Which do you fall in? Would this help to know the generation you are

Which do you fall in?
Would this help to know the generation you are working with?
Baby Boomers
Equality, freedom, civil rights, environmental concern, peace, optimism, challenge to
authority, protest. Baby Boomers mostly lived safe from war and serious hardship;
grew up mostly in families, and enjoyed economic prosperity more often than not.
Teenage/young adulthood years 1960-1980 - fashion and music: fun, happy, cheery,
sexy, colorful, and lively.
Generation Jones
Acquisitive, ambitious, achievement-oriented, cynical, materialistic (a reference to the
expression 'keeping up with the Joneses'). Generation Jones is predominantly a US
concept, overlapping and representing a sub-group within the Baby Boomer and GenX generations.
Generation X (Gen-X)
Apathy, anarchy, reactionism, detachment, technophile, resentful, nomadic,
struggling. Teenage/young adulthood years 1973-2000 - fashion and music: anarchic,
bold, and anti-establishment.
MTV Generation
MTV Generation is a lesser-used term for a group overlapping X and Y. Like
Generation Jones is to Baby Boomers and Gen-X, so MTV Generation is a bridge
between Gen-X and Y.
Generation Y
(Gen-Y or Millennials)
1980-2000 and
beyond (?)
Views vary as to when this range ends, basically because no-one knows. Generational
categories tend to become established some years after the birth range has ended.
Teenage/young adulthood years 1990s and the naughtiest - fashion and music:
mainstream rather than niche, swimmingly popular effects, fuelled by social
networking and referral technology. Also called Echo Boomers because this
generation is of similar size to the Baby Boomers.
Generation Z (Gen-Z or
perhaps Generation ADD)
after Gen-Y
Too soon to say much about this group. A name has yet to become established, let
alone characterizing features. Generation Z is a logical name in the X-Y-sequence.
Generation ADD is less likely to establish itself as a name for this cohort - it refers
ironically to Attention Deficit Disorder and the supposed inability of young people in
the late naughtiest (say 2005-2009) to be able to concentrate for longer than a few
seconds on anything. Gen-Z is difficult to differentiate from Gen-Y, mainly because (as
at 2009) it's a little too soon to be seeing how people born after Gen-Y are actually
behaving, unless the end of the Gen-Y range is deemed to be a few years earlier than
the year 2000. Time will tell.
Humor as stress relief
What are the health benefits of humor and laughter?
The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. Humor and laughter has many benefits—and its fun!
People with a developed sense of humor typically have a stronger immune system.
People who laugh heartily on a regular basis have lower standing blood pressure than the average person. When people have a good laugh,
initially the blood pressure increases but then decreases to levels below normal. Breathing then becomes deeper which sends oxygen-enriched
blood and nutrients throughout the body.
Laughter can be a great workout for your diaphragm, abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg, and back muscles. It massages abdominal organs,
tones intestinal functioning, and strengthens the muscles that hold the abdominal organs in place. It is estimated that hearty laughter can burn
calories equivalent to several minutes on the rowing machine or the exercise bike.
Laughter stimulates both sides of the brain to enhance learning. It eases muscle tension and psychological stress, which keeps the brain
alert and allows people to retain more information. Laughing also elevates moods.
Striving to see humor in life and attempting to laugh at situations rather than bemoan them will help improve your disposition and the disposition of
those around you. Your ability to laugh at yourself and situations will help reduce your stress level and make life more enjoyable. Humor also helps
you connect with others. People naturally respond to the smiles and good cheer of those around them.
Tips for adding more humor & laughter in your life
Remind yourself to have fun.
Spend time with those who help you see the bright
Never turn down a breath mint.
Never willfully ignore beauty, because we have a moral
and religious obligation to appreciate God's creation
Life is not about how fast you run, or how high you
climb, but how well you bounce.
Forgive your enemies. It messes with their heads.
Get regular doses of humor from various sources
such as television sitcoms, movies, plays, or books.
Strange that psychics have to ask you for your name.
Pee when you have the chance.