Allusions and References - explaining them.doc - LMS-English-8

Are they really?????
The International Movie Database lists many references/allusions for the movie The League of
Extraordinary Gentlemen. We also mentioned several in class.
Your assignment is to do some simple research and confirm the origin of these allusions and
references. You are then to briefly explain why it works (or doesn’t – if you thought it didn’t) in
the movie.
 Research the reference and make a list of 5 or more facts which the writer of the movie
would have known and used for his storyline. After the fact put your source in
 Justify the use of the reference within the context of the movie. This should be at least 2
paragraphs and should contain a minimum of 2 examples from the movie. Below are
some brainstorming questions. These are not mandatory guides for your information.
o Why is the reference a good one? (or is it)
o How does this fit with other references used in the movie?
o Why/How does the reference “work” within the context of the movie?
o Why/How is the reference connectable to the movie?
Nina Wornoff
Sabrina Blair
Betsy Williams & Andy Miller
Collin Campbell
Becki Stergar
Katie Emberton
Maddy Smith
Ashley Fisher
Ashleigh Saulmon
Hannah Horton
Stewart Rivers
Matthew McClure
Olivia Pell
Elizabeth King
Katie Owens
Wilda Knecht
Alex Munger & Cameron Hudson
Kate O’Rourke
Ryan Morelock & Amber McCormack
The Final Problem (1923)
Moby Dick (1930)
The Invisible Man (1933)
Doctor Syn (1937)
The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945)
20000 Leagues Under the Sea
Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde
Dracula (hint: look up Mina Murray)
Tom Sawyer – The Detective Series
King Solomon’s Mines
The Odyssey
Mary Reilly
Moriarty in The Adventures of Sherlock
Holmes (1939)
Allan and the Sundered Veil
The Kelly Gang
Zorro, Dr Syn, Robin Hood, Natty Bumpo,
Three Musketeers
James Bond movies
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen –
the comic book series
DUE: November 21, 2008
TURN IN: discussion wiki space – under the thread w/ your reference name - the page for
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
If you find interesting information or photos - feel free to attach them to the page and put the
information in the discussion.
Take a look at the other assignments - briefly comment in each one - does the reference work
"for you"? Any additional thoughts about the reference?