Analysis Paper

Essay Two: Obama’s Speech Analysis
Nora Elbilawi
EDUC 802
Leadership Seminar
Dr. Rebecca Fox
"Now is the time to act boldly and wisely-- to not only revive this economy, but to build a new
foundation for lasting prosperity."--President Obama
Spring, 2009
Introduction/Overall Analysis of the Speech
First, it was not a State of the Union Address so much as a State of Psyche speech; a pep
talk for the Americans. It was a populist speech, acknowledging America's anger at banks for
taking our tax dollars and never attempt to actually fixing the problem.
The speech accomplished its goal to reach out for the Americans, because it outlined four
things: It promoted the stimulus plan, highlighted where his administration wants to go in the
next four years, it introduced a new tone in dealing with a troubled economy, and it motivated
people to work harder as they are part of the recovery process and inspired them with hope and a
believe of a better tomorrow.
The most important thing about the speech
Two things; one, it was a left-of-center speech by America's standard (out of Iraq,
education and healthcare reform) talking about meeting goals that are true to campaign promises.
The speech showed a sense of consistency of the Obama administration even as it seeks to deal
with a bad economy. Second, it represented a change in tone to a positive one, which was need at
this time. The speech was more upbeat and ended with stirring and convincing words by the
President Obama that the U.S. economy will recover.
Purpose of the speech
This gets to the heart of why the speech was good. It was good not because of its level of
details, eloquence, or necessarily believability that its ambitious goals can be achieved, or
achieved anytime soon; its real purpose was to communicate to the American people and the
market: to educate them about the economy, to provide them an outline of where his
administration is going, and to express confidence that the economy will turn around. Regardless
of what obstructionist Republicans think or the doubting democrats believe, this speech gave
America what it needs: A sense that all is not lost, that America can indeed recover.
The attempt in this paper is to analyze Obama’s State of the Union speech according to
Michael Fullan’s leadership model, Leading in Culture of Change (2001). The paper will take
each element from Fullan’s model and compare it to some of Obama’s statements in this speech.
Afterwards, in the discussion part, the paper will synthesize some final thoughts.
Analysis Based on Fullan’s Leadership Model
Moral Purpose
According to Fullan, the moral purpose “cannot just be stated, it must be accompanied by
strategies for realizing it, and those strategies are the leadership actions that energize people to
pursue a desired goal.” The leader in this model has to aim at “making-a-difference” in his
society and to his people. In order to make a difference, there must be a goal for the publics’
common good; hence, inspire and lead people behind him. In Obama’s speech he touches this
idea by saying: “What is required now is for this country to pull together, confront boldly the
challenges we face, and take responsibility for our future once more.” Obama used history and
people’s stories to prove to people that goals could be accomplished like “we” have once did;
“for history tells a different story. History reminds us that at every moment of economic
upheaval and transformation, this nation has responded with bold action and big ideas” and he
goes on with more specific examples. Obama also inspired people with an important message
that is Hope. He said; “I have also learned that hope is found in unlikely places; that inspiration
often comes not from those with the most power or celebrity, but from the dreams and
aspirations of Americans who are anything but ordinary.”
Understanding Change
In Fullan’s model, a culture of change consists of “great rapidity and non-linearity on the
one hand and equally great potential for creative breakthroughs on the other.” Fullan assures that
a leader must deliver a message of Hope for the ability to Change. He also believes that change
does not develop unless it is accompanied by a sense of messiness and this messiness is accepted
as long as it is well prepared for. Change needs educating and re-culturing the public. Obama
delivered this hope of change when he said that the change:
“Exists in our laboratories and universities; in our fields and our factories;
in the imaginations of our entrepreneurs and the pride of the hardestworking people on Earth. Now is the time to act boldly and wisely - to
not only revive this economy, but to build a new foundation
for lasting prosperity.”
Obama goes on in his speech to educate people about the culture of change and what is needed to
be done in order to achieve that change. He addresses both the agreeing and disagreeing parties
“I understand that skepticism. Here in Washington, we've all seen how quickly good intentions
can turn into broken promises and wasteful spending. And with a plan of this scale comes
enormous responsibility to get it right.”
Relationships, Relationships, Relationships
Fullan argues that the “soul at work is both individual and collective.” In other words,
people aspire being part of the bigger picture of their organizations and to feel that they belong to
the same agenda this organization aims at. This sense of belonging creates a level of attachment
to the organization;hence, leads to the success of all parties. Obama states in his speech, “I've
come here tonight not only to address the distinguished men and women in this great chamber,
but to speak frankly and directly to the men and women who sent us here.” This statement shows
sincerity and concern from the president to the people; he shows the importance of each one of
us to be involved. Obama informed people and gave them details about the current situation and
his plans for a better future; he said; “that is why this budget creates new incentives for teacher
performance; pathways for advancement, and rewards for success.” Also, a clear message from
Obama to the Americans was “willing to volunteer in your neighborhood or give back to your
community or serve your country, we will make sure that you can afford a higher education. And
to encourage a renewed spirit of national service for this and future generations.”
Knowledge Building
Most organizations have invested heavily in technology and training, but hardly at all in
knowledge sharing and creation, discuses Fullan. tracking down Obama since he is in office, you
would find that he is the first president who is very attached to technology starting from keeping
his blackberry as communication tool unitl we come to this speech when he announced for the
importance of communicating with the Americans. Obama provided a website that people can
visit to learn more about the steps taken in planning towards the reform.
Coherence Making
Some important extracts from Fullan’s leading in a culture of change:
The leader becomes a context setter, the designer of a learning
experience—not an authority figure with solutions..When change
occurs, there will be disturbances, and this means that there will be
differences of opinion that must be reconciled...Effective
leadership means guiding people through the differences and,
indeed, enabling differences to surface;”
When comparing Fullan’s model to Obama’s Tusday’s speech you would find a great similarity
in the conception. Obama coherently cluster people in front of one goal, one objective, and one
hope for change. Obama said; “we will rebuild, we will recover, and the United States of
America will emerge stronger than before.” In Obama’s speech, one can see how he realizes that
change needs people and not necessarily everyone should concisely agree, but most importantly,
everyone should participate for the greater good. Obama states; “now, there will be many
different opinions and ideas about how to achieve reform, and that is why I'm bringing together
businesses and workers, doctors and health care providers, Democrats and Republicans to begin
work on this issue next week...But it is the responsibility of every citizen to participate in it.”
The Hare and the Tortoise
Fullan’s philosophical model of the hare and tortoise was deliberately stated when
Obama strsted; “Slowly, but surely, confidence will return, and our economy will recover.”
There is no doubt that Obama consistently shows a great deal of leadership elements
either those from Fullan’s model from other elements like Hanh, the moral aspects i.e.
inspiration; motivation; and hope. However, in order to finalize our opinion about Obama’s
leadership style we have to wait for outcomes. As we have agreed before, true leaders are those
who leave footprints for people to follow; yet, those prints are not en-carved in history unless
they are polished by deeds; so let us wait until we move from Faullan’s practical model that
Obama have followed in his speech, to the next level where “just words” transforms to printed
Codon, D., (February 24, 2009). Presidential Politics. In Transcripts. Retrieved March 3, 2009,
Madden, M., (March 3, 2009). In news feature. Retrieved March 4, 2009, from
The Joint Session Speech, PAGE 1
The Joint Session Speech, PAGE 1