Table S1; Environmental detection of ananmmox bacterial populations and activities. n.d; not determined, n.a.; not applicable, u.d; under detection limit. ra: contribution of the anammox process to total N2 gas production. Environments Genus Anammox activities ra (%) Methodology† References Marine Sediment <91.2 nmol d-1 <23 ± 3 µmol NH4+ g-protein-1 min-1 Gullmar fjord Scalindua Gullmar fjord Scalindua Gullmar fjord n.d 33.6-84 µmol L-1 d-1 Gullmar fjord Scalindua <0.084 µmol cm-3 d-1 Brofjorden n.d Skagerrak g-1-sediment 0.3-2.4 fmol cell-1 day-1 23-47% 15N n.d 23-40% 15N n.d 15N 26.4 µmol L-1 d-1 18% 15N n.d <24.1 µmol m-2 d-1 <77% 15N Skagerrak n.d 13.2 µmol L-1 d-1 79% 15N Skagerrak n.d <99 µmol L-1 d-1 <67% 15N Skagerrak n.d <0.06 µmol cm-3 d-1 <74% 15N Skagerrak Scalindua 0.0206 µmol cm-3 d-1 n.d 15N Kattegat n.d 0.0384 µmol cm-3 d-1 15% 15N Aarhus Bay n.d 83 µmol L-1 d-1 <2% 15N 0.57-0.98 fmol cell-1 day-1 0.26 fmol cell-1 day-1 PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) FISH Lipid FISH Lipid FISH PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) FISH Enrich ment Brandsma et al., (2011) van de Vossenberg et al. (2008) Engström et al., (2005) Schmid et al., (2007) Engström et al., (2005) Trimmer et al., (2013) Engström et al., (2005) Thamdrup & Dalsgaard (2002) Dalsgaard & Thamdrup (2002) Schmid et al., (2007) Engström et al., (2005) Thamdrup & Dalsgaard (2002) Environments Methodology† Genus Anammox activities ra (%) Smeerenburg fjorden n.d 23-40.5 µmol cm-3 d-1 (15NH4+ cores) 5-8% 15N Gihring et al., (2010) Kongsfjorden n.d <8.5 µmol cm-3 d-1 (15NH4+ cores) 23% 15N Gihring et al., (2010) Kongsfjorden Scalindua n.d n.d Scalindua 0.0053 µmol cm-3 d-1 Scalindua n.d n.d n.d 0.0076 µmol cm-3 d-1 10.2% 15N n.d 5-15 µmol m-2 d-1 10-15% 15N Disko Bay Scalindua 0.0151 µmol cm-3 d-1 n.d 15N Disko Bay n.d 0.0027-0.181 µmol cm-3 d-1 18.5-26. 7% 15N East coasts of Greenland n.d 0.0018-0.0285 µmol cm-3 d-1 1.3-34.9 % 15N Young Sound Scalindua 0.0122 µmol cm-3 d-1 n.d 15N Barents Sea Scalindua 0.0192 µmol cm-3 d-1 n.d 15N Barents Sea Scalindua n.d Greenland Sea Greenland Sea Greenland Sea Gulf of Finland 0.23 fmol cell-1 day-1 0.23 fmol cell-1 day-1 0.32 fmol cell-1 day-1 0.24 fmol cell-1 day-1 n.d n.d 15N References PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) PCR (hzs) FISH PCR (rrn) FISH Tian et al., (2009) Schmid et al., (2007) Harhangi et al., (2012) Rysgaard et al., (2004a) Hietanen and Kuparinen (2008) Schmid et al., (2007) Rysgaard et al., (2004a) Rysgaard et al., (2004a) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) PCR (hzs) FISH FISH Schmid et al., (2007) Schmid et al., (2007) Harhangi et al., (2012) Environments Genus Irish Sea Scalindua Irish Sea n.d Methodology† Anammox activities 2.1-25.7 nmol mL-1 wet sediment ra (%) n.d 15N <30.1 µmol m-2 d-1 < 61% 15N n.d 15N mL-1 1.3-2.8 nmol sediment wet Celtic Sea Scalindua Celtic Sea n.d <18 µmol m-2 d-1 < 65% 15N North Sea Scalindua n.d n.d 15N North Sea n.d 2.4-68.4 µmol m-2 d-1 10-20% 15N North Sea n.d <0.0528 µmol cm-3 d-1 < 32% 15N North Sea Scalindua 0.006-0.036 µmol cm-3 d-1 < 29% 15N North Sea Scalindua n.d n.d Sourth Ionian Sea Northwest Africa Long Island Sound Scalindua n.d n.d unidentifie d n.d n.d n.d 21.9-28.8 µmol L-1 d-1 4-7% 15N Block Island and Rhode Island sounds n.d <0.104 µmol ml-1 sediment d-1 8-42% 15N Hanna Shoal Scalindua n.d PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn, hzs) PCR (rrn, hzs) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) FISH Lipid FISH Lipid FISH References Jaeschke et al., (2009) Trimmer & Nicholls (2009) Jaeschke et al., (2009) Trimmer & Nicholls (2009) Schmid et al., (2007) Neubacher et al., (2011) Neubacher et al., (2013) Lipid Bale et al., (2014) Lipid Lipsewers et al., (2014) Lipid Polymenakou et al., (2005) Jaeschke et al., (2010) Engström et al., (2005) Brin et al., (2014) PCR (rrn) Penton et al., (2006) Environments Soledad basin Soledad basin Gulf of California Magdalena margin Lesser Antilles Cascadia Basin Genus Anammox activities ra (%) n.d n.d n.d Scalindua 0.17-0.675 mmol m-2 d-1 57±21% n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d Scalindua n.d 0.00045-0.00521 µmol g-1 d-1 0.00078-0.0204 µmol mL-1d-1 13-57% 12-51% Saanich Inlet Scalindua n.d n.d Puget Sound Scalindua n.d n.d Scalindua n.d n.d Scalindua n.d n.d Scalindua n.d n.d Golfo Dulce Scalindua <0.0216 µmol cm-3 d-1 South Pacific ocean Scalindua n.d n.d Equatorial Pacific Ocean Scalindua n.d n.d Washington Margin Juan de Fuca Ridge East Pacific Rise 0.08-0.23 fmol cell-1 day-1 n.d Methodology† 15N S PCR 15N (rrn, hdh) 15N S 15N S PCR 15N (rrn) References Prokopenko et al., (2006) FISH Prokopenko et al., (2006) Prokopenko et al., (2006) Song et al., (2014) Engström et al., (2009) 15N 15N Prokopenko et al., (2013) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn, hdh) Walsh et al., (2009) Penton et al., (2006) Penton et al., (2006) Penton et al., (2006) Santelli et al., (2008) FISH Schmid et al., (2007) Durbin & Teske (2011) Hong et al., (2011a) Environments Genus Anammox activities ra (%) Great Barrier Reef lagoon n.d <117.6 µmol m-2 d-1 < 70% Jiaozhou Bay Scalindua n.d n.d Bohai Sea Scalindua n.d n.d Yellow Sea Scalindua n.d n.d Scalindua n.d n.d Scalindua n.d n.d South China Sea Scalindua n.d n.d South China Sea Scalindua n.d n.d South China Sea Scalindua n.d n.d South China Sea Scalindua n.d n.d Scalindua n.d n.d Scalindua n.d n.d South China Sea South China Sea South China Sea South China Sea Methodology† 15N References Erler et al., (2013) PCR (rrn, hdh) PCR (rrn, hdh) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn, hdh, nirS) PCR (rrn, hdh) PCR (nirS) PCR (rrn, hdh) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) Dang et al., (2010) Dang et al., (2013) Hong & Cho (2012) Li, T. & Wang (2013) Shu & Jiao (2008) Li, M. et al., (2013) Hong et al., (2011b) Li, M. et al., (2011a) Li, M. et al., (2010) Han & Gu (2013) Han et al. (2013) Environments East China Sea East China Sea Methodology† Genus Anammox activities ra (%) n.d n.d n.d n.d <0.12 µmol cm-3 d-1 28% Okhotsk Sea Scalindua n.d. n.d Sagami Bay n.d 0.21 mmol m-2 d-1 37% Ago Bay Scalindua n.d n.d Ago Bay Scalindua n.d n.d 15N Hiroshima Bay Scalindua 15 µmol NH4+ g-protein-1 min-1 n.d 15N Osaka Bay unidentifie d n.d n.d Ryukyu trench Scalindua n.d n.d Ogasawara Trench Scalindua n.d n.d 15N S Black Sea n.d < 11 nmol L-1 d-1 n.d 15N Black Sea unidentifie d n.d n.d Black sea Scalindua n.d References Lipid Zhao et al., (2013) 15N Song et al., (2013) PCR (rrn, hdh) Shao et al. (2014) 15N Glud et al., (2009) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) Enrich ment Enrich ment FISH FISH Enrich ment FISH PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) PCR (hdh, hzs) Enrich ment Nakajima et al., (2008a) Nakajima et al., (2008b) Kindaichi et al., (2011) Awata et al., (2013) Kawagoshi et al., (2012) Li, L. et al., (1999) Nunoura et al. (2013) Anoxic water column 3-4 fmol-NH4+ cell-1 d-1 nearly 100% 15N Jensen et al., (2008) PCR (rrn) FISH Lipid FISH Lipid Wakeham et al. (2007) Kuypers et al., (2003) Schmid et al., (2007) Environments Genus Anammox activities ra (%) Black sea Scalindua 10.55 nmol L-1 d-1 n.d Black sea Scalindua n.d n.d Black sea Scalindua n.d n.d Black sea Scalindua n.d n.d Black sea Scalindua n.d n.d Baltic sea Scalindua 0.005-0.05 µmol L-1 d-1 Arabian Sea n.d Arabian Sea <2.3 fmol-NH4+ cell-1 d-1 Methodology† References 15N Lam et al., (2007) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) PCR (nirS) Kirkpatrick et al., (2006) Woebken et al., (2008) Fuchsman et al., (2012) Kirkpatrick et al. (2013) n.d 15N <0.00432 µnmol L-1 d-1 < 13% 15N PCR (rrn, nirS) Scalindua < 0.038 µmol L-1 d-1 41-77% 15N PCR (nirS) Arabian Sea Scalindua n.d n.d PCR (rrn) Woebken et al., (2008) Arabian Sea Scalindua n.d n.d PCR (nirS) Bowen et al., (2015) nearly 100% 15N PCR (rrn) FISH 15N PCR FISH 4.5 fmol-NH4+ cell-1 d-1 Namibian OMZ Scalindua n.d Namibian OMZ n.d < 0.248 µmol L-1 d-1 n.d Namibian Scalindua n.d n.d FISH Hannig et al., (2007) Ward et al., (2009) FISH Jensen et al., (2011) Lipid Kuypers et al., (2005) Schmid et al., (2007) Kalvelage et al., (2011) Woebken et al., Environments OMZ Methodology† (rrn) Genus Anammox activities ra (%) Namibian OMZ Scalindua n.d n.d PCR (rrn) Off southern Mexico-Costa Rica OMZ unidentifie d n.d n.d PCR (rrn) Off southern Mexico-Costa Rica OMZ unidentifie d n.d n.d Colombian OMZ Scalindua n.d n.d Golfo Dulce n.d 21-30.5 mmol m-2 d-1 19-35% 15N Golfo Dulce Scalindua 0.36 nmol cm-3 d-1 n.d 15N Scalindua 16 mmol-NO2- m-2 d-1 Peruvian OMZ Peruvian OMZ Peruvian OMZ Peruvian OMZ Peruvian OMZ Peruvian ODZ Peruvian-Nort hern Chilean OMZ Scalindua <17 mmol m-2 d-1 n.d < 0.054 µmol L-1 d-1 Scalindua n.d <0.1135 µmol L-1 d-1 Scalindua n.d n.d <0.0216 µmol L-1 d-1 <2.4 fmol-N d-1 15N n.d 15N < 35% Lipid 15N 15N PCR (rrn) PCR (nirS) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) PCR (hdh) PCR (nirS) Rush et al., (2012) Podlaska et al., (2012) PCR (rrn) nearly10 0% < 100% Woebken et al., (2008) FISH 15N cell-1 References (2007) Castro-González et al. (2014) Dalsgaard et al., (2003) Schmid et al., (2007) FISH Lam et al., (2009) FISH Lipid Hamersley et al., (2007) Kalvelage et al., (2011) Woebken et al., (2008) Kalvelage et al., (2013) Bowen et al., (2015) Dalsgaard et al., (2012) Environments Northern Chilean OMZ Northern Chilean OMZ Northern Chilean OMZ Northern Chilean OMZ Hypersaline basins Mediterranea n Sea ra (%) nearly 100% Methodology† Genus Anammox activities n.d <0.0168 µmol L-1 d-1 Scalindua <0.00575 µmol L-1 d-1 n.d 15N n.d 0.6-1.47 mmol m-2 d-1 82-90% 15N Scalindua n.d n.d Scalindua n.d n.d Mediterranea n Sea Scalindua 0.00252-0.04965 µmol L-1 d-1 <85.5% 15N Hydrothermal vent Mid-Atlantic Ridge Juan de Fuca Ridge Guaymas basin Kuenenia, Scalindua unidentifie d <0.03 µmol L-1 d-1 n.d 15N < 0.0025 µmol L−1 d-1 <1% 15N Scalindua n.d n.d West coast of Norway Scalindua 0.0015 µmol cm-3-sponge d-1 3.2% Conch Reef Kuenenia n.d n.d n.d 1.5-2.5 µmol m-2 d-1 <7% References Thamdrup et al., (2006) 15N PCR (rrn) FISH Galán et al., (2009) Brabandere et al., (2014) Stevens & Ulloa (2008) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn, hzs) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) PCR (hzs) van der Wielen et al., (2005) FISH Lipid Borin et al., (2013) Lipid Byrne et al., (2009) Bourbonnais et al., (2012) Lipid Russ et al., (2013) Marine sponge 15N PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) Hoffmann et al., (2009) Mohamed et al., (2010) Sea ice Young Sound, 15N Rysgaard et al., (2008) Environments Franklin Bay, Greenland Sea, Disco Bay, Arctic ocean Young Sound, Greenland Sea Marine Aquaculture marine recirculating aquaculture system Methodology† Genus Anammox activities ra (%) n.d <1.15 µmol m-2 d-1 <19% Brocadia 2.352 µM-NH3 bead-1 d-1 <10% Scalindua <0.132 µmol cm-3 d-1 5-26.4% 15N n.d undetectable <1% 15N n.d 3.09-10. 93% 15N Scalindua < 37% 15N Colne estuary n.d 0.7-7.85 % 15N Colne estuary Scalindua <30% 15N <7.82% 15N <82% 15N References Rysgaard & Glud (2004b) 15N PCR (rrn) FISH PCR (rrn) FISH Tal et al., (2006) Brackish water Randers fjord Norsminde Fjord Medway estuary Medway estuary Thames estuary Thames estuary n.d n.d <1884 µmol m-2 d-1 <0.24 µmol ml-1-sediment d-1 <2.6 nmol ml-wet sediment-1 FISH Risgaard-Petersen et al., (2004) Risgaard-Petersen et al., (2004) Nicholls & Trimmer (2009) Rooks et al., (2012) Nicholls & Trimmer (2009) PCR (rrn) Dong et al., (2009) Trimmer et al., (2003) Trimmer et al., (2005) Environments Thames estuary Swale estuary Roach estuary Crouch estuary Blackwater estuary Stour estuary Orwell estuary Cavado River estuary Lake Rassnitzer Gulf of Fos Plum Island Sound estuary Great Sippewissett marsh Chesapeake Bay tidal Choptank River estuary New River Estuary Genus Anammox activities ra (%) 1.45-7.4 4% 1.57-2.4 1% 0.57-1.9 % 1.37-2.9 2% 0.45-7.3 2% 1.55-8.0 3% 0.89-3.5 7% n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d Scalindua <0.04 µmol cm-3 d-1 Brocadia, Scalindua 0.504 µmol L-1 d-1 n.d Methodology† 15N 15N 15N 15N 15N 15N 15N PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) References Nicholls & Trimmer (2009) Nicholls & Trimmer (2009) Nicholls & Trimmer (2009) Nicholls & Trimmer (2009) Nicholls & Trimmer (2009) Nicholls & Trimmer (2009) Nicholls & Trimmer (2009) Teixeira et al., (2012) Hamersley et al., (2009) Minjeaud et al., (2009) < 72% 15N <50% 15N <36.3 µmol L-1 d-1 <39% 15N n.d <0.0024 µmol g-1-sediment d-1 < 3% 15N Koop-Jakobsen & Giblin (2009) n.d <0.0006 µmol g-1-sediment d-1 <1% 15N Koop-Jakobsen & Giblin (2009) Scalindua <0.0038 µmol cm-3 d-1 < 22% 15N n.d <0.0011 µmol cm-3 d-1 < 10% 15N Jettenia 0.02 – 1.4 nmol g-sediment -1 h-1 <14.1% 15N 0.04-0.3 fmol cell-1 d-1 PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) PCR (hdh) FISH Rich et al., (2008) Rich et al., (2008) Lisa et al., (2014) Environments Baltimore Inner Harbor Cape Fear River estuary Providence River estuary and Narragansett Bay Satilla River and Okatee River estuary Logan and Albert River Genus unidentifie d Kuenenia, Jettenia, Scalindua, Brocadia n.d ra (%) 0.00156-0.0158 µmol g-1-sediment d-1 3.8-16.5 % 15N <0.024 µmol ml-1 sediment d-1 <4% 15N Brin et al., (2014) >2.2% 15N Porubsky et al., (2009) <9% 15N Meyer et al., (2005) <0.096 nmol cm-3 d-1 Yellow River estuary Scalindua n.d Pearl River estuary Kuenenia, Brocadia, Jettenia <31.2 nmol cm-3 d-1 n.d Tai O n.d n.d n.d Mandovi and Chapora river estuaries Van Uc and Lach Tray River estuaries Methodology† PCR 15N (rrn) Anammox activities 0.2 µmol g-sediment-1 d-1 <0.58 fmol cell-1 d-1 < 7% 15N <2.42 µmol g-1 d-1 < 67% 15N Scalindua, Brocadia, Kuenenia <0.0168 µmol cm-3 h-1 <2.6% 15N Scalindua n.d n.d PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn, hdh) PCR (rrn, hzs) References FISH Tal et al., (2005) Dale et al., (2009) Dang et al., (2013) Wang S.Y. et al., (2012) Fernandes et al., (2012) PCR (rrn) Amano et al., (2011) PCR (rrn) Wang, Y.F. & Gu (2013) Environments Mai Po Nature Reserve Mai Po Nature Reserve Methodology† PCR (rrn, hdh) Genus Anammox activities ra (%) Scalindua n.d n.d Scalindua, Kuenenia n.d n.d PCR (nirS) Li, M. et al., (2011a) Mai Po Nature Reserve Scalindua, Kuenenia, Brocadia, Jettenia n.d n.d PCR (rrn, hdh) Li, M. et al., (2011b) Mai Po Nature Reserve Scalindua, Kuenenia n.d n.d PCR (rrn, hdh) Li, M. et al., (2011c) Mai Po Nature Reserve Scalindua, Brocadia, Kuenenia n.d n.d PCR (rrn) Han et al. (2013) Mai Po Nature Reserve Scalindua, Brocadia, Kuenenia, Jettenia n.d n.d PCR (rrn) Han & Gu (2013) Mai Po Nature Reserve Scalindua, Kuenenia n.d. n.d PCR (rrn, hdh) Wang, Y.F. et al. (2014) Yodo river estuary Scalindua, Kuenenia, Brocadia < 16.6 µmol L-1 slurry d-1 n.d PCR (rrn) Amano et al., (2007) Freshwater Lake, river, ditch 15N References Li, M. et al., (2010) Environments River Leith; sediments in hyporheic zone Boerenlandp ad and Leeuwsweidj e ditches Lake Lugano; stratified water column Genus Anammox activities ra (%) n.d < 2% Methodology† Lansdown et al., (2012) 15N Brocadia, Jettenia n.d n.d Lake Lugano cluster < 0.0145 µmol L- 1 d-1 <30% Lake Zwischenahn er Meer Brocadia n.d n.d PCR (rrn) Manure pond; sediment Jettenia n.d n.d PCR (rrn) Scalindua <0.24 µmol L-1 d-1 n.d undetectable Wintergreen lake sediment Scalindua n.d Sheriff’s marsh sediment Scalindua n.d Honghe freshwater mars Kuenenia, Scalindua n.d Lake Tanganyika; water column Patuxent River <18 fmol-NH4+ cell-1 d-1 References 15N PCR (hzs) Harhangi et al., (2012) PCR (rrn) Wenk et al., (2013) FISH Enrich ment Musat et al., (2010) Sher et al., (2012) 15N PCR (rrn) 15N PCR (rrn) Rich et al., (2008) n.d PCR (rrn)) Penton et al., (2006) n.d PCR (rrn) Penton et al., (2006) < 13% PCR (rrn, hdh) FISH Schubert et al., (2006) Environments Fuhe River; sediments in hyporheic zone Baiyangdian Lake; sediments in riparian zones Lake Baiyangdian; sediment Dongjiang River; sediments Dongjiang River; water column Lake Kitaura; sediments Koisegawa river; sediment Methodology† Genus Anammox activities ra (%) Brocadia, Jettenia n.d n.d Brocadia, Kuenenia <0.082-0.238 µmol g-1 d-1 <19-24 fmol-N cell-1 d-1 < 35% (locally up to 94%) 15N PCR (rrn, hzs) Zhu et al., (2013) Brocadia <0.22 µmol g-1 d-1 0.73-2.25 fmol cell-1 d-1 n.d 15N PCR (rrn) Wang, Z.Y. et al., (2013) Brocadia n.d n.d PCR (rrn, hdh) Sun et al., (2014a) n.d n.d PCR (rrn, hdh) Sun et al., (2014b) <0.36 µmol cm-3 d-1 <40% 15N PCR (rrn) Yoshinaga et al., (2011) <0.048 µmol g-1 slurry d-1 n.d 15N Jettenia, Brocadia, Kuenenia, Scalindua Brocadia, Kuenenia, Jettenia/A nammoxo globus-line age relating anammox bacteria n.d PCR (rrn) References FISH Wang, Z. et al., (2012) Zhou et al., (2014) Environments Methodology† Genus Anammox activities ra (%) Brocadia n.d n.d PCR (rrn) Hirayama et al., (2005) Marshes and lakeshores; sediments Kuenenia, Scalindua n.d n.d PCR (rrn) Humbert et al., (2010) natural wetland Kuenenia, Scalindua, Brocadia, Jettenia, Anammox oglobus n.d n.d PCR (rrn) Humbert et al., (2012) Florida everglades water conservation area Scalindua n.d n.d PCR (rrn) Penton et al., (2006) freshwater marsh Kuenenia, Scalindua n.d n.d PCR (rrn, hdh) Lee et al., (2014) n.d n.d PCR (rrn) Dong & Reddy (2010) Hishikari gold mine References Wetland Constructed wetland Constructed wetland Constructed wetland planctomy cete JMK-1 Jettenia, Brocadia, Anammox oglobus Scalindua 19.2-216 nmol g-1-soil d-1 n.d 5.1-12.8 fmol cell-1 d-1 < 33% 15N PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) Enrich ment Zhu et al., (2011a) Wang, Y.F. & Gu (2013) Environments Anammox activities Constructed wetland n.d n.d PCR (hzs) Jasper et al., (2014) Constructed wetland Brocadia, Kuenenia Not found PCR (hzs) Coban et al., (2015) Constructed wetland n.d n.d PCR (rrn) Zhi et al., (2015) PCR (rrn) Zhu et al., (2011b) paddy soil paddy soil paddy soil Brocadia, Kuenenia, Anammox oglobus, Jettenia Brocadia, Kuenenia Anammox oglobus, Jettenia <0.006-0.0348 µmol g-1 d-1 <1.68 µmol g-VS-1 d-1 ra (%) Methodology† Genus 2.9-21 fmol cell-1 d-1 4-37% 15N <5% 15N paddy soil Scalindua n.d n.d paddy soil n.d n.d n.d Kuenenia, Brocadia Kuenenia, Brocadia Kuenenia, Brocadia 0.0056-0.0227 µmol g-1 d-1 0.0032-0.063 µmol g-1 d-1 0.0019-0.015 µmol g-1 d-1 paddy soil paddy soil paddy soil 15N 0.6-15% 2-41% 15N 15N PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn, hzs) PCR (rrn, hdh) PCR (hdh) PCR (rrn) PCR (hzs) PCR (rrn) References Sato et al., (2012) FISH Enrich ment Hu et al., (2013) Wang, J. & Gu (2013) Wang, J. et al., (2014) Shen et al., (2014) Yang X.R. et al., (2015) FISH Nie, S. et al., (2015) Environments Genus Anammox activities ra (%) Kuenenia, Brocadia n.d n.d Jettenia <0.074 nmol g-1 d-1 32.177.9% n.d n.d 0.0021-0.023 µmol g-1 d-1 5.920.5% n.d Methodology† References Soil agricultural soil agricultural soil agricultural soil agricultural soil glassland soil rhizosphere and non-rhizosph ere sediments peat soil permafrost soil Siberian permafrost sediments mesothermic oil field Brocadia, Kuenenia, Anammox oglobus, Jettenia Brocadia, Kuenenia, Anammox oglobus, Jettenia Kuenenia, Brocadia 15N PCR (rrn) PCR (hdh) Humbert et al., (2010) Long et al., (2013) PCR (rrn, hzs) Shen et al., (2013) PCR (rrn) Shen et al., (2015) n.d PCR (rrn) Humbert et al., (2010) n.d n.d PCR (rrn) Chu et al., (2015) Jettenia, Brocadia Kuenenia, Brocadia, Jettenia 22.56 mmol-NH4+ g-dry-1 d-1 n.d PCR (rrn) n.d n.d PCR (rrn) Humbert et al., (2010) Scalindua n.d n.d PCR (rrn) Penton et al., (2006) Kuenenia, Brocadia n.d n.d PCR (rrn) Shartau et al., (2010) Kuenenia, Brocadia, Jettenia 15N FISH Lipid Enrich ment Hu et al., (2011) Environments petroleum reservoirs Genus Scalindua, Brocadia, Kuenenia, Jettenia Anammox activities ra (%) n.d n.d 319-751 nmol L-1 d-1 < 36% n.d n.d Methodology† References PCR (rrn) Li, H. et al., (2010) PCR (rrn) Moore et al., (2011) PCR (rrn) Smits et al., (2009) PCR (rrn) Robertson et al., (2012) Groundwater ammonium-c ontaminated aquifer ammonium-c ontaminated aquifer septic system plume contaminated municipal aquifer porous aquifer Activated sludge (AS) Brocadia, Scalindua, Kuenenia, Jettenia Kuenenia, Brocadia, Jettenia Brocadia, Jettenia n.d 15N n.d 15N S n.d 15N S Brocadia n.d AS Jettenia, Brocadia 1.2-336 µmol g-VSS d-1 < 15% 15N AS n.d <619 µmol g-VSS-1 d-1 <100% 15N AS Brocadia 540 µmol g-1-VSS d-1 8.7% 15N AS Brocadia n.d AS Brocadia 1.6 kgN m-3 d-1 Clark et al, (2008) PCR (rrn) Humbert et al., (2010) PCR (rrn) Yamagishi et al., (2013) Waki et al., (2010) PCR (rrn) PCR (hzs) PCR (rrn) Waki et al., (2009) Harhangi et al., (2012) FISH Enrich ment Lopez et al., (2008) Environments Genus Anammox activities AS Brocadia n.d AS Brocadia 11.7 kgN m-3 d-1 AS Brocadia n.d AS Brocadia, Kuenenia n.d Brocadia, Kuenenia Brocadia, Kuenenia <1.08 mmol g-1-VSS d-1 AS Kuenenia <2 kgN m-3 d-1 AS Kuenenia AS Kuenenia AS Kuenenia, Jettenia <9.2 kgN m-3 d-1 AS Jettenia n.d AS AS AS AS AS Jettenia, Anammox oglobus Kuenenia, Brocadia Anammox oglobus Scalindua n.d <1.4 kgN m-3 d-1 13 mmol-NH4+ g-VSS-1 d-1 26.5 µmol g-protein-1 min-1 ra (%) Methodology† PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) FISH FISH PCR (rrn, hdh) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) PCR (rrn) <0.16 gN g-VSS-1 d-1 PCR (rrn) Araujo et al., (2011) Tang et al., (2010) Toh et al., (2002) Hu et al., (2010) Enrich ment Enrich ment Enrich ment FISH <1.5 kgN m-3 d-1 5.0 µmol g-protein-1 min-1 References Enrich ment Enrich ment Enrich ment FISH FISH Enrich ment Enrich ment Enrich ment Enrich ment Sun et al., (2011) Tao et al., (2012) Tao et al., (2013) Dapena-Mora et al., (2004) Egli et al., (2001) Wang, T. et al., (2013) Bae et al., (2010) Viancelli et al., (2011) FISH 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