Breathing Underwater Chapter 1 After reading about Nick`s

Breathing Underwater Chapter 1
1. After reading about Nick’s interaction with the security guard, how would you describe his
personality? Why?
2. How does Nick describe Caitlin when he sees her in the court room? Why is this description
3. What happened between Caitlin and Nick that caused them to be at court this day?
4. How does Nick describe the event?
5. Do you agree with Nick’s assessment of the situation? Why?
6. What happens when Nick takes the stand?
7. What is the Judge’s assessment of Nick? What is the punishment she gives him?
8. Characterize Nick’s father provide specific examples that fit your characterization.
9. Several times in this chapter Nick refers to his mask. Provide the examples when he says this.
What is his mask? Why does he feel the need to use it? What literary device is Nick using when
he talks about his mask?
10. Describe Nick and Tom’s relationship.
11. What was Tom’s reaction when Nick said he wanted to date Caitlin? Why?
12. This chapter contains several allusions. Choose one provide the example and explain its
13. This chapter contains several similes. Choose one provide the example and explain its
14. What is the author’s purpose in beginning the novel in the court room as opposed to the scene
that caused the characters to be in the courtroom?
Breathing Underwater -- Chapter 2
1. Describe what kinds of people Nick encounters at his first family violence meeting.
2. What are the rules? What are the consequences if the men don’t follow the rules?
3. Explain the rule about taking responsibility for you actions. Why is that rule necessary?
4. What is Tiny’s excuse as to why he is there? Do you believe him? Why or Why not?
5. In this chapter we learn where the title Breathing Underwater came from. Explain what it means
and why you think the author choose this to be the title.
6. What causes a fight to break out during the meeting? What happens as a result?
7. What is Leo’s story? Why is he at eh group? Do you believe his girlfriend will drop the charges?
8. How does Nick explain what he did to Caitlin? Why does he need to get her back?
Later that day
9. Why would Tom say he was going to ask Caitlin out if Nick didn’t? Why do you think Nick would
believe his best friend would hit on a girl he liked?
10. How is Tom responsible for Nick and Caitlin going out?
11. Find an example of simile form the chapter. Explain its significance.
12. Find an example of metaphor from the chapter. Explain its significance.
13. Find an example of personification from the chapter. Explain its significance.
14. Why do you think the author choose to write the book in this format of text and journaling?
What effect do you think it has on the novel?
15. What is one question you have about the novel so far?
16. Make one prediction about the novel.
Breathing Underwater Chapter 3 – January 17
1. What happened to Nick’s car? Why do you think his father did this?
2. What was the reason Nick’s dad said he bought the car? What actually happened with the car?
What does this tell you about the character of Nick’s dad?
3. What does Nick do to the Mustang? What is the significance of his father never driving the car
gain after that father’s day?
4. How did Nick’s father “gift” the Mustang to him? Why do you think he gave him the car?
5. Why do you think Mario doesn’t call Nick out on being late?
6. Why doesn’t Nick take Mario up on his offer for a dry shirt or the ride home the rain?
7. How does Nick describe his first kiss with Caitlin will be different than all of his other kisses up to
this point?
8. Why is it significant to Nick that Tom’s family eats such a formal family meal on the weekends?
9. Why is it important to Nick that the carter’s family dog like him best?
10. Why does Tom deny having a date to the party when he was so forward about telling his mom
about Nick’s date?
11. What is Tom’s issue with his family? Why?
Breathing Underwater Ch 4- Jan 21 (41-56)
1. How did the school deal with the restraining order against Nick?
2. What does B.C. stand for?
3. How do Nick’s ex-friends and classmates react when Nick comes around?
4. What message was written on the board? Why do you think Nick says to leave it there?
5. How did Caitlin know Zach?
6. What is significant about Caitlin saying “I’d like to be the one blowing people off instead of the
one being blown off.”?
7. Provide examples of times at Zach’s party when Nick shows his jealous side? Why do you think
he is acting this way?
8. How does Caitlin’s mom treat her? Provide an example.
9. What happens that causes the party to end?
10. Why does Nick beat up Dirk? How does Caitlin react? What do you think of her reaction?
11. Identify any two literary devices in the chapter. Explain the significance.
12. What do you think is the most significant thing that occurs in this chapter? Why? How do you
think it will affect the rest of the novel?
Breathing Underwater Ch 5 -- Jan 26th page 57-67
1. What does Nick hope to accomplish with the photos of the Key West trip?
2. How does Tom respond to the photos? Do you think Tom really is upset about not being Nick’s
friend anymore or not? Why?
3. What does Nick mean when he says, “After Zach’s party I became an addict.”?
4. What metaphor does Nick use to describe his relationship with Caitlin? Why do you think the
author would choose to use this negative metaphor as opposed to something else that would’ve
been nicer?
5. What does Nick think of Elsa? Provide an example. How does Nick want Caitlin to treat Elsa?
What is significant about the fact he is trying to control who she hangs out with?
6. What is significant about Caitlin’s decision to do what Nick asks and stop hanging out with Elsa?
7. What group does Caitlin join that officially ends her friendship with Elsa? What is significant
about this group? What kinds of things do they make Caitlin do?
8. Identify any two literary devices from the chapter. Explain their significance.
Breathing Underwater Ch 6 ---Feb 7 (pg68-75)
1. What point is Mario trying to make when he asks the following questions? What do these
questions have to do with domestic violence? “When your girlfriend has been out , do you check
her odometer to see how far she went?” and “Or do you interrogate her about where she’s
been, listen to her answering machine, call her names, or isolate her from her friends?”
2. Why does Nick think it is ok to tell Caitlin who she can and can’t hang out with and not Tom?
What does Mario say about this behavior?
3. When Leo steps in and tries to defend Nick why does Nick get so angry? Do you think Leo was
really trying to help or do you agree with Nick? Why?
4. What simile does Leo use to describe Nick? Why is this significant?
5. What metaphor does Nick set up for Mario to introduce next week’s topic of discussing their
families? Do you think this is a good comparison for him to use? Why or why not?
6. Tiny tells an inappropriate joke at the end of the session. What does this tell us about Tiny?
7. Provide two examples that show how important it is to Nick that no one knows about his father.
Why do you think it is so important to him?
8. What caused Nick’s father to get so angry at him? What does his father do to him? Why do you
think Nick lied about it even though it was obvious his father knew the truth?
Breathing Underwater---Chapter 7-- Feb 9th- pg 76
1. Why do you think Nick calls Caitlin from a pay phone?
Why does Nick’s dad call the school to tell him he has the Flu?
Why is Nick so upset Caitlin waited until between classes to call him back?
List 4 examples of Nick’s controlling behavior. Why do you think he is acting this way?
Breathing Underwater--- Chapter 8 Feb 12th- pg 81
1. How does Nick “stalk” Caitlin at school?
How does Nick remind Caitlin why she can never be with him again?
Why couldn’t Nick attend school for a few days? Why doesn’t he want Caitlin to come visit him?
What is Caitlin’s reaction to what has happened to Nick? Why can’t Nick tell anyone about what
Breathing Underwater ---- Chapter 9-- Feb 14th- pg 87
1. What does Nick fear about “family day”?
What happened to Xavier?
Why is it important for the men in the group to talk about their families?
What lie does Nick tell the group about his father?
What does Mario mean when he says, “not once you build up that scar tissue”?
What does Ray share about his family? What is his opinion about what is wrong with this country?
What does Tiny admit to?
What does Ray do for a living? Why is it bad for him to be a part of the group?
Who is Felix? What was Felix’s life like (list a couple of things that happened to him)? Why?
10. What does Hector make Leo do to Felix? What happens to Felix? Why does Leo hate Felix?
11. Why had Caitlin been so hesitant for Nick to meet her mother?
12. Describe Caitlin’s mom, looks and personality.
13. How does Nick exhibit his abusive power after leaving Caitlin’s house?
Breathing Underwater Feb 23rd---Ch 10 ---p 100
1. What does Nick put in Caitlin’s locker? Why?
2. What story does Nick tell Caitlin to get her to forgive him? Why do you think this works? What is
the significance of the story?
3. Why was Caitlin nervous about Nick meeting her mother?
4. What is Caitlin’s relationship with her father like?
5. What is significant about the scene where Caitlin chases Nick out in the ocean?
6. What is the example of personification at the end of the chapter?
Breathing Underwater Feb 28th---Ch11---p 111
1. How or Why do you think Caitlin ends up with Saint?
2. Why doesn’t Saint pass Nick the ball when he is the only one wide open?
3. What simile does Nick use to describe the football coach?
4. Explain the hyperbole, “Communal showers are the most bizarre experience in the life of an
American Male.”
5. What does Tom want to talk to Nick about? Why?
Breathing Underwater March 1st--- Ch12---p119
1. What happens when Nick is stalking Caitlin? How does he get out of it?
2. How does Leo finally convince the cop they are telling the truth?
3. Why hasn’t Leo been to class?
4. Identify and Explain Nick’s metaphor at the beginning of his journal entry on page 122.
5. What causes Nick’s jealously in the choir room?
6. Besides the metaphor described in number 4 what is another literary device Nick uses in this
journal entry? The device and example.
7. What kinds of things does Nick say to Caitlin after he pulls her from the choir room? Do you
agree with Nick? Why or why not?
8. What does Nick do to Caitlin? What does he think about doing? Are these normal reactions?
Why or why not?
9. Why does Caitlin apologize to Nick? Was it her fault? Why?
Breathing Underwater March 7th--- Ch 13—p127
1. What is the point of Mario’s questioning about what the guys would think if their girlfriends were late
picking them up? What suggestions does he offer to make the situation better?
2. What is the personal violence policy? What is the point of it? Do you think it will work?
3. What is the one thing Nick writes in his policy?
4. Who is waiting for Nick after class?
5. How was Nick the “perfect’ boyfriend after his fight with Caitlin? Do you think these things are really
good qualities of a good boyfriend?
6. What is the significance of Tome sending Nick a carnation saying, “Do us a favor. Wear a mask all year.”?
Think figuratively.
7. What was Nick’s issue with Caitlin being nominated for Homecoming court?
8. What does Elsa compare Caitlin to? What kinds of things does Elsa say about her? Do you agree with
Elsa’s comments or not? Why?
9. Why does Caitlin say she can’t go to Key West? How does Nick react?
10. Why does Nick tell Caitlin, “I’m the only one you can trust.” What do you think he intention is in saying
Breathing Underwater March 18th--- Ch14—138
1. What does Saint say to Nick to try to provoke him?
2. How does Caitlin react when Nick calls her to tell her what Saint said?
3. Why do you think Caitlin agrees to meet Nick?
4. What allusion does Nick make on page 141? What is he describing?
5. How does Caitlin react when Liana says everyone loves her? Is she right? Why or why not?
6. Why do you think Caitlin agrees to stay with Nick?
Breathing Underwater March 25--- Ch 16th--- pg155
1. What is the only aspect of Nicks life that hasn’t “nosedived”? Why is it important to him?
2. Do you agree with Nick’s assessment that Caitlin is kissing Saint to make him jealous? Why
or Why not?
Breathing Underwater March 28th--- Ch 17--- p158
1. Why does he lie to Mario about talking to Caitlin?
2. Why do you think Nick won’t stay and talk since he was the one wanting to talk in the first
3. What help does Mario offer to Nick?
4. How did Zach and Nick treat the man playing the guitar?
5. Why do you think Saint told them to stop and gave the guy 5 dollars?
6. Name 3 instances of Nick’s jealous, controlling behavior in this chapter.
7. What cruel thing did Nick do when he saw Caitlin was “cozy” with Zach?
8. What is the song that was playing at the end of the chapter? Why is it significant?
Breathing Underwater March 29th--- Ch18---166
1. Why is Nick hanging out with Leo? What “bond” do they have?
2. What does Leo question Nick about? Why?
3. What kind of controlling behavior does Leo exhibit? Why does Nick blow it off?
4. What simile does Nick use to describe Leo? What is significant about the comparison?
5. How does Leo get Neysa’s parents to drop the charges?
6. How does Leo “deal” with Hector?
7. What is Caitlin afraid of during their boat trip?
8. How does Nick convince Caitlin to leave her t-shirt on when they go snorkeling? Why does
he do it?
9. What description does Nick make that alludes to the title of the novel?
10. What does Liana convince Caitlin to do that upsets Nick? Why was Caitlin so proud of
11. What prink did Nick and Tom play on Saint?
12. What secret does Tom admit to Nick? Why does Tom tell Nick he’s glad he was first?
Breathing Underwater March 29th--- Ch 19—p 179
1. What does Nick write about in his poem?
2. What does Caitlin want to talk about on the car ride?
3. What does Nick think about when Caitlin says he doesn’t trust her?
4. What story does Nick tell Caitlin about his mom? Why do you think he choose to tell her
that story at that time?
5. What does Nick keep doing during their conversation that terrifies Caitlin? Why does he
do this?
6. What were the circumstances in which Nick hit Caitlin? How does he justify it?
March 30th pg 187 ---ch 20
1. Explain Elsa’s Haiku. What does the symbol of the color green represent in the poem?
2. What simile does Nick use when he hears Elsa’s poem?
3. Why can’t Nick read his poem to the class? How does Higgins react?
4. What happens to Nick when he leaves class?
5. How does Nick react when Caitlin says she can’t see him anymore?
March 30th 193—Ch 21
1. Why does Saint punch Nick? How does Nick react to Saint and Tom?
2. What does Nick give to Caitlin to try to make up for hitting her?
3. How does Caitlin respond when Elsa questions her about the red mark on her cheek?
4. Why do you think Caitlin lies to Elsa?
5. Why do you think Mrs. McCourt says Caitlin can’t keep the ring?
6. What is Caitlin’s reaction to her mother saying she can’t keep the ring?
7. Do you think Caitlin agrees to keep the ring because of her mother or because she really
believes Nick will change?
8. Do you agree with her decision? Why or why not?
March 30th 199—Ch 22
1. Who does Nick meet at the bar? How does he react to the blonde? Why do you think how reacts
this way?
2. Why do you think Leo is with some other girl and not Neysa?
3. What bet had Tom and Liana made? Why is it such a big deal?
4. What does Mrs. Reyes tell Catlin she should try out for? How does Nick react?
5. If Nick was serious about being sorry and wanting to be with Caitlin why is he still treating her
this way?
April 1st 205—Ch 23
1. What does Mrs. Higgins question Nick about? Why?
2. What is Nick worried about after his conversation with Mrs. Higgins?
3. What did Nick’s father question him about when he got home? How does he react to Nick’s
4. Why does Nick want to scream,” Is this the only thing that makes me a man in your eyes?”
5. Why does Nick’s father give him money?
6. What was the one “mistake” Nick’s father has made in his life? Why would he constantly remind
Nick of this?
7. What did Nick want to do with his father’s money? Why?
April 2- pg 211- Ch 24
1. What does the note Mrs. Higgins writes Mr. Andreas say? Why do you think she writes the letter
this way? What does she hope to achieve?
2. What did Higgins want to do with Nick’s poem before she knew it was his? Now that she knows
it is his why does she change her mind?
3. What does Higgin’s say about Nick’s trouble with the law? Do you agree with her? Why or why
4. What does Higgin’s mean when she says, “Your image precedes you into the room. You should
try leaning it at home sometime.”?
5. What is Tom doing when Nick shows up?
6. Why do you think Nick considers telling Tom about his father and Caitlin and him?
7. What kinds of things do Tom and his father argue about?
8. Why doesn’t Tom want to cut his hair for his father even though he offers to buy him a boat?
9. Why doesn’t Nick tell Tom about his relationship with his father?
April 4th 219- Chapter 25
1. What is Mario trying to get Nick to see about his emotions?
2. What metaphor does Nick use to describe Mario’s patients?
3. Why does Mario try to provoke Nick to hit him?
4. What excuses does Nick give for it not being ok to hit Mario but it being ok to hit Caitlin?
5. What does Mick finally admit to Mario?
6. How is Leo acting toward Neysa? Why?
7. What does Nick notice about the way Leo treats Neysa?
8. Why do you think Alex provoked Leo knowing what would happen to Neysa?
9. What news did Saint let slip that angered Nick/
10. How did Nick try to teach Cailtin a lesson about singing in the talent show behind his back?
11. How does this work on Caitlin?
April 11th 231 ch 26
1. How does Leo think he can get Neysa to see he has changed?
2. What is Mario so upset about?
3. How did Tom win his bet with Liana?
4. How did the team get knocked out of regionals?
5. How did Elsa make fin of Nick as she exited the ride?
6. Why does Derek think Caitlin is still singing in the talent show?
A minute later- 236—Ch 27
1. What happened to Neysa and Leo?
2. We finally find out the truth about what caused Neysa’s family to press charges the first time.
What did Leo do?
3. Why does Nick think that what happened with Neysa and Leo could have been him and Caitlin?
4. What does Nick consider doing as the train approaches? What does he do instead? Why do you
think he changes his mind?
5. What surprise did Tom have for the talent show?
6. How did Caitlin end up singing in the talent show? How did Nick react when he found out?
7. What did Nick do to Caitlin after her performance?
8. The entire time during therapy Nick says it was “just one slap,” referring to the incident in the
car. Why do you think the author doesn’t bring up the incident after the talent show until now?
9. Knowing this incident, now how do you feel the same or different toward Nick? Why? How?
10. Who stopped Nick from beating Caitlin? How did he do it?
April 12th – 245 – chapter 27
1. Why does Nick call Caitlin this time?
July 11th—247—Chapter 28
1. How many guys are left in the group on the last day?
2. What is Mario’s final?
3. How does Nick respond to Mario’s question? Explain his response.
4. Explain Mario’s quote, “ You can tell a man there are fifty billion starts in the sky and he’ll
believe you. But if he sees a sign saying wet paint he has to check for himself.”
5. What is Mario’s story? How did he help himself?
6. Explain: “Don’t let that voice be you elevator music. Turn it up ‘til it’s like you’re by the
speaker at Lollapalooza. Then, turn it off and listen to something else.
7. Why did Mario finally stop listening to his father’s voice?
8. What dies Nick “get” that Mario has been trying to teach him?
9. What three out of character things does Nick do after Mario says he has passed the class?
10. Explain the significance of how the title re-appears at the end of the chapter.
July 11th 255- Chapter 29
1. What happens to set Nick’s father off?
2. Why does Nick refuse to clean up the mess?
3. How does Nick finally defend himself?
4. The symbol of the mask re-appears, this time to describe Nick’s father. Explain what it
means for his mask to fall.
Sept 2- 258- chapter 29
1. What is significant about Nick’s father leaving home at 16?
2. What gift does Nick receive for his birthday? How does his father “apologize”?
3. Why does Tom approach Nick in the parking lot?
4. What happened to Caitlin?
5. What kinds of things did Caitlin tell Tom about Nick? Why is Tom upset Nick didn’t tell him?
6. What does Nick say that offends Tom?
7. Why does Liana dump Tom?
8. What does Tom tell Nick he wants?
9. Do you agree or disagree with Tom’s decision to befriend Nick again? Why?