1920`s Reading #2

1920’s Reading #2
Click on the following:
Scroll to the bottom and click on: “Learn More About the 1920’s”
Click on the articles below in bold and answer the questions:
When did the U.S. go dry?
What two organizations led the movement?
What was Prohibition linked to?
What were women reformers concerned about?
What were industrialists concerned about?
What did advocates of Prohibition argue that?
What made Prohibition seem patriotic?
When did Congress pass the 18th Amendment?
What did the amendment’s proponents argue?
What did the Anti-Saloon League call Milwaukee’s brewers?
What did the brewing industry argue?
What did many ethnic Americans view (even after Prohibition was enacted)?
What did the 18th Amendment ban?
What did the Volstead Act do?
What did advocates not believe it was necessary to do?
What did Indiana ban?
What did Vermont require?
What was impossible?
What was widespread?
Who was enforcement of Prohibition originally assigned to?
Why did Prohibition fail?
In what way did Prohibition briefly pay some public health dividends?
What did Prohibition quickly produce?
How many illegal speakeasies were there in 1927?
What did Prohibition also foster?
What did Al Capone’s organization have on its payroll?
What filled the vacuum left by the closure of the legal alcohol industry?
How did Anheuser Bush make it through Prohibition?
When did the noble experiment end?
What do critics argue today (about the impact of Prohibition)?
What do their opponents argue?
Today, what is alcohol linked to each year?
Immigration Retriction
What did American industry, steamship companies, and railroads do before World War I?
What did opponents of restriction succeed in?
What did World War I reveal?
What did some opponents of immigration argue?
What did organized labor fear?
What did many businessmen fear?
What compromise was reached (over immigration)?
What did Congress do (about immigration) in 1924?
Sacco and Vanzetti
Who was Nicola Sacco?
Who was Bartolomeo Vanzetti?
What were they accused of?
Why did their trial arouse intense controversy?
Besides being Italian immigrants, what else were they?
What was the atmosphere seething about?
What led the police to focus on local anarchists?
What was their trial marred by?
The trial was a ______________.
What did the prosecution play heavily on?
What did the jury foreman mutter?
What did the judge urge the jury to remember?
What happened to them in 1927?
What do many historians now believe?
The New Woman
What did American women receive in 1920?
What did male politicians do at first?
What did Congress pass?
Why did the early momentum quickly disappear?
What was the issue that split feminists?
What happened to many feminist goals in the mid-1920’s?
Why did the American Federation of Labor remain openly hostile to women?
What were traditional “female” occupations?
What were “torches of freedom”?
How did advertisers popularize smoking?