A Barrios Alternative Analysis Assignment.doc

Literary Analysis Alternative Assignment Using Word and Image
(If not using Common Text)
For this paper you will compare and contrast two works of art, poems or short stories. Be
sure to choose two items worthy of comparison. You may compare and contrast any of
the poems, images, stories or songs from Topic Clusters 11, 12, 17 or 18 in Word and
You should consult chapters 12, 16, 17 and 18 for guidance depending on your choice.
Ch. 12 Writing About Poetry includes information about responding to poetry
Ch. 16 Writing About the Humanities (462) includes information about how to respond to
songs and other works of art.
Ch. 17 Writing About Art and Architecture (478) gives information about comparing
Ch. 18 Writing About Music and Dance (510) gives information about what to consider
when writing about music.
An essay that uses comparison and contrast analyzes at least two subjects by comparing
their similarities, contrasting their differences, or both.
A good compare and contrast essay will usually have the following characteristics:
 The two subjects are related in a meaningful way and have enough in common to
be compared or contrasted.
 The essay should be written to help readers make a decision or understand the
subjects being compared or contrasted
 The essay should make use of parallel points of comparison or contrast.
 The essay’s thesis statement will identify the subjects to be compared or
contrasted and what is to be learned from doing so.
 The essay provides an opportunity to present material using logical organization.
There are two common methods for organizing compare and contrast essays. They can
be organized by the subjects themselves (first one, then the other) or they can be
organized by the points in the argument (back and forth between the two).