6b.5; 15.6; Milani, Fabio: AIR.P03; Min, Ki-Hong: 15.2; Mirkovic, Djordje: DAC.P25; Misumi, Ryohei: NET.P10; Moazamigoodarzi, QPE.P38; Saber: Möhrlein, SYN.P07; Matthias: Moisseev, Dmitri: 2b.6; 6a.6; APP.P08; HYD.P12; MIC.P22; MIC.P24; NET.P11; QPE.P20; Monhart, Samuel: 5.5; Montmerle, NWP.P13; Thibaut: Montopoli, Mario: 9a.5; 9b.6; APP.P10; DAC.P16; DAC.P20; QPE.P22; SYN.P01; Morales, Carlos: 14.4; Mori, Saverio: 9b.6; Morira, Osamu: HYD.P08; Mott, Michael: 4.4; NET.P04; Mugnai, C.: APP.P04; Münster, Hans: 6b.3; DAC.P09; NET.P05; QPE.P08; Muraji, Yoshitaka: APP.P11; Murphy, Aoife: 4.3; Myagkov, 2b.1; MMW.P07; Alexander: Nadj, Julijana: QPE.P17; Nakagawa, 9b.4; Katsuhiro: Nam, Kyung-Yeub: NOW.P13; QPE.P23; Nanding, Nergui: HYD.P07; Nelson, Brian R.: 2a.6; Németh, Péter: DAC.P17; Neri, Carlo Alberto: NET.P08; Nesbitt, Stephen: AIR.P07; Neuper, Malte: QPE.P35; Nevvonen, Ljubov: QPE.P20; Nguyen, Cuong: MIC.P26; Nicol, John: 12b.2; 15.5; NWP.P11; Nikolopoulos, E.I.: 3.6; Nowak, C.: O'Connor, Ewan: Oh, S. J.: Okon, Luboslav: Orlandi, Emiliano: Ortega, Kiel L.: Ortiga, Xavier: Ortiz, Joana Aina: Ortolani, Alberto: Orzel, Krzysztof: Osrodka, Katarzyna: Otop, Irena: Oude Nijhuis, Albert: Oue, Mariko: Overeem, Aart: Palacio, Virginia: Pálmason, Bolli: Palmer, Robert: Pandithurai, G.: Papen, Hans: Park, Hye-Sook: Park, Jong-Seo: Park, Shinju: Park, Sora: Pasqualucci, Fausto: Patra, Sukanya: Paulitsch, H.: Pavlos, Kollias: Pazmany, Andrew: Pegram, Geoff: Pereira Filho, Augusto J.: Pešice, Petr: 44 HYD.P01; HYD.P08; 10.5; NOW.P02; TEC.P02; AIR.P06; HYD.P12; DAC.P05; 5.6; HYD.P17; NOW.P07; NET.P01; NOW.P14; QPE.P06; SYN.P06; 9a.3; 2b.4; MIC.P22; QPE.P23; NET.P14; 9b.2; 7.5; DAC.P22; SYN.P09; 6b.4; NOW.P19; TEC.P24; QPE.P26; QPE.P26; 12b.6; MMW.P01; 14.1; SYN.P11; MES.P23; MES.P24; APP.P12; 11.1; 12a.6; 12b.1; QPE.P23; SYN.P10; HYD.P14; QPE.P13; QPE.P14; QPE.P15; DAC.P08; QPE.P13; QPE.P14; QPE.P15; AIR.P09; QPE.P36; DAC.P08; MES.P26; MMW.P05; SYN.P10; 12b.5; MMW.P02; AIR.P02; SYN.P08; HYD.P11; HYD.P04; MES.P09; NOW.P16; 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Petersen, Guðrún Nína: Petersen, Walter A.: Pettazzi, Alberto: Petty, G.W.: Peura, Markus: Pfitzenmaier, Lukas: Picca, Joey: Picciotti, Errico: Pichon, Julie: Pidre Mosquera, José Manuel: Pierce, Clive: Pineda, Nicolau: APP.P12; Reimann, Jens: 12b.4; DAC.P02; DAC.P19; Reinoso-Rondinel, MES.P18; Ricardo: Reyniers, Maarten: 2a.1; MES.P12; NOW.P01; Rezacova, Daniela: HYD.P04; NWP.P04; NWP.P05; Rezzolla, Marcella: NET.P08; Ribaud, JeanMIC.P13; Francois: Richardson, DAC.P12; Lindsey: Rico-Ramirez, 3.3; HYD.P07; QPE.P10; Miguel Angel: Ridal, Martin: 15.6; Ridene, Daniel: DAC.P02; Rigo, Tomeu: 8.4; DAC.P22; MIC.P12; Rinollo, Angelo: QPE.P22; Rios Gaona, 14.1; Manuel F.: Roberto, Nicoletta: 10.4; 15.3; APP.P04; Roberts, Nigel: NWP.P06; Roberts, Rita: 7.1; Robinson, Paul: 12a.4; Rodríguez, Alvaro: HYD.P15; HYD.P16; Rojas, Laura: MIC.P22; Romano, Filomena: SYN.P01; RomppainenNOW.P03; Martius, Olivia: Rosenow, 7.3; NOW.P04; Wolfgang: Rossi, Francesco NET.P08; Luigi: Rossi, Pekka: APP.P08; Ruchith, R.D.: SYN.P10; Russchenberg, 12b.6; MES.P18; Herman: MIC.P02; Rutledge, S.: NET.P09; Ryohei, Misumi: MMW.P03; Ryzhkov, 1.5; 6a.4; 7.5; 14.2; Alexander: 11.3; DAC.P25; MES.P21; MIC.P07; MMW.P01; NOW.P05; NOW.P18; TEC.P21; Saadi, Mostapha: NET.P07; Saavedra Garfias, 14.3; MIC.P24; Pablo: Sakurai, Namiko: MMW.P03; Sala, Paolo: NET.P08; Salmerón, Olatz: DAC.P27; Saltikoff, Elena: 3.5; NET.P01; NET.P13; Sánchez-Diezma, HYD.P15; HYD.P16; Rafael: 2b.6; AIR.P07; AIR.P08; AIR.P10; MIC.P25; QPE.P11; 13.5; 2b.2; DAC.P23; MIC.P02; NOW.P18; 9a.5; 15.3; DAC.P15; DAC.P16; NET.P08; SYN.P01; QPE.P29; TEC.P11; NWP.P06; 8.4; DAC.P22; MIC.P12; SYN.P09; Plant, Robert: NWP.P11; Pohjola, Heikki: APP.P08; QPE.P20; Poli, Virginia: 15.4; DAC.P10; SYN.P05; Polo, Arantxa: DAC.P27; Polverari, Federica: 9b.6; Porcu', Federico: MIC.P21; Posselt, Derek: 5.6; Prabhakaran, SYN.P10; Thara: Prat, Olivier: 2a.6; MIC.P16; Prençi, Shemsi: NET.P08; Preveen, Kumar D.: DAC.P28; MES.P25; Priegnitz, David: TEC.P09; Principe, Olatz: MES.P23; MES.P24; Prodi, Franco: MES.P26; Puca, Silvia: QPE.P22; Puigdomènech, 10.2; Bernat: Pulkkinen, Seppo: 13.1; QPE.P25; Pulvirenti, Luca: 9b.6; Rabrenovic, Maja: MES.P16; Radová, Michaela: SYN.P06; Rajagopal, E. N.: DAC.P28; MES.P25; Rathmann, Nils: 4.4; DAC.P29; Raupach, Timothy: 2a.2; 5.3; QPE.P29; Reed, Kim: AIR.P07; Reeves, Heather D.: 7.5; MIC.P07; Regis, Jean-Rémy: 2a.5; Reid, Janti: 1.5; NOW.P06; NOW.P06; Reif, Dylan: MES.P01; 45 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Sancho, David: HYD.P15; HYD.P16; Sandford, Caroline: QPE.P02; Santacasa, NET.P08; Alessandra: Santalla del Rio, TEC.P02; TEC.P11; Veronica: TEC.P12; Santiago, Salsón: 13.5; Sartori, Maurizio: 4.5; DAC.P24; Sassa, Koji: MES.P07; Sassi, Maximilliano: QPE.P39; Satoh, Shinsuke: TEC.P04; Scheibel, Marc: 3.2; 3.4; Schleiss, Marc: 6a.1; Schmidt, Damon: 12b.1; Schneebeli, Marc: 5.5; Schoorens, Jérôme: HYD.P09; Schumann, Sybille: 4.4; Schuur, Terry: 7.5; NOW.P05; Schwaller, Mathew AIR.P10; MIC.P25; R.: Schwitalla, Thomas: NWP.P15; Scipion, Danny: MIC.P06; Scovell, Robert: 4.2; 9a.2; APP.P02; Sebok, István: DAC.P17; Seed, Alan: 1.1; 2a.1; 4.3; 7.6; Seifert, Patric: 2b.1; Seiichi, Shimada: MMW.P03; Selmi, Slim: NWP.P13; Seltmann, Jörg: 8.6; DAC.P01; Selzler, Jason: TEC.P14; Sempere-Torres, 1.6; 7.2; HYD.P06; Daniel: NOW.P20; Seo, D-J.: 2a.6; Seo, Dong-Hwan: QPE.P31; Setvák, Martin: SYN.P06; Shah, Sajid: NOW.P07; Shamoun-Baranes, 9a.4; Judy: Shingo, Shimizu: MMW.P03; Shin-ich, Suzuki: MMW.P03; Shishkina, Olga: APP.P13; Siart, Uwe: QPE.P32; Sideris, Ioannis: 4.5; Sierwald, Jörn: TEC.P06; TEC.P07; Simmer, Clemens: 12a.1; 14.2; 14.3; Simon, Jürgen: 12a.1; Simonin, David: 15.5; NWP.P02; Sini, Francesca: NET.P08; Smiatek, Gerhard: HYD.P14; Smith, James: 6a.1; Snyder, Jeffrey C.: Sokol, Zbynek: Song, Joon-Jin: Sørensen, Martin B.: Štástka, Jindrich: Steib, Roland: Stein, Thorwald: Steiner, Matthias: Steinert, Jörg: Steinheimer, M.: Stephan, Klaus: 10.6; MES.P01; MES.P21; MES.P22; NOW.P18; MES.P09; NOW.P16; NWP.P05; MES.P17; NET.P06; NOW.P09; SYN.P06; DAC.P17; NWP.P11; 1.6; 4.4; MIC.P11; 9a.3; 15.4; NET.P13; NWP.P12; NWP.P14; Stevens, Scott: 2a.6; Stiller, Bernd: 14.5; SYN.P04; Stojanovic, Vlado: DAC.P31; Stoyanova, Julia: MES.P04; Struzik, Piotr: QPE.P26; Sugier, Jacqueline: 8.5; Sugimoto, Soichiro: AIR.P06; NWP.P08; Suk, Mi-Kyung: QPE.P13; QPE.P14; QPE.P15; Sun, Juanzhen: 7.1; NWP.P03; NWP.P08; NWP.P09; Suzuki, Ikuko: APP.P11; Suzuki, Yoshinori: HYD.P08; Szegedi, Csaba: DAC.P17; Szturc, Jan: QPE.P26; Tabary, Pierre: 2a.5; 4.2; 4.6; 6b.6; 9a.2; 15.1; APP.P02; QPE.P24; Tai, Sheng-Lun: NWP.P03; Takahashi, 9b.4; Nobuhiro: Takeshi, Maesaka: MMW.P03; Tappeiner, U.: 3.6; Tavolato, Christina: DAC.P06; DAC.P07; Theisen, Adam: MIC.P14; Thiem, Kyle J.: 10.6; MES.P01; Thompson, Robert: 1.4; QPE.P01; Thoss, Anke: SYN.P02; Thurai, Merhala: 6a.3; Tian, Lin: AIR.P11; Tokay, Ali: 6a.5; AIR.P08; MIC.P21; Tomine, Kikuro: HYD.P08; Tomljanovic, Mato: NET.P08; Torres, Jesus: 13.6; Torres, Sebastian: 12a.6; 12b.3; TEC.P10; TEC.P21; 46 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Toussaint, TEC.P08; Matthias: Tracksdorf, Patrick: 4.4; QPE.P34; Trefalt, Simona: NOW.P02; NOW.P03; NOW.P03; Trepte, Sebastian: NOW.P04; Tridon, Frederic: 2b.3; Trivellone, MES.P26; Giuliano: Trömel, Silke: 14.2; 12a.1; Tsukahara, Kenichi: HYD.P01; Tüchler, Lukas: DAC.P06; DAC.P07; Turner, David: MES.P01; Tyynelä, J.: 2b.2; Uijlenhoet, Remko: 1.2; 14.1; QPE.P39; QPE.P40; SYN.P11; Unal, Christine: 12b.6; MES.P18; MIC.P02; Ungelenk, Judith: NOW.P04; Uray, M.: 9a.3; Urban, Bernard: 4.2; Ushio, Tomoo: TEC.P04; Valachova, SYN.P06; Michaela: van de Beek, 13.3; Remco: van Dijke, Daniel: 13.3; van Gasteren, 9a.4; Hans: van Lier-Walqui, 5.6; Marcus: Veciana, Roger: SYN.P09; Veerkamp, TEC.P08; Dietmar: Vega, Manuel: MIC.P25; Vemado, Felipe: HYD.P11; Vera-Isasa, María: TEC.P11; Verlinde, Hans: MIC.P26; MMW.P01; Vidal, Verònica: SYN.P09; Vila, Daniel: HYD.P05; Vollbracht, Dennis: DAC.P02; DAC.P24; von Lerber, 2b.6; 6a.6; Annakaisa: von Löwis, Sibylle: APP.P12; Vucinic, Zoran: QPE.P17; Vukovic, Zlatko: 6b.1; Vulpiani, 9a.5; 10.4; DAC.P20; Gianfranco: MES.P08; MIC.P15; QPE.P03; QPE.P22; QPE.P33; SYN.P01; Wada, Masakazu: TEC.P04; Wagner, Andreas: 8.6; Wakimizi, Kenji: HYD.P01; HYD.P08; Wandinger, Ulla: Wang, Jianxin: Wapler, Kathrin: Warde, David: Wasselin, JeanPhilippe: Wattrelot, Eric: Weckwerth, Tammy M.: Weigl, Elmar: Weipert, André: Weisshaupt, Nadja: Werhahn, Johannes: Werner, Manuel: Westbrook, Chris: Wetter, Thomas: Wienhoff, Zachary B.: Wilson, Jim: Wilson, Richard: Winkler, Christian: Winterrath, Tanja: Wirth, Martin: Wolfensberger, Daniel: Wolff, David B.: 2b.1; QPE.P11; NWP.P07; TEC.P10; AIR.P03; NWP.P13; 10.1; DAC.P30; NET.P09; QPE.P05; 13.2; 14.5; SYN.P04; APP.P09; HYD.P14; 4.4; 2b.2; 9a.1; 10.6; DAC.P04; 12b.2; APP.P01; MES.P01; 7.1; APP.P03; MMW.P06; 7.3; NOW.P04; QPE.P05; 9b.2; 5.3; MIC.P06; AIR.P08; MIC.P25; QPE.P11; Wulfmeyer, Volker: NWP.P15; Wurman, Joshua: 12a.3; 12a.4; MES.P20; MES.P27; TEC.P20; Xie, Xinxin: 12a.1; Yamauchi, Hiroshi: QPE.P12; TEC.P04; Yarovoy, 12b.6; Alexander: Ye, Bo-Young: MIC.P09; MMW.P04; QPE.P18; QPE.P23; TEC.P13; Yeo, Richard F.: APP.P12; Yilmaz, Ali Ozgur: TEC.P16; Yin, Zhuming: NWP.P08; Yokota, Izumi: HYD.P01; Yoo, Chulsang: QPE.P19; Yoo, J.: QPE.P23; You, Cheol-Hwan: 2a.4; MES.P19; Young, M.C. Jim: 6b.1; Yu, T.-Y.: QPE.P23; Yukari, Shusse: MMW.P03; Zacharov, Petr: HYD.P04; MES.P09; NWP.P04; NWP.P05; Zahrai, Allen: 12b.1; Zamfirov, Ivaylo: MES.P04; 47 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology Zawadzki, Isztar: Zeng, Yuefei: Zhang, Dan: Zhang, Guifu: Zhang, Jian: Zhang, Pengfei: Zhao, Kun: Ziegert, Michael: Zinkhan, Dirk: Zinner, Tobias: Zittel, W. David: Zoppetti, C.: Zorba, Petrit: Zrnic, Dusan S.: 7.4; 10.2; 15.4; NWP.P12; NWP.P07; 12b.1; TEC.P17; QPE.P38; 1.5; 11.3; MES.P15; 14.2; 9a.1; APP.P01; MMW.P06; 8.1; DAC.P12; APP.P04; NET.P08; 8.7; 11.4; 12b.1; DAC.P25; MES.P02; TEC.P17; 48 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology 49 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology 50 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology