2MUCH4U Character Essay

2MUCH4U Character Essay
I recently read the novel 2MUCH4U by Vince Ford. The main character is a boy
called Davin Smith. Davin is about 13 years old. He is determined, outgoing and
careless. He lives on a farm with his mother and brother. His father passed away in a
freak accident when he rolled his four wheeler.
Davin often has forgetful moments. He once left the handbrake off in his Mum’s car
and it rolled down the hill, hit an incinerator and burst into flames. To make matters
worse, Davin had forgotten to post the insurance letter, so the car wasn’t insured. This
made Davin feel very sorry, but he is determined to pay his Mum the money to pay
for the car, so he starts up an odd job service called 2MUCH4U.
Davin has a special group of friends – Vinny, Tu, Tammy and Connor. His friends
help him to get the odd job service going by giving him ideas, making flyers on the
computer and dong some art work on them. They supported him when he was trying
to win the car by bringing him food and cheering him on. Davin also made friends
with Dessy, the Tawhiti twins’ cousin. Davin was instantly attracted to her. “She was
gorgeous”. He let go of the car to wave goodbye to Dessy, so he didn’t end up
winning the car for his mother.
By the end of the story Davin has realised that his friends are true friends. He had a
minor falling out with Vinnie over Dessy, but then Vinny helped him to escape from
Oil and Scuzz. He also learned not to trust people like Mr Harnett who ripped him off
by not paying enough for the job that he did for him. Davin also realised that his Mum
really loved him and that he wasn’t a failure after all.
The author is trying to show us that if you make mistakes, if you are determined and
positive as Davin was, you can fix them. Maybe things won’t always go according to
plan, but you should never give up. I think that Davin was quite a funny guy, and that
he was lucky that he had such good friends to help him out when he needed it. He was
very responsible and not afraid of hard work and had some really clever ideas.