Government Semester Research Project.doc

Government Semester
Research Project
Name _____________________
Period ______ Date ________
Government Research Project
Constitutional Issue Presentation
The purpose of this project is to take a position on a controversial constitutional issue and
to support your position using Supreme Court opinions as well as factual cited research.
You must have:
1. At least 5 sources. These sources must be reliable, meaning databases, books,
periodicals etc. You may not rely on random internet cites for your main information.
However, internet sources can be used for supporting details, pictures and facts.
2. Related court cases (3-4 per person). You must explain the case, it’s relevance to
your issue, and explain the decision of the Court (majority, concurring, and
dissenting opinion). For each case you must be specific regarding how it supports
your side of the issue.
3. Address relationship of topic to the Constitution (specific Bill of Rights etc.). Make
sure you have clearly explained the Constitutional issue(s) that is/are being
addressed with your topic.
4. Quotes from experts on issue. You must include at least 2 quotes. Make sure you
have explained the quote to your audience.
5. Statistics/data to support positions. This should be included in your introduction.
Think of using stats or data to grab the attention of the audience.
6. For one of your cases you must analyze which Supreme Court justices agreed and
disagreed with you on your issue and why. Make sure you discuss what president
appointed the justices and why this is important to their ruling.
Each pair will create a power point presentation with necessary documentation and works
cited. Each of you should have a last slide with your works citied. Your works cited should
be in proper MLA format. Remember that your powerpoint is not a word for word
presentation of your argument, but rather a guide to your presentation.
Presentations must be well-organized. You must have an introduction, position argument
and conclusion. One partner will take the affirmative (for) side of the issue and the other
the negative (against) side.
You must research your side of the argument, including the entire requirements listed
above. Presentations must be at least 15-20 minutes in length (total). Anything less will
lead to reduction of points.
Attendance: If you are not present on the day you have chosen for your presentation, you
must contact Ms. Carroll and your partner in order to receive any credit. If there is no
contact, you will receive a zero. You must email both of your partner and Ms. Carroll and
leave a voice mail for Ms. Carroll at (847)932-2500 x8549. If you are not present, but
make appropriate contacts, you will have to complete a 5-6 page research paper on your
topic including appropriate documentation and works cited. Due date will be decided upon
by teacher.
Government Research Project
This is a research project. Approach it like a research paper by coming up with a thesis
statement which can be proven in your legal argument. Plagiarism or improper
documentation is grounds for failure.
Topic Suggestions:
 Abortion
 Affirmative Action
 Age Discrimination
 Capital Punishment
 Censorship- Arts, Book Banning, Obscenity Standards
 Criminal Rights to a Fair Trial
 Detainee Rights
 Discrimination- Gender, Race, Sexual Orientation
 Double Jeopardy
 Eminent Domain
 Euthanasia
 Free Press/Speech/Expression
 Gun Control
 Internet Censorship
 Police Brutality/Use of Force/Miranda Rights
 Religion and Separation of Church and State
 Search and Seizure- Autos, Exclusionary Rule
 Student Rights- Searches, Drug testing, Free Speech/Expression
 Sexual Harassment (workplace)
 State vs. Federal Power/States Rights (Federalism)
**Any others must be approved by instructor**
Current Supreme Court Justices
Presidential Appointment
Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. (2005)
George W. Bush (Rep)
John Paul Stevens (1975)
Gerald Ford (Rep)
Antonin Scalia (1986)
Ronald Reagan (Rep)
Anthony Kennedy (1988)
Ronald Reagan (Rep)
Sonia Sotomayor (2009)
Barack Obama (Dem)
Clarence Thomas (1991)
George H.W. Bush (Rep)
Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1993)
Bill Clinton (Dem)
Stephen Breyer (1994)
Bill Clinton (Dem)
Samuel Alitto (2006)
George W. Bush (Rep)
Government Research Project
Important Dates to Remember
Topic/Date Selection:
Wednesday November 18th
LMC with Mrs. Tolva
Friday November 20th
Library Research:
Monday November 23rd
Library Research:
Tuesday November 24th
Library Research:
Wednesday 25th
Preliminary Research Introduction Sheet: Wednesday, November 25th
General Outline/PowerPoint (due two days before you present) ____________
Your Presentation date: _____________________________________
Remember your specific outline and works cited page must be
turned in two days BEFORE YOUR PRESENTATION!
Presentations will begin on Monday December 14th.
Two groups will present each day!!
Government Research Project
Grade Rubric
Name: _____________________________
Topic: _____________________________
Overall Presentation
Introduction & Conclusion
- Clearly stated
-Attention Grabber
- Summarizes arguments clearly
Constitutional Legislation/Issue (Clearly stated)
Stats/Quotes from Experts
Case Work (Explanation and knowledge of)
Supreme Court Justices that agreed with you (included for one case)
PP Presentation_____/20
Creative, includes pictures, correct format
Works Cited (Proper Format)
Overall Score
Government Research Project
Student Contract
I, _______________________________________, am fully aware that
I am scheduled to do my research presentation in class on
_____________________________________________ during the
___________ time slot. My topic is ___________________________,
and I am presenting the _____________________ side of the
argument. I am aware that if I am not present, even if I am excused,
and I do not contact Ms. Carroll to notify her, I will receive a zero
without the opportunity to make up the points. I am also aware that I
may be pushed back a couple of days depending on flow of discussion.
Government Research Project
Constitutional Issue Argument
Preliminary Research Introduction Sheet
Score: _____/35
***Answer the following questions on a SEPARATE TYPED sheet of paper in
1. List your topic and tell which side of the argument you will be taking.
2. Formulate a possible thesis statement and introduction
3. List all of the sources that you have found thus far (remember you need at least 4)
4. Discuss any difficulties that you foresee with this project.
5. What court cases will you be either using as support or refuting? Include the year
of the case and summarize each case.
6. What constitutional issue will you use to support your argument (specific
Amendments etc.)?
Set one reasonable goal for yourself in order to help you complete this project.