SB 163 Definitions

Department of Children and Family Services
Policy and Procedure Guide
Division No:
3 – Child Welfare
Chapter No:
5 – Placement
Item No:
6 – SB 163 Definitions
Effective Date:
SB 163 Wraparound provides an alternative to group home care
level 10 or higher by providing an array of supporting services and
planning around a minor in family home setting.
SB 163 operates in a specific manner and has specific terminology
with specific meanings. In order to communicate consistently and
effectively regarding the program such terminology is here
specifically defined.
Senate Bill 163, Fresno County Children's Wraparound
Implementation Plan, Fresno County Agreement with FamiliesFirst,
A child who has been adjudicated as either a dependent or ward of the
juvenile court pursuant to Section 300, 601, or 602 and who would be
placed in a group home licensed by the department at a rate
classification level of 10 or higher;
A child who would be voluntarily placed in out-of-home care pursuant
to Section 7572.5 of the Government Code;
A child who is currently, or who would be, placed in a group home
licensed by the department at a rate classification level of 10 or higher;
A child eligible for the Adoption Assistance Program pursuant to
Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Section 16120 and 16120.1.
Submitting Party Division/Program
Manager/ Deputy Director Approval
Assistant Director’s Approval
Director’s Approval
David Plassman
Andrea Sobrado
Catherine Huerta
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Division 3, Chapter 5
Effective Date:
Item 6 – SB163 Definitions
“Enrollment Criteria”: In addition to the above criteria, a child must have an
identified placement family and at least one support person willing to
participate in Wraparound with the child.
"Service Allocation Slot" means a specified amount of funds available to
Fresno County to pay for an individualized intensive wrap-around service
package for an eligible child. A service allocation slot may be used for more
than one child on a successive basis. Service slot 10+ is designated for Rate
Classifications (RCL) 10 and 11. Service slot 12+ is designated for RCL 12
and 14.
“Placement Parent” means the parent(s) with whom the enrolled minor will
reside under a placement status. In appearance this could be mistaken for a
reunification or a family maintenance status but in actuality it is a Group
Home level placement with expectations of the parent(s) and the minor that
are consistent with a successful Group Home placement.
“Contract Agency” shall mean the agency with which the Department of
Children and family Services contracts to provide direct and facilitating
services to enrolled minors and their families.
“SB 163 Liaison” is a social work position who’s duties include: identifying
minors who meet the criteria for participation, prescreening meetings with the
minor and the identified family caregiver, facilitating the approval for
participation through the IRPC process, program enrollment, tracking
enrollment, facilitating fiscal eligibility processes, coordinating communication
between staff of the contract agency and CWS case managers or Probation
Officers. and any other duties that facilitate the successful participation of
minors in the program.
“IRPC” shall mean the Interagency Resource and Placement Committee.
This committee includes members from Fresno County Department of
Children and Family Services, Child Welfare and Children's Mental Health,
Fresno County Probation, Fresno County Office of Education and such
additional members as shall be deemed by the Committee to be appropriate.
“Wrap-Around Services" shall mean community-based intervention services
that emphasize the strengths of the child and family and includes the delivery
of coordinated, highly individualized unconditional services to address needs
and achieve positive outcomes in their lives.
"Other Wrap-Around Services" means any and all services approved by the
Wraparound Community Team through a child/family service plan, excluding
MHP Covered Services and Non-MHP mental health Covered Services.
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Division 3, Chapter 5
Effective Date:
Item 6 – SB163 Definitions
"Mental Health Plan Covered Services" are certain covered services
addressed in the Fresno County Mental Health Plan Provider Manual.
"Plan of Care" means the assessment of and plan for the minors mental
health needs which define Medi-Cal billable services.
"Non-MHP Mental Health Services" means mental health services authorized
by the Wrap-around Community Team for a child or family member that are
not reimbursable as a Mental Health Plan Covered Service. These services
include documented MHP mental health disallowance due to excluded
diagnoses, not medically necessary, or lockouts invoiced within one (1) year
of the documented MHP mental health disallowance. These services do not
include mental health disallowance due to untimely submission of claims, no
documentation of services billed, over billed services, or services for which no
signature of the provider is documented.
"Child and Family Team (CFT)" shall mean that group of individuals
designated by the family to play formal and informal roles in the family that
support and enhance the families ability to met commonly selected goals
including “System Mandates” Required members of the team include a
parent, the enrolled minor, the assigned facilitator from the contract agency,
the Child Welfare Services (CWS) case manager or Probation Officer. Other
members of the CFT are those professional, community and extended friends
and family members as designated by the principal family members (parent
and child) The team meets on a regular basis (frequency to be dictated by
need) to develop the families goals, and the steps to meet those goals in the
structure of an “Individualized Service Plan”
"Individualized Service Plan (ISP)" shall mean the goals, and steps to meet
those goals as developed by the “Child and Family Team.” The goals and
steps are recorded in a document entitled the “Individualized Service Plan.”
The plan is to be presented to and approved by the “SB163 Wrap-Around
Community Team" within 90 days from the date the family is referred to the
contracted service agency.
"SB163 Wrap-Around Leadership Team" provides administrative oversight to
the process. The role of the team is to solve implementation issues as they
surface. The team provides leadership for the following: census tracking and
planning, coordination of roles and responsibilities, monitoring compliance
with the program fidelity, facilitation of the referral process and addressing
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Division 3, Chapter 5
Effective Date:
Item 6 – SB163 Definitions
"SB163 Wrap-Around Community Team" shall mean that group of individuals
having authority to authorize the wrap-around intensive individualized service
plan (ISP) for enrolled youth. The Wrap-around Community Team will be
composed of professional and non-professional community and agency
XVII. "System Mandates” are those items that must be addressed by the “Child and
Family Team” in the “Individualized Service Plan” in order to meet the
expectations of the Juvenile Court (either Dependency or Delinquency) for
schooling, structure, safety and supervision etc.
XVIII. “Safety Plan” shall mean the plan made within 30 days from the date the
family is referred to the contracted service agency that addresses any and all
identified safety issues.
“Stabilization Plan” shall mean the plan made and presented to the
Community Team within 30 days from the date the family is referred to the
contracted service agency for ”High profile” situations or families with
immediate needs of over $300.
"Multi-Dimensional Treatment Foster Care" is a highly structured, multifaceted
intervention that includes but is not limited to behavioral and skills training and
supportive and therapeutic therapies aimed at reducing delinquent behavior
and increasing developmentally appropriate behavior in adolescents,
increasing unification and decreasing the total number of days in placement.
“Flexible Funds” are dollars available from the trust account to meet identified
needs of children and families. The amounts expended are not tied to the
amounts of revenue deposited into the trust fund for that child. These funds
can be used in various ways that include payments for basic necessities,
rewards and incentives. The requests come to the Community team when
they exceed $300. The request can come outside of a normal meeting if the
need for the funding comes prior to the next scheduled meeting. This will be
referred to as an “expedited” request and will occur via e-mail.
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