1 ENGLISH HOME LANGUAGE (PAPER 3) TIME: MARKS: 2 ½ HOURS 100 JUNE 2009 education ____________________ Western Cape Education Department NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR LEARNER ATTAINMENT NATIONAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE JUNE EXAMINATION - 2009 This question paper consists of 6 pages 2 Learning Outcomes and Assessment Standards addressed : Learning Outcome 3: Writing and Presenting The learner is able to write and present for a wide range of purposes and audiences using conventions and formats appropriate to diverse contexts AS 12.3.1. Demonstrate planning skills for writing for a specific purpose, audience, and context: AS 12.3.2. Demonstrate the use of advanced writing strategies and techniques for first drafts: AS 12.3.3. Reflect on, analyse, and evaluate own work, considering the opinion of others, and present final draft: Learning Outcome 4: Language The learner is able to use language structures and conventions appropriately and effectively. AS 12.4.2 Use structurally sound sentences in a meaningful and functional manner: AS 12.4.3 Develop critical language awareness: Instructions and information: 1. This question paper consists of three sections: SECTION A: Creative Writing (50 marks) SECTION B: Longer transactional texts (30 marks) SECTION C: Shorter transactional texts (20 marks) 2. You are required to answer ONE question from EACH section. 3. Write in the language in which you are being assessed. 4. Start each section on a new page. 5. You must plan (e.g. a mind map/ diagram / flow chart / key words etc.), edit and proof read your work. The plan must appear before the essay. 6. You are strongly advised to spend approximately 80 minutes on Section A, 40 minutes on Section B and 30 minutes on Section C. 7. Number each response as the topics are numbered in the question paper. 8. Give each response a suitable title/ heading. The title/ heading must not be considered when doing a word count. 9. Write neatly and legibly. 3 Section A Write an essay on ONE of the following topics. Your essay should be between 400- 450 words. 1. What features of our society, today, do you consider we should preserve to ensure that democracy prevails? What features should be discarded? Discuss and substantiate your views. OR 2. My most embarrassing experience. OR 3. ‘Television is breaking up the family. It cuts off the real world and substitutes one where violence and aggression are acceptable.’ In an essay express your view about this statement. OR 4. It started off as an innocent conversation; I was just being friendly… Include this sentence in your essay. OR 5. “Drugs are here to stay and we must prevent abuse by educating people about their proper or improper use!” Write an essay that deals with the above-mentioned topic. OR 6. Is South Africa ready for the 2010 Soccer World Cup? Discuss the effects (benefits and drawbacks) of hosting this event. OR 4 7. Visual Stimuli The picture reproduced below is likely to evoke some reaction and feeling in you. Write an essay in response to the picture. Provide your essay with a suitable title. OR 8. Visual Stimuli The pictures reproduced below are likely to evoke some reaction and feeling in you. Write an essay in response to the pictures. Provide your essay with a suitable title. BLUNT INSTRUMENT 2000 KILLED PER YEAR BARE HANDS 400 KILLED PER YEAR 5000 KILLED PER YEAR OH, ALMOST FORGOT…6000 KILLED PER YEAR BY DRUNK DRIVERS. Total: 50 marks 5 Section B Instructions: Respond to only ONE of the following topics. Your response should be between 180- 200 words. Pay careful attention to the following : Audience, register, tone and style Choice of words Format FORMAL LETTER 1. After a recent visit to your favourite store, you received unsatisfactory service from the shop assistant. Write a letter to the Manager in which you express your dissatisfaction. OR MARGAZINE ARTICLE 2. You are a reporter for a magazine and you have to write an article about the outcome of the Elections. OR DIALOGUE 3. Write a dialogue that takes place between a hungry cat and a clever parrot. OR AGENDA AND MINUTES 4. You are the secretary of your Matric Ball Committee. Compile an agenda and minutes of a meeting. Total: 30 marks 6 Section C Instructions: Respond to only one of the following topics. Your response should be between 100-120 words. No marks are awarded for sketches or pictures. Pay careful attention to the following : Audience, register, tone and style POSTCARD 1. While you are on tour with your school, you decide to send your parents a postcard in which you briefly bring them up to speed about the tour. OR POSTER 2. Design a poster that encourages teenagers not to drink. Clearly outline the advantages of choosing not to drink. OR DIARY ENTRY 3. You have made an entry in your journal after receiving your March Report. Express your feelings and outline your plan of action for the rest of the academic year. Total: 20 marks TOTAL: 50 + 30 +20 = 100