Results and More Results

May 2012 | e-Newsletter
Results and More Results
May and June will be busy months for Elite students, with
graduations, award ceremonies, a golf tournament for charity
and a push to improve final grades. Elite is right on top,
counselling students for the best programs to improve grades,
assisting the Vancouver Youth Charity Society in organizing our
second golf event, and arranging for a day of awards and
seminars for our students and their parents. We at Elite are
involved with our students and keep them moving ever forward.
Congratulations on Your Success!
2012 ELITE Grad University Admission Results
Congratulations to those of you who have long since passed through
this process as applicants, or even as parents, on your acceptance to the
best universities in the world. Elite teachers and staff are very proud of
our students who got accepted into the most prestigious universities
around the world in this record breaking year of acceptance rates. Elite
will be celebrating the admissions and awarding scholarships to selected
students in the Elite’s Annual Award Ceremony on May 26 at Norman
Rothstein Theatre.
* To register our 2012 Gr. 11 US University Admission Consulting Service & Gr. 9-10 Early Bird Extra
Care, please contact Campus Director.
Oscar QingXiao Xia
Paul JungHyun Noh
William Woojung Lee
Nicholas Chiu
Leonard Chiu
Nishani Mathisuthan
Edward Zhao
Madison Kim
YuChen Xue
Christina Sun
Andrew Park
Audrey Zhang
Tory Throld
Jerry Haotian Wei
Chan Kwon
Chris Hong
Joshua Lee
Michael Xu
Ashley Lim
JinSoo Chung
Kim Li
Helen Chen
Yuncy Si
Shannon Steward
Diana Ye Ji Rha
St. George's School
Phillips Academy Andover
St. Michael's University School
Crescent School
Crescent School
St. George's School
Iroquois Ridge High School
Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Crescent School
Meadowridge School
Mt. Douglas School
University Hill Secondary
Walnut Grove Secondary
Stevenson High School
Crescent School
Lord Byng Secondary
Toronto District Christian School
Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Richmond Secondary School
Semiahmoo Secondary School
Point Grey Secondary School
Seaquam Secondary School
Burnaby Central Secondary
Harvard University
Princeton University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Boston University
Princeton University
UPenn, Cornell, BU - BS/MD, St. Louis University - BS/MD
UPenn, Cornell, St. Louis University - BS/MD
Brown University- BS/MD, Case Western Reserve University - BA/MD
Brown University
Brown University, RISD, Cornell University, SAIC
Cornell University
Cornell University
Cornell University
University of Chicago , NYU, Duke University
University of Chicago
Washington University in St. Louis, Carleton College
Washington University in St. Louis; UCLA
Middlebury College
Northwestern University - ISP, Washington Univ. in St. Louis - Pre Med
Vanderbilt University, UCLA, UCSD
Emory, UCSD, UIUC, St. Johns Univ. Mass. Collge of Pharmacy and Health Science
UC Berkeley
UC Berkeley
UC Berkeley
UC Berkeley
UC Berkeley
UC Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon, UCLA, University of Illinois
Next Page
Roy Lu
David Yin
Xi Lin
Victor Shang
Esther Sohn
Michelle YaeHyang Choi
Lucas Lu
Max Zhang
Tony Tan
Edward Hu
Lisa Tu
JoonWoo Baik
Jacky Zhou
Jimmie Li
Belle BH Kim
Nancy Yang
YeonJoo Son
Jackie JK Kim
Kevin BC Kim
Michael JiHoon Jeon
Jinny JiYoon Lim
Diana SJ Kim
Daniel Wang
Chris Bojian Wang
Danny KyoSeok Oh
Jason ChulHee Woo
Eugene Tseng
Cathy Yeseul Shin
Melody Zheng
Nelia Yawen Wang
Ellis Su
Erik Cui
Danny DougYoung Lee
Candy Jing Liu
Marc SungTaek Son
Jane JiYoon You
Amy Lu
Carrie Zhang
James Shen
Shinrung Hao
Jeffrey Hao Hu
Jason JiHwan Lim
Mirabel Xiaoou Xing
Selena Chen
Michael DaeHo Jung
Christine JiMin Park
Tanya Huynh
Danny Han
Tim Yi Tian Fang
Jessie Huang
Ashley Kwon
Jeong Mi Yoon
Susie Yifan Liu
Cindy HuanYan Yao
David TianYi He
David Shou Chou
Tyler Yeon Oh Jung
Brandon JaeGook Yang
Tony Xiao
Kyu Ho Shim
Do Hoon Kim
Joe Zhou
Michael WooJun Min
Ryan Sungjin Kwon
Echo Ho
Jacqueline Li
YoungChul Nam
Jordan Dongjin Kim
Ariel YoungHae Jo
Li Chen
Yeonhak Ryoo
Sophia HaeRhee Lee
Kai Kihoon Kim
Nara Kim
Hanna Hong
Joon Kyu Lee
University Hill Secondary School
Richmond Secondary School
York House School
St. Michael's University School
York Mills Collegiate Institute
Port Moody Secondary
St. George's School
St. George's School
St. George's School
Semiahmoo Secondary School
Pinetree Secondary
Rockridge Secondary
Lord Byng Secondary
West Point Grey Academy
Mt. Douglas School
Pacific Academy
Handsworth Secondary
Mt. Douglas School
Brentwood College School
Semiahmoo Secondary
Lord Byng Secondary
DoverBay High School
MacNeill Secondary School
Collingwood School
Prince Of Wales Secondary
University Hill Secondary
Burnett Secondary School
West Vancouver Secondary
St. Michael's School
Prince Of Wales Secondary
Johnston Heights Secondary
Burnaby Mountain Secondary
Pinetree Secondary School
Lord Byng Secondary
Pierre Elliott Trudean High School
Lord Byng Secondary
Little Flower Academy
Moscrop Secondary
Prince of Wales
Richmond Secondary School
Sir Winston Churchill Secondary
Handsworth Secondary
Kitsilano Secondary
Prince Of Wales Secondary
Burnaby North Secondary
Glen Eagle High School
Eric Hamber Secondary School
Brentwood College School
Lord Byng Secondary
St. Margaret School
Westmount Collegiate Institute
Mt. Douglas School
Lord Byng Secondary
Lord Byng Secondary
Kitsilano Secondary School
Burnaby North Secondary
Pinetree Secondary School
Seminahmoo Secondary
Richmond Secondary School
Brentwood College School
Brentwood College School
Wyoming Seminary
Point Grey Secondary
Semiahmoo Secondary
Richmond Hill High School
York House School
Aurora High School
Semiahmoo Secondary
Burnaby Mountain Secondary
Point Grey Secondary
Thornlea Secondary School
Pinetree Secondary
Toronto District Christian School
Point Grey Secondary
Mt. Douglas School
Mt. Douglas School
UC Berkeley, George Washington, NYU
UC Berkeley, NYU-Stern
UC Berkeley, UCLA, Washington University in St.Louis
UC Berkeley, UCLA
Georgetown University
NYU-Stern, Boston College
Harverford College
Carnegie Mellon University, NYU
Carnegie Mellon University, UCLA, USC
Carnegie Mellon University, UCLA
Carnegie Mellon University, USC
USC, Boston University, Syracuse University, University of Illinois
USC, UCLA, UCSD, Boston University
USC, UCLA, UCSD, University of Illinois
USC, UCLA, University of Illinois
USC, UCLA, University of Michigan
USC, UCSD, UC Irvine
USC, George Washington University
UCLA, Boston College
UCLA, NYU(Stern)
UCLA, Taxes University
UCLA, University of Illinois
UCLA, University of Illinois, University of Washington
UCLA, USC, UC Irvine, UCSD, UC Davis
NYU, University of Illinois
NYU, Boston University
NYU, Syracuse University
NYU, UCLA, UC Irvine
NYU, UCLA, University of Illinois, Indiana University
UCSD, UC Irvine
UCSD, UC-Irvine, Purdue University, Drexel University, SUNY-Buffalo
UCSD, University of Illinois, Boston University
University of Illinois -Urbana Champaign
University of Illinois -Urbana Champaign
University of Illinois -Urbana Champaign
University of Illinois -Urbana Champaign
University of Illinois -Urbana Champaign
University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, George Washington
University of Illinois -Urbana Champaign, Georgia Tech
University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, Boston University, Penn State
University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, Boston University
Indiana University-Bloomington
Case Western Reverse University, Boston University
Northeastern University, Michigan State University
Penn State University, Indiana University, Syracuse University
Penn State University
Parsons, SVA, SAIC
Pratt Institute, SVA
RISD, Pratt Institute, Syracuse
Swiss Hotel Management School
Massachusetts State University
London College
Han Yang University (Korea)
Sogang University (Korea)
She got the Perfect Score of 2400!
Wina Huang, Richmond Campus
Since I was very young, I have always dreamt of attending a top level
university. From striving for the highest grades to excelling in aspects both
inside and outside of school, my journey has been long but exciting. If I
described the pursuit of my dream as climbing a mountain, the SAT
certainly stood as a significant obstacle, an obstacle that Elite provided a
rope to help surmount. I would like to thank Elite for helping familiarize me
with the test format shortly prior to my exam. Since taking the SAT for the
first time, I have been asked about “the tricks.” Unfortunately, there really are no tricks;
there are no quick and easy ways to do well. What I would suggest, however, is that
students maintain a constant effort. As the saying goes, “Practice makes perfect.” To be
successful, you must have not only a dream, but also insuperable drive.
At this time, I also wanted to mention some exciting news. Over the past weekend, April 1st,
I competed in the marksman provincials in Vernon. I placed third in the province and will be
representing British Columbia at the National Championships this May, 2012 in Quebec City.
I believe that this achievement may help strengthen my application.
Wina Huang
Mark Your Calendar for
The Elite Annual Admission Seminar & Award Ceremony 2012
Date: Saturday, May 26th 2012
Time: 10:00 am – Chinese Seminar
01:00 pm – Korean Seminar & Award Ceremony
Venue: Norman Rothstein Theatre, 950 West 41st Ave (at Oak Street)
Agenda includes
• Elite Award Ceremony - We will celebrate our top grads who won
scholarships and acceptance into the best U.S. universities and announce
JongHwan Patrick Park
Chairman of Elite
Educational Institute
the winners from EWW Spring Boot Camp. Elite students will be receiving
a total of $20,000 at this ceremony, including 20 scholarships given out to
our grads, and 12 prizes for EWW winning writers.
• Speeches by Elite Alumni - We will hear inspirational words from a few of
our alumni who currently attend universities in the U.S. and another who is
working for a world-renowned company after the successful undergraduate
• University Admissions Seminar - Latest updates on US School Admission
Reservation: Contact your nearest Elite campus and pick up tickets.
Ethan Sawyer
Elite curriculum writer,
college application
consultant,& Senior
Consultant to Elite's Center
for Global Leadership
We invite parents to join us for a day of fun
Do You Play Golf?
Vancouver Youth Charity Society (VYCS) 2012 Golf Tournament
2012 VYCS Fundraising Golf Invitational
Vancouver Youth Charity Society, VYCS,
organized by Elite Gr. 10 &11 students, will
host the 2011 Fundraising Golf Invitational
and invite Elite parents and friends.
Mark Your Calendar and Get Ready!
June 9th @ Northview Golf and Country Club
*Don’t miss out on this excellent opportunity to experience a unique, fun event that benefits
students and your community.
2012 Summer Boot Camp-
July 3rd ~ August 24th
Elite Summer Boot Camp is…
designed for students who are willing to commit most of their
summer (8 weeks) to improve their academic skills and
conducted in the U.S., Canada, Korea, and other area in the
world at the same time with the same materials developed
by the U.S. R&D team.
*Early Registration by May 31 gets 5% off
Elite Summer Boot Camp Programs are…
<SAT Summer Boot Camp (Gr. 9-12) 4hrs/day, 5days/week>
 Register for the program and participate in the C.F.G.L. Competition.
For more information on the CFGL Competitions, visit
 Needless to say it is very demanding and rigorous
program with 2000 vocabulary words, numerous essays,
college level articles, advanced math problems and etc.
<PSAT Book Club (Gr. 8-9) 4hrs/day, 5days/week>
Designed for students in grades 8 & 9 who are planning to
take PSAT or SAT, the class will run 4 hours each day and
include novel study with vocabulary tests, comprehension
questions and essay writing. In addition, students will have
a SAT lesson, Sat test review and one SAT test per week.
<Elite Advanced Literacy Program (EALP) (Gr. 4-11) 3hrs/day, 5days/week>
The Elite Advanced Literacy Program is for those students who want to develop their
critical thinking and writing skills. A more intense version than Elite’s regular R&W
program, the EALP is comprised of novel study, vocabulary study, and writing practice
with specialized campus programs. Students will complete daily writing assignments, as
well as one major writing assignment for the week. In addition, at the end of the week
students will write an in-class essay exam on the novel, as well as a weekly vocabulary
test. The day will divided up with 2 hours EALP and 1 hour extracurricular activities
such as debate, current news discussion, or various projects.
*Each Campus provides its own special programs this summer. Check them out!
<SSAT Boot Camp (Gr. 5-10) 3hrs/day, 5days/week>
Enhance the critical reading, vocabulary and writing skills. Read a novel per week,
complete a critical reading lesson and a synonyms analogies lesson. Write 2 practice
essays each week on typical SSAT topics, and study a total of 2400 vocabulary words.
<iBT-TOEFL Intensive Program (Gr. 5-12) 4hrs/day, 5days/week>
Intensive! Intensive! Intensive! Reading, Vocabulary, Writing, Listening, Speaking…
Boot up your overall English skills and prepare for the test with this amazing program.
Reports from Elite Ivy League Exploration (Mar. 16 ~ 23, 2012)
Another successful exploration of Ivy League Schools was accomplished by some of Elite’s
finest students. Here are some of their comments:
Jun Lee: I thought that I would need to score at least above 2300 in
order to get into any of the Ivy League schools, but this was not the
case. I changed my attitude toward to the significance of SAT. From
now on, I will try to do as many extracurricular activities as possible to
show my passion and interests and my willingness to study in depth.
Denis Chen: The schools want us to “pay back” to society, as they make
an investment in their students. You must prove you are worthy for
their investment by showing confidence, knowledge and leadership.
John Kang: Before, Ivy League Schools looked impossible to be admitted to, but now, they actually
look possible.
David Cheung: I originally thought that I was not capable of getting into an
Ivy university. My original dream school was UPenn. Now it is Brown. The
tour gave me a new sense hope.
Chan Gwak: I could honestly tell at these people were passionate people and
that they were really loving what they do. I didn’t think schools had
personalities at first, but I really felt it after the trip.
Cherry Zhang: To be honest, it is my first time that I travel with lots of students that I don’t
know. Thank you, Elite, for giving me this chance to have this trip. During this 7-day trip we visited
different universities. I met many intelligent and nice people and we became friend. For me this is a
brilliant memory!
Kathy Ruan: At the beginning of this trip, the teachers kept saying
that we will change our thoughts about U.S. universities. I have to say
it is true. The trip helped me in two ways: First, it provided me with
information I would never get from a website. Second, it encouraged
and motivated me to work harder towards my goal.
Jun Seo Hyun: All those nice school facilities stimulated me to study
harder than I did for the last 2 years. I got an idea how I have to
spend my high school years. This trip also made me regret what I did for
the last two years.
Cindy Zhang: Brown University focuses more on letting the students
enjoy their university life, while Princeton focuses more on the academic
ability of students.
Elizabeth He: Before, I was always the kind of person who listens to other people’s suggestions and
expectations and follow what my parents and teachers want me to do. After the trip, I acknowledge
that I ought to do the things that I feel most passionate about and follow my own will.
Sophia Kim: I realized after this trip that I shouldn’t be studying and volunteering for the sake of
getting into universities, but rather to enrich myself as a person.
Royce Luo: I got inspired and realized that Ivy League is not an impossible quest; instead, it is in
our hands as long as we are passionate and stay true to ourselves.
Esther Lee: The student guides’ advice made me feel more confident and
think that I can do it. The Ivy League tour really changed my mind about
selecting schools.
Claire Lu: This is a really memorable trip. We visited all the TOP U.S.
universities and I got to know each of them. Actually, what I enjoyed the
most was the time on the bus and at the hotel. I made so many friends.
Peggy Lee: I am beyond thankful to have the opportunity to come on this trip, gain priceless
knowledge, and experience the States. Thanks for making it possible and I could not have had a
better trip.
Yang Guo: I grew as an individual and understood myself and my future better. I am only 15; why
should I plan my future according to my parents’ will and the current occupation trend? The
universities are all looking for students who have the guts and the courage to pursue their passion
and dreams. So now . . . I will actually life according to my own view.
Hoon Lee: Numbers don’t explain you; therefore, you cannot be judged by numbers. I feel lucky
that I had the opportunity to have a tour around Ivy League universities.
Winny Sun: I will not choose my dream school only based on its campus and facilities, but more on if
the school actually fits me, where I can pursue my dreams and know who I am and who I really want
to be.
Steven Sang: I didn’t really want to come on this trip . . . but after coming to America, I’ve learned
a lot . . . like how I thought SAT was really important, but it isn’t. This trip was very meaningful.
Terry Lu: For the application for the university, SAT and AP are not everything. These are only
numbers, which can only show your studying ability, but nothing about yourself. You need to show
the university your interests and your unique personality and what
you’ve done during your high school years.
Joanna Lu: I met charismatic, talented, amiable students while on the
trip. I learned I must form my own path and history.
Alice Xu: When writing essay topics you must show yourself to the
university. The topics should be personal and insightful.
Sally Guo: Every university has its own style and student body. They all have very different
atmospheres and feelings, for me. Also, I learned so much about having passion and courage to do
the things you truly want to achieve instead of sticking onto what you think may give you a high
salary and what almost everyone calls, “success.”
Elite Excellence, Elite Teacher:
Marina’s PSAT Class - Coquitlam Campus
Hello, my name is Marina Andretti, I hold a Master’s in
Education from the University of Victoria and a Master’s
in Spanish Literature from Loyola University Chicago. At
Elite I am currently teaching the PSAT class, as well as
the Reading and Writing classes.
Teaching has been a passion of mine for the past 10
years, as an adult learner myself, the process of
learning is a journey that I love to take with my students. This journey can be divided into
three paths: learning as product, referring to the end result of the learning experience,
learning as process, referring to what happens during a learning experience in attaining a
certain learning outcome, and learning as function – referring to particular aspects of
learning, such as motivation, retention, and transfer that enable learning. I am particularly
interested in the learning as a process and as a function.
In my classes, I incorporate my diverse experience to help students reach their highest
potential, always encouraging them to ask questions. By asking questions, students do not
only understand the themes and topics, but also learn to analyze. Consequently, by
becoming critical thinkers, they develop and build self-confidence which motivates them to
explore further.
At Elite my focus is to engage and prepare students for the future, a challenging and a
rewarding task. To help them succeed I create a positive learning atmosphere for each
student that enriches their learning journey and puts them on a path to success.
Book Recommendation for ages 11 +
Danny the Champion of the World
by Roald Dahl, Quentin Blake (Illustrator)
Danny’s life seems perfect: his home is a gypsy caravan, he’s the
youngest car mechanic around, and his best friend is his dad, who never
runs out of wonderful stories to tell. And when Danny discovers his
father’s secret, he’s off on the adventure of a lifetime. Here’s Roald
Dahl’s famous story about a 9-year-old boy, his dad, and a daring and
hilarious pheasant-snatching expedition. Just as important, it’s the story
of the love between a boy and his father who, in Danny’s own words, is
“the most marvelous and exciting father a boy ever had.”
Mark This on Your Calendar
SAT Test Date, May 5
Victoria Day, No School, May 21
US Admission Consulting – Registration May 1-31
2012 Elite University Admission Seminar & Award Ceremony, May 26
Summer Boot Camp Early Registration (5% off), May 31
US Admission Consulting starts, June 4
SAT Test Date, June 2
VYCS 2012 Golf Tournament, June 9
SSAT Test Date, June 9
Summer Boot Camp Registration Due, June 23
Summer Boot Camp Begins, July, 3
See You in June, 2012!