Dr. Bracha Klein Tayir
New Age Spiritualism seeks to promote the original of Spiritualism, which has
been lost due to the focus on spirit communication over the development of
In New Age Spiritualism it is taught that guidance and love surrounds us by
the design of Infinite Intelligence, God. In New Age Spiritualism it is sought to
accept the good in people and all of life, here and hereafter (even if its difficult
to find sometimes). In New Age Spiritualism it is stressed that Infinite
Intelligence is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscience. Infinite Intelligence
is Spirit, everywhere present, the one and only Spirit behind, in and through all
things, visible and invisible. A true understanding of life is based on the
realization that the unseen hand of Infinite Intelligence guides and provides for
us in every component of our existence.
In New Age Spiritualism the existence of any power presence opposed to the
light of Infinite Intelligence is acknowledged as actually part (the darker part)
of Infinite Intelligence. There is no separation only choice, withdrawal from
society, community and family; moving toward the self (the ego) denies the
light of divine presence. There are evil appearances and there is suffering in
the world, but these are ascribed to man’s ignorance and erroneous use of
Infinite Intelligence’s Universal Laws whether by us or other life forms. Living
in accordance with Universal Laws is the only true path.
In New Age Spiritualism seeks to relate universal and natural laws to all
aspects of this existence, extending one’s spiritual practice to every aspects of
life. Thereby, manifesting Infinite Intelligence’s perfect life for all. In New Age
Spiritualism individuals, organizations and the higher spheres are aligned into
one great path.
New Age Spiritualism was not meant to have any restrictive dogma or creed.
New Age Spiritualism states that there is a necessity for each individual,
according to their means, temperament and desire to develop a higher
understanding to Infinite Intelligence. Therefore, in New Age Spiritualism
acknowledges everyone has the right to have their own beliefs and or religion,
and to use the methods they choose to develop a higher understanding.
In New Age Spiritualism Development is seen as serving Infinite Intelligence
by uplifting and glorifying Infinite Intelligence’s spirit in any positive, joyous
way. It seeks not to emphasize one’s problems of the past, but instead gives
attention to the good that exists in every person and what can be done now
and in the future to transform one’s self, by their own desire. New Age
Spiritualism seeks to serve Infinite Intelligence by acting as a channel for
guidance and live for the upliftment of others and of all things.
In New Age Spiritualism it is explained that one’s words, thoughts and action
affect the universe. New Age Spiritualism accepts and understands the power
that every thought, feeling, word and act has upon one’s life and accepts that
An essential underlining belief of New Age Spiritualism is that everyone is a
potential mystic and can develop a greater understanding of the higher
spheres. The use and acceptance of spiritual gifts is seen as a technique for
expanding and transforming one’s mind, and thus changing oneself. Spirit
communication is a tool to help us understand the true nature of the universe
and is tool to help all develop to the highest possible extent. New Age
Spiritualism believes that life is a continual progression and is eternal.
Just how do people comminute with spirit people? Often believing that you
need to be special in some way to do it. In reality the opposite is true. There is
nothing special about mediums, we are ordinary people, with a very ordinary,
natural ability. Mediumship is a totally natural ability that has been in practice
throughout all cultures, through all history, and every person has it within them
to do it. However, in some people it is more prominent than in others, you
know it’s true, if we all doing the same thing the world would be quite boring.
On the other hand, if we were all developing and using our mediumship there
would be a universal understanding of the reality of life and the continuum of
life beyond ‘death’. As it is, so many people believe that death is the end of
life. In truth, it is barely the beginning.
So, lets go back to our original question - How de we comminute with spirits &
how does mediumship work?
To answer that we first need to look at, and understand, energy. Energy
cannot die, this is a proven fact. It only moves into another state, changing
vibration, changing form, but it does not die. You are made of energy, so you
cannot die. Your soul, which is the real you, is energy, housed in a physical
body which is also made up of energy vibrating at a lower rate creating dense
flesh. When the body ‘dies’, the soul separates from the body which is no
longer required, and no longer animated, and the body disintegrates and
returns to the earth after burial, and if we are cremated it becomes a pile of
ash - a collection of molecules or particles of energy which have not died, just
changed form.
So your soul is now without a physical vehicle, but it still lives. It’s the part of
you which thinks and feels, shares emotions, and interacts with all other living
things in the whole of creation. It is mind which contains all your memories
and thoughts, it is you individuality, your personality, and it is now without a
physical vehicle to use for expression. But it is not dead - energy cannot die.
When we are living in the physical world our soul uses the physical body for
expression, and our mind provides intellectual expression, but there are things
that we are able to perceive that are non-physical. For instance, we can sense
someone’s mood or emotional state without even having to exchange
words.(3) It’s just the feeling you get, like when you walk into a room after an
argument and you can feel the anger present in the room. It might feel heavy,
or depressive, and you need no-one to tell you, because you can sense it,
yes, feel it.
Likewise, you might sense when someone is ill without being told, and without
seeing any outward signs of ill health. This is because your soul is already
exchanging information with the other person’s soul, as soon as you meet,
through your Aura (this is called Psychic work - person to person, both
physically living). Your aura is a record of all those thoughts and emotions,
both expressed and unexpressed. It is like a modem, which sends and
receives information, your auric field is much the same. Your aura extends out
from your physical body, and can fluctuate depending on your mood and
health etc. You know that feeling you get when someone comes up to you
and enters your personal space, like a shiver - well that’s when your aura is
registering a physical presence. So we are able to sense things because we
Mediumship is really no different, it is simply two souls making contact with
each other. One just happens to be without a physical body, and the other
does have a body - both are ‘alive’.(2)(5)
If we accept that the soul can and does live when it has separated from its
body, then the next question is usually ‘where do we exist?’ I believe that we
occupy the same space, and that because we are operating at different
frequencies, we are not normally aware of the spirit world. Think about it. We
occupy the same space as radio waves, but are not aware of them unless we
use a receiver to tune in and make sense of them.
A medium is a receiver, who can tune in and make sense of the
communications from the spirit world. The way we tune into this other
frequency is no mystery either. We understand that the mind is a very
powerful tool, and we use our mind power to ‘open the channel’. Using our
mind, we quicken the vibration of our own energy field - the aura - so that we
can meet the spirit world half way, as they slow down the frequency of their
vibration slightly to become more easily perceived. And that’s it - the lines of
communication are open and away we go. If it all sounds too simple, that’s
because it is. Okay, it’s hard to begin with, but it gets easier and better with
practice. So, providing we don’t actually talk ourselves out of accepting the
experience and believing it is simply our imagination playing tricks, it shouldn’t
be too much of a problem communicating with spirit.
And what sort of things do we get in this communication? Well there are 4
faculties that operate during mediumship and psychic work - seeing, hearing,
sensing and knowing.
The differing types of mediumship
Mental Mediumship:
All mental mediumship involves the mind of spirit communicator becoming
attuned with the mind of the medium. Communication of this form is regard as
10% spirit influence and 90% medium mind.
Clairvoyant - Clear seeing, the medium either see’s subjectively or objective
the spirit communicator. Clairaudiant - Clear hearing, the medium either
hears subjectively or
objectively the spirit communicator. Clairsensient -
Clear sensing/feel, the medium is able to feel/sense the spirit communicator.
Clair-knowing - here the medium, just knows the information about the spirit
communicator. Trance - here the spirit communicator has a greater influence
over the mediums mind, and is often able to communicate directly with the
recipient. Communication is this form, although still mental, is regarded as
about 80% spirit and 20% medium. However the amount of spirit/medium is
dependant upon the depth of trance. But no matter how deep the trace there
will always be part of the mediums mind in the communication, and hence is
never 100% spirit and 0% medium. Psychic Drawing - mediums who are
able to translate the thoughts emanating from spirit into a recognisable
drawing, usually the face of the spirit communicator. Spirit Writing - two
forms of spirit writing exist: (a) Automatic writing, is where spirit are able to
control the mediums arm. (b) Inspirational writing, is where the medium writes
down the thoughts coming from spirit.
Physical Mediumship:
A common feature for most, if not almost all types of physical phenomena is
the need for a supply of ectoplasm, which is supplied by the physical medium.
Ectoplasm is taken from the medium, while usually in deep trance state, to
allow the phenomena to manifest.
Apports - usually come in the form if gifts from the spirit world, and often
appear ‘out of thin air’. Transfiguration - ectoplasm is used by the spirit
communicator to form a likeness of a spirit person, over the face of the
Direct Voice - here the spirit communicator is able to control a trumpet (metal
cone) to which audible speech from the communicator is then heard. The
trumpet acts as an amplifier, so to direct the sound. However as the power
increases within the circle, the trumpet can be dispensed with.
Materialisations - the medium usually enters a deep trance and ectoplasm is
used from the medium, to materialise, often fully, a person from spirit.
Levitation - a small table is required, around which the circle will sit, finger
tips lightly touching the surface. The table will eventually tilt backwards and
forwards as the alphabet is recited, or raps maybe heard. Telekinesis - is the
movement of objects. An object will stir without being touched, jump in the air,
or move across the circle to a sitter, and drop into his palm.
Using our expanded senses we can feel things that seem physical like a pain
or a symptom of a communicator’s ill health, through to non-physical
sensations like emotions and thoughts. The medium might also sense energy
fields, cold spots and temperature changes in the atmosphere, or even smell
things - perfumes etc. Sometimes it is a case of just knowing something, and
also a medium can appear to take on certain characteristics of the
communicating spirit such as mannerisms or using phrases that they would
have used.
All mediums will, at some point, use one or more of these faculties, though
there will be one which is dominant and in use most often, with the remaining
faculties complementing it.
Remember, it is something that we all possess to some degree, and you can
choose to develop this if you want, it’s up to you.
The Angel Connection
Did you know right now; right here; there are angels around you. Angels to
encourage you, inspire you to be the person you want to be. It’s true now
more then ever the angels want us to grow spiritually. At command of “The
One” they whisper in our minds what we are suppose to know and do.
Most people don’t see angels because like all spiritual beings they vibrate at a
higher state, our eyes being able to see. Some say, angels actually float
feathers down to us to let us know they are there.
In our angel course we cover the practical matters how they interact with us
on all levels, How we call them for our own blessing and those of others. As
we continue to work with the angels they help us restore what is ours by
divine right. We explore the angels and the families they come form.
There are nine main angel families, we start with the first level angels; we
move to Archangels, principalities, virtues, powers, dominations, thrones,
cherubim and seraphim. Although, there are millions of angels, there are
specifically seventy-two distinctive angels given the task to supervise the
earth and all life forms within & without. Nine families of eight guardian angels
each. Every family has a leader a prince-arch angel and each family has
specific characteristics in common with all family members.
Although there are a few systems to organize the angels we will use this
system and one other system help us define their place in our lifes and define
how we will work with each of these powers, call them down and feel their
energy. Each of us is assigned a guardian angel at birth. Depending on the
choices we make and lifes we live this will determine if a specific angel will
stay with us, or another will take a turn at attempting to guide our lifes. What is
important to understand that everything is possible when we work with our
guardian angels.
You too, maybe ascending to the level of an angel. Even as humans we are
starting to grow etheric wings as we raise our vibrational patterns and move to
higher dimensions. I see these wings on people and know I other clairvoyants
can see them also. Sometimes people come to me with pain in their shoulders
and back and don’t even know their wings are growing. If you are not yet
growing your wings, this course will help you.
One thing you should know about these classes: you don’t have to believe in
angels for them to help you, because they believe in you! They see your bad
points, your good points and they love you anyway. They always want the
best for you and if you ask yours angels right now they will tell you - to enroll
in this course.
Go ahead give it a try, join the spiritual revolution.