40 - Differentiated Instruction.doc

DAY 10 – Differentiated Instruction
Day 10: Differentiated Instruction
1. Students will be able to Identify activities that demonstrate Differentiated
2. Students will be able to create role-play scenario that demonstrate an
understanding of Differentiated Instruction
3. Students will be able to design a Differentiated “interpretation" activity using
material from their textbook.
1. Warm-up: 15 minutes
1. In 1 minute, list the different activities you did in the English Skills
2. 3:2-3:2 – You and a partner discuss what activities helped you the
3. Brief sharing time
2. Define/Discuss: 10 minutes
Differentiated Instruction- Meeting the needs of multi- level students with
open-ended activities, encourages low students and demands more from higher
level students.
Tiered Lesson - A tiered lesson is a differentiation strategy that addresses a
particular standard, key concept, and generalization, but allows several pathways
for students to arrive at an understanding of these components based on their
interests, readiness, or learning profiles.
3. Activity: 25 minutes
1. Dissect a Lesson as a Whole Group [*see sample tiered lesson plans]
2. In a group of 4-5 people, create Tier 1, 2 & 3 lesson activities (2 each)
“Role-play” [refer back to Bloom’s Taxonomy]
for a
3. Create a master list of tiered activities
Afternoon Practicum:
1. Students will work in their small classes to create role-play scenarios
with their pre-written curriculum.
2. Students will share their role-plays in their small groups
3. Students will choose the top 2 to share with the entire class
4. Students will select written passages (poetry is preferred) from their
curriculum and create Tier 1, 2 & 3 “Interpretation” activities.
5. Students will work collaboratively in small groups to design activities
that meet the needs of a variety of student levels.
Creative Writing - Poetry Project
Sandy Lepine
Due Date_______________
Section I "C" Level
The purpose of this project is to complete a collection of poetry using a variety of techniques studied in
class, which provide the reader with a glimpse of who you are.
Read all directions carefully, you may set a goal for your own grade.
Samples of each poem are attached.
I. "C" is a grade you can aim for if you complete all of the following: ( at total of
three poems)
1. Self-Portrait poem
A. Write a poem, 9-11 stanzas in length, about yourself.
B. OPTIONS: See yourself from various angles, in various settings at different times, seasons, ages,
involved in various actions, captured in various moods. Describe yourself using a variety of voices: your
mother's, your brother's, your friend's, your teacher's, a stranger's. In addition to making statements, you
can ask questions, issue orders, moan, and shout, speaking to whomever you wish.
C. Remember that what you are after is character, personality: what the artist tries to capture in painting a
2. Memory-Poem
A. Write a poem based on a memory.
B. It may help if you speak, in your poem, to the person with whom you shared the experience.
3. Unforgettable Person poem
Write a poem describing an adult in your life whom you find, for one reason or another, unforgettable. This
should not be someone who is a celebrity, but someone from your life.
4. All three poems must be typed.
5. At least one poem must be shared aloud with class for feedback.
6. Must be ready by due date.
II. "B" is a grade you can aim for if you complete all of the work required for
"C", plus the following ( a total of five poems):
4. "Bitterness poem"
A. Write a poem that illustrates the feeling of bitterness, anger, protest, or even hate.
B. Despite the negative feeling, the one requirement is that the poem, as always, be honestly expressed.
5. "Awe Poem"
A. Write a poem, reliving the experience of awe.
6. All five poems must be typed.
7. At least two poems must be shared aloud with the class for feedback.
8. Must be ready by due date.
III. "A" is a grade you can aim for if you complete all of the work required for "C"
and "B", plus the following (six poems presented as a whole):
6. "Invitation Poem"
A. This poem will serve as the opening of your collection. It's purpose is to "invite" the reader to read your
poems to get to know you. (May be easier to write this one last, even if its placement is first.)
7. The collection of poems must be typed and arranged as a visual presentation.
This may include: poster, tape recording, art project, collage, etc.)
8. Must be ready by due date. Whole collection must be presented to the class
aloud for feedback.
Poetry Unit
by Lisa von Braun
Boston, MA
Royal Blue Literature book: p.986- Poetry- Sonnet 18 - VOCABULARY temperate p.990, tyranny,
William Shakespeare -p.990 The Waking-Theodore
eternal p.990, anguished, diminution, articulate
Roethke- p.986 Oh City, Oh City - Delmore Schwartz
Literary Terms Review onomatopoeia p. 945 assonance
p.945 consonance p.945 simile metaphor alliteration
Literary Terms : sonnet p. 985 villanelle
p.985 iambic pentameter iamb p.R9 meter p.R9
metric foot/feet p.R9
Iambic Pentameter The sonnet requires a consistent
metrical pattern; the fundamental pattern of the sonnet in
English is iambic pentameter. Iambic pentameter means, in
strict terms, there should be 10 syllables and 5 accents or
stresses per line, patterned so that the stresses fall on the
even-numbered syllables.
When I have fears that I may cease to be
Before my pen has gleaned my teeming
brain / when I/ have FEARS/ that I/ may
CEASE/ to BE/ / be FORE/ my PEN/ has
pattern is composed entirely of iambs, units of
2 syllables with the first unstressed and the
second stressed: / iamb/ iamb/ iamb/ iamb/
iamb/ / iamb/ iamb/ iamb/ iamb/ iamb/
Level C - Must complete at least two from this section.
C1 Take 5 literary terms above and find one example of each (either paste into Word document or copy
down) = 10 points
C2 Read the poem Sonnet 18 p. 990 . Answer #1-5 p.990= 15 points
C3 Write three sentences entirely in iambic pentameter, mark the metric feet=15 points
C4 Recite any poem by Delmore Schwartz, Shakespeare, or Theodore Roethke aloud to the class= 5 points
- *can repeat with a different poem for added credit.
C5 Use one vocabulary word or literary term above to write a sentence. Your sentence needs to reflect that
you know the meaning of the word +each sentence uses a new word. Ten sentences total. = 15 points.
C6 Define the following terms: Iamb, Trochee, Anapest, Dactyl and Spondee= 15 points
C7 Make 10 neat Greek Root flashcards using the book provided by the teacher. Place the root on one side,
the definition on the other. = 10 points (quiz the class for an added five points) = 15 points
C8 Vocab Packet- each page is 10 points (if entirely correct)
B1 Write a brief biography (300 or more words) - IN YOUR OWN WORDS- on
Delmore Schwartz. See www.poets.org or
for ideas. Must be in your own words entirely or it will be returned with no points = 25 points.
B2 Read p. 985 - Create a PowerPoint slide show that explains haiku, tanka, sonnet and villanelle as
poetic forms. Use definitions and examples taken from poems to explain the meaning of these terms= 25
points Present to the class for an additional 10 points
Create a slide show which explains Iambic Pentameter, including Iamb, Trochee, Anapest, Dactyl, and
Spondee. Use examples, perhaps animation= 25 points Present to the class for an additional 10 points
B3 Find ONE another poem by Delmore Schwartz, Theodore Roethke, or William Shakespeare. Analyze
the poem. Show where the poet is using techniques such as rhyme scheme, alliteration, simile, metaphor,
meter etc. You may copy the poem from the web, highlight or use Word/Inspiration to diagram where the
author uses techniques and literary terms. = 25 points
Level A - Only one from this section.
A1 Design assignment with teacher that covers sonnets or poets we are working on this week/memorize
one of the sonnets and perform for the class = 35 points
A2 Compare Shakespeare's sonnet to Delmore Schwartz' sonnet. Why do you think the poet used this form
for the poem? How is the subject matter different/the same? Each of the poets is comparing something analyze how each poet compares, what examples/metaphors they choose, what literary techniques they use
to craft the poem. Your analysis should run 150-200 words (minimum) = 35 points
To email me: lvonbraun@techboston.org
I Am a Book I Neither Wrote nor Read By Delmore Schwartz
I am a book I neither wrote nor read,
A comic, tragic play in which new masquerades
Astonishing as guns crackle like raids
Newly each time, whatever one is prepared
To come upon, suddenly dismayed and afraid,
As in the dreams which make the fear of sleep
The terror of love, the depth one cannot leap.
How the false truths of the years of youth have passed!
Have passed at full speed like trains which never stopped
There where I stood and waited, hardly aware,
How little I knew, or which of them was the one
To mount and ride to hope or where true hope arrives.
I no more wrote than read that book which is
The self I am, half-hidden as it is
From one and all who see within a kiss
The lounging formless blackness of an abyss.
How could I think the brief years were enough
To prove the reality of endless love?
Sonnet: O City, City By Delmore Schwartz
To live between terms, to live where death
Has his loud picture in the subway ride,
Being amid six million souls, their breath
An empty song suppressed on every side,
Where the sliding auto's catastrophe
Is a gust past the curb, where numb and high
The office building rises to its tyranny,
Is our anguished diminution until we die.
Whence, if ever, shall come the actuality
Of a voice speaking the mind's knowing,
The sunlight bright on the green windowshade,
And the self articulate, affectionate, and flowing,
Ease, warmth, light, the utter showing,
When in the white bed all things are made.
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? (Sonnet 18) William Shakespeare
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date.
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimmed;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st,
Nor shall death brag thou wand'rest in his shade,
When in eternal lines to Time thou grow'st.
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
That time of year thou mayst in me behold (Sonnet 73) William Shakespeare
That time of year thou mayst in me behold
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
In me thou see'st the twilight of such day
As after sunset fadeth in the west;
Which by and by black night doth take away,
Death's second self, that seals all up in rest.
In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire,
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As the deathbed whereon it must expire,
Consumed with that which it was nourished by.
This thou perceiv'st, which makes thy love more strong,
To love that well which thou must leave ere long.