The Black Cat

The Black Cat
Post-Reading Questions
English 11-2
Directions: Answer each question using evidence from the text.
1. Briefly describe the main characters of the story.
Narrator Narrator’s Wife Pluto 2. Describe the settings. Include at least THREE details in your description
3. Where is the narrator as he writes this story?
4. What crime did the narrator commit?
5. Is he remorseful for his crime? How do you know? Provide at least ONE
example to support your claim.
6. Compare the two cats in the story. Provide at least TWO examples (one
for each cat) to support your comparison.
7. Why did the narrator get caught by the police?
8. How does the narrator describe himself? Provide at least ONE example
from the text to support your description.
9. How does the narrator behave? Provide at least ONE example from the
text to support your description of his behavior.
10. On what does the narrator blame his behavior?
11. Discuss the disconnect between the way the narrator views himself and
his actual behavior. Be specific – support your response with at least ONE
Solicit: (V) -to seek for (something) by respectful request. Mad: (Adj) -mentally disturbed;
deranged. Succinct: (Adj) -expressed in few words; concise; terse. Phantasm: (N) -an illusory
likeness of something. Docile: (Adj) -easily managed or handled. Disposition: (N) - characteristic
attitude. Sagacious: (Adj) -having or showing keen discernment, and sound judgment. Paltry:
(Adj) -lacking in importance or worth; trivial. Gossamer: (N) -something delicate, light, or flimsy.
Fidelity: (N) -faithfulness to obligations, duties, or observances. Procure: (V) -to get by special
effort; obtain or acquire. Allusion: (N) -the act of alluding; indirect reference: Intemperance: (N) excessive use of alcoholic beverages. Maltreat: (V) -to treat in a rough or cruel way; abuse.
Scruple: (N) -a moral or ethical consideration that acts as a restraining force. Malevolence: (N) ill will; malice; hatred. Atrocity: (N) -the quality of being extremely or shockingly wicked.
Debauch: (N) -a period of wanton self-indulgence. Sentiment: (N) -a mental feeling; emotion.
Remorse: (N) -deep and painful regret for wrongdoing. Equivocal: (Adj) with intent to deceive or
misguide; deliberately ambiguous. Consummate: (Adj) -complete, highest or most extreme
degree. Conflagration: (N) -a destructive fire. Bas-relief: (N) -relief sculpture in which the figures
project slightly from the background. Conscience: (N) -the inner sense of what is right or wrong
in one's conduct.Infamy: (N) -extremely bad reputation. Hogshead: (N) -a large cask, esp. one
containing from 63 to 140 gallons. Pestilence: (N) -something that is considered harmful.
Pertinacity: (N) -the quality of being stubborn or obstinate. Gallows: (N) -a wooden frame, on
which condemned persons are executed by hanging.Succumb: (V) -to give way to superior force.
Goad: (V) -to encourage, urge. In vain: (Adj) -without effect or avail; to no purpose. Felicity: (N) the state of being happy. Exult: (V) -to show or feel a lively or triumphant joy. Folly: (N) -the
state or quality of being foolish. Consign: (V) -to transfer to another's custody or charge; entrust.