Farewell to Manzanar Webquest: Japanese Internment History

Farewell to Manzanar Webquest
Worth: 22 points
The following website from PBS provides important information about the history of
internment camps in the United States. You will use this site and its links to complete the
following Webquest. All links can be accessed from the website below (links are on the lefthand side of the page.)
Website: http://www.pbs.org/childofcamp/history/index.html
*Click on “Historical Documents” and answer the following questions:
1. What is the main idea of Executive Order 9066? What was it used for? Who was in
control and whose power was taken away?
2. According to the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, what were some unfair reasons the United
States created internment camps?
3. According to the same act, what were some of the “damages” suffered by Japanese
4. What did the Japanese Americans who were interned receive as “compensation” for the
loss of their freedom?
5. Do you think these compensations are enough? Why or why not?
*Now, click on “The Camps” and answer the following questions:
1. About how many Japanese Americans were interned?
2. What was the largest camp? The smallest? How many people were in each one?
3. How many people were interned at Manzanar?
4. Look at the black and white picture on this website. Write down FIVE adjectives that
come to mind when you look at this picture.
*Next, click on “Health Impact” and answer the following questions:
1. Name 3-4 ways that internment negatively affected Japanese Americans.
2. How are the above affects represented in Farewell to Manzanar? You must describe at
least THREE specific examples from the book.