Positive and Negative aspects of his personality are revealed
Eddie Carbone lives with his wife, Beatrice and her niece, Catherine in the Italian immigrant community of Red Hook,
Brooklyn in New York, USA. His character is introduced through what he says and does.
In pairs, match the comment that is made about Eddie to the evidence from this key episode from the text
Comment about Eddie – characteristic
Loyal – wouldn’t ‘snitch’ to anybody
Understands the consequences of breaking the
(unwritten) ‘law’ of his community
Changing – becoming tense
Becoming Detached
Evidence (Understanding)
It never comes out of your mouth who they are or what they’re
doin’ here (pg 23)
Don’t thank me. Listen, what the hell, it’s no skin off me (30)
[- he is coming more and more to address MARCO only ] (29)
Just remember, kid, you can quicker get back a million dollars that
was stole than a word you gave away (24)
[Eddie has risen, with iron control, even a smile] (33)
Anxious about Rodolfo – sceptical
Establishes himself – the dominant male in control You’re welcome, Marco, we got plenty of room here (27)
[he is sizing up Rodolfo + there is concealed suspicion] (34)
Becomes uncomfortable with Rodolfo
[his face puffed with trouble] (34)
Welcoming / accommodating
Eddie is revealed as a complex individual, even at this early stage in the drama.
You have now to take this a stage further and analyse HOW Arthur Miller shows the different qualities of
Eddie Carbone.
Comment about
Eddie (U)
Loyal – wouldn’t
‘snitch’ on anyone
Positive or
Evidence (U)
Comment on HOW Miller reveals
Eddie’s character (A)
‘It never comes
out of your
mouth who they
are or what
they’re doin’
here (23)
What Eddie says:
~ Word choice is significant – “your
mouth” – not his. Does not even seem to
be a question that
he would ‘snitch’
~ “never” – like a command – exerting his
authority over the women
Comment on what you think of Eddie (E)
Understands the
consequences of
breaking the ‘law’
of his community
Welcoming /
‘Just remember,
kid, you can
quicker get
back a million
dollars that was
stole than a
word you gave
away’ (16)
‘You’re welcome,
Marco, we got
plenty of
room here’ (19)
What Eddie says:
~ Tone - almost like he is giving Cath
advice - ‘just remember”
~ Word choice: “million dollars that was
stole” - a lot of money to these people
- highlights how difficult it would be to
retract words – how could you ever
get a stolen million back?
What Eddie says:
~ Word choice - ‘welcome” “plenty of
room” - indicates that Eddie wants the
men to be there
~ Accommodating , warm and friendly
~ Tone - friendly / pleasant – should put
cousins at ease
Eddie appears to be loyal to a fault
He is trying to protect his family
from any trouble they would get
into if they told anybody of the
He is taking the lead + making it
clear to the women that they must
NOT say anything
At this stage, Eddie appears to be
typical of the community he lives in
It appears that Eddie has
Catherine’s best interests at heart
He is warning her trying to make
her see how precious her “word” is
— “million dollars”
The improbability of “snitching”
being accepted is clearly shown
~ Eddie appears to be very generous
towards the men
~ He is showing true consideration to their
feelings and is trying to make the situation as
easy as possible for them
~ He seems genuine
~ Keen to please - saying they have plenty of room
when they don’t - doesn’t want the men to feel uneasy
Comment on Eddie
uncomfortable with
Establishes himself
– the dominant male
in control
Positive or
Evidence (U)
[- he is coming
more and more
to address
MARCO only ]
[Eddie has
risen, with iron
control, even a
smile] (26)
Comment on HOW Miller reveals Eddie’s
character (A)
Changing –
becoming tense
[his face puffed
with trouble]
Comment on what you think of Eddie’s
character (E)
Stage directions reveal Eddie’s
“Addresses” only Marco – not
indicates change - why would Eddie
only speak to one brother?
Stage directions again reveal what
Eddie does
“risen” - gets up - above all other
characters - intimidating
“iron control” - iron is a strong
metal / steel - cannot be bent easily
“even a smile” – indicates
smugness? Triumphant
• Stage directions reveal what Eddie
• “puffed” significant – indicates
redness / change in appearance
• “trouble” is ominous – indicates
anxiety or danger - inevitable that
protagonist is mapping downfall?
• Also focus on a look - nothing
has been spoken as yet
Unexpected change as Eddie
seemed so welcoming at first
Unexplained as it is not clear why
Eddie is becoming uncomfortable
with Rodolpho although the
audience can speculate
reveals on ‘edge’ to Eddie’s
character that again is unexpected
his reaction shows clearly that he
wants to be in charge and dominant
he also appears to be enjoying the
process clearly thinking that he has
audience begin to question Eddie’s
reaction and his motivation - Cath?
Clear that Eddie feels that there is a
audience again suspicious that Eddie
is creating a situation out of nothing
impression of Eddie is beginning to
change although his motives could be
entirely harmless and well meaning