Love and Self-Discovery: Franklin & Allende Analysis

Aretha Franklin’s 1967 soul hit, “Natural Woman” and
Isabelle Allende’s short story, “Two Words” demonstrate
how love makes self-discovery possible. In this classic love
song, the speaker croons that “Before the day [she] met [her
lover], life was so unkind/ But [his] love was the key to
[her] peace of mind”(Franklin). The speaker was in a bad
place before she found love, and his love is what she needs
Topic Statement w/ works
and paragraph purpose
Embedding: Introduction of
media example
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woven into writer’s sentence
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importance explained (analysis)
to bring her comfort and inspiration, which is shown further
when she says, “Now I'm no longer doubtful of what I'm
living for / Cause if I make you happy I don't need to do
Remember to format line
breaks in lyrics with a /
more” (Franklin). She now knows what and who she wants
and has a purpose in her life. The music backs up these
feelings as the strings and trumpets swell when she sings
the joyful lines and sink when she sings the melancholy
lines. She truly sees that difference between her old and
new selves as a result of this life-changing relationship. This
lesson is one that Belisa also learns in the short story.
Transition sentence- media
Because of her drive to survive, Belisa is able to drag herself
out of poverty and build a new life for herself with the
power of words. She is dedicated to this focused mission
Embedding: Introduction of
media example
until she meets The Colonel. Only then does she realize that
the words she has depended on can give her what she truly
desires: “There was more to [her acceptance] than [fear],
however; she felt the urge to help him because she felt a
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woven into writer’s sentence
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throbbing warmth beneath her skin, a powerful desire to touch
that man, to fondle him, to clasp him in her arms ” (Allende 141).
Belisa feels a deep passion for this man, a physical desire to which
she is unaccustomed. This love motivates her to take on a new
Embedding: book evidence’s
importance explained (analysis)
mission: a relationship with The Colonel. She uses her skills in a
new way to get what she wants, just as the singer looks at life in a
new way because of her newfound love.
Concluding sentence