A Walk to Remember - Chairo

Mao’s Last Dancer
- Li Cunxin
Chapter Summaries
Due Date: _______________________
 For each chapter of the text you are to complete a short summary (50-100
words). You are also to highlight 2 to 3 memorable or poignant quotes from
each chapter.
Comprehension Questions
 Towards the end of the term there will be a test/exam based on the text where
you will be required to answer a series of comprehension questions and
complete an essay.
Text Response Essay
Due Date: _______________________
 Choose one of the following essay topics (500 words minimum)
o “Taste the mango” (pg. 238) was a phrase that Li followed from his
days at the Academy, when teacher Xiao mentored him to excel.
Discuss some of the important aspects of Li’s life and career that
would not have been possible had he not made that phrase one to
live by?
o Li’s niang and dia instilled pride, courage, dignity and love in him,
how did these character traits help him to survive the exhausting
and relentless life in the commune and then later at the Academy?
Essay #2
Due Date: _______________________
 Complete an essay on the following topic (500 - 750 words)
o Choose one or two of the Chinese parables from the book and write
about how this is a reflection on the journey of Li’s life and why they
were included in the text.
 Frog in the Well (pg. 52-53)
 The Emperor and the Cricket (pg. 64-66)
 The Millet Dream (pg. 184-185)
 The Archer (pg. 211)