Animal Farm Annotation Guidelines For Each Chapter.doc

Animal Farm Annotation Guidelines for Each Chapter
Annotations while you read
Specific questions to answer after you read
Personal reactions after reading
Put a  next to anything you find humorous
in this chapter.
Ch. 1
1. Explanation/description of
2. Examples of Ethos, Logos,
and Pathos in Old Major’s
On pg. 14 in the blank space, explain what the following
quotations mean and why they are important to the book:
1. “Man is the only creature that consumes without
producing.” (bottom of pg. 7)
2. “What goes upon two legs is an enemy. Whatever goes
upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.” (pg. 11)
Ch. 2
1. Put a number next to each
step in the Revolution.
2. Underline examples of
Answer on the bottom of page 26:
Highlight/underline the 3 most important
1. How does the behavior of the pigs foreshadow their
commandments and justify with a brief
eventual leadership positions?
statement for each in the margin.
2. What does the rebellion of Manor Farm represent
allegorically? In other words, what is the historical equivalent of
the rebellion?
Ch. 3
1. Highlight/underline the
establishment of routines
Answer these questions in the blank space on pg. 36 and 37:
1. How does Snowball help the less intelligent animals
remember the commandments?
2. What is Napoleon’s purpose for taking the newborn puppies?
3. How does Squealer use propaganda at the end of the
Highlight/underline actions/characteristics
of your two favorite characters so far.
Explain in the margin why they are your
Ch. 4
1. Highlight/underline the
descriptions of Mr. Pilkington &
Mr. Frederick
Answer these questions on the bottom of pg. 44/top of pg. 45:
1. What is the significance of the gun’s placement at the foot of
the flagpole?
2. Where is Napoleon during the battle? Is this significant?
3. Why was Boxer so upset about the stable-lad?
Star three examples of anthropomorphism
and in the margin or as a the footnote,
explain why you liked these descriptions
Ch. 5
1. Highlight/underline
evidence of what happened
to the newborn puppies
taken by Napoleon in
chapter 3.
2. Highlight/underline the
changes Napoleon make
after his dogs chase
Snowball off the farm.
Answer these questions on page 58:
1. Why don’t the other animals protest Napoleon’s decisions?
2. What is the significance of how the animals arrange
themselves upon entering the barn for their orders?
3. What is the importance of Squealer having dogs
accompanying him when he speaks to the animals?
Put a  next to 1-3 things you did not like
about this chapter.
Put a  next to 1-3 things that you liked in
this chapter.
Ch. 6
Highlight/underline examples of
propaganda (make sure you
underline slogans!)
Answer on the bottom of page 71:
Star 1-3 things that you find surprising in this
1. How has the division of labor changed on the farm?
chapter and explain why they are surprising.
2. Why don’t the animals protest against trading with
neighboring farms?
3. Why does Napoleon blame Snowball for the windmill falling?
Ch. 7
1. Highlight/underline
“evidence” of Snowball on
Animal Farm
2. Highlight/underline three
examples of animals not
following the
1. Underline/highlight examples
of Napoleon becoming more
like a typical dictator
2. Highlight every lie that is told
3. Highlight italics (but NOT in
the song)
Answer on the bottom of page 89:
1. How has the role of the pigs and dogs changed from the
beginning of the revolution?
2. Explain why the animals confessed to being traitors. Or is
there any explanation?
3. Why do the animals stay loyal to Napoleon?
Underline one animal’s confession and
explain why they confessed.
Answer at the bottom of page 109:
1. What purpose is served by the production figures Squealer
reads to the animals?
2. How does Napoleon outwit himself?
3. Why are the animals so easily fooled, even when they find
Squealer with a ladder and white paint beside the barn at
Pick one stanza from the poem, Comrade
Napoleon and explain its significance.
Ch. 9
1. Highlight/underline examples
of foreshadowing
2. Highlight/underline what
species of animal is increasing
and decreasing in number
Answer at the bottom of page 106:
1. Why does Napoleon allow Moses to return and to tell his
stories about Sugarcandy Mountain?
2. Why are only the young pigs being educated, and why are
they discouraged from playing with other young animals?
3. Why does Benjamin wait so long to speak up?
Put a  next to 3 times you feel sorry the
animals during this chapter. Explain why you
feel sorry for them.
Ch. 10
Highlight/underline changes to
the pigs appearance.
Explain their relationship to
humans at this point.
Answer at the bottom/reverse of page 141:
1. What is the new commandment and how has it been true
from the beginning?
2. Why is Clover so confused?
3. Why is it difficult for the animals to discern which of the card
players are human and which are pigs?
Put an exclamation point next to 1-3 times
that you are shocked/disturbed by
something you read in this chapter. Explain
your reactions.
Ch. 8
Study collections