King Tut Timeline/Newspaper Article (6th Grade) Date: August 17, 2002 Unit Overview Title King Tut Timeline/Newspaper Article Focus Questions What makes a significant discovery? What leads up to a significant discovery? What kinds of people dare to discover? How do reporters gather information to write a news article? Unit Summary Students will read about the discovery of King Tut. They will use logical sequencing to create a timeline of important events using Inspiration. Then they will summarize the discovery by writing a newspaper article and publishing it using a Word template. Subject Area(s): Reading, Social Studies, Writing Grade Level: 6th Grade Standards Essential Academic Learning Requirements: Reading 2.1 comprehend important ideas and details Reading 2.2 expand comprehension by analyzing, interpreting, and synthesizing information and ideas Writing 1.1 develop concept and design Writing 2.2 write for different purposes Writing 2.3 write in a variety of forms Writing 3.1 prewrite 3.2 draft 3.3 revise 3.4 edit 3.5 publish KSD Curriculum Frameworks (or SLOs): Reading: Demonstrate comprehension of complex text Identify and understand the main idea, supporting facts and details Summarize ideas in own words Use logical sequencing to accurately retell stories Writing: Mode: Expository Form: Recount Genre: News article (refining) Organize pertinent information and details in a logical and cohesive manner Use an effective organization structure Write to inform others Use the writing process to publish a newspaper article KSD Technology Standards: III. The student as creator of knowledge using technology, media, telecommunications. A. Input and Output devices B. Productivity Tools IV. The student as effective communicator through a variety of appropriate technologies/media A. Publishing VI. The student as technician B. Basic Operations and Networking King Tut Timeline/Newspaper Article (6th Grade) Learning Outcomes Students will: Identify and sequence significant events leading up to an important discovery Apply writing process to summarize non-fiction text in the form of a newspaper article Apply group cooperation skills (taught prerequisite to unit) Apply peer-editing processes (taught prerequisite to unit) Unit Scope and Sequence Complete pre-reading activities Read Mummies, Tombs and Treasures by Lila Perl (Macmillan Unit 2: Dare to Discover) Discuss sequence of events; create timeline Introduce key components of a newspaper article Develop a newspaper article based on story Student Assessment Timeline Rubric Students’ abilities to sequence important events in a timeline will be evaluated using the Timeline Rubric. Students’ ability to determine important information from non-fiction text and write an informative newspaper article will be evaluated using the Newspaper Rubric. Newspaper Rubric Unit Implementation Instructional Strategies Grouping Options Scaffolds Introduce unit with PowerPoint Presentation. Begin pre-reading activities for Mummies, Tombs, and Treasures (see Macmillan p. 140 G-140J) Large group instruction Note: Clicking on this link will open a “kiosk” view of this King Tut News Report PowerPoint presentation. To work in it: Click on above link. When opened, right-click on “it, then choose “Edit Slides.” Use King Tut PowerPoint slides 1 - 3 Here you should show the PowerPoint presentation through the third slide only. Once at that slide, right click and choose, “End Show.” King Tut Timeline/Newspaper Article (6th Grade) Introduce reading strategy: sequencing of events (see teacher manual p. 140). Teacher should model strategy with an example from a well-known picture book or real life or a story previously read. (e.g. Exploring the Titanic by Robert Ballard) Large group instruction Read Mummies, Tombs, and Treasures p. 140-153. See reading suggestions in Macmillan teacher manual p. 140J. Flexible grouping Discuss story. Use Tree Map Scaffold or Practice Book p. 46. See reading response suggestions in teacher manual p.153A. Flexible grouping Introduce timeline activity. Use Skills in Context Re-teaching in teacher’s manual p. 145. Be sure to discuss B.C. and A.D. Students can complete rough draft on Practice Book p. 42 or using a copy of the Timeline Template. *Students can complete final drafts using Timeline Template or Flow Chart template. *Students should add graphics to final draft. Partners Modification: If limited access to computers have some partnerships create timeline on butcher paper. Share timelines. Assess with rubric. Post timelines or make a class book. Large group Timeline Rubric (linked above) Using the full PowerPoint presentation provided for the next several steps, introduce Newspaper Article. Students will use tree map and time line to help organize their ideas. Teach Headline, By Line and Lead. Model with a classroom weekly reader such as Time for Kids. Bring in newspapers or go online to a local newspaper site for students to identify these parts of articles. Then have students practice writing a headline and lead for the Egypt story. Have some students share to check for understanding. Large group/independent Use King Tut PowerPoint linked in the first set of steps. Sequencing Flow Chart This flow chart can be used to model sequencing. It can also be used for students to create their timelines. The Timeline Template has the dates already on Tut Timeline it. This may be Template printed and used for students to take notes and/or for students to create their timelines. (The Flow Chart is more challenging for final drafts as students must record the dates themselves.) Tut Tree Map King Tut Timeline Template or Sequencing Flow Chart linked above. (Note: If a selected box has a solid red square at the top left corner. Double click on the square to view hidden text notes.) Mummies Timeline Checklist Timeline Rubric Newspaper Newspaper Rubric Performance Checklist King Tut Timeline/Newspaper Article (6th Grade) Teach the body of the newspaper article. Model with a classroom weekly reader such as Time for Kids, bring in newspapers or go online to a local newspaper site for students to identify the characteristics of the body of an article. Then have students use their timeline to write the body of their article. Have some students share to check for understanding. Large group/independent Use King Tut PowerPoint linked in the first step. Teach the ending and photo/captions of a newspaper article. Model as described above. Students should write the endings of their articles. Have some students share to check for understanding. Large group/independent Use King Tut PowerPoint linked in the first step. Students should now have a rough draft of their article. Peer revise/edit with a partner. Students make changes to rough draft. Partners Students can then go to SchoolKit Rex Writing. Choose the lesson “A News Story” to publish their article. Individual lab time, Mobile lab, or rotate through classroom computers in conjunction with independent activities SchoolKit Rex Writing Lesson “A News Story” (This lesson includes instructions for how to write an article.) Alternatively, students could write their articles in Word or Publisher. Assess with rubric. Sharing ideas: read articles in small groups, post articles or publish them in a class book. Flexible grouping Use the Newspaper Rubric linked above. Accommodation Options ELL / IP Students Highly-Capable Students Students could be paired with another student or an IA for the project. They could do the project with a non-fiction piece at their reading level. Students could use the Timeline Template as opposed to the Sequencing Flow Chart. They may read a similar version of the story in Secrets of the Mummies by Harriet Griffey, Eyewitness Readers 1998. IRL 2-4. Students could use the Sequencing Flow Chart as opposed to the Timeline Template. Write the article from a different point of view. Write additional articles from the same month and year. Write additional articles about Egypt/Egyptian culture. Publish their articles using Microsoft Publisher. Management/Organization Tips Teacher could print one copy of each scaffolding worksheet and make copies for students as necessary. If you are not going to use a lab to complete the project, set up a rotation system for students to use. Be sure to have independent work for students to do who are not on the computer during rotation time. Approximate Time Needed: 45 minutes per day for approximately 2 weeks King Tut Timeline/Newspaper Article (6th Grade) Prerequisite Skills Knowledge of 6 trait writing Prior instruction and experience in the writing process and peer editing procedures Basic keyboarding skills Have exposure to Microsoft Word, SchoolKit and Inspiration Prior instruction in working in and contributing to cooperative groups Materials and Resources Required for Unit Adopted Print Materials: Macmillan Basal Adopted and other Audio/Visual: none Supplemental Resources (including Internet resources): Ancient Egypt by Ruth Akamine Wassynger, Scholastic Egyptian Art Museum at Make It Work! Ancient Egypt by Andrew Haslam and Alexandra Parsons, Scholastic SchoolKit Rex Social Studies, General Lesson “Build a Timeline” Secrets of the Mummies by Harriet Griffey, Eyewitness Readers Step Into Egypt by Philip Steele You Wouldn’t Want to be an Egyptian Mummy! Disgusting Things You’d Rather Not Know by David Stewart, Scholastic Supplies: Copies of scaffolding worksheets Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed.) Computer(s) VCR Projection System Printer Video Camera Camera Digital Camera Scanner (optional) Video Conferencing Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) Microsoft Word Microsoft Front Page KidPix Microsoft Excel Microsoft Internet Explorer Inspiration Microsoft PowerPoint SchoolKiT Clicker 4 Publisher (optional) Optional Technology Extensions Key Word Search Encarta Reference Materials Image Blender/Photo Editor (optional) SchoolKit EDclass: “Ancient Egypt Slide Through Time” (#E597 in the Middle School Section) - Compare and contrast Egyptian and American culture. SchoolKit EDclass: “Egyptian Scribe and Artist” (#E595 in the Middle School Section) - Hieroglyphics Art activity WebQuest “King Tutankhamun: Was it Murder?” at Students have roles and conduct research to decide if King Tut was murdered. Final project: persuasive essay (individual or group) Use newspaper writing skills to publish a class newspaper News Article, Timeline, Egypt, Mummies Author First and Last Name Leah Mehl, Keira Panther Email Address ,