May IB Exams 1990

May IB Exams 1990 - 2008: Paper 3
3. Post-Napoleonic Europe to 1852
“The Congress System was a genuine attempt by the Great Powers to produce a unified
policy, but their interests were too diverse for it to succeed.” To what extent do you agree with
this judgment? M08
Analyse the impact of the Vienna Settlement (1814-15) on Europe until 1848. M07
In what ways, and to what extent, did the aims and policies of the Great Powers in the Vienna
Settlement shape Europe until 1852? M06
“It restored peace and stability after a turbulent and revolutionary era.” To what extent do you
agree with this judgment of the Vienna Settlement (1814-15)? M05
Assess the main weaknesses up to 1848 of the Vienna Settlement and the Congress System.
For what reasons, and with what results, did the Congress of Vienna and the various meetings
of the Congress System, take place? M03
Evaluate the successes and failures of the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815) in the period that
followed, until 1850. M02
"The success of the Congress of Vienna has been much exaggerated." How valid is this
assessment of the short-term and long-term results of the Congress? M01
Evaluate the extent to which Metternich achieved his aims for Austria and for Europe. M00
How far did the Congress of Vienna solve the problems faced by its delegates? M98
Analyze the successes and failures of both the Congress of Vienna, and the Congress System.
In what ways did the Congress of Vienna and the Congress System reflect Mettemich's aims?
Explain whom you consider were the winners and losers of the Vienna settlement (1814/15).
Examine the aims and principles of the European powers who took pan in the Congress of
Vienna, September 1814 to June 1815. M93
"The Great Powers were agreed on nothing except the need to prevent the return of
Napoleon.' How far is this a valid judgment of the Congress of Vienna? M92
What was 'the Congress System'? To what extent did it demonstrate that the great powers
shared common aims and principles between 1815 and 1822? M91
Were the peacemakers at Vienna in 1815 guided more by national interests or by ideals and
principles? M90
In what ways was the Congress System important for Europe? Specimen
May IB Exams 1990 - 2008: Paper 3
3. 1848 Revolutions (part of Post-Napoleonic Europe to 1852)
“Economic problems rather than political grievances were responsible for revolutionary
outbreaks in Europe in 1848”. To what extent do you agree with this assertion? M07
Account for the outbreak of any two revolutions in 1848 and assess their results. M00
Evaluate the economic and political causes of the 1848 Revolutions in the Austrian Empire and
German confederation. M99
What were the causes and results of the 1848 revolutions in the Austrian Empire? M98
Why and with what results did revolutions occur in 1848 in two of the following: Austria;
Germany; Hungary; Italy? M97
Why did Europe erupt [break out] into revolution in 1848? M96
Account for the widespread nature of the revolutionary outbreaks in Europe in 1848. M92
How far were the revolutions that started in 1848 in EITHER France OR the Austrian Empire a
failure? M90
Account for the outbreak of revolution in any two European countries in 1848. Specimen
May IB Exams 1990 - 2008: Paper 3
5. Italian Unification, 1815-71
Compare and contrast the roles of Cavour and Garibaldi in Italian Unification between 1852
and 1861. M08
Explain and evaluate the view that the unification of Italy was helped not hindered by the
disputes, differences and suspicions between leading Italian patriots. M07
Why was Italy united under Piedmont-Sardinia and not under Rome? M06
Analyse the aims and achievements of Cavour for Piedmont and Italy. M05
Compare and contrast the contributions made by Cavour and Garibaldi to Italian Unification.
“Cavour united Italy not because he intended or wanted to, but because circumstances forced
him to.” To what extent do you agree with this judgment? M03
"A popular patriot." How far do you agree with this Judgment of Garibaldi's contribution to
Italian unification? M02
Why has it been claimed that Italian unification needed both a Cavour and a Garibaldi? M01
Analyse the aims, motives and policies of Cavour between 1852 and 1861. [M00]
In what ways was the unification of Italy hindered between 1848 and 1870 by both the Papacy
and the division of Italy into separate states? M99
Compare and contrast the contributions of Mazzini and Garibaldi to Italian unification. M98
How and why did Piedmont/Sardinia play an important part in Italian unification? M97
'Cavour's main aim for Italy was independence rather than unification.' How far do you agree
with this quotation and consider that it explains his success? M96
Why and with what justification is Garibaldi regarded as an Italian patriot? M95
Show how Italian unification was achieved in spite of the problems caused by the existence of
various secular states and the Papal states. M94
Compare and contrast the aims and achievements of Mazzini and Garibaldi. M93
What were Cavour's aims in 1856 for (a) Piedmont/Sardinia and (b) Italy? How far were these
achieved or changed by the time of his death in 1861? M92
How and why did foreign powers help or hinder the movement for the unification of Italy? To
what extent was it their intention to do so? M91
How important were the contributions of Mazzini and Garibaldi to the unification of Italy? M90
"Cavour was the most important and the most successful of the exponents [promoters] of
Italian unification." How far do you agree with this assertion? Specimen
May IB Exams 1990 - 2008: Paper 3
6. Changing Balance of power between Prussia/Germany + Austria to 1871
For what reasons, and with what results up to 1871, did Prussia replace Austria as the leading
Germanic power in the German Confederation? M08
To what extent was German unification under Prussia due to Prussian economic superiority
between 1814 and 1866? M07
In 1862 Bismarck said: “The great questions of the day will not be settled by speeches and
majority decisions.” What were “the great questions of the day” for Bismarck, and how did he
settle them up to 1871? M06
To what extent was Germany’s unification under Prussia due to the weakness of Austria? M05
Why was Germany unified under Prussia and not under Austria? M04
In what ways, and with what results, did economic developments and the 1848 revolutions
affect the changing balance of power between Austria and Prussia between 1815-62? M03
Why, and to what extent, had Prussia replaced Austria as the leading power in the German
Confederation by 1862? M02
How far is it true to say that Austria lost control of Germany rather than Prussia gained it? M01
Compare and contrast Bismarck's policies towards Austria and France between 1862 and
1871. [M00]
What advantages and disadvantages did Bismarck inherit when he became Minister
President of Prussia in 1862 and how did he use the advantages to bring about German
unification? M97
Explain how the inherent strength of Prussia combined with Bismarck's political skills achieved
German unification. M96
In what ways were the seeds of German unification sown between 1800 and 1815 and how
much progress had been made towards this goal by 1853? M94
Why had Prussia replaced Austria as the leading Germanic power by 1866? M99
'Bismarck's greatness lay not in mastering events but in going with events so as to seem to
master them.' How far do you agree with this judgment? M94
Show how the policies of Mettemich and Bismarck contributed to the defeat of Austria by
Prussia in 1866. M93
10. Explain and analyze Bismarck's use of limited warfare as an instrument of policy. M92
Why did Prussia replace Austria as the leading German power between 1815 and 1870? M90
Assess the relative importance of the Zollverein and Bismarck's policies in bringing about the
unification of Germany. Specimen
May IB Exams 1990 - 2008: Paper 3
7. Prussia/Germany, 1862-1918 + Austria-Hungary, 1867-1921
“Bismarck pursued a successful foreign policy between 1871 and 1890, but was often defeated
on domestic issues.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? M08
13. Evaluate the successes and failures of German domestic policy between 1871 and 1914. M07
“A period of consolidation at home and abroad.” To what extent does this statement explain
Bismarck’s policies between 1871 and 1890? M05
Analyze the successes and failures of Bismarck’s domestic policies between 1871 and 1890.
Assess the alms and achievements of Bismarck's foreign and domestic policies between
187/1 and 1890. M02
"Bismarck's policies both at home and abroad, between the years 1871 and 1890, merely
stored up problems for the future, both for Germany and Europe." To what extent do you
agree with this verdict? M01
10. Analyze the aims, successes and failures of Bismarck's domestic policies 1871 to 1890. M99
In 1867, Bismarck said: 'Anyone who has looked into the eyes of a soldier dying on the
battlefield will think hard before starting a war.' Analyze Bismarck's foreign policy in the light of
these words. M98
"Bismarck's reputation as a statesman depends more on his work before than after 1871". How
far do you accept this assessment? M91
What were the main political, social and religious problems which affected the German Empire
between 1871 and 1914? M93
May IB Exams 1990 - 2008: Paper 3
8. Russia and eastern Europe in the second half of the 19th century
Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of Russia in the second half of the nineteenth century.
“Considering the difficulties he inherited, Alexander II of Russia should be praised not criticised
for his reforms.” To what extent do you agree with this judgement? M07
Compare and contrast the policies of Alexander II (1855-81) and Alexander III (1881-94). M06
For what reasons, and with what results, did Alexander II try to reform Russian institutions?
“The emancipation of the serfs of Russia was the only genuine reform introduced by Alexander
II”. To what extent do you agree with this assertion? M04
“Alexander II tried to reform Russian institutions only because the Crimean War showed that
Russia was no longer a great military power.” Use specific examples of Alexander’s reforms to
show to what extent you agree with this assertion. M03
May IB Exams 1990 - 2008: Paper 3
13. Tsarist Russia to Communist Russia
15. Analyse the reasons for the success of the Bolsheviks in the second (October/November)
1917 Russian Revolution. M08
15. Compare and contrast the roles of Lenin and Trotsky in the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in
Russia and the foundation of the new Soviet State until 1924. M07
15. Analyse the long and short term causes of the 1917 February/March Russian Revolution. M06
17. For what reasons and in what ways was a Marxist/Communist state set up in Russia between
1918 and 1928? M06
14. To what extent was the Revolution of February/March 1917, in Russia, due to the nature of
Tsarism and the policies of Nicholas II (1894-1917)? M05
16. Lenin wrote, “One step forward two steps back; it happens in the lives of individuals and in the
lives of nations.” To what extent can this quotation be applied to Lenin’s revolutionary career
and his rule of USSR 1918-1924? M05
15. Assess the part played by Lenin in the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and in the new Soviet state
until his death in 1924. M04
15. Compare and contrast the nature and results of the two 1917 Russian Revolutions. M03
17. Why had Stalin become ruler of the USSR by 1929? M03
14. Analyse the causes and results until the end of 1917, of the first 1917 revolution in Russia. M02
Lenin succeeded in convincing the Russian people that the path to happiness lay through lawlessness,
arbitrary rule and violence. To what extent does Lenin’s position in, and rule of, the USSR between
1918 and his death in 1924 support this statement? M02