Christopher Reynolds List of Women Song Composers, ca. 1890-1930 This list contains the names of the 1580 women composers and songwriters that are included in the database (women listed under more than one name are counted only once). The number of listings for each composer appears in parentheses after each name. Aarup, Caia (5) Abbott, Jane Bingham (8) Acker, Jean (1) Ackernley, Mabel (1) Adair, Dorothy (2) Adair, Mildred (3) Adams, Carrie B. (31) Adams, Crosby, Mrs. (16) Adams, Grace Griswold (1) Adams, Margaret Jones (1) Adams, Pearl (13) Adsit, Marie Clifton (6) [see, Clifton] Ainsworth, Helen Hale (2) Akers, Sally Frothingham (1) Alcus, Lucile (1) Alderman, Beatrice (1) Aldridge, Elizabeth Irving (2) Alexander, Antoinette (2) Alexander, Dorothy (5) Allen, Della Warthen (1) Allen, Ida Grimes (1) Allen, M. Viola (1) Allen, Marjorie Stephens (2) Allen, Mary, Mrs. (1) Allen, Ruby Galbraith (2) Allinson, Audra Crowell (1) [see, Crowel] Allitsen, Frances (143) Alsop, Marion (6) Anderson, Harriet Mildred (1) Anderson, Margaret Tweedie (1) Anderson, Mary Ellen (1) Anderson, Neva Deal (2) Andreas, Eulalie (4) Andrew, Thekla Hollingsworth (2) Andrews, Isabella Arnest (1) Andrews, Maggie (1) Angless, Ethel C. (12) Annette, Marie (2) Applefield, Eva (4) April, Elsie (11) Aragona, Andrea (1) Archibald, Hazel M. (7) Armond, Isabelle d' (2) Armstrong, Annie Emma (40) Armstrong, Catherine (1) Arndt, Nola (2) Ash, Ivy (1) Ashford, Emma Louise (75) Ashforde, Isabel (15) Ashlyn, Belle (1) Ashmore, Lady (12) Askenstedt, Lillian Bryan (1) Aspden, Martha (1) Atkinson, Dorothy (22) Atkinson, Lillian E. (1) Aufderheide, May (10) Aus Der Ohe, Adele (19) Austin, Lovie (2) Ayer, Maude Snover (1) Aylward, Florence (138) Aylwin, Josephine Crew (7) Ayres, Louise M. (1) [see, Garnett] Backus, Clara Shedd (1) Bacon, Elizabeth Clayton (1) Bacon, Elizabeth Montrose (2) Bailey, Minnie Alton (3) Baker, Belle (1) Baker, Bertha (1) Baker, Clara L. (1) Baker, Estelle (2) Baker, Evelyn (17) Baldwin, Anita M. (30) Baldwin, Kate (1) Ball, E. Gertrude (5) Ballou, Ashley M. (1) Bancher, Cecille (1) Bancroft, Mertena Louise (6) Banks, Mervyn (1) [see, Brahe] Banky, Vilma (1) Barbier, Edith (4) Barbour, Florence Newell (45) Bard, Vivien (1) Barker, Lois (18) Barlow, Emily (3) Barlow, Mildred H. (1) Barnby, Ethel (7) Barnett, Alice (60) Barns, Ethel (14) Baron, Jeanie (1) Barrackman, Marian M. (4) Barry, Katharine (72) Barry, Ursula Burford (1) Bartlett, Edith Goodland (1) Bartlett, Elinore Cooper (8) Bartlett, Elinore Cooper and Kate Vannah (6) Bartlett, Floy Little (20) Bartlett, Ida Plumley (1) Bassett, Karolyn Wells (24) Bates, Anna Craig (3) Batten, Mrs. George [Mabel Veronica] (10) Bauer, Emilie Frances (2) [see, Nogero] Bauer, Marion (43) Baxendale, Christabel (6) Baxter, Maud Stewart (17) Bayes, Nora (5) Bayes-Norworth, Nora (14) Bayes, Nora; Irving Fisher, Harry Akst (1) Bayes, Nora; Jack Norworth (15) Bayes, Nora; Phil Schwartz (1) Bayley, Kathryn (1) Beach, Mrs. H. H. A. (146) Beard, Evelyn S. (2) Beare, Nita O'Sullivan (1) Beasley, Irene (1) Beaumont, Fannie (1) Beck, Cora Foulke (1) Becker, Alice May (1) Beebe, Bessie L. (2) Beebe, Marion (1) Behnke, Kate (12) Belcher, Henriette Blanke (21) [see, Blanke; Melson] Belden, Arabella Elise (1) Belfils, Kamie (4) Bell, Elizabeth (2) Bell, Gladys M. (2) Belle, Minnie (5) Bellin, Betty (14) Beney, Theresa (12) Beningfield, Ethel (10) Benjamin, Florence M. (10) Benjamin, Molly (1) Benner, Margaret (1) Bennett, Dot E. (1) Bennett, Ida Young (1) Bennett, Lea M. (1) Bennett, Mimi Eve (2) Bent, L. B., Mrs. (1) Bentley, Irene (1) Beppo, Teresa (1) Beresford, Blanche, Marchioness of Waterford [see, Waterford] (1) Beresford, Lorena (5) Berg, Anna Gumaer (3) Bergen, Mertie Bamber (5) Bernani, Florentia (5) Bernard, Catherine (1) Bernard, Katherine (1) [Catherine Bernard] Bernard Kathryn (1) [Catherine Bernard] Berresford, Florence King (4) Bickell, Bessie M. (2) Bilbro, Mathilde (2) Bingham, Helena (33) Binney, Alice Stead (8) Bird, Frances A. M. (7) Black, Jennie May (4) [see, Jennie Prince Black] Black, Jennie Prince (11) Black, Kate Gilmore (6) Blackledge, Lillian (3) Blagdon, Emily G. (1) Blair, Kathleen (6) [see, Clarke] Blake, Charlotte (31) Blake, Dorothy Gaynor (8) Blake, Josephine (8) Blanc, Baroness [Elizabeth] (1) Blanchard, Marie (2) Blanche, Belle (2) Bland, Helena M. (16) Blane, Laurel (2) Blaney, Norah (9) Blanke, H. B. (12) [see, Belcher] Blomquist, Claribel Murphey (1) Bloodgood, Linda (9) Bloom, Evelyn (8) Bode, Alice M. (5) Boltwood, J. Belle (2) Bohannan, Jean (15) Bond, Betty (3) Bond, Carrie Jacobs (194) Bonita (4) Bonnycastle, Charlotte (4) Borton, Alice (58) Borton, Lady Caroline Mary Georgina (9) Bostelmann, Ida (12) Boutelle, Betty [see, Elizabeth Boutelle] (1) Boutelle, Elizabeth Thorn (4) Bowen, Lauri (19) Bowlby, Beatrice A. (2) Boyd, E. M. P. (2) Boyd, Jeanne Margaret (9) Boyd, Ruth (1) Boylan, Margaret Manora (1) Boyle, Grace T. (1) Boyle, Ina (2) Boysen, Mary A. (1) Brackelsberg, Charlotte (1) Bradley, Lillian E. (1) Bradshaw, Nellie Shorthill (10) Brahe, May H. (113) [see, Mervyn Banks, Donald Crichton, Alison Dodd, Stanley Dickson, Stanton Douglas, and Henry Lovell] Brammell, Helen (1) Brand, Mrs. F. M. (1) Brand, Vivian (2) Branscombe, Gena (91) Breen, May Singhi (12) Brett, Mary (1) Briar, Edith (3) Bridges, Ethel (14) Briggs, Cora S. (33) Brigham, Mrs. W. E. (1) Bright, Dora Estella [see, Knatchbull] (28) Broadie, Madge Eldridge (1) Broadwell, Cora (3) Broadwood, Lucy E. (8) Broaker, Ethel (6) Brock, Anna E. (6) Brodie, Mary and Helen F. Ryan (1) Bronson, Mrs. E. J. (1) Brook, Emmeline (7) Brooke, Elsie (2) Brooke, Marie (5) Brooks, Dorothy (1) Brooks, Florence E. (8) Brooks, Ruth (1) Brooks, Vivian (28) Broughton, Jessie (5) Brown, Billie (5) Brown, Daisy Dean (1) Brown, Fleta Jan (53) Brown, Grace Lee (1) Brown, Mary Helen (45) Brown, Olive Cunningham (1) Brownell, Leila M. (2) Browning, Hazel M. (10) Browning, Sarah (7) Bruce, Muriel E. (11) Bruckshaw, Kathleen (1) Buchanan, Annabel Morris (8) Buchanan, Ruth Tostevin (1) Buck, Agnes S. (8) Buckley, Jean (23) Bull, Mrs. W. B. (1) Bullock, Alice J. (3) Bullock, Flora (2) Bullwinkle, Christine Wood (2) Bumbarger, Nora (1) Bumstead, Gladys Pettit (5) Bunten, Alice Chambers (3) Burbridge, Helen (2) Burdette, Oakla Dotson (1) Burkhart, Elsie (1) Burks, Hattie (2) Burlingame, Harriet (2) Burnes, Gertrude (1) Burnham, Christine (1) Burnham, Eunice Waite (1) Burnham, Luella O. (6) Burns, Annelu (2) Burns, Jessie M. (1) Burnside, Edna (1) Burr, Kate Stella (1) Burr, Katherine Rose (1) Burt, Nellie (2) [see, N. B. Gould] Burton, Lucille (5) Byrd, Ruth (1) Cabell, Geraldine (1) Cahn, Adele Ruth (1) Calbreath, Mary Eveline (2) Caldwell, Anna Payson (42) Calvert, Dorothea (6) Camden, Harriet Parker (1) Cameron, Dorothy S. (1) Campbell, Emily Muirhead (10) Campbell, Jessie H. (1) Campbell, Misses (1) Campbell, Violet E. (10) Canfield, Frances Porter (4) Canning, Effie I. (3) Canning, Irene Akerley (2) Canterbury, Alice (1) Cantrell, Margaret (2) Capper, Florence (4) Carew, Molly (25) Carlson, Edna Drynan (1) Carmichael, Mary Grant (69) Carpenter, Lenora, Mrs. (1) Carpenter, Libbie Davidson (1) Carr, Mary Louise (3) [see, Moore] Carreau, Margaret Stiver (7) Carswell, Loretta (1) Carter, Harriet (4) Cartland, Blanche Arden (2) Carusi, Inez (1) Caryll, Dena (1) Case, Anna (10) Caspers, Agnes B. (8) Cass, Marie H. (1) Castle, Mrs. Vernon (1) Chambers, Agnes M. (5) Chambers, Florence (4) Chaminade, Cecile (150) Champagne, Mildred (3) Chapin, Betty (1) Chapman, Ella (3) Chapman, Olive (1) Childers, Maude M. (1) Chins, Alevia R. (2) Chipman, Florence Ednah (14) Chisholm, Myra Augur (3) Chovil, Elsie (2) Christman, Harvene (1) Church, Mabelle Carolyn (1) Clark, A. Gertrude (1) Clark, Amy Ashmore (10) Clark, Bessie L. (5) Clark, Dorothy (1) Clark, Sadie (11) Clark, Sylvia (1) Clarke, Edna Grant (1) Clarke, Emilie A. (33) Clarke, Helen Archibald (4) Clarke, Kathleen Blair (17) [see, Blair] Clarke, Minnie Augusta (1) Clarke, Rebecca (14) Clays, Ethel Low (2) Clibborn, Victoria Booth (8) [see, Demarest] Clifford, Beatrice (10) Clifton, Jack (1) [see, Adsit] Clore, Miss Lou Catherine (1) Clutterham, Ethel (1) Coates, Kate (6) Cobb, Charlotte L. (1) Cobb, Lotta (2) [see, De Leath] Cochrane, Minnie (9) Cochrane, Peggy (12) Coffin, Lillian (1) Coffman, Lillian Craig (8) Cohen, Frieda Pauline (16) Coleman, Ellen (10) Collins, Alice Roger (6) [see, Roger] Collins, Augusta (1) Collins, Laura Sedgwick (5) Collyer, Carrie (2) Comfort, Anita (4) Connolly, Dolly (2) Connor, Nell M. (1) Connor, Peggy (10) Conrad, Harriet Adams (1) Conrade, Mary Spencer (1) Conroy, Madge E. (4) Cook, Anita De Witte (2) Cook, Josephine Merwin (6) Cook, Margery Allen (6) Cooke, Edith (33) Cooke, Irene (1) Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague (7) Coombs, Dora H. (7) Cooney, Celia (2) Cooper, Margaret (5) Corby, Mabelanna (20) Cornell, Grace (1) Coryell, Marian (18) [see, Webster] Costa, Raie da (4) Cotton, Elizabeth J. (5) Cover, Lily (13) Covert, Grace (1) Cowan, Martha Hare (4) Cowdell, Ellen (18) Cowherd, Katherine W. (1) Cox, Mrs. Frank (1) Craik, Beatrice (4) Crane, Amelia (1) Crane, Eleanor (3) Crapser, Dorothy K. (1) Craven, Katherine Tabb (1) Crawford, Dorothy (5) Crawford, Helen (1) [see, Crawford, Mrs. Jesse] Crawford, Louise (3) Crawford, Mrs. Jesse (2) [see, Crawford, Helen] Crew, Alice (1) Crews, Lucile (8) Creyke, Mrs. Walter (7) Crichton, Donald (7) [see, Brahe] Cripe, Mabel A. (2) Cross, Belle Gold (1) Crowel, Audra Adyett (3) [see, Allinson] Crowley, Alma A. (3) Cunningham, Maud (8) Curran, Pearl G. (42) Current, Gertrude (1) Curtis, Angie T. (1) Curtis, Natalie (4) Dallam, Helen (3) Dalton, Edith (4) Damon, Julia (1) Daniels, Mabel Wheeler (49) David, Elizabeth Harbison (7) David, Sara C. (5) Davies, Clara Novello (6) Davies, Olive Langdon (8) Davis, Angelita (3) Davis, Edith Ella (1) Davis, Jessie Bartlett (2) Davis, Jessie L. (1) Davis, Sarah Brinton (1) Dawe, Gladice (1) Day, Ella Hudson (3) Day, Maude Craske (36) Dayton, Ella (1) De Graff, Grace Clark (2) De Haven, Rose (4) De Leath, Vaughn (54) [see, Cobb; Lee; Lieth] De Lorne, Ella (1) De Marion, Marie Biro (4) Deagon, Gracie (1) Deane, Mina (3) Deane, Myrtle (1) Del Riego, Teresa (187) Della, Ella (4) Delworth, Lynda (1) Demarest, Victoria Booth-Clibborn (4) [see, Clibborn] Dene, Eileen (7) Dennison, Norma B. (1) Deppen, Jessie L. (22) DeVere, Leila A. (2) Devere, Pauline (1) Devlin, Louise L. (1) Diamond, Nellie (2) Dick, Edith A. (12) Dickson, Stanley (12) [see, May H. Brahe] Dietrich, Rene (11) [see, Wright] Dillingham, Mynnie E. (1) Dillon, Fannie Charles (9) Dimmick, Ruth Crosby (1) Dinsmore, Mrs. B. T. (1) Dixon, Harriett Claiborne (7) Dixon, Maud C. (1) Dixon, May (1) Dobbs, Katharine Whipple (2) Dodd, Alison (1) [see, Brahe] Dodge, Ida Helen (1) Donavin, Marie (3) Dore, L. Winifred (2) Doro, Grace (4) Doro, Marie (4) Dorrington, May Hawley (1) Dougherty, Ada (1) Douglas, Janette (1) Douglas, Sallie Hume (10) Douglas, Stanton (1) [see, Brahe] Doun, Elza (2) Douthitt, Dorthy (1) Dowden, Hilda M. (7) Dower, Frances (9) Downing, Lulu Jones (18) Doyle, Constance (1) Doyle, Kathleen (1) Draper, Jane Jewett (1) Dreves, Pearl Slocum (2) Druce, Mary [see, Travers] (7) Druger, Helen Warfield (1) Duncan, Rosetta (23) Duncan, Vivian (26) Dunlap, Alva (1) Dunster, Mary T. (1) Durand, Nella Wells (1) Duryea, Jeannette (3) Dutton, Theodora (16) Dyckman, Helen W. (4) Earl, Harriet (1) Eaton, Jane Lillian (1) Ebbert, Blanche Gould (1) Edgerly, Cora E. (1) Edwards, Ariadne Holmes (23) Edwards, Clara (81) Eggar, Katharine Emily (3) Eldridge, Sarah B. (3) Elliot, Grace Minto (2) Elliott, Dorothy (16) Elliott, Leslie (71) Elliott, Muriel (2) Ellis, Genevieve S. (1) Ellis, Ota (1) Eltrym, Brooke (1) Emerson, Elizabeth Usher (2) Emerson, Ida (5) Emery, Lillian C. (1) Erd, Daisy M. (7) Estes, Caroline B. (1) Estes, Leola Cale (1) Etting, Ruth (4) Evans, Aimee Grace (3) Evans, Alice (1) Evans, Frances Billings (1) Eversole, Rose Mansfield (22) [see, McCoy] Ewald, Mildred C. (1) Fairchild, Gertrude E. (8) Fairlie, Mabel Browning (26) Fankell, Stella (1) Farrell, Jessie Hilton (1) Farrelly, Anna Augusta (1) Fawn, Harriet (12) Felman, Hazel (2) Feltus, Lota A. (2) Fenner, Beatrice (13) Fenton, Lucy C. M. (4) Fergus, Phyllis (42) Fern, Lota (1) Fethers, Mrs. Ogden Hoffman (1) Fetrow, Jessie (2) Fidler, Margaret M. (1) Fields, Minerva W. (1) Finden, Amy Woodforde (117) Finley, Lorraine Noel (5) Firestone, Idabelle (6) Fischer, Edna (6) Fischer, Mabel E. (1) Fish, Alice Reber (10) Fisher, Lena Leonard (2) Fisher, Myrtle R. (3) Fiske, Hazel B. (2) Fitch, Kate Llewellyn (2) Fitzgerald, Geraldine (4) Fitzhugh, Mary Dolby (1) Flannery, Agnes Veronica (6) Fletcher, Anna L. (1) Fletcher, Eve (1) Flickinger, Caroline Rice (1) Floyd, Marguerite H. (1) Forbes, Kathleen (4) Ford, Abbie A. (18) Forman, Mrs. R. R. (6) Forrester, Dorothy (1) Forster, Charlotte (3) Forster, Dorothy (107) Forster, Glad (4) Forsyth, Josephine (3) Fort, Lottie B. (2) Foster, Fay (66) Foster, Ivy Anderson (2) Fothergill, Helen (13) Fowler, Edna May (2) Fox, Charlotte Milligan (16) Fox, Jessie Livingston (1) Fox, Julia E. (3) Fox, Mary (3) France, Leila (23) Frankel, Bessie Bartlett (1) Franklin, Jennie (14) Frankman, Edna (1) Frazer, Mrs. Allan Howard (6) Frear, Mary Dillingham (1) Fredericksen, Karen (2) Freebey, Grace Adele (7) Freeman, Carolyn R. (6) Freeman, Jean Drew (2) Freer, Eleanor Everest (154) French, Katherine Gordon (3) Frields, Olive L. (5) [see, Newman] Frye, Alice Bert (1) Frye, Bertie (1) Fryer, Catherine (6) Gage, Grace Adair (1) Gahan, Louise (1) Gaines, Berenice Van Loan (8) Gallo, Julietta (3) Galloway, Florence (1) Galsworthy, Ada (21) Galt, Marie Everitt (1) Gamble, Myrta (1) Gambogi, F. Elvira (40) Gandy, Dorothy A. (14) Gardner, Grace G. (3) Gardner, Sarah L. (1) Garnett, Louise Ayres (27) [see, Ayres] Garrett, Elizabeth (8) Garrison, Theresa Holmes (18) Gaskill, Grace (1) Gates, Alice Avery (4) Gates, Luise (1) Gaut, Helen Lukens (10) Gay, Vera Lothrop (1) Gayne, Brenda (25) Gaynor, Jessie L. (130) Gear, Florence (4) Gee, Emma (2) Genet, Marianne (9) Gere, Florence Parr (21) Gerst, Pauline (1) Gest, Elizabeth (1) Gibbs, Grace Couchman (1) Gibson, Dolly (1) Gilbert, Florence (19) Gilbert, Stella (3) Gill, Sidnie (1) Gillingham, Johncea (2) Gilmore, Helen (5) Glen, Katherine A. (17) Goatley, Alma (34) Godfrey, Dorothy Rich (1) Goetz, Alma (27) Golden, Marta (1) Golson, Florence (3) Goode, Blanche (2) Goodeve, Mrs. F. E. (62) Goodman, Lillian Rosedale (8) [see, Rosedale] Goodrum, Ella Mae (1) Goodyear, Leila Comstock (1) Gordon, Bertha F. (13) Gore, Lilian (1) Gould, N. B. (1) [see, Nellie Burt] Goyder, Mabel (2) Grace, Janet M. (2) Grady, Elizabeth M. (4) Graff, Leta Bishop (1) Graham, Adelaide Dorothy (1) Graham, Effie (1) Graham, Miriam (1) Grant, Abbie Dixon (1) Grant, Emeline M. (17) Grant, Helen (1) Grant, Margery (1) Grant, Norman, Miss (7) Gravelle, Jeanne (2) Gray, Gretta (3) Gray, Hettie (10) Gray, Louisa (51) Gray, Norma (6) Greeley, Peppina Muratori (4) Green, Bertie Aikin (7) Green, Evangeline M. (1) Green, Frances (1) Green, Hattie E. (2) Green, Mary Thompson (1) Greene, Edith Rowena Noyes (1) [see, Noyes] Greene, May (16) Greenough, Eliza Mahala (2) Gregg, Calla Gowdy (2) Gregg, Norma (2) Gregori, Elsa (4) Grenfell, Dolores (6) Grever, Maria (84) Greville, Ursula (20) Grey, Lilian (2) Grey, Vivian [see, McKinley] (3) Grieve, Ella Moore (1) Griffin, Vashti Rogers (4) Grigsby, Miss. L. M. (1) Griswold, Gertrude (2) Gro, Josephine (8) Grossmann, Gertrude E. (19) Grubb, Gayle (3) Grugan, Carrie M. (1) Guedy, Claire (6) Guerette, Hazel (1) Guilford, Hattie M. (5) Gulesian, Grace Warner (3) [see, Gulesian, Mrs. M. H.] Gulesian, Mrs. M. H. (6) Guppy, Septima D. Robinson (7) Gurney, Mary (7) Gyde, Margaret (14) Hadley, Sarah A. (2) Haegg, Alice Lee (1) Haight, Lucy M. (3) Haight, Nettie Olds (1) Hall, Marguerite Radclyffe (4) Halley, Margaret A. (11) Hamilton, Gertrude Thomas (1) Hamilton, Janet (7) Hamilton, Kathleen (1) Hamilton, Margaret (3) Hammer, Marie von (11) [see, Sears] Hammon, Grace (1) Handy, Lucile Marie (1) Harck, Katherine Clapp (3) Hardelot, Guy d' (130) Hare, Amy (24) Harmon, Anna B. (2) Harndin, Harriet (1) Harris, Minnie D. (7) Harrison, Annie Fortescue (26) [see, Hill] Harrison, Marjory E. (1) Harrison, Mary Sterling (1) Harrison, Penilla M. (1) Harrison, Sadie C. (21) Harsch, Ada Koppitz (3) Hart, Constance (2) Hart, Dorothy (9) Hart, Eva C. (1) Hart, Maude Anita (19) Harthoom, Margaret Crook (1) Hartland, Lizzie (9) Hartley, Lora R. (1) Hartmann, Mary (1) Hartog, Cecile Sarah (41) Harvey, Roberta Geddes (11) Harwood, Mabel (9) Haskell, Dora L. (3) Haskett, Mrs. Annette Blackburn (1) Haskins, Helen M. (2) Haven, Rose de (3) Hawkins, Grace E. (1) Hawley, Annie Andros (17) Hawley, Florence C. (1) Hayden, Florence (1) Haymond, Norah Lee (6) [also, Nora] Hazard, Allie B. (1) Hazzard, Kathrine Stockwell (6) Hearne, Isabel (37) Heck, Mae Devoto (1) Hecker, Berta Josephine (3) Heckler, Lillian (3) Heckscher, Celeste de Longpre (4) Heibel, Irene (1) Held, Anna (1) Heller, Grace (3) Hemberger, Emma (1) Hemingway, Grace Hall (6) Henderson, Kay Dover (1) Henkel, Grace (1) Herbert, Muriel (25) Herd, Muriel (1) Herreshoff, Constance Mills (15) Herz, Maria (7) Hess, Elsie Duley (2) Hewlett, Dorothea (4) Heyman, Katherine Ruth (17) Hickey, Vivian (22) Hier, Ethel Glen (12) Higgins, Charlotte (1) Hildreth, Daisy Wood (5) Hill, Dorothy (22) Hill, Lady Arthur (6) [see, Harrison] Hill, Mable Wood (33) Hill, May (18) [see, Hill, May Olivette] Hill, May Olivette (1) [see, Hill, May] Hill, Mildred J. (40) Hilliard, Mabel Dudley (4) Hilton, Aurelia (1) Hilton, Joyce (1) Hinkson, Alpharetta (1) Hission, Charlotte (2) Hite, Mabel (1) Hoberg, B. Margaret (11) Hocking, Hetty (2) Hoffman, Gertrude (10) Hofmann, Gerda Wismer (1) Hogben, Dorothy (2) Holden, Mary Landis (1) Hollins, Dorothea (16) Hollinshead, Ursula D. (1) Hood, Helen (22) Hooper, Mamie Carroll (1) Hope, Barbara Melville (14) Hopekirk, Helen (58) Hopkins, Mary M. (3) Hopper, Irma (6) Horne, Marie (51) Horrocks, Amy Elise (63) Horton, M. Wagniere (12) Horton, Metta (3) Housman, Rosalie (8) Howard, Florence Reed (4) Howard, Mary M. (2) Howard, Minnie F. (2) Howard, Sara Jean (1) Howe, Julia Ward (15) Howe, Mary (8) Howell, Dorothy (10) Howell, Gwen (3) Hubbell, Ella Pauline (1) Huber, Alice (4) Hughes, Dorothy Dowman (1) Hughes, Lillian Blakemore (8) Hull, Florence (4) Hullinger, Litta (8) Humble, Irene (4) Hunter, Alberta (1) Huntington, Dulce (5) Hurst, Cleta (1) Iaukea, Iaelani (1) Ihmsen, Josephine Branta (2) Ingraham, Mrs. Herbert (1) Ingraham, Zella (1) Innella, Jennie (2) Iris, Minnie (1) Irwin, Flo (1) Irwin, May (14) Irwin, Rita (1) Jackson, Anne Wakely (1) Jackson, Emily (8) Jackson, Isabel Scott (2) Jacobson, Lillian (1) James, Dorothy (2) James, Phyllis Mary (16) Jamison, Abbie Norton (1) Janis, Elsie (18) Jardon, Dorothy [Dolly] (16) Jefferies, Irene (2) Jennings, Carrie Baxter (14) Jewell, Lucina (9) Jewitt, Jessie Mae (51) Joel, Doris (1) Johnson, Alice (2) Johnson, Elsie Elizabeth (1) Johnson, Phoebe Wynn (2) Johnson, Thelma N. (1) Johnston, Caroline Gale (1) Johnston, Jessie (9) Johnston, Josephine Chapman (1) Jones, Abbie Gerrish (12) Jones, Helen Grace (1) Jones, Mai (16) Jones, Mary Parker (1) Jones, Morfydd Llwyn (7) Jordon, Dolly or Dorothy: see, Jardon Joyce, Florence Buckingham (4) Kahn, Grace LeBoy (12) [see, Le Boy] Kamman, Effie (4) Kaufman, Mabel R. (1) Kavanaugh, Katharine (1) Keane, Sallie (7) Keene, Bessie L. (3) Keil, Nettie (3) Keith, Claire Cox (1) Kellenberger, Edwina (1) Keller, Elizabeth (1) Kellogg, Frances Brockett (2) [see, Kay Kellogg] Kellogg, Kay (1) [see, Frances B. Kellogg] Kelly, Margie (1) Kelly, Zettie (3) Kempe, Mary Ringo (1) Kendall, Harriet (13) Kennedy, Amanda (5) [see, Moore] Kennoy, Emma (2) Kent, Annie (4) Kent, Marjorie (5) Kern, Emma (1) Kerr, Elizabeth (1) Kilgour, Ruth (1) Kilmer, Annie Kilburn (7) Kilner, Helen (14) Kimbrough, La Verna E. (1) King, Laura Schick (1) King, Mollie (2) King, Pearl (1) Kingore, Margaret (2) Kingsbury, Audrey (2) Kingsley, Edith (2) Kinnison, Anna (5) Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude (4) Kirk, Grace M. (3) Kirkhoff, Blanche (1) Kirkman, Merle (10) Kitnor, Phyllis Enid de (7) Klein, Anna Rosalyn (13) Klein, Ivy Frances (21) [see, Salaman] Kluchansky, Anna M. (7) Knapp, Mrs. Joseph F. (21) Knatchbull, Dora E. (1) [see, Bright] Kneeshaw, Cecily (3) Knight, Mary A. (2) Knight, Mary S. (1) Knight, Nan B. (1) Knippenberg, Ruth (7) Knowlton, Fanny Snow (13) Knox, Gertrude Leverich (3) Koninsky, Sadie (18) Koopman, Miss Reba (1) Korn, Clara Anna (11) Krause, Helen L. (1) Krey, Marie J. (2) Kroger, Ida (1) Kuhl, Catherine [see, Schram] (1) Kummer, Clare (81) Kummer, Lourine (8) L., A. [Amelia Lehmann] (42) Lachau, Countess Ada de (1) Laing, Marie Theresa (5) Lake, Mary Daggett (1) Lamb, Marie Elizabeth (2) Lambelet, Vivien (17) Lambert, Agnes Helen (26) Lamson, Georgie (5) Lancaster, Lillian May (1) Lang, Agnes Mary (15) Lang, Anna M. (1) Lang, Edith (8) Lang, Margaret Ruthven (127) Langdon, Eleanor (4) Lange, Emma Busch (1) Lara, Adelina de (20) Lasley, Amber M. (3) Lassaugue, Emily E. (1) Laurie, Margaret (2) Lawlor, Alice (3) Lawnhurst, Vee (74) Lawrence, Emily M. (16) Lawrence, May F. (3) Lawson, Corinne Moore (7) Leaycraft, Agnes (5) Le Boy, Grace (50) [see, Kahn] Lea, Annie (4) Leaman, Isabelle (1) Ledoux, Flora (1) Lee, Annabelle (1) [see, De Leath] Lee, Kate (8) Lee, Minnie (2) Leggett, L. Gertrude (4) Leginska, Ethel (6) [=Liggins] Lehmann, Amelia, see L. A. Lehmann, Liza (333) Leigh, Vivian (2) Leininger, Lillian B. (1) Lemmel, Helen Howarth (10) Lemon, Ella (10) Lemon, Laura G. (59) Lennard, Lady Emma Barrett (50) Lent, Carrie Belyea (2) Leo, Florence N. (1) Leonard, Frances (1) Leonard, Mary A. (1) Levenseller, Bessie F. (1) Lewis, Emily Roberts (3) Lewis, Gwen (18) Lewis, Marion (4) Lewis, Mary Lucille (2) Lewis, Viola B. (2) Lhevinne, Estelle Gray (6) Libby, Ruth (2) Lieth, Leonore (4) [see, De Leath] Lillie, Muriel (8) Lincoln, Ethel (3) Lindsay, Jennie (4) Linnell, Olive (21) Lipman, Adeline C. (1) Lippa, Kate Ockleston (3) [see, Ockleston] Little, Anita Gray (9) Litz, Mrs. Maggie B. (1) Lively, Katherine Allan (2) Livingston, Eleanor (1) Livingstone, Helen (5) Llen, Elizabeth Youel (5) Lloyd, Claudia (4) Loepke, G. Marschal [see, Gloria Marshall and Gloria Loepke] (24) Loepke, Gloria Gene (2) Loftus, Marie Cecilia (14) Logan, Virginia Knight (1) Lonsdale, Eva (12) Lorence, Elva (8) Loud, Annie F. (19) Loughnan, Mai Burnes (2) Loveday, Rachel (10) Lovell, Henry (2) [see, Brahe] Lowe, Mabel (1) Luck, Maude Haben (13) Luke, Hazel (1) Lumley, Marjorie Hope (6) Lumsden, Annie P. (1) Lund, Signe (13) Lunsford, Esther (1) Lyle, Charlotte (1) Lyman, Clara O. (3) Lynn, Litta (9) Lyon, Annie M. (5) Maberry, Margaret Ellis (7) MacCloud, Genevieve (4) MacCollin, Frances (1) [see, McCollin] Macduffee, Mabel Howard (3) MacGregor, Eleane B. (1) Mackenzie, Lilian (5) Mackintosh, Eva (11) MacLean, Eleanore (6) MacMullin, Helen Lynn (1) Maconchy, Elizabeth (4) Maddison, Adela (17) Maginn, Mildred (1) Malcolm, Jeanne [Langtry] (11) Malcolm, Marian (7) Maley, Florence Turner (53) Mallard, F. Clarisse (6) Manley, Julia Marion (3) Manning, Clarice (13) Manning, Kathleen Lockhart (98) Mardelotte, Muriel (3) Marigold, Marguerite (5) Marillier, Christabel (5) Markstein, Henrietta (5) Marriott, I. Norah (9) Marsden, Estelle (1) Marshall, Gloria (13) [see, Loepke] Marshall, Hattie (5) Marshall, Marian (1) Martinez, Isidora (5) Martz, Margaret Reigh (1) Marum, Eleanor (1) Mason, Mrs. Alexander O. (3) Massie, Sallie A. (4) Matem, Anna (1) Maud, Constance (13) Maude, Caroline Anna Mary (15) Maxwell, Elinor (1) Maxwell, Elsa Wyman (47) [see,Wyman] Maxwell, Kathleen Heron (5) Mayfield, Alice (3) Mayhew, Grace (6) [see, Putnam] Mayhew, Stella (1) McBurney, Mona (5) McCay, Myrtle Mae (2) McClure, Eloise A. (1) McCollin, Frances (6) [see, MacCollin] McConnell, Elizabeth (1) McCord, Lida M. (1) McCoy, Ruth M. Eversole (6) [see, Eversole] McCree, Junie (1) McEwen, Mrs. Candace Johnston (2) McFarland, Catherine (2) McFarland, Helen R. (1) McFerrin, Mabel Lee (3) McGee, Winifred E. (14) McGeoch, Daisy (74) McGill, Josephine (8) McGlashan, Floy (1) McGowan, Mary (1) McInerney, Julia Francis (2) McKenzie, Edith R. (1) McKinley, Mabel [see, Grey] (10) McLain, Emma (2) McLeish, Margaret (1) McPherran, Florence (8) McPherson, Aimee Semple (3) Mead, Catherine Pannill (3) Meade, Marjory (11) Meagley, Mary Willing (1) Meda, Lottie L. (1) Mellor, Grace E. (13) Melrose, Gladys (4) Melson, Henrietta Blanke (1) [see, Belcher] Menard, Belle (5) Menne, M. Alice (2) Meredith, Margaret D. (17) Merrick, Hope (19) Merrill, Blanche (18) Merrill, Elizabeth Church (1) Merrywell, Elsie (1) Merton, Carolyn Dodge (21) Metcalf, Margaret Carter (5) Methven, Agnes Florence (7) Metz, Florence Wells (2) Meyerson, Elsie J. (1) Michael, Doris (2) Milford, Bliss (1) Millbrook, Gladys (1) Miller, Anne Stratton [see, Stratton] (2) Miller, Mary Emerson (1) Miller, Zeula Z. (1) Millis, Violet (2) Mills, Adelaide K. (1) Mills, Ethel Cooper (1) Mills, Joy (2) Miltz, Marjorie B. (1) Miner, Hattie Garrison (2) Miner, Hattie M. (1) Miner, Irene Littlefield (2) Miner, Louise F. (1) Mitchell, Elizabeth R. (3) Mitenius, Alma (2) Modica, Clorine (1) Mohr, Helen (1) Moline, Lily Wadhams (3) Moncrieff, Nita Gaetano (30) Monnett, Grace Belle (1) Monroe, Rose (3) Moore, Amanda Kennedy (1) [see, Kennedy] Moore, Edith (6) Moore, Luella Lockwood (26) Moore, Margaret Adele (3) Moore, Mary Carr (44) [see, Carr] Moore, Miltona (1) Mora, Helene (2) Moran, Mary, Mrs. (1) Moran, Maud (4) Morandi, Jennie Jewett (2) Morgan, Lily Hays (1) Morris, Mrs. C. H. (4) Morris, Sarah Alice (1) Morris, Victoria (5) Morrison, Alice Nadine (34) Morse, Lee (8) Mortlake, Sylvia (5) Morton, Agnes L. (2) Morton, Clara (2) Moses, Nellie Wicker (1) Mosher, Gertrude (1) Mosher, Hope (1) Mosher, Mabel Harrison (1) Moss, Katie (26) Moulton, Maud Evelyn (7) Mulloy, Jean Munro (4) Mundt, Mary C. (1) Murphy, Mrs. J. M. (1) Murray, Blanche Gaston (8) Murray, F. Hortense (1) Murray, Maud A. (3) Mushrush, Esee J. McCormick (8) Myers, Gertrude E. (2) Mylius, Helen (1) Nash, Dorothy (6) Needham, Alicia Adelaide (103) Needham, Elizabeth E. (8) Neill, Charlotte P. (6) Nelson, Muriel (3) Nemeth, Laurel (1) Nevada, Hattie (11) Neville, Dorothy (3) Nevin, Shirley Dean (1) Newhaus, Marie Cross (4) Newman, Mary (1) Newman, Olive Frields (1) [see, Frields] Nichols, Alberta (20) Nichols, Mrs. Harlan J. (2) Nicholson, Marie (1) Nicholson, Mary (2) Nicklin, Maude (2) Nixson, Florence Mills (1) Nogero, Francisco di (5) [see, Emilie Bauer] Noonan, Florence (1) North, M. Moya (1) Norven, Rowena (1) Novelli, Louise K. (1) Noyes, Edith Rowena (12) [see, Greene] Nugent, Maude (19) O’Byrne, Bessie (2) Ockleston, Kate (4) [see, Lippa] O'Connor, Kathleen (2) O’Connor, Mary (1) Ogden, Elizabeth (1) Ogden, Emily (4) Olcott, Grace (2) O’Leary, Rosetta (16) Oliphant, Sara J. (1) Ollivier, Jessie (6) O’Neill, Florence (11) O’Neill, Nellie (1) Orme, Denise (2) Orme, Ilda Minelle (9) Orth, Lizette E. (12) O’Shea, Annie B. (3) Osgood, Marion (5) Ossusky, Hilda (3) Ostlere, May (10) Outtrim, Irene (1) Overbeck, E. [Ella] (12) Overton, Muriel (8) Owen, Anita (81) Owen, Julia D. (1) Owens, Dorothy Gertrude (2) Packard, Cora Barr (1) Paddack, Nina M. (1) Paddon, Florence Amy (3) Paddon, Nora (1) Paine, Della Williams (1) Paine, Edith (1) Palliser, Sybil (13) Palmer, Lucille (6) Pardridge, Eleanor L. (1) Parish, Rena M. (1) Park, Edna Rosalind (26) Parker, Alma L. (1) Parker, Etta (6) Parker, Katherine Mary (9) [see, Kitty Parker] Parker, Kitty (14) [see, Katherine Mary Parker] Parker, Nellie V. (1) Parker, Phyllis Norman (20) Parkyns, Beatrice (12) Parsons, Laura M. (1) Parsons, Margaret (3) Patterson, Annie W. (8) Patton, Mrs. Abbie Hutchinson (1) Pavlovska, Irene (1) Paxson, Loretta A. (1) Payne, Sarah Haggard (3) Payson, Mrs. Clifford (Mary) (1) Pearce, Florence M. (1) Pearse, Cecilia Maria (4) Pease, Jessie L. (33) Peck, Martha H. (1) Percival, Drusilla S. (5) Perdue, Lura Allen (1) Perrin, Lindsay E. (1) Perry, Reine M. (1) Peterson, Georgette (5) Petravsky, Marie (1) Petrillo, Carrie Hulse (2) Pettifer, May (4) Peycke, Frieda (71) Phelan, Elsie G. (13) Phelps, Charlotte M. (7) Philleo, Estelle (13) Pickert, Grace (2) Picton, Nina (2) Pierce, Seneca (16) Piper, Claire Collin (1) Platz, Maude Bennett (1) Poldowski (28) [Irene Regine Wieniawska] Polk, Grace Porterfield (23) Pollock, Muriel (28) Polonaski, Therese von (8) Ponce, Ethel (1) Pond, Ada L. (4) Porter, Florence Loretta (1) Posey, Sara E. (6) [see, Posie] Posie, Sara E. (1) [see Posey] Poston, Elizabeth (17) Powers, Ada Weigel (5) Powers, Edith (1) Pratt, Margie K. (1) Prewitt, Anna Arrington (1) Price, Lilla (1) Price, Maude McFerran (3) Price, Natalie Whitted (12) Price, [Miss] Rolly (1) Proctor, Jessie Olive (2) Purrington, Lily (3) Putnam, Grace Mayhew (6) [see, Mayhew] Pyper, Lucile (4) Quayle, Eileen (20) Quinlan, Agnes Clune (14) Quint, Nellie (1) Quive, Mary (2) R., T. D. (1) [probably Del Riego] Ragg, Katie (8) Rand, Josephine (3) Rapoport, Ruth (2) Rawlston, Zelma (1) Raybould, Marion (7) Raymond, Emma Marcy (3) Read, Blanche C. (1) Read, Ethel (9) Read, Evelyn (2) Read, Sarah Ferriss (1) Reames, Zilpha (1) Redkey, Lida M., Mrs. (1) Reed, Mary A. (1) Remick, Bertha (14) Rew, Frances L. (1) Rex, Mrs. L. B. (1) Reynolds, Betty (1) Reynolds, Florence Miner (1) Rheinhold, Anna (1) Ricci, Clara Ross (7) Rich, Caryl B. (17) Rich, Marie (8) Rich, Martha L. (1) Richards, May (2) Richardville, Rose (1) Ring, Blanche (1) Ring, Montague (34) Rion, Hannah (2) Risher, Anna Priscilla (54) Ritter, Irene Marschand (1) Rivinius, Jean (5) Rizzi, Alba (12) Robert, Camille (1) Robins, Mary (1) Robinson, Frances C. (3) Robison, Mae (1) Rodgers, Ada (1) Roger, Alice H. (2) [see, Collins] Rogers, Faith Helen (4) Rogers, Clara Kathleen (62) Rohrer, Gertrude Martin (9) Rolland, Mae (2) Roma, Caro (119) [see, Carrie, Roma] Roma, Carrie (1) [see, Caro Roma] Roma, Elise Pardow (2) Ronell, Ann (56) [see, Rosenblatt] Root, Grace W. (3) Rosa, Mary (4) Rosa, Thekla (1) Rose, Edith (1) Rose, Marion W. (3) Rosedale, Lillian (5) [see, Goodman] Rosenblatt, Ann (1) [see, Ronell] Ross, Frances Porter (9) Ross, Gertrude R. (30) Ross, Gladys (19) Rossa, Sheela O’Donovan (1) Rossiter, Madeline (6) Rotter, Etta (3) Rowe, Aileen (2) Royle, Martha (1) Rucker, Violet Wheeler (2) Rudd, Leonore (1) Rudd, Olda (17) Rudisill, Bess (1) Rue, Dorothy Wilson (1) Ruebner, Dagmar de Corval: see Rybner Runcie, Constance Faunt Le Roy (8) Rusk, Harriet (5) Russell, Alma L. (3) Russell, Anna Christian (7) Russell, Dorothy (16) Rutherford, Althea J. (1) Ryan, Helen F. and Mary Brodie (1) Ryan, Mrs. Leo J. (1) Rybner, Dagmar de Corval (23) Ryckoff, Lalla (15) Safford, Hattie E. (1) Salaman, Ivy (1) [see, Klein] Salmond, Mary Augusta C. (27) Salter, Mary Turner (152) Sanders, Alma (72) [see, Saunders] Sans Souci, Gertrude (23) Sargent, Cora Decker (3) Saunders, Alma (1) [see, Sanders] Scanlon, Marie (1) Schlaepfer, Emma Koch (1) Schleif, Lucy A. (4) Schleiffarth, Clara (1) Schlossman, Ada (1) Schram, Catherine Kuhl [see, Kuhl] (1) Schuler, Lillian R. (1) Schumann, Meta (6) Schwab, Ruby Hooton (1) Scott, Alicia Florence (10) Scott, Annie D. (18) Scott, Beatrice Macgowan (5) Scott, Genevieve (43) Scribner, M. Vina (4) Scurlock, Constance (1) Seamans, Frances S. (4) Sears, Helen (7) Sears, Marie (4) [see, von Hammer] Seaver, Blanche Ebert (9) Seeley, Blossom (5) Selleck, Gertrude (3) Semel, Hattie (1) Serrell, Alys F. (55) Seymore, Maribel (1) [= Seymour] Seymour, Maribel (4) Shaffer, Helen Louise (9) Shanks, Margaret (1) Shaper, Mattie (4) Sharpe, Evelyn (89) Shaw, Alice M. (5) Shaw, Lillian (1) Sheldon, Lillian Taitt (20) Sheldon, Mary (7) Shepheard, Edna (1) Shepherd, Helen Moll (1) Sheppard, Madelyn (38) Sherwood, Alice (1) Sherwood, Josephine (3) Shey, Charlotte M. Nevin (1) Shipman, Vera Brady (2) Shirley, Lilian (5) Shoemaker, Metta Jane (1) Sholes, Bessie (1) Shull, Sallie J. (1) Sibley, Myrtie R. (1) Silberta, Rhea (18) Simonds, Edith (6) Simpson, Eusebia (1) Simpson, Nellie (26) Skerrit, Rena Barry (7) Skinner, Bessie M. (1) Skinner, Elizabeth L. (6) Slagle, Clara (2) Slaughter, Marjorie (9) Slayback, Grace (1) Sloane, Mae Auwerda (10) Smith, Anna Tombler (2) Smith, Edith Euan, Lady (9) Smith, Eleanor (13) Smith, Eliza Doyle (11) Smith, Ella May (6) Smith, Emily (17) Smith, Gertrude Normand (25) Smith, Julia (3) Smith, Mabel Saumarez (9) Smith, Maria Vrooman (1) Smith, May Florence (2) Smith, Vere (16) Smock, Lena (1) Smyth, Ethel (22) Snodgrass, Louise (11) Snyder, Catherine (1) Solman, Lucille (2) Sorensen, Lulu (2) Southwick, Mary (2) Souther, Louise (9) Sovereign, Anna Hering (2) Spain, Mrs. Irene (1) Spalding, Florence Atherton (7) Spears, Anne E. (1) Spellan, Gertrude R. (2) Spencer, Virginia (1) Spragins, Sarah Hern (1) Spurlock, Mrs. W. D. (1) St. Clair, Charlotte (1) St. Helier, Ivy (24) St. John, Alice C. A. (1) Stair, Patty (13) Stalter, Jennie M. (1) Stanhope, Edith M. (5) Stanley, Alma (3) Stanley, Florence Sholl (1) Stapleton, Mabel (3) Starr, Hattie (61) Steiner, Emma Roberto (8) Stephens, Emma (2) Sterling, Dolly (1) Sterling, Jayne (6) Sterling, Odessa D. (6) Stewart, Anita (7) Stewart, Anna Lambert (4) Stewart, Belle (1) Stheile, Adelaide (1) Stillman, Estelle B. (2) Stone, Annette (2) Story, P. B. (3) [see: Story, Pauline] Story, Pauline B. (36) Stovall, Anna (1) Stowell, Mary L. (1) Stratton, Anne [see, Miller] (12) Strickland, Lily (307) Stuart, Edith (4) Stuart, Marie (1) Stubbs, Myrta V. (5) Sullivan, Adelaide (2) Sullivan, Luta B. (2) Sullivan, Mabel G. (1) Summers, Eileen (4) Sumner, Caroline Louise (5) Surl, Alice (2) Sutton, Mary Dowling (4) Swanberg, Zoe (1) Swepstone, Edith (24) Swift, Gertrude H. (3) Swift, Kay (20) Sylvester, Nellie (1) Syphus, Clara (1) Talbert, Sarah (1) Tamblyn, Bertha Louise (12) Tarbox, Frances (1) Tauber, Doris (9) Taylor, A. H. , Mrs. (4) Taylor, Ethyl Gertrude (1) Taylor, Gwendolen Coleridge (10) Taylor, Mary Lyon (9) Teasdale, Louise (1) Tebbetts, Ethel Morgan (1) Temple, Hope (49) Templeton, Fay (17) Tennis, Dora Wiley (2) [see, Wiley] Terhune, Anice (22) Terriss, Ellaline (1) Terry, Pearl (6) Test, Marguerite Lawrence (5) Teters, Lue Ellen (1) Thomas, Adelaida Louisa (7) Thomas, Clayton (28) Thomas, Elizabeth (1) Thomas, Ella (3) Thomas, Helen (1) Thompson, Berenice (4) Thompson, Christiana (12) Thompson, Kathryne E. (1) Thompson, Lucy M. (1) Thomson, Mrs. Geo. (1) Thornley, Barbara (7) Thorp, Jennie L. (1) Tibbetts, Geraldine Camp (1) Tice, Blanche M. (31) Tillotson, Betty (2) Tillotson, Czarina Clark (3) Toby, Mrs. Charles H. (9) Toland, Rose L. (2) Tombo, Lorraine (3) Tomkins, Celia (2) Tonnele, Riva Marie (2) Torrens, Grace (13) Tourneur, Jeannette (2) Townsend, Cornelia (12) Townsend, Natalie (5) Trannack, Marie (6) Travers, Mary [see, Druce] (1) Treadway, Martha E. (1) Trevalsa, Joan (25) Trigg, Helen M. (1) Trimble, Mrs. J. H. (1) Trix, Helen (27) Troddyn, Kathleen (1) Troostwyk, Erna Dessauer (1) Trott, Alice (1) Troubridge, Amy (5) Troup, Emily Josephine (19) Truax, Florence E. (2) Truelove, Marjorie (3) Truesdale, Minnie O. (1) Tucker, Beatrice M. (1) Tuckfield, Ellen (6) Tunison, Louise (10) Turner, Carolyn Ayres (4) Turner, Harriet (2) Turner, Lillian (2) Turner, Olive (16) Turner, Pauline E. (1) Twombly, Ethelberta Hasbrouck (5) Tyler, May (2) Underhill, Isabella (1) Urner, Catherine Murphy (6) Vail, Josephine E. (11) Vallejo, Francisca (12) Valley, Lillian (1) Van Dyke, Jean Elizabeth (9) Van Etten, Jane (12) Van Valkenburg, Laurena (3) Van Vollenhoven, Hanna (9) Vanden Heuvel, Comtesse (1) Vanderlip, Ruth Wright (2) Vanderpoel, Kate (3) Vandersloot, Reba (1) Vandersloot, Ruth Person (2) Vannah, Kate (92) Varney, Isabel (6) Varney, Lulu F. (1) Vaughan, Hilary (6) Vaughn, Dorothy (5) Verhage, Josephine (1) Verne, Adela (4) Vetter, Viola C. (1) Villar, Rose (3) Vincent, Louella Styles (17) Vineberg, Mrs. A. M. (1) Waddington, Frances (6) Wade, Vera Hoff (1) Wakefield, Margaret (17) Wakeman, Elizabeth Wilson (1) Walker, Helen (1) Wallace, Dixie (1) Wallace, Mildred Carey (13) [see, Mildred White Wallace] Wallace, Mildred White (17) [see, Mildred Carey Wallace] Waller, Hilda W. (3) Walther, Madeleine Clark (2) Ward, Katherin (2) Warden, Marie (8) Ware, Cora Willis (2) Ware, Harriet (65) Warman, Marie (1) Warren, Elinor Remick (66) Wassall, Grace (11) Waterford, Blanche, Marchioness of Waterford [see, Beresford] (5) Waterhouse, Pearl S. (1) Waterman, Maylinde Kent (1) Waterson, May (1) Watson, Gertrude (5) Watson, Grace (15) Watson, Mary (12) Watson, Minnie Graves (16) Watt, Mary E. (7) Wayne, Mabel (113) Weaver, Mary Frances (6) Weaver, Theran Pearl (1) Weber, Bertha (1) Webster, Kathryn Donart (1) Webster, Marian Coryell (1) [see, Coryell] Weir, Frances (5) Welles, Georgia B. (2) Wenger, Helen Warfield (5) Wentworth, Fanny (6) Wesley, Alice P. (1) West, Isobel (6) Westcott, Sarah A. (1) Weston, Emma (1) Wetmore, Sarah Thompson (1) Whale, Dorothy (4) Wharton, Grace E. (2) Wheeler, Christine Brown (1) Wheeler, Lilian E. (1) Whitaker, Annie M. (4) Whitcombe, Margaret S. (10) White, Dorothy (1) White, Kathryn I. (7) White, Marie (2) White, Mary Louisa (15) White, Maude Valerie (233) Whited, Elma R. (3) Whitfield, Katheryn Thomas (2) Whitney, Margaret (4) Whitson, Beth Slater (9) Wickins, Florence (10) Wightman, Alice A. (1) Wightman, Alice Gage (1) Wiley, Dora (1) [see, Tennis] Wilkens, Verna (4) Wilkins, Julia (5) Willard, Mary (1) Williams, Edna (17) Williams, Laura (1) Williams, Mamie (1) Williams, Nora Osborne (7) Williamson, Carlotta (9) Wills, Harriet Burdett (8) Wilson, Addie Anderson (17) Wilson, Gertrude (3) Wilson, Irma Taylor (8) Winchell, Grace Ida (2) Windsor, May (15) Wing, Helen (13) Wingate, Maude Lamb (31) Wirth, Melba (1) Wise, Jessie Moore (19) Witmer, Marie J. Housen (2) Witt, Pearl Annette (1) Wixom, Jessie Cutler (1) Wood, Daisy J., Mrs. (1) Wood, Louise Jacobus (1) Wood, Mary Knight (32) Wood, Nanna Branham (4) Woods, Frances Armstrong (4) Woodward, Dorothy (2) Woodward, Mabel Nightengale (36) Woodworth, Lenora Diauthe (1) Woody, Mrs. T. F. (1) Woolmer, Margaret (10) Worden, Magdalen S. (14) Worrell, Edna Randolph (21) Worrell, Lola Carrier (24) Worth, Amy (16) Worthington, Amy Titus (4) Wright, Amy Bedford (7) Wright, Ellen [Standing] (37) Wright, Ethel (8) Wright, Jennie E. (1) Wright, Louise Drake (5) Wright, N. Louise (5) Wright, Rene Dietrich (1) [see, Dietrich] Wright, Renee Dietrich (3) [see, Dietrich] Write, Alice (1) Wurm, Marie J. A. (3) Wyman, E. Maxwell (8) [see, Maxwell] Wyman, Frances (8) Wynn, Bessie (2) Young, Eleanor (11) Young, Eliza M. (1) Young, Harriet Maitland (14) Zeckwer, Camille W. (10) Ziegfeld, Mignon (6) Zinman, Martha (1) Zucca, Mana (169)