Student Example #2

Jasmine Tucay
June 3, 2003
Block 1A
Table of Contents
Virtual Note cards 12/02/02
These are note cards that we took from sources on the
Internet for a group project. The note cards are about the
culture of the Ibo people of Nigeria. The information on
the note cards was later used for a paper on the novel
Things Fall Apart. I liked this assignment because I was
able to work in a group.
Quiz on Day One 12/02/02
This was a quiz on some of the things we did on the
first day that we worked on the assignment for virtual note
cards and the Things Fall Apart essay. This assignment was
very easy.
Things Fall Apart Essay 12/18/02
This assignment was an essay about the novel Things
Fall Apart. The thesis of this paper was to prove how
Chinua Achebe’s novel related to the Nigerian culture. This
assignment also included the making of a title page and an
outline to help brainstorm ideas for the particular essay.
I did not enjoy this assignment because I didn’t enjoy the
Poetry Web page 3/04/03
This assignment was a web page. I had to find examples
of five literary terms for the poem of my choice. I had to
use Microsoft Publisher to create the web page. I enjoyed
this assignment because I was able to do something
different than just writing something.
Father and Son Snapshot Poem 3/18/03
This was a poem about a picture that I found. I had to
describe the picture in twelve lines using the five senses,
or imagery. I liked this assignment because I think that
writing poetry is one of my strengths.
Irony Essay 5/15/03
This assignment was about Oedipus Rex. The thesis of
this essay was to prove how Socrates, the author of the
story, used dramatic, situational, and verbal irony to show
how tragedy can affect our lives. I thought this assignment
was easy because it applied to my life in some ways.
Dear Reader Letter 06/05/03
This assignment was about writing a letter to my
eleventh grade teacher for next year. I wrote about my best
and worst pieces and what I learned about myself and
writing. I enjoyed this assignment because it was short and
to the point.