SYSTEM TRAINING PLAN (STRAP) FOR THE TACTICAL EXPLOITATION SYSTEM TES AN/TSQ-219 (V) Systems Approval Date: 14 Sep 01 Date: 10 April 2001 Milestone III (Revision) Proponent School: USAIC&FH ATTN: ATZS-FDR-TL Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613-6000 Table of Contents* Paragraph Page Title 1 System Description 1 2 Target Audience 2 3 Assumptions 2 4 Training Constraints (AC/RC) 4 5 Training Concepts (AC/RC) 4 6 Training Strategy 5 7 Training Products 7 8 Training Support 11 9 Post-Fielding Training Evaluation Summary 13 Annex Title Page A Target Audience A1 B Combined Arms Training Strategy (CATS) Individual Training Strategies (Warrior) B1 C CATS Short-range Unit Training Strategies (Warfighter) C1 D Training Development Milestone Schedule D1 E Resources E1 F References F1 G Coordination G1 H Acronyms H1 I Training Aids, Devices, Simulations, and Simulators (TADSS) Requirements I1 i SYSTEM TRAINING PLAN (STRAP) FOR THE TACTICAL EXPLOITATION SYSTEM (TES) 1. System Description: The TES is a new multi-purpose system that incorporates all Tactical Exploitation for National Capabilities (TENCAP) functions into a single system. TES consolidates the Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) and Imagery Intelligence (IMINT) capabilities of the Modernized Imagery Exploitation System (MIES), Enhanced Tactical Radar Correlator (ETRAC), and the Advanced Electronic Processing Dissemination System (AEPDS). TES is the objective TENCAP preprocessor for national and theater SIGINT and IMINT data. The TES will perform preprocessor functions for the All-Source Analysis System (ASAS), Common Ground Station (CGS), and the Digital Topographic Support System (DTSS). The TES will also be a downlink for broadcast signals intelligence from the Guardrail Common Sensor (GRCS), and its follow-on system, the Aerial Common Sensor. In addition, TES will be able to receive, process and exploit imagery from the PREDATOR UAV-MAE, Global Hawk UAV-HAE, ARL, ACS, and selected commercial imaging satellites. a. Configuration. The TES consists of two component groups, a TES Forward (TES-F) and a TES Main (TES-M). The TES Forward consists of eight HMMWVs, four generators and support equipment. TES Main consists of four low profile vans (with prime movers), a generator system, and one FMTV. The TES uses JTA and standard protocols compliant with Department of Defense (DoD) and national architectures. The baseline system will have 18 workstations to meet the throughput requirements of the tactical situation and is able to support Joint and Combined operations. TES workstations are reconfigurable and able to perform all TES subfunctions (e.g., IMINT, SIGINT, supervisor, resource manager, collection manager, data base manager, maintainer, etc.) without function specific modification. This easily deployable configuration provides the commander with a highly flexible, modular system that can be used for split base operations. The configuration also provides quick set-up/tear-down for rapid deployment and drive-on/drive-off capability on the C-130 military aircraft. Set up time for TES-F is two hours and TES-M is eight hours. (1) The system is Demand Assigned Multiple Access (DAMA) suited, utilizing the SUCCESS DAMA radio, Sterling Communications Support Package (CSP) capable of operating on a wide area network, is compatible and interoperable with common user networks including the Integrated Broadcast Service (IBS), Global Broadcast System (GBS), Defense Message System (DMS), Secure Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET), Joint World-wide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS), and the Nonsecure Internet Protocol Router (NIPRNET). The TES supports connectivity with TROJAN Special Purpose Integrated Remote Intelligence Terminal (SPIRIT) and TROJAN Basic Architecture Receive Element (BARE) to receive national primary imagery. The TES contains a Modular Interoperable Surface Terminal (MIST) antenna interface for receipt of the Dual Data Link from theater IMINT. A MiDAS provides S-band transmit and receive capability of national SIGINT, Secondary Imagery Dissemination System (SIDS) and formatted message traffic. b. First Unit Equipped (FUE) Dates: Initial fielding will begin FY00 and be completed in FY07. 1 (1) TES-F - XVIII Airborne Corps in 4QFY99 (2) TES-M fielding to XVIII Airborne Corps in 3QFY00 (3) TES-F and TES-M to 5TH Corps in 2QFY01 2. Target Audience. A systems orientation briefing will be incorporated within the following, United States Army Intelligence Center and Fort Huachuca (USAIC&FH) related ELINT Analyst, (98J), SIGINT Analyst, (98C), and Imagery Analyst, (96D), basic courses, as well as Noncommissioned officer (NCO), officer and warrant officer (350D, 352C, and 352J) courses. No new additional skills are anticipated for satellite communications system operatormaintainers (31S). Soldiers and leaders within these intelligence related MOSs assigned to TES equipped units will receive resident TES operator/supervisor level instruction at USAIC&FH. Upon completion of the course, operators, and supervisors will be awarded Additional Skill Identifier (ASI) 2T. Maintainer/integrators holding MOS 33W will receive ASI 4T. Gaining units will receive New Equipment Training (NET). Upon completion of NET, units will receive a sustainment package to support individual and collective task training. 3. Assumptions. a. Facilities. The existing TENCAP Analyst training facility in Rm. 19, Friedman Hall will be utilized for TES Analyst course. This facility is currently used by the TENCAP Data Analyst Course (TDAC). The TDAC will be the foundation for TES institutional training. This facility is currently funded by United States Army Space Program Office (USASPO). USASPO will continue current funding as well as provide necessary upgrades to this facility for integrating TES analyst training. The Plug & Play classroom will be used to train TES software as applicable. The training capability at USAIC&FH will include a collaborative training capability through connectivity with the Digital TOC IAW OPORD 00-01, USAIC Transformation, USAIC&FH, 01 Aug 00. This training capability will allow data exchange and analyst interaction. b. Individual Training (1) The prerequisite for individual training requires soldiers be assigned or enroute to TES equipped unit as an operator/analyst or in supervisory position. (2) The program of instruction (POI) for the existing ten week TENCAP Data Analyst Course (TDAC), funded by USASPO, will serve as the cornerstone for TES system training without an increase in the overall length of the course. (3) The TES software architecture supports operator training using operational equipment and software without impeding or interfering with mission operations. (4) Instructors from the TDAC functional course in cooperation with the Course Manager and NSTO Training Developers will develop Analyst/Operator reference booklets and 2 on the job training guides for TES equipped units to incorporate as part of the NET training support package (TSP). c. Collective Training (1) Collective training will be supported by existing scenario driven exercises customized by the USAIC&FH Simulation Center (SIMCENTER). The Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Tactical Proficiency Trainer (IEWTPT), once operational at USAIC&FH, will support collective training. (2) The USAIC&FH Simulation Center (SIMCENTER) is resourced with personnel and funds from the Intelligence Center to customize scenario-driven exercises necessary for TES training. Specific unit simulation applications are funded by the requesting unit. d. Resources (1) USASPO will fund training equipment and/or upgrades to existing training components. (2) USASPO will fund the TES portion of a collaborative training capability at Ft. Huachuca, implemented by the Intelligence Center. Additionally, USASPO will assist in funding HPW for TES maintainers, as well as necessary periodic equipment and software upgrades for HPW. (3) ASPO provides resources for the New Systems Training Office (NSTO) to participate in training development meetings, integrated logistic support management team meetings, inprocess reviews, factory training for developmental testing/operational testing training development, doctrine and tactics training (DTT), instructor and key personnel training (IKPT), and other activities requiring proponent support. (4) Resources from USASPO will be available to USAIC & FH for resident training, distance learning, Army Training and Evaluation Program (ARTEP), and Combined Arms Training Strategy (CATS) training development. (5) The PM will provide funds to interface with the IEWTPT, when fielded (see Annex I). e. Training Implementation. (1) Soldiers assigned to TES-equipped units will attend the TDAC prior to reporting to the gaining unit. (2) Soldiers operating, maintaining, and supporting the MIES, ETRAC, and AEPDS legacy systems are capable of performing collective and individual tasks on the TES. 3 f. Maintenance. (1) USASPO will provide (fund) hardware maintenance for the life of the system(s). (2) Logistic Support Analysis Record (LSAR). USASPO will provide logistic support analysis record data to the Intelligence Center no later than six months prior to the start of training. This data will include the task and skills analysis, gross task list, spare parts list, and training device requirements. g. Training Devices. ASPO will fund Intelligence Center system training devices, training materials and lesson plans, workstations, or upgrades to existing workstations and components for TES training. Additionally, ASPO will provide system and software upgrades and integration for the life of the system. Initial delivery and upgrades will be provided to the Intelligence Center no later than six months prior to course start. 4. Training Constraints. System Manprint Management Plan (SMMP) was not done because ASPO has a unique charter that allows rapid development and fielding of capabilities that leverage national systems technologies to provide support to the operational commander. Supporting references listed below: a. Chief of Staff Memorandum dated 29 March 1993, Subject: Charter of the U.S. Army Space Program Office (USASPO). b. Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Office of the Secretary of the Army and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) dated 22 September 1997. c. Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) and the U.S. Space and Strategic Defense Command (SSDC) dated 18 February 1997. 5. Training Concept (AC/RC). a. Active Component. (AC) (1) Doctrine and Tactics Training (DTT) will be developed by the NSTO Training Developer in concert with contractor and USASPO. DTT will take advantage of existing TENCAP system applications. TES system courseware, funded by the PM, will be implemented by the New Equipment Training Team (NETT) and used as a basis to develop institutional training as well as development of unit sustainment training materials. The NETT will train each unit at initial fielding using contractor developed training material. The NETT will cover all aspects of TES operations including; Operator, Maintainer and Supervisor. Resident and nonresident instruction will be performance oriented taking full advantage of the analytical functionality of the TES. Programs of instruction will concentrate on applying AIT acquired MOS skills and knowledge using TES functionality. 4 (2) TES will incorporate distance learning technologies such as contractor support for application upgrades via the secure Internet (e.g. JWICS) and access to existing and future Intelligence Center developed training material through the same network. Training aides, devices and training simulators provided by the contractor and funded by the PM include operational software, operator-level embedded training, CBT in CD-ROM format, analyst/operator handbooks and doctrinal literature and robust simulations. Emphasis will be given to noncommissioned officers and warrant officers, providing them with the requisite knowledge and understanding of system implementation and operations to supervise the operation of TES. (3) Institutional training will be provided through USAIC&FH using the existing TDAC and will continue as it transitions to meet TES training needs. The Plug & Play classroom will be utilized to train TES operational software to the fullest extent possible. The training capability at USAIC&FH will include a collaborative training capability through connectivity with the Digital TOC IAW OPORD 00-01, USAIC Transformation, USAIC&FH, 01 Aug 00. This training capability will allow data exchange and analyst interaction. (4) The IEWTPT, when fielded, will be used to provide sustainment and proficiency training for operators and crews. The TES Trainer will interface with IEWTPT for training simulations and proficiency training (see Annex I). (5) Although TES is an operational and theater Intelligence and Electronic Warfare (IEW) asset and the Combined Arms Training Strategy (CATS) is designed to meet the needs of echelons below corps, CATS will apply to TES as a result of its ability to provide timely intelligence support to army tactical operations. b. Reserve Component (RC). No TES equipment or systems are scheduled for fielding to the RC. The Intelligence Center will provide training handouts and additional training products upon request to units that have personnel serving in TES MOSs or branches to use in their unit-level training programs. Active Component units equipped with the TES and supplemented by RC units for training may incorporate TES training into their training cycles. RC may attend TDAC while serving on active duty. 6. Training Strategy (AR/RC) a. The New Equipment Training Team (NETT). (1) USASPO provides (funds) the TES NET to gaining units. The NETT, comprised of contractor subject matter experts (SMEs) for each training area of concentration. NETT will train test personnel and player units prior to evaluations, customer acceptance tests and operational tests. NSTO personnel will evaluate the NETT. In addition to NETT support to fielded units the NETT will provide instructor and key personnel (IKPT) to the Intelligence Center. Structured DTT developed jointly by USAIC Training Developers, the Contractor and USASPO for operators, supervisors, commanders and their staff is incorporated within the NET. DTT will be based on existing TENCAP system applications refined to accommodate TES 5 functionality. New equipment training will rely heavily on the use of robust simulations, supporting both individual and collective training. Upon completion of NET, the gaining unit, using a system-orientated scenario-driven exercise will conduct a field training exercise (FTX). NETT personnel will perform observer/controller duties and evaluate performance during the FTX. Additionally, they will provide feedback upon FTX completion. (2) The NETT trains, 98J Noncommunications Interceptor/Analyst, 33W Electronic Warfare/Intercept Systems Repairer, 96D Imagery Analyst, 98C Traffic Analyst, MOS 31S Satellite Communications System Operator Maintainer select warrant officers holding MOS 350D, Imagery Intelligence Technician and 352J, Emanations Analysis Technician operators on the operation of TES, incorporating the use of their MOS skills. Training will focus on conducting IEW operations in support of an Analysis and Control Element. (3) NET will be performance oriented, combining traditional classroom instruction with extensive use of actual TES software and hardware. NET will encompass all areas of TES operations and maintenance. These operator and maintainer/integrators functions include communications and communications support, SIGINT/IMINT/MASINT processing and exploitation, support to targeting, mission/asset management, system control and monitoring, database management, set-up and tear down, airload operations, environmental controls, and power plant operations. The NET products will be left with the unit as part of a larger TES training support package (TSP). The TSP will provide TES equipped units with the necessary training materials to sustain learned individual crew and collective skills. NET leave behind training materials will include at a minimum: technical manuals, user manuals, lesson plans, student training guides, practical exercises and tests. NET training materials and references will be in hard copy format and CD-ROM, as well as CBT. Updates to the training material and references will be delivered in the same media. b. Individual Training (Warrior). (1) The strategy for training the TES is to integrate as many hands-on situationally based training events as possible highlighting operator/leader task and skills analysis. TES unique communications and communications maintenance training will be conducted by the NET Team/Contractor at the gaining units. (2) Select soldiers holding MOS 33W, 96D, 98C, 98J, and select warrant officers holding MOS 350D and 352J that are assigned or enroute to TES equipped units will receive resident TES operator/supervisory level instruction at USAIC&FH. Upon completion of the course, operators and supervisors will be awarded Additional Skill Identifier (ASI) 2T; maintainer/integrators holding MOS 33W will be awarded ASI 4T. Sustainment of individual skills for all soldiers involved will be accomplished using embedded training and the TES TSP. The leave behind TES TSP will include, associated field manuals and pamphlets, system specific individual critical tasks with tasks, conditions and standards, DTT, and other training material needed to train and sustain individual skills. Analyst/Operator reference booklets, scenarios, and computer-based courseware is planned as part of the TSP as they become available. No new 6 additional training will be required for satellite communications system operator-maintainers (31S). (3) MOS 31S, Satellite Communications System Operator Maintainer receive Tri-band Satellite Sub-system (TSS) training in AIT at the US Army Signal Center, Ft. Gordon GA. These soldiers will receive DTT and system familiarization once assigned to a TES equipped unit. Due to their task specific role in TES, they are not eligible to attend the functional course. (4) DTT is incorporated within the NET. USASPO and Directorate of Combat Developments will develop DTT at two levels – 1) operator/ supervisor level and 2) commander/staff level, taking advantage of existing FMs, pamphlets, ARTEPs, user manuals, system manuals, the TES Leader’s Guide, and the TSP. DTT will describe TES as a part of the “system of systems”; its hardware and enclave configurations with associated interfaces, software capabilities, manning, communications and maintenance. DTT will also describe how TES streamlines the intelligence analysis process and gives timely and accurate intelligence to commanders and their staffs. DTT material will be provided in both hard copy and CD-ROM formats. DTT is provided to gaining units as part of the NET by the PM working with USAIC. As a part of DTT, the TES Leader’s Guide will be sent to gaining units, as it becomes available. DTT is based on existing TENCAP system application and employment refined to reflect TES increased mobility and improved functionality. A systems orientation briefing will be incorporated within existing IEW “system of systems” for select USAIC&FH MOS producing, professional development, and officer courses. USAIC&FH-trained Reserve Component personnel will receive training along side their active duty counterparts. The system orientation briefing will provide a system description, doctrinal configuration, employment, message/data exchanges, communications architecture, and explain the capabilities TES offers and how TES is used to improve combat effectiveness. c. Unit/Sustainment Training (Warfighter) NET training materials will be left behind as part of TES TSP. TSP will include at a minimum: DTT, TES Leader’s Guide, ACE Leader’s Guide, collective critical tasks, crew drill manuals, Military Combat Assessment Tables (MICATS) and ARTEPS. TES equipped units will take advantage of system embedded training products, CBT, robust simulations, and future distance learning products and technologies such as training material updates and VTC, to increase individual and critical collective task training effectiveness and efficiency. These units use system embedded training products, CBT, robust simulations, training material updates, video teleconferencing, distant learning, and IEWTPT (once developed), to increase individual and critical collective task training effectiveness and efficiency. A list of individual and collective training tasks and strategies are explained in detail in Annex C. d. Digital Training support at USAIC&FH. (1) The TES Trainer will interface with the Digital TOC via the existing secure communications architecture at USAIC&FH. The Directorate of Information Management (DOIM) maintains the communications architecture; the TES Trainer will simply plug into it. 7 (2) Instructor personnel designing and updating lesson plans for instruction for the TAC/TMIC will attend the Instructor Design Instruction Course (IDIC). 7. Training Products. a. TSP. The TSP will include at a minimum: DTT, TES Leader’s Guide, ACE Leader’s Guide, collective critical tasks, crew drill manuals, Military Combat Assessment Tables (MICATS) and ARTEPS. DTT material will be provided in both hard copy and CD-ROM formats. DTT is provided to gaining units as part of the NET by the PM working with USAIC. As a part of DTT, the TES Leader’s Guide will be sent to gaining units, as it becomes available. ACE Leaders Guide Collective Critical Tasks Crew Drill Manuals MICATS ARTEPS b. MDDTSP. A materiel developer’s digitized training support package (MDDTSP) containing all training materials will be delivered, as it becomes available with the IKPT for each TES delivery. USAIC&FH personnel will use these MDDTSPs to assist in evaluating NET products, facilitate institutional training integration, and develop unit sustainment. The MDDTSPs must contain at least the following: Gross task list. Basic program of instruction in accordance with TRADOC standards and at key stroke level. Job sheets. Knowledge and skill tasks. Applicable software and hardware technical manuals. Operator/user manuals. 8 Media analysis. c. Embedded Training (1) USASPO will develop and fund embedded training to include a Target Signature Array (TSA), which will provide the interface to IEWTPT. A detailed plan is in Annex I. Embedded training will be used for initial training, to maintain personnel proficiency, and for training replacement personnel. System embedded training will satisfy the Army’s goal to exploit the technologies that best match near-term training needs. Embedded training and automation assistance will be used to eliminate major modifications to standard training courses and to maintain a high standard of readiness for all personnel assigned to TES equipped units. The software architecture will support the training of personnel, using any TES Analyst Workstations and operational software on operational equipment without impeding mission operations. It will include the following key areas; mission/asset management, message processing, security review and release, SIGINT analysis data sets, IMINT work packages, system control and monitoring, fault detection fault isolation using injected faults, image formation, and secondary imagery dissemination (SIDS) generation. By utilizing canned data from actual operations, the software will have the ability to operate in a training mode. All training information produced will either be archived or removed when the training session is over. (2) Fielded TES units may use the TES workstations for training when they are not part of an operational on-line group. Skills and knowledge mastered during formal training are perishable, but with proper stimulus can be maintained through embedded training. As such, embedded training products will be built at the operator level providing the operator with the requisite “key-strokes” and associated functional background information assigned to the workstation position. The TES courseware will emulate operator, maintainer/integrator, and supervisor/leader functions to provide the requisite skills necessary to conduct operations. (3) As the system migrates, improvements to this system will be used to create an allinclusive training package for unit sustainment training. The intermediate embedded training package will include at a minimum the following capabilities and requirements: Web-based training tool with courseware containing lessons, practical exercises and tests Context reference using hypertext linked pages in hypertext Markup Language (HTML) format Tools for collaboration to include “chat”, voice, a whiteboard and video teleconferencing capability Tools for sharing/posting to include notes, e-mail and a bulletin board Platform independent CD-ROM for non-networked based training, built with 9 HTML so the operator can use the CD-ROM in conjunction with updated training materials through the Internet d. Manuals. Solider manuals, ARTEPS, MICATS, mission training plans, TES unique training manuals developed by the Intelligence Center and USASPO contractors, and FMs for associated with TES are listed in Annex D Page D4. e. System Hardware/Software and Components. (1) PM will fund the transition of the existing TDAC at Friedman Hall, Rm. 19, Ft. Huachuca, AZ to support TES training. The transition will encompass all necessary equipment and software to replicate fielded TES functionality including; SIGINT Analysis, IMINT Analysis, Multi-discipline Intelligence Analysis, Fault Detection/Fault Isolation (FDFI), Collection and Mission Management functions, Communications and Web based functionality. Plug & Play classroom will be used where applicable to integrate TES into the collaborative training environment at Ft. Huachuca and as a cost effective measure. This transition will include: Replacements for existing TENCAP workstations with TES analyst workstations (and/or Plug & Play classroom drives for a portion of the training) including TES functional software and GFE software. System Server(s) and network components. Replacements for the existing TENCAP CSP with Sterling CSPs or “virtual” replicated software. Upgrades to the current two SUCCESS radios already in the classroom enabling them to interface with TES software replicating SUCCESS DAMA functionality. Continued system connectivity for JWICS and SIPRNET. (2) Due to the expense of TES system components, it would not be feasible to field some of the hardware at the training facility. PM will fund “virtual” system devices in the form of modified software that replicates system functionality and scenarios that run on existing GFE provided software. An example of this is the modified National Imagery Transmission Format Communications Interface Unit (NCIU) software and the scenario driven Mini Data Acquisition System (MiDAS) software currently at the training facility. Additionally, Plug & Play classroom will be used to the fullest extent. f. Scenarios. The materiel developer will provide develop and fund two 72-hour scenarios to support TES training. The first scenario will be based on TES support to corps-level military operations in a peacetime environment transitioning to conflict with emphasis on combat operations. The second scenario will be based on TES support to theater-level operations, replicating military operations in a peacetime environment transitioning to conflict with emphasis on non-combat operations. 8. Training Support 10 a. Distance Learning. (1) Distance learning in the form of web-based tools and CD-ROM will form the central core technologies for meeting the training requirement associated with the initial and intermediate embedded training capability. The materiel developer will develop the courseware, updates to courseware to coincide with system improvements, and the web-based tools needed to interact with the courseware as it becomes available. The courseware will emulate critical TES operator functions required to support the Echelons Above Corps Intelligence Center (EACIC) and provide leaders with the requisite supervisory skills necessary to conduct TES operations. Courseware will be performance-oriented and used for individual task training associated TES. Courseware updates will include the training course and curriculum outline, instructor’s guide, student guide, and course evaluation forms for each training course. (2) Training documents will use approved TRADOC guidelines and format. Additionally, operators and maintainers will have access to external training/training support links (e.g., “Link 33”, on the Internet at http:// for information sharing on TENCAP systems. Gaining units are encouraged to make use of the USAIC&FH SIMCENTER’s customized simulations, which will enhance leader skills by emphasizing the role the leader plays while applying the six intelligence functions in directing and focusing operations to support the Military Intelligence Battlefield Operating System. b. Institutional Training. Operators, maintainers/integrators, and supervisors/leader holding MOS 96D, 98C, 98J, 33W, 350D, and/or 352J that are assigned or in route to a TES equipped unit will receive a realistic hands on situationally based training in the TENCAP DATA ANALYSIS Course (TDAC) 3A-SI3E/ASI9C/233-ASI-2T/4T. c. Individual and Collective Training Strategy. Initial training will be conducted by a NETT at gaining units. Training will integrate as many hands on situationally based training events as possible taking advantage of simulations and distance learning products and initiatives. Collective training will be included in NET instruction and in leave behind sustainment package. The IEWTPT, when fielded, will be used to provide sustainment and proficiency training for operators and crews. The IEWTPT will replicate actual mission scenarios, simulating mission specific tasks such as networking IEW assets, collection and processing, and analysis of intelligence data (see Annex I). Refer to Annex C Paragraph 1a and 2a. d. Facilities. The PM will provide funding for renovations in the form of electrical upgrades, communications upgrades, and human factors engineering necessary to convert the existing Intelligence Center’s TENCAP Classroom, Room 19 in Friedman Hall, to accommodate the TAC/TMIC. Renovations must be completed prior to 3QFY02. e. Resources. Resources for training development, NET, training devices, CBT courseware, facilities, equipment maintenance, AMTP/ARTEP instructors, simulations and simulations support, embedded training initiatives, and the Army wide literature program will be allocated through the ASPO and are explained in detail in Annex E. 11 f. Training Aids, Devices, Simulators and Simulations (TADSS). (1) TES Trainer. The existing TENCAP training facility, the TDAC, in RM 19, Friedman Hall, Ft. Huachuca, AZ will be utilized for TES operator/maintainer training. See Annex I for details on the TES Trainer. (2) The IEWTPT, when fielded, will be used to provide sustainment and proficiency training for operators and crews. The IEWTPT replicates actual mission scenarios, simulating mission specific tasks such as networking IEW assets, collection and processing, and analysis of intelligence data. This embedded training capability will be designed for use in both institutional training and unit sustainment training. A detailed plan is in Annex I. (3) Simulations will be developed by the contractor to enhance training at all levels. Simulations will incorporate both individual and collective tasks. TES training will use existing simulation scenarios developed by USAIC & FH Simulation Center and the IEWTPT, once fielded. (4) TES will use embedded training inherent in existing GFE and CFE. Embedded training will encompass all individual and crew task. g. Support Personnel. Support personnel are needed to convert and/or customize command and staff products, reference databases and message sets produced by the National Simulation Center, the Intelligence Center, national-level agencies, and those imported from other SIMCENTERs. The support team will be responsible for coordinating the necessary communications support/interfaces between the SIMCENTER and subscribers. These subscribers include students attending the TDAC and TES fielded units. The support team will also assign message routers, and provide “snapshots” of the battlefield when required at regular intervals to player participants. h. Training Test Support Package (TTSP). USASPO has overall management responsibility for ensuring test and evaluation is accomplished. USASPO will provide training for test players, certify the test players are trained and operationally ready for the test, and evaluate and certify the results of any system test. i. Logistical Support Concept. The preferred method of support for TES associated training devices is contractor logistic support for its life cycle. It is envisioned hardware support, less government furnished communications equipment, will be provided through a consolidated hardware support contract funded by ASPO and administered by STRICOM. Communications equipment support will be provided by U.S. Army personnel and/or ASPO. On-site software support will be provided by ASPO. The logistic support plan will be updated which details the support requirement and planning for support. j. Significant Training Issues at Risk. 12 (1) Training Development. The timely delivery of the contractor’s logistic support analysis record data containing the task and skills analysis, gross task list, spare parts list, and training device support is essential to support training development and training device acquisition for the TES operator course, taught at the Intelligence Center. (2) Student Prerequisites. Students can not attend the Intelligence Center’s TDAC without the appropriate security clearance (SCI) (3) Equipment Requirements. All TES hardware and software must be delivered and in place no later than six months prior to course start. 9. Post-Fielding Training Evaluation Analysis (PFTEA). The Intelligence Center Office of the Registrar will conduct a PFTEA using feedback from fielded units. The PFTEA will commence 12-18 months after the TES has been fielded and associated institutional training has been implemented. The PFTEA is required to validate institutional training to ensure training requirements are met. Upon completion of the evaluation the Intelligence Center will receive after actions review from the PFTEA personnel and take appropriate action. The training courses and materials will be updated or revised as necessary. The Intelligence Center will provide feedback to the Program Manager and gaining commands on their findings and on actions taken by the Intelligence Center to correct any noted deficiencies. 13 TES STRAP, Annex A Target Audience Functional and Professional Courses TAC/TMIC 33W10 EW/INTERCEPT SYSTEMS REPAIRER 96D10 IMAGERY ANALYST 98C10 SIGINT ANALYST 98J10 NON-COMMO INTCP/ANAL 350D IMAGERY TECH 352J EMANATION TECH 352C TRAFF ANALY TECH WOBC WOAC MIOBC MICCC Pre-Command Course ACE Chief Course BNCOC ANCOC CGSC ATRRS Intelligence Center System Functional Orientation Course 3A-SI3E/ASI9C/233-ASITBD/4T 102-ASIU2 X X* 242-9610 X X* 232-98C10 233-98J10 X X X* X* 3A-WOTTC-CC 3A-WOTTC-CC 3A-WOTTC-CC 3A-WOTTC-CC 3-30-C32 3-30-C22 3-30-C23 3-30-C20-35D X X X X X X X X X X X X* X* X* Signal Center Sergeants Major Academy Combined Arms Center X X X X Legend TAC/TMIC BNCOC ANCOC MICCC ATRRS CGSC ACE TES Analysis Course/TES Maintainer Integrator Course Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course Advance Noncommissioned Officer Course Military Intelligence Captains Career Course Army Training Requirements & Resourcing System Command & General Staff College Analysis & Control Element *NOTE MOSs authorized to attend the TAC/TMIC Functional Course A1 TES STRAP, ANNEX B CATS Individual Training Strategies (Warrior) COURSE: TENCAP DATA ANALYSIS Course (TDAC) 3A-SI3E/ASI9C/233-ASI-2T/4T 2QFY02 1. Target Audience/Affected MOSs. a. Operator. Soldiers holding MOS 96D, 98C, 98J, 33W, 350D, or 352J that are assigned or TDY enroute to a TES equipped unit. b. Maintainer/Integrator. Soldiers holding MOS 33W that are assigned or TDY enroute to a TES equipped unit. c. Supervisor/Leader. Soldiers in grade E5 and above in MOS 96D, 98C, 350D, 352J that are assigned or TDY enroute to a TES equipped unit will receive both operator-level and supervisor/ leader-level training. 2. Location. Friedman Hall, USAIC&FH, Fort Huachuca, Arizona. 3. Training Concept. The training concept for this functional course is to modify the existing TDAC by integrating as many hands-on, realistic, situationally based training events as possible throughout each training module. This will be accomplished using TES analyst workstations configured for real and virtual data with actual and simulated software applications. The goal of this functional course is to integrate 85% of the individual operator, maintainer and leader TES tasks, leaving TES equipped units to train the remaining 15% of tasks required under the TES MICATS. The course will make maximum use of available scenarios. Upon completion of the course, operators will be awarded ASI 2T; maintainer/integrators will be awarded ASI 4T. 4. Training Strategy. a. Areas of Concentration. TES related areas of study will provide in-depth training on SIGINT/IMINT exploitation, communications, system control and monitoring, database management, set-up and tear down. Additionally, maintenance related functions to include signal flow, troubleshooting techniques, and Preventative Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) will be taught to all TES maintenance personnel. b. Course Flow. Soldiers will be given an initial block of instruction on the TES, its associated communications architecture, data flows, message exchanges and the relationship of TES to the supporting ACE/EACIC as part of a ‘system of systems’ briefing. Followed by a block of instruction encompassing common software and hardware functionality. Subsequent blocks, focusing on individual skills by MOS discipline or function (e.g., ELINT, IMINT, Maintenance, and communications) will be conducted concurrently. Individual training leads up to a collective training block of instruction, culminating in a scenario based collective training exercise. B1 c. Lesson Plans. TDAC instructors, 304th MI BN with the aid of NSTO personnel will develop the lesson plans using training materials and references provided by the materiel developer. d. Course Start. TES training will be incorporated within the existing TDAC course in 2QFY01. (1) Classes per year: Eight (2) Student Load per Fiscal Year (FY). 96 e. Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents (1) Individual Training Plan. Revised 1QFY00 (2) Course Administrative Data. Revised 4QFY00 (3) Program of Instruction. Revised 1QFY01 B2 TES STRAP, ANNEX C CATS Short-range Unit Training Strategies (Warfighter) UNIT/SUSTAINMENT TRAINING (TRADOC REG 350-70) LCSMM PHASE: Engineering & Manufacturing Development through Production & Deployment SYSTEM: TACTICAL EXPLOITATION SYSTEM 1. INDIVIDUAL TRAINING a. Strategy. (How individual skills will be sustained): Initial training will be conducted by a New Equipment Training Team at gaining units. Training will integrate as many hands-on situationally based training events as possible, taking advantage of simulations, and distance learning products and initiatives. The gaining unit will assign individuals to man specific positions within a TES related operational group. Individuals within each group will be taught appropriate skills and knowledge using TES as an operational tool in providing IMINT and SIGINT intelligence to the commander. Each individual will receive a training package for the specific job or function being performed within the group to sustain individual operator proficiency. Embedded courseware, on-line user/system manuals, and help windows will be used to assist in sustaining individual skills. The Intelligence Center will develop a TES Leader’s Guide and positional handbooks for TES equipped units and update existing field manuals, and ARTEPs. Provided funding is available, units can request the Intelligence Center furnish on-site tailored training. b. Products required to sustain individual skills PRODUCT NET Products – TES-F – TES-M Scenario & Simulations Objective Embedded Training Capability Computer Based Training Products* – Common Applications Module – SysAd Module – SIGINT Analyst Module – IMINT Analyst Module – Collection Management Module – Communications Module – Leader’s Module *developed as part of an intermediate embedded training capability Field Manuals – IEW Operations FM 34-1 – Combat Cdr.’s Handbook FM 34-8 – IEW Systems Handbook FM 34-1-1 – EAC IEW Operations FM 34-37 – CM & Synchronization Planning FM 34-2 – Corps IEW Operations FM 34-25 – Intelligence Officer’s Handbook FM 34-8-2 – Electronic Warfare Operations in a Joint Environment FM 34-41 – Multi-service Procedures for Requesting Reconnaissance Info in a Joint Environment FM 34-43 ACE MICATS TC 34-10-20 Other – TES Leader’s Guide – TES Operator/Analyst reference booklets DATE REQUIRED RESOURCE DOCUMENTS 4QFY99 1QFY00 TBD FY04 ORD ORD ORD ORD ORD RESPONSIBLE AGENCY ASPO SEE ANNEX D USAIC&FH ASPO ASPO D D D 2QFY02 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ FM revisions are tied to a three-year update cycle 2QFY01 2QFY00 C1 D AETIS & TRAS AETIS & TRAS USAIC&FH USAIC&FH D D PRODUCT DATE REQUIRED RESOURCE DOCUMENTS c. Individual Operator & Senior Operator Training Events Training Event a. TES Workstation Perform utility functions on the analyst position Maintain database characteristics Operate a TES analyst position Operate TENCAP guard Conduct operator level backup & recovery procedures conduct indications and warnings analysis b. Communications Group System Operations Pre-Operations Post Operations Communications Operations Establish Connectivity Line Management Message Processing Prepare a query report for transmission Operate the synthesized uhf computer controlled equipment subsystem (success) radio manually generate reports route data signals c. TES Maintenance conduct FD/FI using “spectrum” tool PMCS Provide Unit-Level Maintenance Support d. ELINT Correlate ELINT messages into the existing EPL Database Correlate ELINT data into the existing EOB maintain node type definition for nodal analysis correlate ELINT data to identify weapon system/ranges create an immediate response file (IRF) create threat indicator alarms prepare signals external data report for transmission conduct correlation and integration prepare ELINT situation map conduct signals analysis prepare ELINT situation map Frequency Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Bimonthly Bimonthly Bimonthly Bimonthly Bimonthly Bimonthly Bimonthly Bimonthly Bimonthly Bimonthly Bimonthly Bimonthly Monthly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly C2 RESPONSIBLE AGENCY SEE ANNEX 2. COLLECTIVE TRAINING a. Strategy. (Type collective training, exercises, simulations, embedded training, crew drills, by which crew/unit will be trained to employ the system (Doctrine and tactics included)): Collective/Crew Training will initially be conducted at gaining units by the NETT using a simulator based scenario driver leading up to a unit sponsored field training exercise. The unit will build or modify staff and intelligence products for the simulation; plan the intelligence operations; employ the system in accordance with established doctrine and tactics or unit SOP; integrate new or enhanced TES capabilities to support the ACE/EACIC; provide communications support for the dissemination of intelligence products between the ACE and TES, deploy and redeployment the TES to include establishing split-based operations, and provide necessary unit-level maintenance support. To sustain operators, supervisors, and maintainers in their collective tasks, field-training exercises based on the ACE Military Intelligence Combat Assessment Tables (MICATS) must be conducted at least quarterly. To reinforce the collective roles of operators, supervisors and maintainers, the Intelligence Center will afford field units the opportunity to link to the SIMCENTER for customized distributed simulations. Additionally, The USAIC&FH will develop crew drills, and an Army Mission Training Plans (AMTP) with Army Training and Evaluation Programs (ARTEPs). b. Certification. The unit’s TES NCOIC/OIC will be responsible for certifying individual proficiency and collective training in accordance with standards contained within the ACE MICATS. c. Products required to sustain crew proficiency PRODUCT DATE REQUIRED RESOURCE DOCUMENTS RESPONSIBLE AGENCY SEE ANNEX NET Products 4QFY99 ORD ASPO D Scenario & Simulations 2QFY00 AETIS & TRAS USAIC&FH D Crew Drills (Pre Draft)/(Coord Draft) TBD AETIS & TRAS USAIC&FH D ACE MICATS TC 34-10-20 TBD AETIS & TRAS USAIC&FH D AMTP/ARTEP TBD AETIS & TRAS USAIC&FH D d. TES CREW-LEVEL TRAINING EVENTS Training Event Frequency a. Deploy the Generator Set b. Set-up TES Enclaves c. Set-up Remote TES workstations d. Maintain Correlated Databases e. Tear down Remote TES workstations f. Tear down TES Enclaves g. Perform maintenance Frequency Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly C3 e. TES COLLECTIVE TRAINING EVENTS Training Event Frequency a. Plan Tactical Redeployment of TES Plan TES set up in a projected site location Plan success of the move Quarterly Quarterly b. Establish Operational TES after a move: Configure TES and become operational Establish the essential set of tactical communications Establish remainder of capabilities Quarterly c. Conduct TES Operations in support of the ACE/EACIC Provide C2 of TES operations Perform Analysis Quarterly SIGINT Exploit Incoming ELINT messages Exploit ELINT data Exploit incoming COMINT data Exploit Cross intelligence data Disseminate Intel Products IMINT Quarterly Use Research Tools (ALE, RMS, 5D, etc) Generate Report Exploit Imagery (National and Tactical) Create SID Disseminate SID/Reports Maintain Databases Monthly System Administration Implement and Maintain Network Connectivity Network configuration Monitor and Report Network Status Network Control and Reconfiguration Sys Ad Training System Security Network Employment C4 System Employment System Status and Reporting Provide Mission/Asset Management Provide Support to Targeting Monthly Disseminate intelligence products and reports d. e. Maintenance Monthly Maintain/Troubleshoot Network Monthly Support Software Accessibility and Continual Connectivity Troubleshoot Groups FCV MEV ISV IPV CSV MDV RET MRT SAG UTT Quarterly Prepare TES for Redeployment Perform tear down procedures Comments: UNIQUE REQUIREMENTS a. TES concept is to operate at the TS/SCI security level, handling “system high” data and to protect outgoing messages and data via a combination of electronic isolation of data, encryption, trusted software, automatic sanity, and human reliable review. b. Unit facilities must be approved to prepare for system fielding and employment. The TES will be approved to operate as a SCIF under the criteria of DCID 1/21 (replaces DIAM 50-3) and DIAM 50-4 (to include security fence and controlled access (para. 5.1.), and CSESD-20A. c. 30 days prior to training start, the unit commander must: (1) Provide trainee names to the NETT (2) Certify trainees have required security clearance. (3) Certify trainees can operate government furnished equipment and select government furnished software (e.g., RMS) not unique to TES. (4) Certify trainees have been trained in USMTF/JINTACCS Message formats. C5 TES STRAP, ANNEX D SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULES This annex contains one TRADOC Form 569-R-E, Sheet A, and two TRADOC Forms, 569-1-R-E, Sheet B, on: Individual Training Army-wide Training Literature Program Facilities New Equipment Training Products Collective Training (CT), Army Training and Evaluation Program (ARTEP), and Military Computer-Based Training (CBT) Courseware Training Devices Simulations and Scenarios D1 SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE -SHEET A SYSTEM: Tactical Exploitation System POINTS OF CONTACT MATERIEL COMMAND PM, TES, USASPO TRADOC PROPONENT USAIC&FH TSM: CD: TD: DA CATEGORY PAGE 1 PAGES OF 1 REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL ATTG-55 OFFICE SYMBOL ATZS-FDN-N OFFICE SYMBOL AS OF DATE 16 Aug 99 TELEPHONE John Cooper SMDC-AO-S DSN 235-5603 CW3 Montgomery SFC Jackson ATZS-FDO-A ATZS-FDC-NN DSN 821-4614 DSN 879-1142 SFC Blinkhorn ATZH-TB-TSD DSN 780-6121 NAME ASSOC SCHOOLS: Signal Center ITEM DATE RESPONSIBLE AGENCY/POC MNS: See Note 1 USAIC&FH, ATZS-FD-CD/CW3 Montgomery SMMP: N/A ORD: 6 APR 97 MOU referenced in Paragraph 4 (Training Constraints). USAIC&FH, ATZS-FD-CD/CW3 Montgomery BOIP: See Note 2 USAIC&FH, ATZS-FD-MI/MS. Bernardo NETP: 19 Sep 99 STRAP: 18 Feb 99 U.S. Army Space Program Office, CSSD-AOD/Mr. John Cooper U.S. Army Space Program Office, CSSD-AOD/Mr. John Cooper U.S. Army Space Program Office, CSSD-AOD/Mr. Dave Mullins TELEPHONE (520)533-4620 (DSN 821) (520)533-4620 821) (520)538-2664 879) (703)808-4751 235-5603) (703)808-4751 235-5603) (703)808-4550 898 4550) (DSN (DSN (DSN (DSN (DSN COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) 1. 2. 3. A draft mission capability document dated April 1995 replaces the MNS. BOIP-FD is currently under review by OCMI and CD at Ft. Huachuca, AZ. The TES falls under the TENCAP acquisition model and does not follow the normal 5000 series acquisition and testing process. 4. NET materials will be provided to ASPO one month prior to training date. (reference contract number F33657-96-R-6042 Seq. Number A007 TRADOC FORM 569-R-E, Aug 89 D2 PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE - SHEET B REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL ATTG-55 AS OF DATE: 20 May 1999 TELEPHONE: DSN 879-1146 SYSTEM: TRADOC SCHOOL: USAIC&FH COMPLETED BY : OFFICE SFC Jackson SYMBOL: ATZS-FDC-NN TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Individual Training – TENCAP Data Analysis Course (TDAC) 3A-SI3E/AS19C/233-ASI-2T/4T Tactical Exploitation System MILESTONES BY QUARTER LEGEND: FY 00 1Q Revised Initial ITP submitted Analysis completed Annotated task list completed Revised CAD 2Q FY 01 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 02 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 03 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 04 3Q 4Q 1Q Tng program worksheet completed Revised POI IKPT Revised Lesson Plans TES implemented within course NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) The TDAC is an existing functional course within the Intelligence Center. The milestone schedule of the Training Package Element/Product listed above pertains only to integrating TES within the existing TDAC course. TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug 89 D3 2Q 3Q 4Q PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE - SHEET B REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL ATTG-55 AS OF DATE: 20 Dec 1999 TELEPHONE: DSN 879-1146 SYSTEM: TRADOC SCHOOL: USAIC&FH COMPLETED BY : OFFICE SFC Jackson SYMBOL: ATZS-FDC-NN TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Army-wide Training Literature Program Tactical Exploitation System MILESTONES BY QUARTER LEGEND: FY 99 1Q 2Q FY 00 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 01 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 02 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 03 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q Identify requirements Draft ATLP change validate FM outline approved Initial draft completed Final draft completed CRM approved Printed and distributed NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) No specific TES Field Manual will be developed. However, the following FMs will be revised as part of their normal publication cycle to reflect the system description and functionality that TES provides the Intelligence Battlefield Operating System. FMs to be considered for revision are: – IEW Operations FM 34-1 – Combat Cdr.’s Handbook FM 34-8 – IEW Systems Handbook FM 34-1-1 – EAC IEW Operations FM 34-37 – CM & Synchronization Planning FM 34-2 – Corps IEW Operations FM 34-25 – Intelligence Officer’s Handbook FM 34-8-2 – Electronic Warfare Operations in a Joint Environment FM 34-41 – Multi-service Procedures for Requesting Reconnaissance Info in a Joint Environment FM 34-43 TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug 89 D4 PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE - SHEET B REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL SYSTEM: TRADOC SCHOOL: USAIC&FH COMPLETED BY : OFFICE SFC Jackson SYMBOL: ATZS-FDC-NN TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Facilities Tactical Exploitation System ATTG-55 AS OF DATE: 20 May 1999 TELEPHONE: DSN 879-1142 MILESTONES BY QUARTER LEGEND: FY 99 1Q FEA revised Construction rqmts – PM/TRADOC DEH rqmts identified Rqmts validated Support dev identified & coordinated Rqmts to MACOM Refined constn criteria to MACOM Construct begin Construct finished Bldg. Accredited Devices installed 2Q FY 00 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 01 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 02 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 03 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) Facility renovations are necessary to support TES training device integration within the existing TDAC course. The PM will fund minor renovation of rooms 19., Friedman Hall (Bldg. # 63902). These renovations will be in the form of electrical upgrades, communications upgrades, and human factors engineering. TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug 89 D5 PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE - SHEET B REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL ATTG-55 AS OF DATE: 20 May 1999 TELEPHONE: DSN 879-1142 SYSTEM: TRADOC SCHOOL: USAIC&FH COMPLETED BY : OFFICE SFC Jackson SYMBOL: ATZS-FDC-NN TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: New Equipment Training Products Tactical Exploitation System MILESTONES BY QUARTER LEGEND: FY 99 1Q Staff planner course dev by AMC Tech tng courses for testing System Gross Task List IKPT – NSTO/CD/ NETT System CTL TES-F NET products NSTO V&V of TES-F NET products Test Player Unit Trainup/FUE TES-F TES-M NET products NSTO V&V of TES-M NET products Test Player Unit Trainup/FUE TESM IKPT – Institution 2Q FY 00 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 01 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 02 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 03 3Q 4Q N A N A NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) D6 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1. For specific training products see TES-Forward (TES-F) Materiel Fielding Plan (Draft) dated 18 February 1999. 2. Individual operators will require technical and functional training. Technical training teaches skills such as setup/tear down procedures, configuring local area networks, calling up software applications, message generation and dissemination, mission/asset management, database management, queue management, communications management, and operator maintenance. Functional training teaches soldiers to use TES to perform their mission and create military intelligence products. It also includes indoctrination on the TES role to the ACE. 3. Supervisor/Leader training teaches workstation allocation, message release, system interface, communications, file maintenance, database operations, message and data flows, security controls, alarms, and other supervisory processes and tasks. 4. Maintenance training for the TES teaches MOS 33W and MOS 31S soldiers to perform unit-level and direct support level fault isolation, removal, replacement, and repair. 5. At least three months prior to fielding, ASPO will provide a New Materiel Information Brief (NMIB) to gaining units. Incorporated within the NMIB will be DTT. 6. The NETT will provide initial TES training to units being fielded. Prior to the completion of NET, the NETT will provide the unit with a leave behind TES training support package (TSP). NET will consist of in-depth individual and collective training, focusing on the operational/functional intelligence mission(s) of the TES. NET will place extensive reliance upon distributed simulations provided by the Intelligence Center’s SIMCENTER and culminates in a unit sponsored mini-FTX at the unit’s garrison site. a. The NETT will also use embedded training products/computer based training products in the form of compact disks as part of the NET curriculum as these products are developed. Embedded training products will be built in tandem with TES software builds. Delivered embedded training products will focus on the capabilities of the delivered TES software, operator-level software functionality to include background information, and critical tasks (individual and collective) with heavy emphasis on ‘key-strokes’ and data manipulation. b. TSPs will include at a minimum: TES technical field manuals, TES Leader’s Guide, ACE Leader’s Guide, operator and maintenance manuals, critical task lists, positional handbooks, crew drill manuals, and ARTEPS. These products will provide the knowledge required for doctrine and TTP for operators through senior commanders; explain the capabilities TES offers the units receiving it; and how the TES will improve combat effectiveness. TES equipped units will take advantage of embedded training products, robust simulations, and other distance learning products and technologies to increase training effectiveness and efficiency. TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug 89 D7 PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE - SHEET B REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL ATTG-55 AS OF DATE: 20 May 1999 TELEPHONE: DSN 879-1145 SYSTEM: TRADOC SCHOOL: USAIC&FH COMPLETED BY : OFFICE SFC Evans SYMBOL: ATZS-CLC TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Collective Training (CT), Army Training and Evaluation Program (ARTEP), and Military Combat Assessment Tables (MICATS) Tactical Exploitation System MILESTONES BY QUARTER LEGEND: FY 00 1Q Operator/ Senior Operator tasks Collective FEA Draft CT concept CT package Test ARTEP/CT support pkg. distributed Draft TES/ACE MICATS distributed Test ARTEP/CT evaluated Draft TES/ACE MICATS evaluated Staff coord draft TES/ACE MICATS Staff coord draft ARTEP ARTEP distr. 2Q FY 01 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 02 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 03 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 04 3Q 4Q TES/ACE MICATS distr. NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug 89 D8 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE - SHEET B REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL ATTG-55 AS OF DATE: 20 May 1999 TELEPHONE: DSN 879-1146 SYSTEM: TRADOC SCHOOL: USAIC&FH COMPLETED BY : OFFICE SFC Jackson SYMBOL: ATZS-FDC-NN TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Computer-Based Training (CBT) Courseware Tactical Exploitation System MILESTONES BY QUARTER LEGEND: FY 00 1Q Identify rqmts Submit prospectus Identify resources ATSC validation Contract award Start work Functional analysis ICW design Development Validation Implementation 2Q FY 01 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 02 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 03 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 04 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q N A ICW log support Integration w/in embedded training NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) 1. The intent of CBT in the form of CD-ROM is to fill a sustainment-training void by fulfilling the requirement of an intermediate embedded training capability. The intermediate embedded training capability will interact with the CBT and embedded distance learning technologies. Development of CBT products will be incrementally phased to support training modules (e.g., Leader’s Module, common applications, module, communications module, etc.) that are distributed to TES equipped units, as they become available. CBT will be fully incorporated within objective embedded training courseware in FY04. 2. Courseware will emulate critical TES operator functions required to support the ACE and provide leaders with the requisite supervisory skills necessary to conduct TES operations. Courseware will be performance-oriented and used for individual and crew task training associated with TES. Courseware updates will include the training course and curriculum outline, instructor’s guide, student guide, and course evaluation forms for each training course. Training documents will utilize approved TRADOC guidelines and format. Additionally, operators and maintainers will have access to external training/training support links (e.g., “Link 33”, on the Internet at http:// for information sharing on TENCAP systems. Gaining units are encouraged to make use of the USAIC&FH SIMCENTER’s customized simulations, which will enhance leader skills by emphasizing the role that the leader plays while applying the six intelligence functions in directing and focusing operations to support the Military Intelligence Battlefield Operating System. 3. Number of developed courseware by CBT module is to be determined. TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug 89 D9 PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE - SHEET B REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL SYSTEM: TRADOC SCHOOL: USAIC&FH COMPLETED BY : OFFICE SFC Jackson SYMBOL: ATZS-FDC-NN TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Training Devices Tactical Exploitation System ATTG-55 AS OF DATE: 1 July 98 TELEPHONE: DSN 879-1146 MILESTONES BY QUARTER LEGEND: FY 00 1Q FEA revised/high risk hard to train tasks identified Device concept validated Need identified in ORD Incorporated in STRAP CTEA Site Survey 2Q FY 01 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 02 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 03 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 04 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q IKPT Facility completed & accredited Delivery of devices Installation of devices Begin HW contract maint support Begin SW contract maint support NOTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) 1. Devices will be both COTS and GOTS. To reduce costs, commercial equivalents will be used where feasible without loss/degradation of training. 2. CTEA is not applicable, since incorporation of TES merely replaces/upgrades select preexisting hardware components and software applications within the TDAC. 3. The preferred method of providing hardware maintenance support for commercial components is through STRICOM. Existing STRICOM contracts will be modified accordingly. TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug 89 D10 PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES SYSTEM MILESTONE SCHEDULE - SHEET B REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYMBOL ATTG-55 SYSTEM: TRADOC SCHOOL: AS OF DATE: Tactical Exploitation System USAIC&FH 20 May 1999 COMPLETED BY : OFFICE SYMBOL: TELEPHONE: SFC Jackson ATZS-FDC-NN DSN 879-1146 TRAINING PACKAGE ELEMENT/PRODUCT: Simulations and Scenarios MILESTONES BY QUARTER LEGEND: FY 00 1Q Identify operational Tasks/Subtasks Ident Support rqmts Command & Staff Products Battle Timelines Asset Placement, Mgmt, Collection Plan Revise Staff Products Create Tech Matrices Script Msg. Sets Edit Scripted Msg. To Original Op Tasks/subtask Initial Run Validate Ident Deficiencies Revise Script &Spt Products Final Verification 2Q FY 01 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 02 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 03 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 04 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q NODTES: Use one sheet for each Training Element or product and use as many sheets as required for a complete list. COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) Two scenarios are envisioned. The first scenario will concentrate on a specific military theater of war from peacetime to conflict (emphasis on combat). The second scenario will concentrate on another theater of operation from peacetime to war (Emphasis on Non-combat) 1st Scenario 2nd Scenario Based on Corp operations Based on Theater EAC operations Area: Korea A/O Area: Balkans A/O Scope: Peacetime to Combat Scope: Non-combat to Combat Length of Scenario: 72 Hrs (Replicating 30 to 90 days Length of Scenario: 72 Hrs (replicating 120 Days) Purpose: To exercise the systems critical task lists using learned MOS/Leader skills within a simulated/controlled environment. Covering at a minimum D11 MASINT Inputs Collection Management IMINT Inputs Asset Management SIGINT Inputs Mission Management The simulations should be built from data/products gathered from the Warfighter(s) TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug 89 D12 TES STRAP, ANNEX E RESOURCES ARMY EXTENSION TRAINING INFORMATION SYSTEM ITEMS TO BE RESOURCED DEVELOPED BY: SFC Jackson DSN: 879-1142 Mr. John Cooper Comm: (703) 808-4751 FY00 Man Yrs $000 FY01 Man Yrs $000 FY02 Man Yrs $000 FY03 Man Yrs $000 FY04 Man Yrs $000 Training Development 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 Civilian Military 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 Officer Warrant Off 6.5 3.5 3.5 2.3 2.3 Enlisted $33K $36K $36K $36K $36K Civilian Pay $28K $10K $10K $10K $10K Travel/Per Diem Contracts/Support Facilities $4K $8K $2K Equipment Ammo $0.6K $0.6K $0.6K $0.6K $0.6K Printing RATIONALE: Military personnel will be used in different functional areas within the TES training program. The work effort includes: input/development/updates of requirement documentation appropriate to training; attendance at ILSARs, ILSMTs, IPRs, TSWGs, etc., development of training materials for both resident and non-resident instruction, and verification of technical manuals. Travel/Per Diem amounts represent costs to attend required reviews/meetings mentioned above and for three evaluators to evaluate NET in 2QFY00. TDY costs for required reviews and meetings are based on attending 10 meetings and two conferences annually. TDY costs for a four-man team to evaluate NET during 2QFY00: $17,680 = $1.440 rental car ($210 week x 7 weeks) + $100 fuel + $13,140 per diem for 4 evaluators (41 days @ $85 per day), $3,000 travel (4 evaluators @ $750 ITEMS TO BE RESOURCED FY00 Man Yrs $000 FY01 Man Yrs $000 FY02 Man Yrs $000 FY03 Man Yrs $000 FY04 Man Yrs $000 New Equipment Training Civilian Military Officer Warrant Off Enlisted Civilian Pay $45K $45K $68K $68K Travel/Per Diem $760K $760K $1235K $1235K Contracts/Support Facilities TBD Equipment Ammo $2K $2K $1.5K $1.5K Printing RATIONALE: The materiel developer is the proponent of NET and as such will provide the funding for and staffing of the New Equipment Training (NET). One 8-man NETT will be required beginning FY99, expanding to a 13-person NETT by FY01 for developing NET products and the fielding of TES Cost breakdown per fielding follows: 1 week pre NET preps = travel $3,300 ($1,100 x 3 personnel) + per diem $1,785 ($85 x 3 personnel x 7 days) + rental car & gas $200; 6 week NET = travel $11,000 ($1,100 x 10 personnel), per diem $46,410 ($85/day x 13 personnel x 6 week), rental car & gas $3600 ($200 per week x 3 cars x 6 week); 1 week post fielding support = per diem $1,785 ($85 x 3 personnel x 7 days) + rental car & gas $200. Contr act cost represents the salary costs of 13 contractors ($95,000 x 13). Due to ASPO’s exception to the normal acquisition model, some costs such as equipment are yet to be determined. E1 ARMY EXTENSION TRAINING INFORMATION SYSTEM ITEMS TO BE RESOURCED DEVELOPED BY: SFC Jackson DSN: 879-1146 Mr. John Cooper Comm: (703) 808-4751 FY00 Man Yrs $000 FY01 Man Yrs $000 FY02 Man Yrs $000 FY03 Man Yrs $000 FY04 Man Yrs $000 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.2 2.5 $9 K $2 K 3.0 $14 K $3 K 3.5 $23 K $3 K $110 K 4.0 $9 K $2 K $110 K 4.0 $9 K $2 K $110 K TBD TBD TBD Training Devices Civilian Military Officer Warrant Off Enlisted Civilian Pay Travel/Per Diem Contracts/Support Facilities Equipment TSA/IEWTPT Ammo Printing RATIONALE: Personnel required to coordinate equipment deliveries, installation, and develop and/or update device documentation on TES devices as within the TDAC. Civilian cost estimated at $45K per employee starting in FY99. Travel is for one personnel to attend In Progress Reviews, and Training Device Work Groups. Equipment costs represent uninstalling of old equipment, hardware costs, software-associated costs, and device installation. Hardware costs are to 12 operator positions, servers, 3 communications sets (sets = high power workstations (HPW), routers, modems, cryptological devices), radios, antennae’s, 3 maintainer/integrator positions, maintenance tools, test support equipment used in a training role, and PLL necessary to integrate TES within the existing TDAC. Software costs include COTS software applications licenses associated with the above mentioned equipment, along with 12 additional licenses for operator positions in the plug and play classrooms. Out year costs reflect associated license maintenance fees. Contract software maintenance support comprises one half man-year annually for the workstations within the TDAC ($110k x 0.5 = $55k). Routine software support will include at a minimum, system configuration, uploading software, uploading/populating databases, uploading of maps, conducting regular system backups, responding to and troubleshooting of minor applications/configuration related problems, and system administration. It is envisioned that hardware support, less government furnished communications equipment, will migrate to a consolidated hardware support contract administered by STRICOM. Communications equipment support will be provided by U.S. Army personnel and/or ASPO. Contract hardware maintenance support for the TDAC comprises one half man-year annually ($110k x 0.5 = $55k). Note: Building renovations required to house the training devices are contained on C-3 “Facilities”. All dollar amounts increase by 5% in each consecutive out year. E2 ARMY EXTENSION TRAINING INFORMATION SYSTEM FY00 Man Yrs $000 ITEMS TO BE RESOURCED DEVELOPED BY: SFC Jackson DSN: 879-1146 Mr. Iorizzo DSN: 879-8837 FY01 Man Yrs $000 FY02 Man Yrs $000 FY03 Man Yrs $000 FY04 Man Yrs $000 Computer Based Training – Courseware Civilian Military Officer Warrant Off Enlisted Civilian Pay Travel/Per Diem TBD TBD $701 Contracts/Support Facilities Equipment Ammo Printing RATIONALE: CBT will be hands-on, task oriented and will be designed to fulfill the requirement of the intermediate embedded training capability (See Embedded Training). CBT will focus on applying or performing an operational skill (MOS or leader skill) to a critical system function. Costs are based on an estimated cost of $11,100 per developed hour of instruction and $1,700 for each “master” CD-ROM. Cost breakdown and number of developed hours by TES functionality: MODULE DEVELOPED HOURS COST Leader Module TBD Common Applications Module TBD TBD TBD Communications Module TBD TBD SysAd Module TBD TBD SIGINT Module TBD TBD IMINT Module TBD TBD Maintenance Module TBD TBD Mission/Asset Management Module TBD TBD Due to ASPO’s exception to the normal acquisition model, some costs are yet to be determined. Our year costs are for annual updates representing 20% of developed products until courseware becomes a component of the obje1ctive embedded training capability in FY04. E3 ARMY EXTENSION TRAINING INFORMATION SYSTEM ITEMS TO BE RESOURCED DEVELOPED BY: SFC Jackson DSN: 879-1146 Mr. Hanam DSN: 879-8759 FY00 Man Yrs $000 FY01 Man Yrs $000 FY02 Man Yrs $000 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 $9K 0.2 $9K 0.5 $14K TBD TBD FY03 Man Yrs $000 FY04 Man Yrs $000 Facilities Civilian Military Officer Warrant Off Enlisted Civilian Pay Travel/Per Diem Contracts/Support Facilities (in FY99 $) Equipment Ammo Printing RATIONALE: The materiel developer will fund a Site Survey of the existing TDAC classroom (Room 19, Friedman Hall – Bldg. 63902 and determine the extent of renovations necessary to integrate TES training within the existing TDAC. The material developer will fund associated facility renovations related to integration of the TES. The costs incurred in FY01 represent facility improvements to Friedman Hall. These improvements include electrical upgrades, human factors engineering and network infrastructure to conform to the Army Data Network standard of ATM and GIG-E. Additionally, cable plant between Rowe Hall, Friedman Hall and the Classified DTAC may need to be upgraded to Single Mode Fiber to support the network topology required to support TES training with robust simulation driver, scenarios and vignettes. Civilian pay based on a $45,000 annual salary. ITEMS TO BE RESOURCED FY00 Man Yrs $000 FY01 Man Yrs $000 FY02 Man Yrs $000 FY03 Man Yrs $000 FY04 Man Yrs $000 Equipment Maintenance Civilian Military Officer Warrant Off 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Enlisted Civilian Pay Travel/Per Diem Contracts/Support Facilities Equipment Ammo Printing RATIONALE: It is envisioned that hardware support, less government furnished communications equipment will migrate to a consolidated hardware support contract administered by STRICOM. The accompanying chart refers to communications equipment support provided by U.S. Army personnel and/or ASPO. Note: See “Training Devices” for contract software and hardware maintenance support associated with operational equipment used as a training device . E4 ARMY EXTENSION TRAINING INFORMATION SYSTEM ITEMS TO BE RESOURCED FY00 Man Yrs $000 DEVELOPED BY: Mr. Dow FY01 Man Yrs $000 FY02 Man Yrs $000 DSN: 879-1049 FY03 Man Yrs $000 FY04 Man Yrs $000 AMTP/ARTEP 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.3 0.3 Civilian Military Officer Warrant Off 1.5 1.5 2 0.5 1 Enlisted $37K $37K $37K $13K $13K Civilian Pay Travel/Per Diem Contracts/Support Facilities Equipment Ammo $0.5K $0.5K $2K $0.5K $2K Printing RATIONALE: Soldiers and civilians are required to develop, staffing coordination and update of a TES Mission Training Plan in FY01, TES crew drills, TES MICATS and incorporation within ACE MICATS, incorporation of TES within applicable ARTEP/CT support package. ITEMS TO BE RESOURCED FY00 Man Yrs $000 FY01 Man Yrs $000 FY02 Man Yrs $000 FY03 Man Yrs $000 FY04 Man Yrs $000 4 4 4 4 $110K $110K $110K $110K $1K $1K $1K $1K Instructors Civilian Military Officer Warrant Officer Enlisted Civilian Pay Travel/Per Diem Contracts/Support Facilities Equipment Ammo Printing RATIONALE: The TDAC is a 8-week functional course conducted 12 times per year at the Intelligence Center. Instructors are required to provide institutional training for the TDAC functional course. Additional requirements for TES system overview briefing within select IET/AIT, NCOES, warrant officer and officer courses are represented in approximate percentages. Requirements for TDAC instructors are based on an optimal/maximum class size of 12 operators and 3 maintainers/integrator, projected student throughput of students annually. Contract instructor support represents one man-year will be funded by the materiel developer. E5 ARMY EXTENSION TRAINING INFORMATION SYSTEM ITEMS TO BE RESOURCED FY00 Man Yrs $000 DEVELOPED BY: SFC Jackson DSN: 879-1146 MAJ Singer DSN: 533-4683 Mr. John Cooper Comm: (703) 808-4751 FY01 Man Yrs $000 FY02 Man Yrs $000 FY03 Man Yrs $000 FY04 Man Yrs $000 Simulations and Simulation Support Civilian Military Officer Warrant Off Enlisted Civilian Pay $35K $35K $35K $35K TBD Travel/Per Diem $220K $220K $220K $220K TBD Contracts/Support Facilities Equipment Ammo Printing RATIONALE: The program manager will build a scenario geared to support TES training. This scenario is intended to support NET, resident TES instruction, and sustain individual, crew and collective TES skills at gaining units. Additionally, modification of applicable segments of the TES scenario should be considered for reuse within computer based training courseware to reduce the overall cost of courseware developmental costs. Two scenarios are envisioned – each requiring four-man years to develop (two man-years annually beginning in FY01). The annual two man-years are broken down as follows: 0.50 man-year for SIGINT integration, .50 man-year for IMINT/MASINT integration, .50 for command and staff build, and .50 for ADP technical support. It is recommended that maximum use of garnering data, command and staff products, etc. from Corps Battle Command Training Program (Warfighter Exercises). ITEMS TO BE RESOURCED FY00 Man Yrs $000 FY01 Man Yrs $000 FY02 Man Yrs $000 FY03 Man Yrs $000 FY04 Man Yrs $000 Embedded Training Initiatives Civilian Military Officer Warrant Officer Enlisted Civilian Pay Travel/Per Diem TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Contracts/Support Facilities Equipment Ammo Printing RATIONALE: The materiel developer will fund embedded training and embedded training initiatives for the life of the system. An initial embedded training capability will consist of at least help windows, web-based tools and electronic manuals. The intermediate embedded training capability consisting of at least help screens linked by hypertext, computer-based training for critical tasks and a video teleconferencing capability. Follow-on enhancements will provide for all-inclusive embedded training package for unit sustainment training The intermediate embedded training package will include at a minimum the following capabilities and requirements: web-based training tool with courseware containing lessons, practical exercises and tests context reference using hypertext linked pages in HTML format tools for collaboration to include “chat”, voice, a whiteboard and video teleconferencing capability tools for sharing/posting to include notes, e-mail and a bulletin board platform independent CD-ROM for non-networked based training but built with HTML so the operator can use the CD-ROM in conjunction with updated training materials through the Internet. E6 ARMY EXTENSION TRAINING INFORMATION SYSTEM ITEMS TO BE RESOURCED Army Wide Literature Program Civilian Military Officer Warrant Off Enlisted Civilian Pay Travel/Per Diem Contracts/Support Facilities Equipment Ammo Printing DEVELOPED BY: SFC Jackson DSN: 879-1146 Mr. John Cooper Comm: (703) 808-4751 FY00 Man Yrs $000 FY01 Man Yrs $000 FY02 Man Yrs $000 FY03 Man Yrs $000 FY04 Man Yrs $000 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 .25 .25 .25 $5 K $0 K .25 .25 .25 $5 K $2 K .25 .25 .25 $5 K $0 K .25 .25 .25 $5 K $2 K .25 .25 .25 $5 K $0 K RATIONALE: Personnel required to develop and/or update doctrinal literature. Civilian cost estimated at $45K per employee starting in FY00. Travel is for one doctrinal writer to visit a TES equipped unit. No specific TES Field Manual is envisioned. TES literature will be incorporated within existing doctrine E7 TES STRAP, ANNEX F LIST OF REFERENCES USASPO document, Army TENCAP into the 21st Century...Bringing Space to Ground Maneuver, undated. USASPO briefing, The Tactical Exploitation System, (an approach for the next generation of TENCAP systems), dated 21 Oct 94. USASPO TENCAP System Management Model, dated 27 March 1986. USASPO TENCAP Master Plan, dated May 95. Operational Requirements Document (ORD) for the Tactical Exploitation System (TES), dated 06 Apr 97. Memorandum, USAIC&FH, ATZS-CDA, subject: Mission Capability Document for a Tactical Exploitation System (TES), dated 23 May 94. Memorandum, USAIC&FH, ATZS-CDI-C, subject: All Source Analysis System (ASAS) to the Tactical Exploitation System (TES) User Interface Requirements (UIR) Preliminary Draft (PD), dated 21 Mar 95. Memorandum, U.S. Army Combined Arms Command and Fort Leavenworth, ATZL-CTT, subject: Staffing of the Embedded Training (ET) Action Plan, dated 15 Nov 93. Operational Requirements Document (ORD) for the Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Tactical Proficiency Trainer (IEWTPT), CARDS number 1510R, approved 17 July 98. Intelligence Training XXI: Ready Now, 1997 Action Plan. F1 TES STRAP, ANNEX G COORDINATION SUMMARY Agencies Comments USA Simulation, Training and Instrumentation Command (STRICOM) USA Forces Command (FORSCOM) USA Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) USA Space Program Office (USASPO) I Corps III Corps V Corps XVIII Airborne Corps 501st MI BDE (EAC) 513th MI BDE (EAC) USATEC None None 1 None None None None None None None None Accepted 0 Not Accepted 1 (As Noted) INSCOM: 1. Para 2. Requested that MASINT be expanded upon in the system description and throughout the STRAP. REASON FOR NONACCOMMODATIONS Response: According to TENCAP Combat Developers, MASINT is still in its infancy and not enough information is available at this time to expand upon. G1 TES STRAP ANNEX H ACRONYMS Acronym AC ACCP ACE ACT AEPDS AIT ASPO ARTEP BARE CATS CHATS CHS CI COE DII DMS DTT EAC ELINT FM FTX FUE GBS HCU HTU HUMINT IBS ICW IEW IEWTPT IKPT IMINT JDISS JTF JWICS LSAR MANPRINT Meaning Active Component Army Correspondence Course Program Analysis Control Element Analysis Control Team Advanced Electronic Processing and Dissemination System Advance Individual Training Army Space Program Office Army Training and Evaluation Program Basic Architecture Receive Element Combined Arms Training Strategy Counterintelligence Human Intelligence Automated Tool Set Common Hardware/Software Counterintelligence Common Operating Environment Defense Intelligence Infrastructure Defense Message System Doctrine and Tactics Training Echelons Above Corps Electronic Intelligence Field Manual Field Training Exercise First Unit Equipped Global Broadcast System High Capacity Unit Hand held Terminal Unit Human Intelligence Integrated Broadcast Service Interactive Courseware Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Intelligence Electronic Warfare Tactical Proficiency Trainer Instructor and Key Personnel Training Imagery Intelligence Joint Deployable Intelligence Support System Joint Task Force Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communication System Logistic Support Analysis Record Manpower and Personnel Integration H1 Acronym MIST MICAT MIES MSE NET NETT NIPERNET NSTO PFTEA PMO POI RC SIGINT SIMCENTER SM SIPERNET STRAP STRICOM TATS TD TENCAP TRADOC TES TES-F TES-M Meaning Modular Interoperability Surface Terminal Military Intelligence Combat Assessment Tables Modernized Imagery Exploitation System Mobile Subscriber Equipment New Equipment Training New Equipment Training Team Non-secure Internet Protocol Router Network New Systems Training Office Post-Fielding Training Evaluation/Analysis Project Manager’s Office Program of Instruction Reserve Component Signals Intelligence United States Army Intelligence Center and Fort Huachuca Simulation Center Soldier’s Manual Secure Internet Protocol Router Network System Training Plan Simulations, Training, and Instrumentation Command Total Army Training System Training Device Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities United States Army Training and Doctrine Command Tactical Exploitation System Tactical Exploitation System – Forward Tactical Exploitation System – Main H2 TES STRAP, ANNEX I TADSS 1. TES Trainer. a. TES requires an extensive amount of operator and maintainer/integrator training as a result of the extensive usage of COTS and GOTS acquired software and hardware throughout the system. TES training must produce soldiers fully capable of supporting TES equipped units. Training must replicate fielded TES equipment to the greatest possible extent. The PM will fund and install a TES Trainer at USAIC&FH. The TES Trainer will consist of both a Plug and Play capability for software applications and hardware/software configured to replicate a fielded TES. The trainer will use existing TES software coupled with simulated “virtual” software. This “virtual” software will be utilized to simulate equipment that would not be feasible to deliver to the training environment due to cost, such as the Modernized Interoperable Surface Terminal (MIST) antenna. The Plug and Play classrooms will be utilized as available to train certain GFE software such as GALE SIGINT Software. b. The TAC/TMIC will be designed for efficiency and reduction in instructor load, institutional training time, and equipment required. The TES Trainer will use all operational software required to support the training of MOSs 96D, 98J, and 33W. Courseware will support individual, collective, and crew level tasks as they apply to the trainer and field environments. The TES trainer will be expected to support simulation exercises utilizing available and installed courseware. c. The TES Trainer will consist of the following: (1) 10 Plug & Play workstations compatible with TES software, including associated hardware (2) 4 high power workstations in TAC/TMIC Classroom (IOC) (3) Sterling CSP software (4) GFE software/CFE software, operational software or simulated for virtual applications (5) Network laser printer, color laser printer, scanner, fax printer, CD nest, large format printer, and 8mm tape drive (6) SUCCESS DAMA radio capability (real or virtual) (7) MIDAS downlink capability (virtual) (8) IMINT Direct Downlink capability (virtual) I1 (9) IESS and IPL capability, operational or virtual (10) FDFI detection troubleshooting software (11) All associated networking hardware (routers, ATMs, hubs, media converters, servers, patch panels, RAIDS, and UPS) (12) JWICS/SIPRNET networking components 2. NET. The PM will provide TADSS as part of the TSP for NET. The NETT will train TES operators and maintainer/integrators on the use of CBT and embedded training. CBT and embedded training will be delivered as part of the initial operating capability in the form of help files and simulated training programs for specific SIGINT, IMINT, and maintainer tasks. The NET will include instruction on IEWTPT and the integration of its capability into unit training plans. The DTT for operators, supervisors, commanders, and their staffs is incorporated into the NET. The NET relies on the use of robust simulations, which support both individual and collective training. The NET will culminate in an FTX using a system-oriented scenario-driven simulation. 3. Embedded Training. a. USASPO will develop and fund embedded training. Embedded training is defined as training that is provided by capabilities designed to be built into or added into operational systems to enhance and maintain that equipment end item. Embedded training will be used for initial training, to maintain personnel proficiency, and for training replacement personnel. As a minimum; embedded training must have individual/operator, crew, function (commanders and their staff), and force level capabilities, as defined in the Combined Arms Command memorandum, subject: Embedded Training in Tactical Computer Software, dated 17 July 92. Embedded training will comply with the Embedded Training Concept in DRAFT TRADOC Pam 350-70 and will be distributed interactive simulation (DIS) compliant/compatible in accordance with IEEE 1278-1993 and NATO Standardization Agreement (STANAG) 1278 standards. System embedded training will satisfy the Army’s goal to exploit the technologies that best match near-term training needs. b. TES operators and maintainer/integrators will receive instruction on embedded training during NET. Personnel attending TES training at USAIC&FH will receive instruction on embedded training. The IKPT, funded by ASPO, will be provide course instructors at USAIC&FH instruction on the use of embedded training. TES will use embedded training inherent in existing GFE and CFE. Embedded training will encompass all individual and crew task. c. Embedded training and automation assistance will be used to eliminate major modifications to standard training courses and to maintain a high standard of readiness for all personnel assigned to TES equipped units. The software architecture will support the training of personnel, using any TES Analyst Workstation and operational software on operational I2 equipment without impeding mission operations. It will include the following key areas; mission/asset management, message processing, security review and release, SIGINT analysis data sets, IMINT work packages, system control and monitoring, fault detection fault isolation using injected faults, image formation, and secondary imagery dissemination (SIDS) generation. By utilizing stored data from actual operations, the software will have the ability to operate in a training mode. All training information produced will either be archived or removed when the training session is over. d. Fielded TES units may use the TES workstations for training when they are not part of an operational on-line group. Skills and knowledge mastered during formal training are perishable, but with proper stimulus can be maintained through embedded training. As such, embedded training products will be built at the operator level providing the operator with the requisite keystrokes and associated functional background information assigned to the workstation position. e. The TES courseware will emulate operator, maintainer, and leader functions to provide the requisite skills necessary to conduct operations. Courseware will be performance-oriented and used for individual and crew task training associated with TES. These programs will provide a management system for tracking the students’ progression through lessons, exercises, and evaluations. The software must be capable of downloading the student records. The initial TES system will contain an embedded training package consisting of at least help screens linked by hypertext and computer-based training for critical tasks which may be in compact disc format. Courseware and updates to this courseware will be funded by ASPO. 4. IEWTPT. a. The IEWTPT, when fielded, will be used at unit level to provide sustainment and proficiency training for operators and crews. The IEWTPT at USAIC&FH will be used to enhance proficiency for operators during TES training and during the collective training exercise which is the culmination of the TES training. The IEWTPT will replicate through simulation, actual mission scenarios, simulating mission specific tasks such as networking IEW assets, collection and processing, and analysis of intelligence data. b. The material developer is responsible for the Target Signature Array (TSA) for the TES. The TSA is the component that will interface with the other two components of the IEWTPT, the Technical Control Cell and the Warfighter Simulation (WARSIM) 2000 Intelligence Module (WIM) that will provide mission specific scenarios. This embedded training capability will be designed for use in both institutional training and unit sustainment training. The TES must be configured to go from an operational mode to a training mode without downgrading the combat functions of the system. I3