Chapters 26

Great Expectations
Guided Reading Questions
Chapters 26-29
Chapter 26
1. What is Jaggers doing when Pip arrives at his office?
2. Where are Pip and his friends going tomorrow?
3. What types of books does Jaggers have in his library?
4. Which of Pip's friends does Jaggers seem to like the best?
5. What is Jaggers' housekeeper's name?
6. What body part does Jaggers point out on her?
Chapter 27
7. From whom does Pip receive a letter?
8. What news does the letter bring?
9. What keeps happening to Joe's hat?
10. Who told Joe that Miss Havisham wants to see him?
11. Joe visits Miss Havisham the next day. What message does she give Joe to relay to Pip?
12. Give a brief summary of Joe's explanation to Pip for not sticking around for dinner.
Chapter 28
13. Pip invents reason why he shouldn't stay with Joe when he returns. What are some of those
excuses he tells himself?
14. Who is the Avenger?
15. There are two convicts that will ride on the same coach with Pip to London. Pip recognizes
one of the men. Where has he seen this man before? (Detail)
16. Why doesn't this convict recognize Pip?
17. What story does the convict recount to the other?
18. Pumblechook has told everyone he knows that he was Pip's earliest patron and founder of
his fortunes. What does Pip jokingly say about this at the end of Chapter 28?
Chapter 29
19. What does Pip expect are Miss Havisham's intentions for him and Estella?
20. Who comes to Miss Havisham's gate?
21. Why does this surprise Pip?
22. Describe Pip's reaction at seeing Estella again.
23. Describe the interaction between Pip and Estella. How do they see their pasts differently?
24. Who is coming back to dine at Miss Havisham's with them tonight?
25. What is Estella's last name?
26. What did Miss Havisham say to Pip that he couldn't get out of his mind? Why do you think
she said this to him?
27. Why does Pip decide not to visit Joe? What do you think of his decision?