Bellingham 2016 Enrichment Scholarship Program THE ESSAY Please choose ONE of the following topics for your essay of 200-300 words: (a) We know you may not be ready right now to select a definite future career, but even so you probably have an idea of what might be your “dream job”. Tell us about it, and why it appeals to you. What are you doing to prepare yourself for that future? How will the summer program you selected help you achieve this goal? If the summer program has nothing to do with your future goals, that’s OK, but then also tell us why you wish to attend this particular program. --or-(b) Describe something you have experienced which made a change in your life—this might be an event you observed or took part in, an obstacle you faced and overcame, a talent you developed, or a relationship you fostered. How did it change you? Does this have anything to do with why you selected the summer program you did? Tell us about that. If it did not, that’s OK, but then also tell us why you wish to attend this particular program. NOTE: (1) Put your name on the top of the page. You may use a computer or handwrite your essay, the choice is yours. (2) Indicate whether your essay is in response to (a) or (b) (3) Think carefully about what you are going to write. We want to hear your personal voice telling us something about yourself and/or your life, and why you are interested in the summer program you selected. However, we will also be scoring your ability to write an essay. Part of writing an essay is proofreading and fixing errors. Find someone who will read your essay for clarity, and help you correct any grammar or spelling errors before you submit your application to us! Thank you and good luck! 6