JOSÉ WILKER José Wilker was born in Ceará, northeaster Brazil, in 1946. For many years, he has been a marking presence in Brazilian theater, television and cinema, considered by some as one of the greatest actors of his generation. Know both in Brazil and abroad due to the movie “DONA FLOR AND HER TWO HUSBANDS”, Wilker has been an actor for over 30 years, as well as being a producer, author, and script writer. He is a dynamic professional who has participate in over 30 novelas, more than 40 films and 50 plays - “Work is a source of pleasure for me”, he says. His mind filled with dreams and ideals, José Wilker arrived in Rio de Janeiro just before the turn of the 60’s, where he began to make a foothold as an actor. He gathered some friends and created an “alternative” theater group, which performed all over the city. “I began performing with a political reference, what I did was more like a rally, and the result ended up resembling a theatrical format.” But it was in 1971, while performing a play in Arrabal, that Wilker’s name ended up in the press, thus becoming known by critics and theater fans. In this same year, he worked in his first novela. He was invited to be part of the cast in “BANDEIRA DOIS’, at Globo TV, where he remained for 16 consecutive years. The novelas, he liked most, according to Wilker, were “GABRIELA”, “ROQUE SANTEIRO” and “RENASCER”, all at Globo. In the latter, he played Colonel Belarmino for just four chapters. This was such a marking character that the Colonel’s way of speaking enthused a number of people. He comments: “RENASCER is the biggest revolution we’ve had in television lately”. In cinema, Wilker worked in several films that made him famous abroad, among which “DONA FLOR AND HER TWO HUSBANDS” and “BYE BYE BRAZIL” both Brazilian productions. But the theather, he says, is his great passion. Successful plays, such as “ODEIO HAMLET” and “MEPHISTO” were directed by Wilker himself. José Wilker has worked abroad, in Portugal, America and Mexico. In the latter, he worked alonside Sean Connery in the movie “Medicine Man”. In Lisboa, he made his debut as movie director in the film “A FERA DA SELVA”, based on a story by Henry James. Constantly seeking new experiences, he also played the main character in the movie “O ROUBO”, by Portugueses producer João Canijo and also found time to work in the play “QUEM PODE PODE”, by David Mamet. Married, the father of two girls, Mariana, from his first marriage to actress Renee de Vielmond and Isabel, from his marriage to actress Monica Torres, Wilker doesn’t like to talk much about his private life. He feels this is not a matter worthy of public discussion. As to his decision to work only in Brazil, or only abroad, Wilker is straightforward. “I don’t want to have definite certainties. I want to constantly instigate myself. I am always in crisis and I cure myself working, creating”. “Instinct is what guides me”. WORKS A) TELEVISION Novelas 1971 1972 1973 1973 1974 1975 1976 1980 1981 1983 1983 1984 1985 1985 1987 1988 1989 novela - 1990 - 1993 - 1995 - 2001 - 2002 - 2004 - 2007 - “BANDEIRA DOIS”, by Dias Gomes - Glbo Tv “O BOFE”, by Braulio Pedroso - Globo TV “CAVALO DE AÇO” , by Walter Negrão - Globo TV “OS OSSOS DO BARÃO”, by Jorge Andrade - Globo TV “CORRIDA DO OURO”, by Lauro Cesar Muniz - Globo TV “GABRIELA”, by Walter George Durst , from the ‘GABRIELA CRAVO E CANELA’ - Jorge Amado - Globo TV “ANJO MAU”, by Cassiano Gabus Mendes - Globo TV “PLUMAS E PAETES”, by Cassiano Gabus Mendes - Globo TV “BRILHANTE”, by Gilberto Braga - Globo TV “LOUCO AMOR”, by Gilberto Braga - Globo TV “FINAL FELIZ”, by Ivani Ribeiro - Globo TV “TRANSAS E CARETAS”, by Lauro Cesar Muniz - Globo TV “UM SONHO A MAIS”, by Daniel Más - (guest star) - Globo TV “ROQUE SANTEIRO”, by Dias Gomes - Globo TV “CORPO SANTO”, by José Louzeiro - Manchete TV “CARMEN” - Manchete TV “O SALVADOR DA PATRIA”, by Lauro Cesar Muniz directed by Paulo Ubiratan - Globo TV “MICO PRETO”, by Marcilio de Moraes, Leonor Basseres, Euclydes Marinho - directed by Denis Carvalho and Denise Saraceni - Globo TV “RENASCER”, by Benedito Ruy Barbosa - general direction by Luiz Fernando Carvalho - Globo TV “A PRÓXIMA VÍTIMA”, by Silvio de Abreu - general directed by Jorge Fernando “An Angel Fallen From The Sky”, by Antonio Calmon, directed by José Luiz Villamarim, Globo TV. “Desejos de Mulher”, by Euclydes Marinho, directed by Denis Carvalho e José Luiz Villamarin, Globo TV. “Her Own Destiny”, by Aguinaldo Silva, directed by Wolf Maya, Globo TV. “Two Faces”, telenovela by Aguinaldo Silva, general direction: Wolf Maya,Globo TV. Mini-Series: 1983 - 1992 - 1993 - 2000 - 2002 - 2007 - “BANDIDOS DA FALANGE”, by Aguinaldo Silva and Doc Comparato - Globo TV “ANOS REBELDES”, by Gilberto Braga - directed by Denis Carvalho - Globo Tv “AGOSTO”, based on a book by Rubem Fonseca, adapted by Jorge Furtado and Giba Assis Brasil, directed by Paulo José - Globo Tv “The Conquest”, by Maria Adelaide do Amaral, directed by Denise Saraceni, Globo TV. “O Quinto dos Infernos”, by Carlos Lombardi, directed by Marco Rodrigo e Edgard Miranda, Globo TV. “AMAZONIA” – Minissérie de Glória Peres, direção geral: Marcos Schechtman Specials: 1972 1972 1977 - 1983 - 1993 - “DIBOK, O DEMONIO”, Globo TV ‘TARTUFO, O IMPOSTOR”, by Walter Avancini - Globo TV “ENQUANTO A CEGONHA NÃO VEM”, by Oduvaldo Vianna Filho, adapted Braulio Pedroso - Globo TV “SÃO BERNARDO”, by Graciliano Ramos, adapted by Lauro Cesar Muniz - directed by Paulo Jose - Globo TV “o MAMBEMBE”, by Arthur Azevedo, adapted by Guel Arraes - Globo TV B) THEATHER: 1985 1986 1988 1989 - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 1993 - 1972 1979 “JULGAMENTO EM NOVO SOL” “O CHÃO DOS PENITENTES” “O ARQUITETO” “ IMPERADOR DE ASSIRIA” “A CHINA É AZUL” “EM ALGUM LUGAR DESTE MUNDO” “HAIR” “A MÃE” “ASSIM E SE LHE PARECE” ‘SABADO, DOMINGO, SEGUNDA” (Director) “FILOMENA MARTURANO” “PERVERSIDADE SEXUAL EM CHICAGO”, by David Mamet, directed by Jose Wilker “CINDERELA”, by José Wilker - directed by Eduardo Martini (Musical) “ALGEMAS DE ODIO”, by Terrel Anthony - directed by Jose Wilker “ODEIO HAMLET”, by Paul Rudnick - directed by Jose Wilker “MEPHISTO”, by Klaus Moon, adapted by Adriane Minouchkine - directed by Jose Wilker