Snowmen At Night


Snowmen At Night by

Carralyn Buehner

Story Type: Imbedded episode (story within a story)

Target Linguistic Element: cohesive ties, vocabulary

Reading/Lang Arts concept: point of view (who is telling the story?)

Grade Level: elementary

Materials: Snowmen At Night book

blank book report form (laminated so you can write on with wipe-

off markers)

ELMO/smart board

list of cohesive tie words – can put on individual strips of paper/

sticky note flags

Snowmen At Night crossword puzzles with word bank (enough for

each student)


1. Read story to class, reviewing meanings of vocabulary words (most will be on the crossword puzzle)

2. Show blank book report form on screen and do together as class:

Discuss what an imbedded story is, and who the story-teller is.

Have students decide where to put the cohesive ties.

Practice retelling the story, using the book report form as a guide.

3. Give each student a crossword puzzle to complete at their desks while you

take data on your speech kiddies :-)

Ellen Weber, Ed.S., CCc-SLP, 2010

Name: ___ _______________ Date: _________________

Book Report

Book Title: ____Snowmen at Night________ Author: ___Caralyn Buehner_____

Main Character/Story-teller: Who is the story about? Give some details!

This story is about ________________who _____________________.

Setting: Where/ when does your story take place?

______________ one _________ ____ ______ __________________________ ,

(where) (summer/winter) (morning/ afternoon/ night)

Initiating Event: What happened to the character to cause him/her to do something?

He noticed ______________________________________________.

Internal Response: What are the character’s feelings about what happened?

He felt ________________________________________________.

Plan: What did the character do? Think about the kick off and the internal response.

Attempt: How does the character try to solve the problem?

Direct Consequence: What happened as a result of the action/attempts?

Resolution: How does the character feel about the direct consequence?
