Mr. Huang-Dale December 2009 WOMAN HOLLERING CREEK Quiz Questions / Notes for Discussion Chapters 1-7 (pp 3-23) Qian and Kathryn 1. What do Lucy, Rachel and Salvador have in common? 2. What’s so special about the (Mexican) movies? 3. Why does the author keep saying “So what if” on page 16 (Barbies)? 4. What are “Mericans”? How can they tell they aren’t Mexicans? 5. How does the author change in Tepeyac? 6. How do these 2 women symbolize the cultural differences that the author and her friends are crossing? QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Mr. Huang-Dale December 2009 WOMAN HOLLERING CREEK Quiz Questions / Notes for Discussion Chapters 8-9 (pp 27-40) Shihan ONE HOLY NIGHT 1. What is the narrator’s relationship to Boy Baby (Chaq)? 2. What happens on the “Holy Night”? 3. How does the narrator feel about what happened to her? MY TOCAYA 4. What do the narrator and Patricia Beneavidez have in common? Mr. Huang-Dale December 2009 WOMAN HOLLERING CREEK Quiz Questions / Notes for Discussion Chapters 10-13 (pp 43-60) Mai WOMAN HOLLERING CREEK 1. How does Jose treat Cleofilas? Why? 2. How is Cleofilas like the Woman Hollering (La Llorona)? MARLBORO MAN 3. Who are the two people discussing the Marlboro Man? 4. Do they admire the Marlboro Man? How do you know? BONUS 5. What does Felice do when she crosses Woman Hollering Creek? Mr. Huang-Dale December 2009 WOMAN HOLLERING CREEK Quiz Questions / Notes for Discussion Chapters 12-13 (pp 61-67) Mr. H-D LA FABULOSA 6. What makes Carmen “La Fabulosa” (the fabulous woman)? REMEMBER THE ALAMO 7. What does Tristan do for his work? 8. Describe Tristan’s personality. 9. Who does Tristan want to love him? BONUS 10. Who is Carmen’s last lover? Mr. Huang-Dale December 2009 WOMAN HOLLERING CREEK Quiz Questions / Notes for Discussion Chapters 14 (pp 68-83) Duy NEVER MARRY A MEXICAN 1. Is the story teller married? 2. What does the story teller do for work? 3. What is the story teller’s relationship to Drew? 4. Who can never marry a Mexican? Who is the Mexican? BONUS 5. What does the story teller say that Drew’s wife looks like? Mr. Huang-Dale December 2009 WOMAN HOLLERING CREEK Quiz Questions / Notes for Discussion Chapters 15-16 (pp 84-113) Robin / Mehmet BREAD What happened between the storyteller and him before he was married, before his kids? QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. EYES OF ZAPATA Emiliano Zapata was 31 years old when he married Josefa Espejo, the daughter of a livestock dealer in Villa de Ayala. By that time Zapata already had one child by another woman, Nicolas. Who is the storyteller? How is the storyteller like La Llorona, the Hollering Woman? What is Miliano’s pastimes? BONUS Who is the storyteller talking to in “Eyes of Zapata”? Mr. Huang-Dale December 2009 WOMAN HOLLERING CREEK Quiz Questions / Notes for Discussion Chapters 17-19 (pp 114-134) Konstantin ANGUIANO RELIGIOUS ARTICLES What is the relationship between the two main characters? LITTLE MIRACLES Who are these people writing to and why are they writing? What does lost causes mean in this letter? “Saint Jude, patron saint of lost causes, Help me pass my English 320, British Restoration Literature class and everything to turn out ok. Eliberto Gonzalez, Dallas” On page 122-23 a letter is written in code with numbers. Why? LOS BOXERS Does the man like what his wife does with his boxers? Why or why not? Mr. Huang-Dale December 2009 WOMAN HOLLERING CREEK Quiz Questions / Notes for Discussion Chapters 20-21 (pp 135-end) Laura / Anna TIN TAN TAN Who is the poet (storyteller) of this chapter? How does he write his lovers name into this poem? BIEN PRETTY How is the storyteller connected to the poet of Tin Tin Tan? On page 149 how do they compare Asian and Mexican cultures? According to this story teller what is the Spanish language good for doing?