World War 1 Quiz


Q u i i z # 1

World War I


Which of the following was not a cause of World War I?


a strong sense of nationalism in European countries. b.

the building up of European countries’ military resources in the late 1800s. c.

communist ideas sweeping across Europe. d.

agreements by countries to protect one another in war time.


Great Britain and____________ were fighting in an “Arms Race” for the best military. a.

France c.

Austria-Hungary b.

Italy d.



An Austrian was killed by a Serbian in Bosnia. What happened next? a.

Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. b.

Germany declares war on France. c.

Serbia forms an alliance with Russia. d.

Great Britain remains neutral.


The two sides fighting in World War I were known as the… a.

Central and Axis Powers c.

Good and the Bad b.

Central and Balanced Powers d.

Central and Allies Powers


How did the Age of Imperialism influence World War I? a.

Countries were taking over weaker, less advanced nations, leading to nationalism in each country. b.

Germany was jealous of Great Britain’s land holdings and wanted to be a world power. c.

Austria-Hungary was taking over land in Serbia…leading to the assassination of the

Archduke Franz Ferdinand. d.

All of the above.


What part did propaganda play in World War I? a.

Propaganda was seen as devious and an illegal form of governmental communication. b.

Propaganda posters were used to influence an attitude towards war for a nation’s citizens. c.

Governments did not use propaganda. d.

Propaganda was only used on the Allies side, showing the Central Powers as cruel and brutal.



The Domino Effect is about… a.

The strong sense of nationalism in Europe prior to World War I. b.

The building up of a country’s military, following another country’s lead. c.

The alliances that formed throughout Europe and each country fighting for one another. d.

Great Britain’s ability to take over less advanced countries throughout Africa.


Due to the __________________________, new weaponry was invented which made World War I more brutal than before.


Age of Imperialism b.

Industrial Revolution c.

Revolutions of France and America d.



The political cartoon to the right shows the failed… a.

assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. b.

sinking of the Lusitania.


Zimmerman Telegram. d.

Schlieffen Plan.


Which of the following was not a part of trench warfare? a.

A strip of land between the enemy trenches known as ‘No Man’s Land’. b.

The use of chemical weapons that burned, suffocating, and killed soldiers. c.

An agreement by both sides not to fire on defenseless troops in ‘No Man’s Land’. d.

Rats, lice, and disease.


Which was not a reason Russian got out of World War I? a.

Food shortages leading to civil unrest. b.

The decline of the Russian economy. c.

The entering of the United States into World War I. d.

The Bolshevik Revolution.


Germany declared __________________________ on any ship suspected to be carrying military supplies to the Allied forces. a.

war to the death b.

battle of the forces c.

unrestricted submarine warfare d.

restricted military compliance



The Zimmerman Telegram from Germany to Mexico in 1917 caused… a.

the United States declaring war on Germany. b.

124 Americans dead. c.

Great Britain forcing Germany to sign a peace treaty. d.

Italy to side with the Allies.


President Woodrow Wilson’s ’14 Points’ included… a.

no secret treaties. b.

the creation of the League of Nations. c.


the reduction of a nation’s military forces. all of the above.


The Treaty of Versailles ending World War I included harsh conditions against Germany including… a.

the return of land back to France. b.

the paying of war reparations to the Allied nations c.

admitting guilt for World War I. d.

all of the above.


According to the political cartoon below, what is the cartoonist opinion of the Treaty of Versailles?


The treaty was fair and necessary for peace in Europe. b.

President Wilson had little to do with the signing of the treaty. c.

No opinion can be taken from the cartoon. d.

The treaty was unfair and did not take into account the terms of everyone included.



One result of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany was that the treaty led to… a.

an era of peace and international good will in Germany. b.

a stable German government that was both democratic and strong. c.

an economic decline in Germany leading to a radical government. d.

a leadership position for Germany in the League of Nations.


Due to the bad conditions against Germany in the Treaty of Versailles, the German people turned to

____________ ____________ for leadership and guidance. a.

Kaiser Willhelm b.

Vladimir Putin c.


Adolf Hitler

Benito Mussolini


As shown by the maps on the board, what Central Powers country split up into multiple smaller countries after World War I? a.

Germany b.

France c.

Austria-Hungary d.



As shown by the maps on the board, what is Russia named after the Russian Revolution and World

War I? a.

Poland b.

Turkey c.



Soviet Union

