Statistics Survey Project: High School Assignment

Statistics Survey Project
Step I:
Get in groups of 2 or 3 members (or you may choose to work alone).
Choose a population that you want to gather data from.
Brainstorm possible survey questions (at least 10) and methods of selecting a non-biased
Step II:
Each group gets survey topic and ideas approved by Mrs. Bogues by explaining
• General description of project idea
• Description of how you will get your sample (at least 50 people)
Include how randomization will be used to select your sample
and how you collect our data
Step III:
Create survey and gather data
Step IV:
Organize, summarize, and analyze your data.
Step V:
Prepare a power point or other presentation that documents your work.
Your presentation should include each of the sections described below. The finished product will be
evaluated according to the rubric on the attached page, so read it carefully.
Topic/Title - Clear and completely descriptive.
Background - Why did you decide to investigate this topic/question? Why is it interesting and
 Methodology – Explain how you gathered your data (be specific)
o Describe and defend your method of sample selection (explain why this was unbiased).
o Explain your randomization process.
o Carefully explain when, where, and how you executed the project..
Data - Organize your data
o Analysis - Include appropriate graphical and numerical summaries - bar graphs, pie
charts, counts, proportions, percents.
o Interpretation - Discuss what the data tells you about the project.
Pitfalls and extensions - Share any difficulties you experienced during the project. What might
you do differently if you were to repeat the project? Are there any possible extensions of this
project that might prove interesting?
Statistics Survey Project Scoring Rubric
Your work will be evaluated on a 0 to 4 scale on each item below.
Topic/Title and Background
The project selected is clearly stated. The background explains why the group chose this project and
explains why it might be useful.
Sampling/Survey Procedure
The chosen sampling/ survey procedure is appropriate for addressing the selected topic/question, is
described accurately, and is implemented according to the stated plan.
The randomization process includes a clear and correct labeling of subjects, a description of the number
selection process (random number table or calculator), and the results of that randomization (i.e. the
numbers and subjects chosen). In addition, the randomization process matches the chosen sampling
Data Recording and Summarization (including tables and/or graphs)
The data is summarized in an appropriate neat and accurate form. This should be both in sentence and
graph or tables.
Pitfalls and Extensions
Explain any problems that you encountered, and clearly explain how you dealt with each of these issues.
In addition, share at least one possible extension of the survey project (what would you do next time to
make it better).
English Mechanics
Writing is grammatically correct, is punctuated properly, and flows logical from one point to the next.
No spelling mistakes!!