Licence to publish - University of Huddersfield Repository

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LICENCE TO PUBLISH: Explanatory Notes
The policy of Identity Papers: A Journal of British and Irish Studies is to uphold the highest standards of
quality, maximizing current and future access, and ensuring preservation of articles it publishes. This
licence is drawn up in the spirit of co-operation.
The University of Huddersfield Press is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
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Under the UK's Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988, the Author has the moral right to be identified
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Identity Papers: A Journal of British and Irish Studies encourages assertion of this right, as it represents
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One of Huddersfield University Press’s responsibilities as publisher is to assist authors in protecting and
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If Authors use the article elsewhere after publication, Huddersfield University Press requests that
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Identity Papers: A Journal of British and Irish Studies applies the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Unported License (CC BY) to all published articles. Under the CC BY, authors retain ownership of the
copyright for their article, but authors allow anyone unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Nevertheless, it is strongly recommended that the following procedure is followed, in order that readers
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Author’s chosen website to the article published in Identity Papers: A Journal of British and Irish Studies.
University of Huddersfield Press January 2015