Lesson 8: effects articles worksheet

The summer monsoon brings huge amounts of moisture from the
Indian Ocean causing massive flooding in many areas. This
flooding can destroy the infrastructure (houses, businesses etc) of
the region if people are not properly prepared.
Although monsoons have the ability to damage, they have become
an intricate part of society, changing agricultural patterns and
affecting people’s lives in many ways as people learn to live with
the dry and flooding seasons of monsoons.
In the worst floods India has seen, officials say at least 1,000
people died in western India because of the flooding . On Monday,
officials warned of more flooding and advised people to stay
"The drains are choked. We still have no electricity," said Hafeez Irani, a construction worker.
This is dangerous as people don’t have any clean, safe water to drink and there is a risk of
water contamination, which makes the risk of disease greater. Hospitals are stretched to the
maximum dealing with the injuries.
Since the rain began one week ago, people have been knee-deep in water. In some areas,
water levels are up to 7 feet high. The flooding has left many of Mumbai’s residents without
water or electricity. Many are worried about the threat of disease because of the number of
animals that have drowned. This has contaminated the water.
These monsoons are especially useful for India, Bangladesh and Burma or Myanmar bringing a large portion of their water supply and providing valuable water for. The economy
of these countries largely depends on the success of this season growing crops. People’s
livelihoods depend on the rainy season. However, if there is too much or too little rain then
nothing will grow properly brining more damage.
Though monsoons are often associated with devastating effects, including famine, the overall
effects of the season are positive.
Drought: The countries affected by monsoon season welcome
the rain as a point at which drought ends, there is enough water,
and crops such as rice can be grown. However, if the rainfall in
this season is below average then further drought can be
devastating. This leads to food supplies dwindling and crops
unable to grow, and many of the area's inhabitants may die of
Floods: Those who make their living from the land welcome the season, where the rains will
make a large contribution to the crops they produce. However, when too much rain comes in
a short period of time this can cause flash floods that not only damage crops and drown
livestock, but also harm inhabitants of the area. However, in less extreme forms these floods
help to fertilise the soil.
Agriculture and Economy: The patterns of the monsoon have a huge impact on farmers and
their crops and livestock. If the rains don't come as expected then farming patterns can be
disrupted. Not to mention the effects of drought and flood, as covered above. The economy of
many Indian countries greatly depends on agriculture, meaning that the disruption not only
harms health and availability of food, but the economy as a whole and food prices rise
The heavy rains also caused massive landslides south of Mumbai, which killed several
hundred people.
Critics say the government has been slow to cleanup the devastated city. They are
demanding that the government do something immediately. About 130,000 city workers have
been working to unclog drains and restore electricity and safe drinking water.
The summer monsoon brings huge amounts of rainfall
causing massive flooding in many parts of India. This flooding
can destroy houses, businesses etc, especially if people are
not properly prepared.
Since the rain began one week ago, people have been kneedeep in water. In some areas, water levels are up to 7 feet
high. The flooding has left many of Mumbai’s residents
without water or electricity.
Many are worried about the spread disease because of the
number of animals that have drowned which makes the water
However, the monsoons can be useful for India too. They bring a huge amount of water
supplying valuable water for crops. This is helpful for farmers who rely on the rain to grow
crops. They can then sell the crops to make money for their families. People’s livelihoods
depend on the rainy season. However, if there is too much or too little rain then nothing will
grow properly brining more damage.
So the monsoons can have positive and negative effects for people in India.
Environment (land,
property, etc)
Environment (land,
property, etc)